Arlington Heights trustee just spent way too much time on the Board of Elections website
Tuesday, Jul 31, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * I usually don’t bother with stuff like this, but I just couldn’t resist because it’s so weird and unusual. As of 4:08 this afternoon, Friends for John Scaletta had filed 29 amended D-2 forms. This feed caught my eye… ![]() ![]() Scaletta is an Arlington Heights Village Trustee. * The explanation today on his committee’s State Board of Elections page…
Scaletta originally reported raising $2,122 in the first quarter of 2011, but today’s amended D-2 has him raising $2,622. He originally reported spending $1,323.40, then amended that today to $1,342.90, after adding $19.50 in not-itemized expenditures (how he figured that one out is anyone’s guess). He originally reported ending the quarter with $3,220.02, but his amended report put the amount at $3,700.52. So, adding in the “inadvertent fee under $10″ he paid in 2015, he had to file amended reports for every quarter since the beginning of 2011 because his amount available had changed. * But, wait. There’s more. Scaletta filed a slew of amended returns earlier this month and provided this reason…
These appear to be $5 not-itemized expenditures each quarter, which, of course, lowered his available funds and necessitated re-dos of every quarterly report. So, today’s filings were actually corrections to a correction. * And then at 4:14 this afternoon, Scaletta filed this explanation attached to his second quarter report for 2018…
The first time he filed his 2018 second quarter report, on July 5th, he had $5,085.85 in his account. The second time he filed his quarterly report, on July 18th, he had $42.56 in his account. The third time he filed his quarterly report, which was today, he had $654.51 in his account. Somebody is going to be drinking heavily this evening, methinks.
- Dance Band on the Titanic - Tuesday, Jul 31, 18 @ 4:49 pm:
Where’s Mike Kaspar when you need him?
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 31, 18 @ 5:00 pm:
Methinks you are correct!
- TopHatMonocle - Tuesday, Jul 31, 18 @ 5:06 pm:
His campaign account balance is like Trump’s net worth. It fluctuates, goes up and down with markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even his own feelings. Just depends on his mood when the question is asked. Did he believe that to the best of his knowledge and belief that it was a correct and complete report as required by Article 9 of the election code? Sure, why not.
- Skeptic - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 8:47 am:
Sounds like he needs a better shoe box to store all his receipts.