Chuy wins again
Tuesday, Jul 24, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller
* From last night…
Please pardon the typos. It’s Twitter.
* Press release…
Celina Villanueva will take the oath of office on Tuesday to formalize her appointment to the 21st District state representative seat vacated when former State Rep. Silvana Tabares became alderman of the 23rd Ward in May.
“I am humbled to accept this appointment to represent my community in the Illinois General Assembly,” said Villanueva. “I am committed to advocating for the best interests of working people in the 21st District every day, and will always be a voice for social justice and democracy in Springfield.”
Villanueva was previously the Youth Engagement Manager at the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR), where she led the largest immigrant civic engagement program in Illinois, which registered more than 200,000 new American voters and mobilized hundreds of thousands more to get out to vote.
Villanueva led ICIRR’s efforts through the Just Democracy Illinois coalition to expand voting rights through online voter registration, election day registration, and most recently automatic voter registration, all of which are now law.
Prior to joining ICIRR, Villanueva served as the Director of Organizing at Chicago Votes, and worked as an organizer on various issue-based campaigns, including the fight for marriage equality in Illinois. She also previously served as Outreach Coordinator for Cook County Commissioner Jesus “Chuy” Garcia.
Villanueva graduated with a B.A in Latina/Latino Studies with minors in African-American Studies and Spanish from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is a resident of Little Village.
…Adding… Press release…
Following is a statement from Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) Executive Director Lawrence Benito, in response to the news that ICIRR New Americans Democracy Project and Youth Engagement Manager Celina Villanueva has been appointed to become the 21st District State Representative:
“We are beyond thrilled for Celina, who has been a tireless leader in our work to protect immigrants and refugees in Illinois for the last four years. We know she will bring the same clarity and fierce commitment to the needs of working people and immigrant communities to her role in the General Assembly. We look forward to working with Rep. Villanueva to make Illinois an even more welcoming state for immigrants and refugees.”
…Adding… From the swearing-in…
- akron45 - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 10:30 am:
I just love the phrase “Chuy-backed”. Some many bad puns come to mind.
- jim - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 10:31 am:
with Madigan, any kind of alliance is possible.
but didn’t one of chuy’s guys take out one of Madigan’s guys (Dan Burke) in the primary?
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 10:36 am:
===one of Madigan’s guys (Dan Burke)===
I think somebody turned his back there.
- Just saying - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 10:37 am:
So interesting how life is full of poetic justice. I vividly recall how the 23rd ward collected signatures from home owners so real estate agents would not be contacting home owners to ask them if they were interested in selling their property to a client the agents had. This was developed because the 23rd Ward Hispanic population was increasing at a fast trade and was a threat to MJM’s control.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 10:41 am:
Remember Madigan collecting signatures from homeowners in the Ward so real estate agent wouldn’t contact homeowners to sell their properties because the Hispanic population in the ward was increasing rapidly?
- SaulGoodman - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 11:26 am:
Celina will be great. Excited for this.
- Veil of Ignorance - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 1:00 pm:
Celina Villanueva will be a force to be reckoned with. Congrats to her.
- Wait for it - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 1:11 pm:
This is good for the Latino community at large. And eyes now turn towards the Aldermanic seat…
- Rod - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 1:22 pm:
I honestly don’t know that it’s a Chuy-MJM alliance of any type, but rather the Speaker being a pragmatist for the moment. In the bigger fight within the national, Illinois, and Chicago Democrat party Chuy García is pretty well lined up with the emerging left wing faction among Democrats represented by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York, California Senate President Kevin de Leon, and other supporters of an agenda along the general line of thinking of Senator Sanders. Ultimately there is a river between the Speaker and many anti-Rahm Emanuel Democrats.
I am currently in Sacramento, Ca and it is obvious that there even is a revolt brewing even against House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. I have no idea where all of this is going, but so many younger activists on the Democratic Party left see politicians like Speaker Madigan as being responsible in the big picture of things for Trump’s electoral victory and that these big city machine Democrats have to go. Chuy has no reason to form an alliance with the Speaker, but he can take what Madigan gives him without any quid pro quo.
The more interesting issue is what will Democrats representing largely middle class white constituents do in relationship to this divide in the party? Do people like Rep Greg Harris and Senator Steans bail out on MJM or stick with him out of fear of where a more left wing agenda may put the Democratic Party.
- Pumpkin Pie - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 1:32 pm:
Will be interesting to see who this plays out. Celina was Rudy Lozano’s campaign manager, who lost to Tabares. Tabares ran to the right of Lozano taking a heavy law & order position on issues. The district is half suburban and add the precincts from the 23rd ward (which all went to Trump) you have a much more conservative district than most may think.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 1:34 pm:
===The more interesting issue is what will Democrats representing largely middle class white===
Why would you take a post about a Latino-MJM alliance and say we should be talking about white people? Stay on topic, please. Your suggestion is also a bit goofy since Sen. Steans is in the Senate and not the House.
- Rod - Tuesday, Jul 24, 18 @ 2:23 pm:
Rich this all is much bigger than the Illinois House, it’s a national issue. I would also add that discussing a Latino-MJM alliance is a very complex subject, because the divide within the Democrats extends to Hispanic Democratic cactuses in numerous state legislatures, city governments, and at the national level. With some seeing the left insurgents a sucicidial and others seeing it as the only path forward for immigration rights for families of their constituents.
Progressive Democrats representing largely white constituents within the Large cities are in a conflicted situation in relationship to this revolt within the Party, a revolt which may collapse or gain momentum. Here in California Rich, its gaining momentum and bringing on board some more traditional Democrat big city politicians who don’t want to get primaried from the Sanders crew. I hope that explains my logic or from your perspective my goofiness.