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It’s time to get to the meat

Monday, Jul 30, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rauner campaign…

“JB Pritzker’s entire campaign is based on a graduated tax hike, but a year-and-a-half after announcing his campaign, he won’t tell the voters how much more they will have to pay under his tax plan. With just 99 days left in this campaign, it’s time Pritzker came clean with Illinois voters about just how high he will raise taxes.” - Rauner Campaign Spokesman Alex Browning

JB Pritzker announced his campaign for governor 480 days ago, running on a platform wholly reliant on a graduated tax hike. Since then, he has said it will be a “theme of this campaign.” But he has yet to answer a simple question: how high will taxes go?

Pritzker himself admitted that he would raise the flat income tax rate on ALL taxpayers in the meantime (albeit without any numbers), and has often been criticized for his unwillingness to explain his tax hike plan.

For a candidate that talks about his “specific plans,” Illinoisans should be concerned that he refuses to tell them how much more they will be paying if he had his way. Pritzker has 99 days to explain himself to voters.

You can nitpick here and there, but overall Rauner’s campaign has a point, although Pritzker isn’t alone here. The governor’s promised tax cuts are so far completely based on magic fairy dust.

* So the Chicago Tribune editorial board also has a point

Yet the two major-party campaigns for governor, and whatever media traction the two camps do create, tend to focus on the transitory topic of the day, not on specific, ambitious or provocative policy proposals for voters to weigh. What will the next state budget look like? Where would each candidate cut spending, if at all? How would each address, again, the alarming unfunded pension liabilities that continue to rise? If tax increases or cuts are the answer, then what exactly should the next governor sign into law?

Pritzker did roll out several substantive policy ideas during the primary, but since then it’s been a campaign about almost nothing by both men.


  1. - JS Mill - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 9:41 am:

    =You can nitpick here and there, but overall Rauner’s campaign has a point, although Pritzker isn’t alone here. The governor’s promised tax cuts are so far completely based on magic fairy dust.=

    Rauner has lacked substance from day 1. Most of what he wants is based on lowering the wages of working class people but never has the integrity to actually call that out directly.

    Name one of those dozens of companies Rauner has lined up to come to Illinois.

    Tell us about the waste, fraud, and abuse you have discovered.

    The Rauner team complaining about the lack of specifics from anyone else is the height of hypocrisy.

    I would like to see more details from Pritzker, but Rauner calling him out on it is a joke.

  2. - Chris Widger - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 9:44 am:

    Either campaign calling out the other for more details is politicking and not being intellectually honest. We don’t deserve candidates who give us the meat of their policy positions until we stop voting for the ones who don’t. There’s no one to be upset at other than voters.

  3. - Robert the 1st - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 9:55 am:

    Raise state income taxes to 8.5%, shift teacher pension liability to the districts and they can raise property taxes by 50% or so. Problem solved. Oh and give all public employees a 14% raise while we’re at it.

  4. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:00 am:

    JB is running ads saying residents are leaving Illinois because Governor Rauner is “bad mouthing” the state.

    As if highlighting Illinois problems like leading the nation in property tax burden and proposing solutions that will lower them is the real problem.

    JB is line with those in the General Assembly who will not reverse their failed policies that have caused Illinois economy to lag the rest of the nation for decades.

    JB is a typical tax and spend liberal democrat. Even though Illinois has high taxes already and can’t pay its bills on time, he is proposing more spending and more tax increases.

    Anyone actually think think that will encourage more people to move here, stay here and invest in new businesses here?

  5. - Last Bull Moose - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:01 am:

    If Pritzker puts out numbers, he can claim a mandate to get those numbers. Otherwise he is negotiating after the election.

  6. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:02 am:

    Rauner lacked substance until he became governor, when he revealed his true aim of wanting to save the state through brutal cuts and loss of rights to unions and state workers.

    Pritzker needs to get busy with his policy proposals. They’re popular—the progressive income tax and marijuana legalization, specifically. He needs to sell the progressive tax as reform, cutting income taxes on many and lowering or controlling property taxes. Lay those markers down to clearly distinguish between himself and Rauner, and pound away from there.

  7. - PJ - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:05 am:

    ==Otherwise he is negotiating after the election==

    He’ll be negotiating for years either way. A constitutional amendment couldn’t appear on the ballot until 2020, and only then would the legislation with the actual rates appear. So he can toss something out there, but it won’t be anything more than a placeholder.

  8. - ZC - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:06 am:

    Of course Pritzker should provide details.

    On the other hand, I can’t take this seriously from either Rauner or the Chicago Tribune editorial board.

    When Rauner first ran for Governor, I took some morbid pleasure monitoring his ever-in-the-future, “So how am I going to cut the new income taxes, with the budget this bad, and still balance IL’s books? Well, I’ve got a comprehensive plan … it’s coming soon!” And every now and then he’d tell everyone his plan was coming soon … and then later again that it was coming soon … and then Election Day came. And we all learned there was no plan.

    And the Chicago Tribune editorial board displayed very little concern about Rauner’s ongoing vagueness in this respect throughout 2013-2014.

    Which is to say if JB never gives his details before Election Day … well, pot meet kettle, Governor Rauner. It’s a bit late to suddenly be concerned about giving the voters economic specifics.

  9. - SSL - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:13 am:

    As Rich said, it has been a campaign about almost nothing by both men.

    And after the election that’s exactly what we’re going to get. Almost nothing.

    The state is in decline, the obligations far outweigh the revenues, people are polarized on the issues and solutions.

    Neither Rauner or Pritzker have the skills to right this sinking ship. My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.

  10. - Anonymous - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:13 am:

    Trib editorial points out candidates fail to inform the citizens where they stand on important issues. Fine. Now then, why aren’t they (and all news sectors) insisting their reporters push politicians relentlessly to answer the pertinent questions? So, in my opinion, pols aren’t stating positions because they get away with not answering them. Duh.

  11. - Blue Bayou - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:14 am:

    It’s not “nothing” that Rauner’s entire term has been an aggressive, abject failure.

  12. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:14 am:

    I recall Quinn putting out some real numbers on taxes and spending before the 2014 election, while Rauner just babbled nonsense.

    Who did the troncs endorse in that race?

  13. - DuPage Bard - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:14 am:

    Bruce Rauner gave no specifics what so ever in his 2014 campaign. Pat Quinn talked specifics.
    Who’d that work best for?
    Maybe Rauner can explain his pension cost shift and the increase in suburban property taxes?
    Maybe Rauner can explain lying in his primary about Ives and directly to a Catholic Cardinal?
    Maybe Rauner can explain his stance on being conservative?
    Maybe Rauner can explain 13 dead veterans?
    Maybe Rauner can explain Semaj Walker dead under a couch when his agency had just been there for a wellness check?
    So much to explain Bruce?
    You have to find a reason for people to like you. You are unlikable, folks don’t trust you, you mock everyone in this state by wearing ridiculous costumes.
    But keep going with the path your on, seems to be doing really well, 60% disapproval rating 27% approval rating.

  14. - Deadbeat Conservative - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:21 am:

    =We don’t deserve candidates who give us the meat of their policy positions until we stop voting for the ones who don’t. There’s no one to be upset at other than voters.=

    Agree. Voters have punished candidates who were truthful about fiscal responsibility. This is evidenced by the bipartisan decades-in-the-making fiscal mess we’re in. The Rauner campaign wants JB to be transparent, honest, and responsible so he can beat him over the head with it.

  15. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:23 am:

    In 2014, Bruce Rauner campaigned on Pat Quinn failed and shake up Springfield.

    He didn’t tell us he wanted to gut collective bargaining. He didn’t tell us he wanted to put the screws to injured workers, he didn’t tell us that he was prepared to hold the budget hostage until he got his reforms. Did he even mention the so-called “Turnaround Agenda” until after he was elected?

    A basic rule in politics is to not give your opponent a stick to beat you with. Pritzker owes the voters some details, and I’m sure he’ll give them at the proper time. But he isn’t going to give them out to please the Rauner campaign.

  16. - Louis G. Atsaves - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:26 am:

    ===Rauner has lacked substance from day 1.===
    ===you mock everyone in this state by wearing ridiculous costumes.===

    While the political spinning goes round and round around here, completely forgotten is the 40+ substantive proposals of the Turnaround Agenda of Rauner, which was DOA in the Democratic dominated legislature. Whether you agreed with those proposals or not, they were substantive. I guess Janus would be a major victory for him in response to the lack substance spin.

    Funny how I see Pritzker wearing different costumes for different events and political television commercials, but no one around here seems to get all riled up about that. Isn’t that mocking by the multi-billionaire? If not, why not?

    Strange election. Federalist Democrats now run to court claiming States Rights issues, while non-federalist anti-court Republicans run to court and DC. Democrats in Illinois scream for national redistricting, while remaining silent about redistricting in Illinois. Republicans celebrate adding union jobs to a Granite City steel mill while working man middle class friend of union labor Democrats sneer.

    Only in Illinois, where to paraphrase the Doors, people are strange.

  17. - anon2 - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:28 am:

    How about this for a compromise? Pritzker should agree to provide specifics as soon as the incumbent explains specifically how his promise to roll back the income tax rate to 3 percent, first made in 2015, would be implemented. Fair enough?

  18. - Demoralized - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:31 am:

    ==Governor Rauner is “bad mouthing” the state==

    He’s done that his entire term as Governor. You really think a Governor should bad mouth his own state? How exactly does that help?

    ==JB is a typical tax and spend==

    The Governor just signed a budget based on the higher tax rate. So there’s that. And he’s also joined in on the spending bandwagon. So your continued claims that this is one-sided is nonsense.

    What exactly has this Governor accomplished LP other than being a victim for his entire term as Governor?

    Here’s hoping one day your bot programming changes so that you stop spouting off the same tired talking points day in and day out. You’re nothing but a propaganda machine.

  19. - Wondering Wendy - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:31 am:

    Agree SSL. What a mess.

  20. - Anonymous - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:33 am:

    “J.B. Pritzker’s entire campaign is based on Rauner failed.”

    Fixed that for ya.

  21. - JS Mill - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:33 am:

    =Raise state income taxes to 8.5%, shift teacher pension liability to the districts and they can raise property taxes by 50% or so. Problem solved. Oh and give all public employees a 14% raise while we’re at it.=

    Sounds good. Maybe then we wouldn’t have a massive teacher shortage.

  22. - Demoralized - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:34 am:

    ==Raise state income taxes to 8.5%, shift teacher pension liability to the districts and they can raise property taxes by 50% or so. Problem solved. Oh and give all public employees a 14% raise while we’re at it.==

    Another victim heard from.

  23. - Sue - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:35 am:

    JB already said he will raise the flat tax to pay for his largesse while awaiting a progressive tax. So at a minimum we can expect at least 6 on everyone. The change to the constitution is a multi year deal assuming it happens at all. The big guy has made a lot of progressive promises and they won’t be free

  24. - Demoralized - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:38 am:

    ==Pritzker has 99 days to explain himself to voters.==

    The Governor has had 1,296 days as Governor and still can’t explain himself.

  25. - Deadbeat Conservative (TBB?) - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:42 am:

    =JB already said he will raise the flat tax to pay for his largesse =
    I think Sue illustrates the point in my 10:21 am comment.

    Paying your debts is considered “largess” by voters. Telling voters you will expect them to help pay Illinois’ bills will be used agianst you.

  26. - JS Mill - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:44 am:

    = his largesse =

    LOL, his largesse is need to pay for Rauner’s spending. Unless you would like businesses large and small to go bankrupt?

  27. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 10:46 am:

    A Propaganda machine? Make the case that Governor Rauner wants to spend more than the Democrats.

    They are proposing expensive new programs to buy support from gullible voters like yourself with no way to pay for them. Is that propaganda?

    We heard from Democrats we needed a responsible, reasonable approach of cuts and revenues to balance the budget. They also acknowledge the pensions are unsustainable and there is much work to be done on workers comp but never seem to get around to do anything significant.

    Now that election season is back, its spend, spend spend.

    So far all JB has proposed to fix Illinois is raise taxes further even though he is one of the 14 richest Illinois residents and takes extraordinary measures to avoid paying his fair share.

  28. - a drop in - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 11:04 am:

    -It’s time to get to the meat-

    When that happens the people all turn vegetarian.

  29. - Annonin' - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 11:05 am:

    Katrina will be so pleased that someone/anyone is paying attention to her rant about the need for more details. Perhaps there could be attention paid to the GovJunk claim that billions could saved through consolidation if those awful Ds would follow along. He did not mention that his “estimate” is based on on gettin’ rid of stuff like prevailin’ wage, right to work, the usual mumbo jumbo. We think GovJunk has offered lots of details. That is why he doin’ his exit interview tour.

  30. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 11:17 am:

    Other than insisting on union cuts, Rauner tremendously lacked substance as governor. He went from 44 TA reforms to pick one/two, any one/two. When Democrats offered reforms, Rauner slammed them as phony.

    There’s no doing business with people like Rauner. Many in the GOP apparently learned this lesson, albeit after massive damage.

  31. - Huh? - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 11:18 am:

    “It’s time to get to the meat-
    When that happens the people all turn vegetarian.”
    Nah, it’ll a tick borne meat allergy.

  32. - Whatever - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 11:19 am:

    Lucky Pierre ==Make the case that Governor Rauner wants to spend more than the Democrats.==

    I know he does not want to spend any less than the Democrats - he did not use his reduction veto power to remove one penny from the budget.

  33. - Captain Obvious - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 11:24 am:

    Let’s play a fun game! How soon and how high will JB Madigan raise taxes after the election? I say to 7% by April 1, 2019. Still plenty of time till the next election for the voters to calm down and make them more amenable to the idea of a progressive tax. Plus all that delicious pork to spread around…

  34. - Anonymous - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 11:25 am:

    It’s the Seinfeld election - a race about nothing..

  35. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 11:43 am:

    ===While the political spinning goes round and round around here, completely forgotten is the 40+ substantive proposals of the Turnaround Agenda of Rauner, which was DOA in the Democratic dominated legislature. Whether you agreed with those proposals or not, they were substantive. I guess Janus would be a major victory for him in response to the lack substance spin.===

    … which measured out to 1.4% or $500 million in budgetary savings, which of course was never the plan. The plan was to dismantle both public sector unions and going after prevailing wage and collective bargaining with the trades.

    Wholly dishonest to the outcomes.

    ===Funny how I see Pritzker wearing different costumes for different events and political television commercials, but no one around here seems to get all riled up about that. Isn’t that mocking by the multi-billionaire? If not, why not?===

    Ever the victim, lol

    Has Pritzker dressed like Cowboy Woody yet? Biker Billy? Farmer Fred?

    Vests, I’ve seen, but not the array of cartoon costumes of Rauner.

  36. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 12:02 pm:

    Still peddling the $500 million in annual budgetary savings nonsense?

    How can that be possible if just one time- the Cullerton pension proposal saves 1 billion (2X your phony number) annually?

    I forgot but are the unions “dismantled” our neighboring states?

    Actually, I think they are growing union jobs faster than Illinois

  37. - Generic Drone - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 12:02 pm:

    Since when does any candidate make promises they keep. How many elections till we all get they are lying. Maybe someday we will start voting for the real paople who walk the walk.

  38. - Arsenal - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 12:28 pm:

    ==Make the case that Governor Rauner wants to spend more than the Democrats.==

    He signed this year’s budget and is promising a new capital plan.

    What do I win?

  39. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 12:30 pm:

    ===He signed this year’s budget and is promising a new capital plan.

    What do I win?===

    A reboot for “Lucky Pierre” but more scatter shot talking points ignoring the past 4 years plus.

  40. - BlueDogDem - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 12:30 pm:

    Just face it folks. Just like you knew when Rauner was elected, that taxes would be raised, so too, you know Pritzker is going to raise taxes. You also know your property taxes are going to go up. Prolly get some sales tax on certain services. Nothing really changes with the two party syst

  41. - Arsenal - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 12:32 pm:

    Voters have pretty consistently demonstrated that they care about values, not details. We know what these guys will do if elected. JB will try to get a progressive income tax, an infrastructure plan, and legalized marijuana; Rauner will try to “Get” Madigan. Details matter in ensuring these policies work, but we know the guys’ goals.

  42. - JS Mill - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 12:32 pm:

    =Funny how I see Pritzker wearing different costumes for different events and political television commercials, but no one around here seems to get all riled up about that.=

    So you acknowledge that Rauner disingenuously presents himself around the state in costumes and other put-ons?

  43. - @misterjayem - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 12:37 pm:

    Neither campaign sees any electoral advantage in getting to the meat.

    Until Election Day, both campaigns will relentlessly attack their opponent while firmly not saying nothing about nothing in hopes that the other team commits a fatal error.

    Ultimately, it’s a hyper-conservative strategy that could work out for either or neither campaign.

    Only if one of the campaigns really stumbles will they consider elevating their candidate by making a positive case for their candidate’s ideas, i.e. getting to the meat.

    But both candidates are just as likely to skip the meat and double-down on negative ads designed to tear their opponent down to their level.

    – MrJM

  44. - Arsenal - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 12:52 pm:

    ==A reboot for “Lucky Pierre” ==

    Unless Katie Sackhoff plays the lead role, I’m gonna pass.

  45. - Deadbeat Conservative (blocked yet?) - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 12:55 pm:

    ==Plus all that delicious pork to spread around…==

    First paying bills was “largess” now its “pork”. Yikes!

    What will the deadbeat caucus come up with for the billions of carrying costs of debt?

  46. - Generic Drone - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 1:01 pm:

    We need solutions, not smoke. One idea I have floated is since there seems to be plenty of money going into campaign coffers, why not make a law requireing 10% goes to pay down the pension debt and earmark those funds to go towards the states largest debt after pensions are paid. Illinois Policy hates the idea, so I might be onto somthing both sides could get on board with.

  47. - Louis G. Atsaves - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 1:44 pm:

    ===The plan was to dismantle both public sector unions and going after prevailing wage and collective bargaining with the trades.===
    ===So you acknowledge that Rauner disingenuously presents himself around the state in costumes and other put-ons?===

    Uh, no. The Rauner administration successfully negotiated with 18-19 public sector unions who now have contracts. They were unsuccessful with two who preferred to fight him to the death, and post Janus decision it is pretty clear that they are now on a slippery slope. But Willy and I have gone around the block a 100 times over that stubborn fact, so I will stop here and focus elsewhere.

    I advise all candidates who campaigns I either work on or run to keep a few change of clothes in the car. You look silly going to a picnic in a tuxedo, or a school graduation in shorts and a T-shirt, are but two examples. I tell them to find a McDonald’s and change in the bathroom if necessary. For two solid years the majority of commentators and posters here have shouted their indignation over Rauner’s vest, motorcycle attire, lack of a tie, etc. Those same posters are not so mysteriously quiet when Pritzker wears a vest or sweater, or other attire. Now word is out that the multi-billionaire of choice in these parts will be dressing up and playing work with the proletariates at their various jobs. Let’s see him work an 8-10 hour shift and not just do a photo-op. Now that shoe is on the other foot, so explain yourselves, Oswego Willy and JS Mill, just to name two of you. Why the lack of indignation with Pritzker’s attire?

    Strange politics in Illinois. Pick a lane guys. You know which lane I’m in.

  48. - Sue - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 2:02 pm:

    JS Mill - the largesse has nothing to do with paying down bills But things like FREE pre school. JB on primary night had quite a list of give aways. So ye- taxes are gonna go up on every taxpayer since we don’t now have a graduated tax program and we will probably not have one any time soon

  49. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 2:11 pm:

    ===Uh, no. The Rauner administration successfully negotiated with 18-19 public sector unions who now have contracts. They were unsuccessful with two who preferred to fight him to the death, and post Janus decision it is pretty clear that they are now on a slippery slope.===

    Oh Counselor, lol…

    You ignored the prevailing wage, collective bargaining arms of the Turnaround Agenda, shifting to that “18 of 19”… that’s not what we’re discussing. The agenda is anti-labor.

    ===so I will stop here and focus elsewhere.===

    … because you have no argument for “sham” votes, for example, that take on property taxes, but won’t include hurting labor, as Rauner requires. Counselor, you’re conceding my point.

    Also, I’m comment here, I’m not posting anything. Rich has the posts, we all comment.

    ===Now word is out that the multi-billionaire of choice in these parts will be dressing up and playing work with the proletariates at their various jobs.===

    “Of choice”? Oh boy.

    ===Let’s see him work an 8-10 hour shift and not just do a photo-op.===

    When did Bruce do an 8-10 hour shift, of like moving in and out of the Mansion?

    Also, Counselor, your pounding of the desk only works if you concede Rauner, who you defended, wore Rauner ridiculous costumes, and now you want equal treatment,

    You concede that point, lol?

  50. - Skeptic - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 2:29 pm:

    “But things like FREE pre school.” Having everyone chip in to educate kids. The horror of it all, when will it end?

  51. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 2:30 pm:

    ===Still peddling the $500 million in annual budgetary savings nonsense?===

    I didn’t peddle it. The “Superstars” gave that to Rich.

    ===How can that be possible if just one time- the Cullerton pension proposal saves 1 billion (2X your phony number) annually?===

    … and yet, Rauner got no 60/71 in the House. There wasn’t the votes for it to pass. You know this, yet your propaganda only knows to say ridiculous things, and not look at what actually happened.

    ===Actually, I think they are growing union jobs faster than Illinois===

    “Thanks Bruce Rauner”… yep, Rauner is a failure compared to other governors, and Rauner’s own thoughts on governors.

    Heck… Candidate Rauner thinks Governor Rauner failed.

  52. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 2:41 pm:

    Just to be clear, the Luckybot misfired again. The Cullerton pension proposal’s estimated savings are $1 billion one time, not annually.

  53. - Anonymous - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 3:06 pm:

    A JB as governor will give tax payers a choice to make. Stay and pay higher taxes, or move out of state.

  54. - JS Mill - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 3:09 pm:

    =JS Mill - the largesse has nothing to do with paying down bills But things like FREE pre school. =

    Oh Sue, are you criticizing Rauner for that one as well? He is non stop taking credit for incresing support for pre school education. The recent pre-school for all competitive grant was from his administration. And what do you think Ounce of Prevention (the Ounce’s chief is none other than Diana Rauner) does? And how do you think they are funded? Here is a clue, they get a truck load of state money.

    Clearly you have not read up on best practices in education, especially education of kids living in poverty. Only someone that ignorant would use “FREE pre-school” as a pejorative.

    Your cave is calling you.

  55. - Demoralized - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 3:10 pm:

    ==The Rauner administration successfully negotiated with 18-19 public sector unions who now have contracts. ==

    Spoken by someone who is keen on repeating the Rauner talking points. Of course if you had a clue you would understand the vast differences between the contracts negotiated with the trade unions and the one proposed for AFSCME and other non-trade unions. Not even in the same ballpark.

  56. - ajjacksson - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 3:12 pm:

    Let’s go all the way back up to the top; JS Mill at 9:41 is spot on.

    Some woukd like to hear more details from JB. But that doesn’t excuse Rauner’s lack of substance, nor the hypocrisy of him calling someone else out on lack of substance.

  57. - Demoralized - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 3:16 pm:

    ==Make the case that Governor Rauner wants to spend more than the Democrats.==

    I didn’t say more. I said he too is a spender. That’s an undeniable fact.

    ==gullible voters like yourself ==

    Gullible? lol. I’m not the one who’s programmed to repeat the same talking points day in and day out.

  58. - SAP - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 3:31 pm:

    How can you have your pudding if you don’t eat your meat?

  59. - Sue - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 4:20 pm:

    When push comes to shove the progressive tax scam will fail. Upon Pritzker’s election we will hear loads of promises but fiscal realities will corral his options. All we will see is the ongoing financial struggles and a further deterioration of state services but at least AFSMCE will get those damn raises. If all of you disagree please share with me where JB comes up with the money to do anything more then Rauner got done

  60. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 4:22 pm:

    ===…to do anything more then Rauner got done===

    More than one budget will get signed.

    What else ya got.

  61. - Anonymous - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 4:57 pm:

    With JB as governor Illinois tax payers will pay the highest overall taxes in the nation. A good way to loose tax payers and business, to other states.

  62. - JS Mill - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 9:43 pm:

    @Sue- please see “Minnesota”. Economic and jobs growth, revenue, and services.

    Your plan is called “Kansas” and it was a massive failure.

  63. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 31, 18 @ 3:49 pm:

    Illinois can save $3 Billion by reducing and eventually eliminating services to non-citizens.

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