* After searching with Google, I do not believe Madigan has ever done this before…
Illinois Democrats Say Violence Against Women Act Must be Reauthorized
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — Michael J. Madigan, chairman of the Democratic Party of Illinois, released the following statement supporting the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
“Twenty-four years ago, Congress passed the Violence Against Women Act, a landmark piece of legislation written by Joe Biden. Our culture began to change for the better on that day. Domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking were no longer considered a private or family matter. There is still work to be done.
“Today, we see relentless threats to women. With Donald Trump in the White House, women are constantly targeted as part of his agenda. As we saw with his recent Supreme Court nominee, women’s rights will remain under threat for years to come, making legislation like the Violence Against Women Act even more important.
“Illinois Democrats stand united in support of the critical effort by Congressional Democrats to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act and ensure that federal safeguards exist for all who face domestic and sexual violence. Allowing this legislation to expire would constitute a moral travesty.
“Here in Illinois, we are committed to responsibly and boldly addressing the crisis of violence against women. Domestic and sexual violence harms our communities, our families and our state.”
- Chris Widger - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 11:06 am:
The existing law expires on September 30, and it feels like an omission that the statement doesn’t say that. Explaining the stakes would go a long way towards making this statement feel like more than election-year campaigning with no substance (which, I admit, was my uninformed first reaction before looking it up).
- Annonin' - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 11:07 am:
Smart move. Paul Ryan has only end of Sept for reauthorization. Perhaps the empty suit crew —Roskam, Davis, BossToss, Hulkgren, et al — could opine during their summer break which began last week.
- Amalia - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 12:25 pm:
hmm. not as big a deal as you make it to be. pass it, be done with it but Joe Biden’s clean up act for his reprehensible treatment of Anita Hill (who was on Last Week Tonight last night) is not the best that can be done. do more
- Moe Berg - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 12:34 pm:
Better late to this sort of thing than never. Shows growth is possible. Keep it up.
- anon2 - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 12:53 pm:
The Act is needed because women are far more likely to be murdered, right?
- Madigan's MeToo Moment? - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 1:29 pm:
Madigan’s organization was a den of sexual harassers, and he swept it all under the rug until it caught him. Madigan wants to defect with vapid political posturing. This just reminds me of his embarrassing history protecting women in the Springfield workplace, nothing more.
- Tom - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 5:12 pm:
Good job to the Speaker and his staff.
- Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 5:14 pm:
That Madigan is a real feminist, all right. Glad to see Annonin’ thinks it’s a smart move.
- Da Big Bad Wolf - Monday, Jul 30, 18 @ 5:34 pm:
==The Act is needed because women are far more likely to be murdered, right?==
Male victims are covered under this act, since it deals with domestic and sexual violence.