* If we learned anything from the Travis Reinking Waffle House shooting earlier this year, it’s that local police forces aren’t doing enough to take guns away from the mentally ill, even with clear evidence that gun owners are suffering from mental illnexx.
So, signing this bill today was a concrete step toward preventing further Travis Reinking-type shootings…
Creates the Firearms Restraining Order Act. Provides that a petitioner may request an emergency firearms restraining order by filing an affidavit or verified pleading alleging that the respondent poses an immediate and present danger of causing personal injury to himself, herself, or another by having in his or her custody or control, purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm.
Gov. Rauner, however, told supporters today that he will veto the revamped gun shop regulatory bill when it’s sent to his desk. He vetoed an earlier version. Rauner said he didn’t think it would help stop gun violence.
* The governor also said he signed this bill today…
I’ll have a coverage roundup later today.
…Adding… Raw audio of the bill-signing event is here.
* Related…
* Press Release: Willis-sponsored bill creating Firearms Restraining Order is signed into law: If the court finds that the person poses a significant danger, the person can be restrained from purchasing or possessing guns for up to one year. The court is authorized to issue a warrant for any firearms in the person’s possession, and the person must immediately surrender any firearms or other deadly weapons to law enforcement.
* Press Release: Gabrielle Giffords Applauds Illinois Governor for Signing Legislation to Remove Guns From People In Crisis: The Firearms Restraining Order (FRO), also known as the Extreme Risk Protective Order (ERPO), is a civil court order issued by a judge upon consideration of evidence provided by a family member or law enforcement officer that temporarily prohibits a person in crisis from possessing or purchasing firearms or ammunition. A common thread in many shootings is that family members of the shooters had noticed their loved ones engaging in dangerous behaviors and were concerned about their risk of harming themselves or others – even before any violence occurred.
* ADDED: Gov. Rauner signs two gun control bills: The bill was one of several debated in the General Assembly this year in the wake of mass shootings at schools and last year in Las Vegas. Rauner said lawmakers still haven’t finished addressing the issue. He said a ban on bump stocks – which allow weapons to be fired much faster – should be passed. He also said lawmakers should approve money for schools to hire resource officers and mental health professionals to deal with potential gun violence in schools.
* ADDED: Guns can be removed from those deemed dangerous under law signed by Rauner: The person whose guns are taken may petition to give them to a friend with a firearm owner’s ID card. That person must swear not to give the firearms back without authorization.
* ADDED: Illinois governor signs law allowing police, family members to ask judge to seize guns: “There has to be a judge, there has to be proof of the issue,” the governor said. “It can’t just be some accusation. There has to be real proof of danger.”
* ADDED: Rauner signs “red flag”, 72-hour waiting period gun control bills: It was opposed by the National Rifle Association, in part because of concerns about curtailing the due-process rights of gun owners. Republican Rep. Peter Breen commended the bi-partisan effort behind the legislation, negotiating through the concerns of law enforcement and gun owners.
* ADDED: Press Release: Gov. Rauner signs emergency “red flag” gun law, enacts 72-hour waiting period for all gun purchases - Vows to veto gun dealer licensing bill again; urges action on broad public safety plan
- Not It - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 11:14 am:
When the majority of guns used in crimes come from just a handful of gun shops, it is unimaginable that the state wouldn’t do something to regulate these bad actors. The rest of the gun selling lobby should want these enforcement mechanisms.
- Precinct Captain - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 11:17 am:
SB 337 did not get veto proof majorities, so likely dead. That’s unfortunate because this will save lives by allowing the state to have a stick to go after bad faith actor gun shops.
- Gruntled University Employee - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 11:33 am:
I never really got the waiting period on all gun purchases, first time gun buyers, certainly, but all gun purchases? A 72 hour “cooling off” period doesn’t make much sense to me if you already own an arsenal.
- Lester Holt’s Mustache - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 11:37 am:
Interested to see what Todd has to say - Rauner going to get a pass on this one from NRA and ILRA? They never, ever give any slack to dems but Rauner is a (supposed) republican and needs all of the help he can get.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 11:52 am:
==Interested to see what Todd has to say - Rauner going to get a pass on this one from NRA and ILRA? ==
This was a compromise bill that gun groups worked on. From the picture I saw of the signing, at least two pro 2A groups were standing behind Rauner during the signing ceremony.
- RNUG - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 11:52 am:
People in Illinois have learned to live with a lot of gun regulation compared to a lot of states. these bills aren’t that big of a deal, regulation wise.
- RNUG - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 11:54 am:
== When the majority of guns used in crimes come from just a handful of gun shops, it is unimaginable that the state wouldn’t do something to regulate these bad actors. ==
Maybe push the Feds hard to go after the few bad actors?
- revvedup - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 1:46 pm:
Once again an Illinois governor signs a bill which will fail U.S. Constitutional muster during the first challenge. An ex parte (one-sided) hearing to seize legally-owned property violates the 5th and 14th Amendments to pre-deprivation Due Process. Wait until some anti-gun person decides to claim his gun-owning neighbor, co-worker, etc. should have his gun(s) taken away and lies in court. Happens ALL THE TIME with Domestic Violence Orders of Protection ex parte hearings.
- Illinois Native - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 1:48 pm:
=== He also said lawmakers should approve money for schools to hire resource officers ===
To me this sounds like an expensive solution. Other counties such as the UK appear to have found other more cost effective solutions to this problem.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 2:20 pm:
SB337 would be complelety ineffective because FFLs already follow the law. If the person buying the firearm is clean, there is no way for the the FFL to know that it will be passed along to an unauthorized person. It would just give some politicians an excuse to shut down businesses they dont like.
- BlueDogDem - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 2:20 pm:
With a 72 hour waiting period can we eliminate the FOID concept?
- Anonymous - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 2:23 pm:
“To me this sounds like an expensive solution.”
Yet we choose to gaurd so many things in this world: banks, sporting events, politicians, courthouses, etc. My kid will go back to school in the fall gaurded by nothing more than a glass door and a “no guns please” sign
- SOIL M - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 2:28 pm:
After the settlement of the lawsuit last week, the DOJ opened the door to fairly affordable, not too difficult to build home made firearms This makes many of these regulations meaningless anyway, except for the 72 hour waiting period which can be avoided by going out of state for long guns. But for some reason this barely made a blip in any news stories. Even to me, the availability of Ghost Gunner type machines, shared plans, and 3D printing downloads is a bit troubling thinking of how it can be used and by who it could be used. But no attention is being given to them.
- Lester Holt’s Mustache - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 3:19 pm:
==This was a compromise bill that gun groups worked on. ==
True, but that usually doesn’t mean much come election time. Do they stick with Rauner because he has more money and therefore a better chance to win, or stick to 2A principles and endorse McCann? ILRA wouldnt endorse a pro-2A dem over a pro-2A republican, curious as to what happens this fall in the case of pro-2A conservative McCann vs wishy-washy, kind of pro-2A republican Rauner.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 3:29 pm:
==Do they stick with Rauner==
Yes. And if you think any chance otherwise you’re clueless, or intentionally just trying to stir up you know what (and I know with you the answer is the latter). ISRA was standing up with him at the signing ceremony today.
- Todd - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 3:43 pm:
Lester –
McCann is a spoiler and the gun guys know it. Nobody is happy about all of it but in ways its better than what was proposed.
And Rauner is way better than JB so will they hold their nose, yea more so than the pro-life guys will
- RNUG - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 4:52 pm:
== the availability of Ghost Gunner type machines, shared plans, and 3D printing downloads is a bit troubling ==
I saw the ruling. Just makes what is factual legal. 3D printing is the future of small quantity manufacturing.
The fact you can make your own guns in your garage just hasn’t hit the public awareness yet.
- ChanceMcCall - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 5:25 pm:
- Illinois Native - Monday, Jul 16, 18 @ 1:48 pm:
=== He also said lawmakers should approve money for schools to hire resource officers ===
To me this sounds like an expensive solution. Other counties such as the UK appear to have found other more cost effective solutions to this problem.
This is not the UK. When you have over 1/3 of the Illinois Counties passing symbolic sanctuary laws and more to come, that should tell you something about downstate verses Chicago/suburbs.
18% of the entire population of Illinois holds a FOID card which does not exclude those not eligible and those too young or too old to care.
In many downstate counties the percentage of concealed carry permits are in double digits. Very few of those people are interested in giving up their guns.