1) Puppies! So cute! Very nice deflection and thanks for the positive ad;
2) “Because… Madigan!” must really be working if they’re using puppies;
3) Who puts Mike Madigan in their own ads?
Narrator: Mike Madigan hates puppies. Mike Madigan hates sunshine. JB Pritzker and Mike Madigan are Democrats, so JB Pritzker must hate puppies and sunshine.
JB Pritzker: It’s ridiculous. Bruce Rauner is a failure and he blames everyone but himself. As a businessman, I’ve helped create thousands of jobs by bringing people together to solve problems and get results, and that’s what I’ll do as Governor. And, for the record, I love puppies.
An early and combative campaign for governor has used millions of dollars of the candidates’ wealth to focus on symbols: House Speaker Michael Madigan. President Donald Trump. Toilets and taxes. And now puppies.
Democratic candidate J.B. Pritzker is launching Wednesday a new ad to show he likes puppies — a largely humorous and mocking rebuttal to more than a year of attacks by Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner.
In the ad, a narrator says, “Mike Madigan hates puppies. Mike Madigan hates sunshine. J.B. Pritzker and Mike Madigan are Democrats. So J.B. Pritzker must hate puppies and sunshine.” […]
While lighthearted in nature, the ad underscores the success of Rauner’s well-funded attempts to tarnish Madigan and link a host of Democratic candidates to the veteran House speaker and state Democratic Party chair.
And it turns out Madigan doesn’t hate puppies or sunshine, the speaker’s spokesman said.
“He thinks they’re very important parts of society,” Steve Brown said.
“And there’s no real record of him hating puppies and sunshine.”
Brown also disputed Rauner’s portrayal of the speaker.
“There’s no real record of the corruption claims that Bruce Rauner makes. Any of them,” Brown said. “It’s a pretty consistent thing. Rauner has consistently hung his hat on it, failing to accomplish anything as governor and blaming it all on Madigan. And it’s all showing in the data and what he’s going through right now that it hasn’t worked.”
* Rauner campaign…
Today, the Pritzker campaign launched a TV ad that tries — and fails — to defend JB Pritzker’s corrupt relationship with Mike Madigan. But Illinois voters know the truth. The Rauner campaign issued the following response:
“JB Pritzker may love puppies, but it’s clear he loves Mike Madigan more. Pritzker and Madigan both want to raise taxes, turn a blind eye to corruption, and put their own political ambition ahead of protecting victims of sexual harassment. JB Pritzker is Mike Madigan’s candidate — and his piggy bank — and the Pritzker-Madigan ticket offers nothing more than higher taxes and more corruption.”
- Rauner campaign spokesman Alex Browning
“While lighthearted in nature, the ad underscores the success of Rauner’s well-funded attempts to tarnish Madigan and link a host of Democratic candidates to the veteran House speaker and state Democratic Party chair.”
Tribbies “forgot” to detail/document all this success GovJunk so far trailing in all polls, still’splainin’ his coverup of deaths & scandals at Quincy, still “forgettin” bills he signs to improve policin’.
Success and GovJunk are two words that don’ fit in same sentence.
I don’t grade this harsh typically, but this is a total F.
In 30 seconds, the ad shifts between three completely separate ideas: 1.) Madigan isn’t that bad. 2.) Rauner is a failure. 3.) I’m a job creator.
3 messages, 30 seconds. Anybody with a coherent idea of crafting narratives and building video arcs will tell you that is simply too short of a time.
Madigan is the most unpopular politician in Illinois, does this make him more likable? No. Flat out, no.
JB has strong tailwinds and is likely a winner in November, but he has shown absolutely no ability to craft an independent message and his video team is flatout terrible.
There’s precedent in the Blago campaign commercials for this approach. Remember his “oh, come on” spot? of course, in those, Blago WAS lying. But when the opposition is just a monsoon of negative, innuendo-based attacks, a more jocular tone in response can throw off their game and perhaps turn public opinion. Mocking the Rauner campaign’s overly-serious spots cuts the rug out from under their power.
==Madigan is the most unpopular politician in Illinois, does this make him more likable? No. Flat out, no.==
Nor is it trying to. It’s just trying to take the sting out of the Madigan attacks by ridiculing them and refocusing the debate on Rauner’s failures.
We’ll see if it can accomplish that (or we won’t because there’s a ton of other factors in every election and they rarely come down to one or two ads).
I don’t think it’s a terrible idea. Again most Illinois voters are gullible and easily fooled. It’s how Rauner got elected in the first place. Most of them can’t name a valid reason why they dislike Madigan in the first place.
- Metro East Resident - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:28 am:
Hey Rich, he’s rocking the rich guy uniform! Vest! Can we get a Cap Fax counter on number of times the candidates wear that look in print and video? That article makes me view these totally different.
First, I like the ad. It’s fun, it’s a silly nod, it’s a way to blunt the “Madigan” schtick.
Putting Madigan in the ad, visually? Not a great choice, but the overall ad, what they’re trying to do… ok.
Focusing on “Rauner failed” and how silly Rauner is? Yeah, I get it. Still works for me.
For the reasons above, I give it a “B-“… maybe a “B”, but a “B-“ all the same.
Now, buckle up.
For the love of all that is holy, how the heck are y’all put in a position to correct… that JB owns dogs?
Seriously? No snark. Seriously?
I know, I know, you readily admit, you have no real clue of your own oppo, you told me and everyone so, but how can a Crew spending $200K a day… spending a house a day… not know JB has dogs?
Very first question I had? “Oh, does he have dogs?”
Do any of you guys ask questions like that to JB?
“You have dogs?”… “Cats?”… “Parakeets?”…
This ad would be even better with an ending line about, you guessed it… owning dogs… some are rescue dogs too.
What is going on over there?
How can you not be prepared for a question… about dogs?
The whole ad tie in… is about dogs?
It’s a Keystone Kop ad that left handedly works, I like it, but geez Louise, you rolled this out clueless to your candidate, correcting that he has a pet? Again, a pet. How no one thought that question would be asked… seriously?
To close more positive,
Rauner is not liked. This helps JB. It’s whimsical and fun and makes JB likable. Those are real smiles. Pritzker comes across likable.
Next time, just go with the close “… and his 5 dogs agree too.”
It’s a “B, B-“… I like where you’re at, but show some sort of grasp of who JB is, like knowing he has dogs.
Agree with Ole General - what is going on here? Dude’s got enough money to pay for the best ad people, surely JB can find better than what he has been getting for his money. The idea is good, Rauner should be called out for always blaming anyone other than himself for his failed tenure. Humor is a good way to do it too, but this ad is all over the place.
- Concerned Dem - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:34 am:
I get the knee jerk reaction, OMG he put Madigan in his ad what a terrible move… But we see it time and time again, if you start bus tossing members of your own party the public senses weakness and that is more harmful to your electoral chances than being associated with someone that is unpopular. After all last week’s quandary for Gov. Rauner was caused because he hasn’t picked a lane when it comes to a vastly unpopular member of his own party.
- Bruce (no not him) - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:35 am:
There may be no record of it, but we all know its true. (snark, I think)
Edit together dozens of video clips of Rauner repeatedly saying “Madigan…Madigan…Madigan.” (Kinda like Dreyfus shouting “Clouseau” as he’s dragged to the sanitarium in the Pink Panther movies — sorry for the dated reference.)
And then throw in the “not in charge” clip and quotes from the Trib editorial knocking Rauner for his Madigan obsession.
This ad and the ad where he talks about his mother, Pritzker comes across honest and relatable. His smiles are genuine, Pritzker shows concern, Pritzker is an asset to himself in ads.
More ads with him. Rauner can’t match that. They may need to roll out a Diana ad, but Bruce can’t do these ads.
I like where their heads are at, but the residual shows some holes still exist.
If money were an issue I would say his resources could be better spent than with this ad. Since it isn’t an issue knock yourself out.
- ItsMillerTime - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:45 am:
This ad would be great if only CapFax Commentators who are sick of the “because Madigan” shtick from Rauner shall it.
- Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:47 am:
I’d guess Pritzker has to respond to Rauner’s incessant attacks. I’d prefer hard-hitting responses, along the lines of Rauner is the state’s biggest corrupt insider ever, who bought and extorted the ILGOP and caused the most damage in state history.
It’s a cute ad at the end,and I’d think with Rauner’s approval numbers so low and the Rauner camp trying to bring Pritzker further down to his level, a positive spot would help.
As far as Madigan, aren’t people getting tired of Rauner constantly blaming someone? Can’t voters hold individual leaders accountable for their own records?
Rate it an F - self inflicted wounds on two points - first putting toxic MJM ( 68% disapproval) in his own ad; second hyping his business expertise equates him with Rauner and alienates the progressive wing of the Dem party.
Will Allison finally find a life boat off that Titanic of a re-election effort? Would explain that response. “JB loves puppies but loves Mike Madigan more”? C’mon man, step it up a little.
He has to highlight his business expertise so the voters think that he had some agency in amassing his fortunes - the alternative is for voters to think his only qualification is that he inherited Billions of dollars.
It is an OK ad that would be good for a trial run then pulled. The JB crew should get 3-4 quick shots of Rauner doing “Madigan”, then Prizker coming on saying ‘Seems he cannot talk about anything else. What has he actually done? Spent $1 billion on fines. Did not have a budget. Four years of nothing but one topic. Had enough?” Ending video of him walking two dogs in sunlight.
===“He thinks they’re very important parts of society,” Steve Brown said.
===“And there’s no real record of him hating puppies and sunshine.”
Non denial denial. Get to the bottom of this Illinois press. Has Madigan ever kicked a puppy?
- Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 11:37 am:
“He has to highlight his business expertise so the voters think that he had some agency in amassing his fortunes”
So when is Mr. Pro-Business Rauner going to mention his job creation record? Oh that’s right, he doesn’t have one. He couldn’t name a single job he created in the private sector.
Speaking of records, when is Rauner going to run on his?
The ad is a solid B. The use of humor is what makes the ad. However, it looks awfully familiar to a Michael Steele for US Senator in Maryland Ad that I saw in 2006.
- The Dude Abides - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 11:40 am:
I don’t think it’s a great bad but not a bad one either. It pokes fun at Rauner, who blames Madigan for everything and tries to tie Pritzker to Madigan in order to persuade voters to vote for him instead.
JB has a likeable personality which he shows in this ad. I think the voters need to see more of that because that’s a contrast between him and Rauner, who isn’t very likeable.
Go back to the 1960 Presidential TV debate between Kennedy and Nixon. When the cameras were on Kennedy came across as the more impressive, personable candidate and it helped him win the election. An example for Pritzker to follow.
JB might love puppies and sunshine but he also loves Mike Madigan.
The question is why does he love the most unpopular politician in Illinois by far? Does he actually believe Mike Madigan’s policies and refusal to compromise aren’t a significant part of the problems in this state?
Why doesn’t JB call him out like the other two candidates for Governor who combined got more votes than he did?
I missed it if it was previewed on Capitol Fax earlier, but last night while watching Colbert in the Peoria market, I saw the Rauner add that calls Madigan the most corrupt politician in America and tries to tie him to Pritker. My wife and I both thought it was way over the top to the point it was almost laughable. I find the Pritzker ad to be an effective, and funny in a legit sense, counter.
- Springfieldish - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 12:00 pm:
This is an old strategy but it worked well in 2010 when Suzi Schmidt used it.
I think this is a very effective ad. It is targeted towards women, specifically suburban women, the demographic Rauner is desperate for. Let’s not forget how effective the putting the dog on the roof Romney story was. Rauner’s spokespersons comment about loving Madigan more just reinforces the message of this ad and how ridiculous Rauner is.
OW whatever the subject matter of a post you can always wrap it up in a bow around Governor Rauner.
As other reasonable commenters have pointed out, it makes zero sense for JB to dismiss voters who can’t stand Mike Madigan by refusing to distance himself from him.
JB comes off haughty and arrogant and has zero desire to reform Illinois government and business environment. He just wants to increase spending and raise taxes.
He already has the Madigan supporters votes and that is all he thinks he needs to win.
===…whatever the subject matter of a post you can always wrap it up in a bow around Governor Rauner.===
… and yet, again, as things play themselves out, “blame Madigan” by this governor rings hollow, and also since Candidate Rauner himself in the last debate with Quinn began most of his answers with “Pat Quinn failed”…
How you can hold accountable others for their terms, and Rauner is held harmless for 3+ years is disturbing to the reality who try to peddle.
===As other reasonable commenters have pointed out, it makes zero sense for JB to dismiss voters who can’t stand Mike Madigan by refusing to distance himself from him.===
Reading is indeed fundamental…
I wrote…
===Putting Madigan in the ad, visually? Not a great choice, but the overall ad, what they’re trying to do… ok.===
Not my first choice, for sure, they’re trying to do something to blunt visuals. I don’t think I ignored it or applauded it.
===JB comes off haughty and arrogant and has zero desire to reform Illinois government and business environment. He just wants to increase spending and raise taxes.===
Then how the heck is Rauner, the incumbent, trailing Pritzker by 9 points?
How bad must Rauner be if as you describe people ser Pritzker, they still choose Pritzker over Rauner. Wow.
===He already has the Madigan supporters votes and that is all he thinks he needs to win.===
I don’t think I know their strategy. Nether do you.
Perhaps you can explain, with just facts and not insults, how with all the bad news in Illinois that is supposedly 100% Governor Rauner’s fault, JB is currently polling at 36% in a state Hillary won by 17%.
Do you think its possible the undecideds can’t commit to giving Mike Madigan and the Democrats total control of state government again because they didn’t like their record in the 12 years they had it?
The last thing voters want to see is another ad telling them how stupid they are.
===Perhaps you can explain, with just facts and not insults, how with all the bad news in Illinois that is supposedly 100% Governor Rauner’s fault…===
That part is “Pat Quinn fails”, and governors indeed own. That’s how this always has worked, ask Candidate Rauner.
===…JB is currently polling at 36% in a state Hillary won by 17%.===
Pritzker is leading by 9. The biggest difference for governor, I think was pointed out somewhere was 5. In that scope, Pritzker is beating past precedent.
===Do you think its possible the undecideds can’t commit to giving Mike Madigan and the Democrats total control of state government again because they didn’t like their record in the 12 years they had it?===
The 27% Rauner approval points to yes… the 60% disapproval reinforces that premise.
===The last thing voters want to see is another ad telling them how stupid they are.===
====Perhaps you can explain, with just facts and not insults, how with all the bad news in Illinois that is supposedly 100% Governor Rauner’s fault…===
That part is “Pat Quinn fails”, and governors indeed own. That’s how this always has worked, ask Candidate Rauner.=
OW nails it. LP time to grow up and realize that the rest of us (I am really only speaking for myself but I think this is accurate) do not believe that our problems are 100% on Rauner. And nobody has really said that.
Except for Rauner himself when he blamed everything on Pat Quinn and now Madigan. HE is doing that. If you and Rauner cannot live by the standard that Rauner himself set, then maybe it is time to either get Rauner admit to his lies and failures or go get some counseling.
I think the ad works. Rauner is a caricature. He doesn’t have a positive narrative to offer up so all he can do is continually shout “Madigan.” And on a day where he pivots from a Republican house member caught in a sex scandal to “Madigan” it rings particularly true.
There is lots of evidence that I’m pro-puppies and pro-sunshine so I’m definitely voting for the guy that’s all that. I see puppies and sunshine and I’m triggered. lol
You spend your days and nights arguing that everything is Madigans fault and the Governor is not to be blamed for anything. I’ve never argued the Governor is 100% to blame for everything. But he does share the blame. Stop being a constant victim.
This ad will likely buy JB some cred with Madigan. I’ve tried, but I fail to see how it will buy him any votes with undecideds. Such strange messaging choices and execution coming from that ad team. JB will probably ultimately pull it off, but IMO it will be in spite of, not because of, mixed messaging messes like this ad.
“Pritzker is leading by 9; Undecided is leading by 10″
You guys crack me up. There actually have been a lot of polls out there taken by various candidates of both parties. The 9 in the CapFax poll, taken without McCann or Kash VanderTweedee, is definitely way lower than the others I’ve seen. I’ve heard the gov’s own poll shows him losing by unhealthy double digits.
But yea, even if you only believe CapFax, would you rather be Rauner or Pritzker? I thought so.
===There actually have been a lot of polls out there taken by various candidates of both parties.===
Here’s how this works, k?
If it’s a publicly known poll, let’s talk.
Some things aren’t public, so i know I don’t bring things up.
How’s that?
- Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 5:18 pm:
OW, you haven’t seen A Guy’s top secret precinct poll, have you?
This is silly and unfocused. I wouldn’t spend my money on it but JB has dough to burn, so why not? Just hope he doesn’t inadvertently lose the “Cat Lady” vote.
Saw the ad earlier today. It comes off as cute and funny. I think it helps more than it hurts.
As others have noted, JB in person comes off as nice and likeable. As long as his ads bring out that side of him, he will continue gain supporters.
As the fear of turning all of State government over to the Democrats here in Illinois, I seriously doubt they could be much worse than Rauner has been … except on gun control. But I’m not that worried about it; I’ve got a full gun safe and the Feds will most likely keep reining in the states for the foreseeable future.
Sure, this ad makes fun of the frame but it reinforces it. Very. Bad. Idea. This is why democrats lose. We would rather restate and validate the points of the opposition then articulate our own positions in a forceful, direct and understandable way.
- Buford - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:13 am:
I am still not convinced JB doesn’t hate sunshine.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:15 am:
Terrible idea, a real bonehead move. See Miller’s Point Three.
- Nice! - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:15 am:
lol placing his face next to Madigan’s in his own ad was pretty dumb.
- Arsenal - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:16 am:
Kinda supports my theory that the “Because Madigan” argument has been Rauner’s most effective. But this is also probably a good enough response to it.
- City Zen - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:17 am:
JB hates puppies, JB loves puppies…nothing worse than a flip-flopper.
- Annonin' - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:17 am:
“While lighthearted in nature, the ad underscores the success of Rauner’s well-funded attempts to tarnish Madigan and link a host of Democratic candidates to the veteran House speaker and state Democratic Party chair.”
Tribbies “forgot” to detail/document all this success GovJunk so far trailing in all polls, still’splainin’ his coverup of deaths & scandals at Quincy, still “forgettin” bills he signs to improve policin’.
Success and GovJunk are two words that don’ fit in same sentence.
- Wow - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:18 am:
I think it is a good ad. J.B. gets right to the point. Rauner blames everyone. Takes zero responsibility.
- Roman - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:20 am:
Like the concept…not sure about the execution.
- Ole General - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:21 am:
I don’t grade this harsh typically, but this is a total F.
In 30 seconds, the ad shifts between three completely separate ideas: 1.) Madigan isn’t that bad. 2.) Rauner is a failure. 3.) I’m a job creator.
3 messages, 30 seconds. Anybody with a coherent idea of crafting narratives and building video arcs will tell you that is simply too short of a time.
Madigan is the most unpopular politician in Illinois, does this make him more likable? No. Flat out, no.
JB has strong tailwinds and is likely a winner in November, but he has shown absolutely no ability to craft an independent message and his video team is flatout terrible.
- The Captain - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:23 am:
I really hate the first part of this ad.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:24 am:
There’s precedent in the Blago campaign commercials for this approach. Remember his “oh, come on” spot? of course, in those, Blago WAS lying. But when the opposition is just a monsoon of negative, innuendo-based attacks, a more jocular tone in response can throw off their game and perhaps turn public opinion. Mocking the Rauner campaign’s overly-serious spots cuts the rug out from under their power.
- Arsenal - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:27 am:
==Madigan is the most unpopular politician in Illinois, does this make him more likable? No. Flat out, no.==
Nor is it trying to. It’s just trying to take the sting out of the Madigan attacks by ridiculing them and refocusing the debate on Rauner’s failures.
We’ll see if it can accomplish that (or we won’t because there’s a ton of other factors in every election and they rarely come down to one or two ads).
- Real - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:28 am:
I don’t think it’s a terrible idea. Again most Illinois voters are gullible and easily fooled. It’s how Rauner got elected in the first place. Most of them can’t name a valid reason why they dislike Madigan in the first place.
- Metro East Resident - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:28 am:
Hey Rich, he’s rocking the rich guy uniform! Vest! Can we get a Cap Fax counter on number of times the candidates wear that look in print and video? That article makes me view these totally different.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:28 am:
Where to begin.
First, I like the ad. It’s fun, it’s a silly nod, it’s a way to blunt the “Madigan” schtick.
Putting Madigan in the ad, visually? Not a great choice, but the overall ad, what they’re trying to do… ok.
Focusing on “Rauner failed” and how silly Rauner is? Yeah, I get it. Still works for me.
For the reasons above, I give it a “B-“… maybe a “B”, but a “B-“ all the same.
Now, buckle up.
For the love of all that is holy, how the heck are y’all put in a position to correct… that JB owns dogs?
Seriously? No snark. Seriously?
I know, I know, you readily admit, you have no real clue of your own oppo, you told me and everyone so, but how can a Crew spending $200K a day… spending a house a day… not know JB has dogs?
Very first question I had? “Oh, does he have dogs?”
Do any of you guys ask questions like that to JB?
“You have dogs?”… “Cats?”… “Parakeets?”…
This ad would be even better with an ending line about, you guessed it… owning dogs… some are rescue dogs too.
What is going on over there?
How can you not be prepared for a question… about dogs?
The whole ad tie in… is about dogs?
It’s a Keystone Kop ad that left handedly works, I like it, but geez Louise, you rolled this out clueless to your candidate, correcting that he has a pet? Again, a pet. How no one thought that question would be asked… seriously?
To close more positive,
Rauner is not liked. This helps JB. It’s whimsical and fun and makes JB likable. Those are real smiles. Pritzker comes across likable.
Next time, just go with the close “… and his 5 dogs agree too.”
It’s a “B, B-“… I like where you’re at, but show some sort of grasp of who JB is, like knowing he has dogs.
- @misterjayem - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:31 am:
Pritzker risks alienating independents and centrist Democrats who hate puppies.
– MrJM
- Lester Holt’s Mustache - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:31 am:
Agree with Ole General - what is going on here? Dude’s got enough money to pay for the best ad people, surely JB can find better than what he has been getting for his money. The idea is good, Rauner should be called out for always blaming anyone other than himself for his failed tenure. Humor is a good way to do it too, but this ad is all over the place.
- Concerned Dem - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:34 am:
I get the knee jerk reaction, OMG he put Madigan in his ad what a terrible move… But we see it time and time again, if you start bus tossing members of your own party the public senses weakness and that is more harmful to your electoral chances than being associated with someone that is unpopular. After all last week’s quandary for Gov. Rauner was caused because he hasn’t picked a lane when it comes to a vastly unpopular member of his own party.
- Bruce (no not him) - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:35 am:
There may be no record of it, but we all know its true. (snark, I think)
- Roman - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:39 am:
A better way to make the point:
Edit together dozens of video clips of Rauner repeatedly saying “Madigan…Madigan…Madigan.” (Kinda like Dreyfus shouting “Clouseau” as he’s dragged to the sanitarium in the Pink Panther movies — sorry for the dated reference.)
And then throw in the “not in charge” clip and quotes from the Trib editorial knocking Rauner for his Madigan obsession.
Keep J.B. out of the ad.
- Centennial - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:39 am:
I’m surprised at folks responses. I saw it last night, and I thought it was funny and light hearted.
But the Bruce wasted a billion dollars on interest and this is what he could have bought you with it, is a way better ad.
Probably a nice fit that those two ads are running on parallel tracks, actually.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:43 am:
===Keep J.B. out of the ad.===
I disagree.
Pritzker does really well in front of the camera.
This ad and the ad where he talks about his mother, Pritzker comes across honest and relatable. His smiles are genuine, Pritzker shows concern, Pritzker is an asset to himself in ads.
More ads with him. Rauner can’t match that. They may need to roll out a Diana ad, but Bruce can’t do these ads.
I like where their heads are at, but the residual shows some holes still exist.
- Fax Machine - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:43 am:
If money were an issue I would say his resources could be better spent than with this ad. Since it isn’t an issue knock yourself out.
- ItsMillerTime - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:45 am:
This ad would be great if only CapFax Commentators who are sick of the “because Madigan” shtick from Rauner shall it.
- Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:47 am:
I’d guess Pritzker has to respond to Rauner’s incessant attacks. I’d prefer hard-hitting responses, along the lines of Rauner is the state’s biggest corrupt insider ever, who bought and extorted the ILGOP and caused the most damage in state history.
It’s a cute ad at the end,and I’d think with Rauner’s approval numbers so low and the Rauner camp trying to bring Pritzker further down to his level, a positive spot would help.
As far as Madigan, aren’t people getting tired of Rauner constantly blaming someone? Can’t voters hold individual leaders accountable for their own records?
- Texas Red - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:48 am:
Rate it an F - self inflicted wounds on two points - first putting toxic MJM ( 68% disapproval) in his own ad; second hyping his business expertise equates him with Rauner and alienates the progressive wing of the Dem party.
- Arsenal - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:49 am:
==This ad would be great if only CapFax Commentators who are sick of the “because Madigan” shtick from Rauner shall it.==
And yet, they seem unhappy, ha ha.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:50 am:
===alienates the progressive wing of the Dem party===
If they don’t already know he’s rich, they’re probably not even voters.
- Lester Holt’s Mustache - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:51 am:
==- Rauner campaign spokesman Alex Browning==
Will Allison finally find a life boat off that Titanic of a re-election effort? Would explain that response. “JB loves puppies but loves Mike Madigan more”? C’mon man, step it up a little.
- Arsenal - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:53 am:
==second hyping his business expertise equates him with Rauner==
Not really, since Rauner’s never displayed “business expertise”.
- Fax Machine - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:54 am:
He has to highlight his business expertise so the voters think that he had some agency in amassing his fortunes - the alternative is for voters to think his only qualification is that he inherited Billions of dollars.
- walker - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 11:24 am:
Money to burn.
Probably harmless.
- JS Mill - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 11:27 am:
The ad is a B, funny but still on message with the “Rauner Failed”.
I think it makes Rauner look like the negative down with Illinois guy that he is.
- Boone's is Back - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 11:29 am:
Lol that Steve Brown quote is great. Tip my hat to him.
- zatoichi - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 11:31 am:
It is an OK ad that would be good for a trial run then pulled. The JB crew should get 3-4 quick shots of Rauner doing “Madigan”, then Prizker coming on saying ‘Seems he cannot talk about anything else. What has he actually done? Spent $1 billion on fines. Did not have a budget. Four years of nothing but one topic. Had enough?” Ending video of him walking two dogs in sunlight.
- Archpundit - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 11:32 am:
===“He thinks they’re very important parts of society,” Steve Brown said.
===“And there’s no real record of him hating puppies and sunshine.”
Non denial denial. Get to the bottom of this Illinois press. Has Madigan ever kicked a puppy?
- Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 11:37 am:
“He has to highlight his business expertise so the voters think that he had some agency in amassing his fortunes”
So when is Mr. Pro-Business Rauner going to mention his job creation record? Oh that’s right, he doesn’t have one. He couldn’t name a single job he created in the private sector.
Speaking of records, when is Rauner going to run on his?
- Mr. Morris - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 11:38 am:
The ad is a solid B. The use of humor is what makes the ad. However, it looks awfully familiar to a Michael Steele for US Senator in Maryland Ad that I saw in 2006.
- Huh? - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 11:39 am:
“Mike Madigan hates puppies.”
Must be a cat person. /s
- The Dude Abides - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 11:40 am:
I don’t think it’s a great bad but not a bad one either. It pokes fun at Rauner, who blames Madigan for everything and tries to tie Pritzker to Madigan in order to persuade voters to vote for him instead.
JB has a likeable personality which he shows in this ad. I think the voters need to see more of that because that’s a contrast between him and Rauner, who isn’t very likeable.
Go back to the 1960 Presidential TV debate between Kennedy and Nixon. When the cameras were on Kennedy came across as the more impressive, personable candidate and it helped him win the election. An example for Pritzker to follow.
- Arsenal - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 11:42 am:
==Must be a cat person. /s==
Y’know…that makes a ton of sense.
- Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 11:45 am:
JB might love puppies and sunshine but he also loves Mike Madigan.
The question is why does he love the most unpopular politician in Illinois by far? Does he actually believe Mike Madigan’s policies and refusal to compromise aren’t a significant part of the problems in this state?
Why doesn’t JB call him out like the other two candidates for Governor who combined got more votes than he did?
- G'Kar - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 12:00 pm:
I missed it if it was previewed on Capitol Fax earlier, but last night while watching Colbert in the Peoria market, I saw the Rauner add that calls Madigan the most corrupt politician in America and tries to tie him to Pritker. My wife and I both thought it was way over the top to the point it was almost laughable. I find the Pritzker ad to be an effective, and funny in a legit sense, counter.
- Springfieldish - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 12:00 pm:
This is an old strategy but it worked well in 2010 when Suzi Schmidt used it.
- G'Kar - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 12:03 pm:
This was the Rauner ad I saw last night: https://capitolfax.com/wp-mobile.php?p=38613&more=1
- Arsenal - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 12:13 pm:
==Why doesn’t JB call him out like the other two candidates for Governor who combined got more votes than he did?==
Yeah, why doesn’t JB act more like the candidates who lost?
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 12:20 pm:
“Lucky Pierre”
The reality is Rauner is unlikable, the most vulnerable and worst Republican governor in America.
With a mere 27% approval, Rauner needs people to believe and trust Bruce Rauner.
I say ask Blase Cardinal Cupich.
Rare are those who believe or trust Bruce Rauner.
If anything, NOT believing and NOT trusting Rauner unites Republicans vans, Democrats, and Independents, lol
- Barrington - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 12:22 pm:
I think this is a very effective ad. It is targeted towards women, specifically suburban women, the demographic Rauner is desperate for. Let’s not forget how effective the putting the dog on the roof Romney story was. Rauner’s spokespersons comment about loving Madigan more just reinforces the message of this ad and how ridiculous Rauner is.
- cdog - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 12:26 pm:
Nice logic lesson in syllogisms.
Can we switch from valid to sound by swapping out the premises? Maybe something about property taxes?
That would be much more fun. (sunglasses emoji)
- Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 12:29 pm:
OW whatever the subject matter of a post you can always wrap it up in a bow around Governor Rauner.
As other reasonable commenters have pointed out, it makes zero sense for JB to dismiss voters who can’t stand Mike Madigan by refusing to distance himself from him.
JB comes off haughty and arrogant and has zero desire to reform Illinois government and business environment. He just wants to increase spending and raise taxes.
He already has the Madigan supporters votes and that is all he thinks he needs to win.
- Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 12:35 pm:
55 percent of Democratic primary voters supported an anti Madigan candidate for Governor
It not reallly going out on a limb to bash Mike Madigan.
A majority of general election voters would also agree
- Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 12:37 pm:
I don’t know. It’s an okay ad. And it made Rauner pull out his tired old “But Madigan!” schtick.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 12:41 pm:
===…whatever the subject matter of a post you can always wrap it up in a bow around Governor Rauner.===
… and yet, again, as things play themselves out, “blame Madigan” by this governor rings hollow, and also since Candidate Rauner himself in the last debate with Quinn began most of his answers with “Pat Quinn failed”…
How you can hold accountable others for their terms, and Rauner is held harmless for 3+ years is disturbing to the reality who try to peddle.
===As other reasonable commenters have pointed out, it makes zero sense for JB to dismiss voters who can’t stand Mike Madigan by refusing to distance himself from him.===
Reading is indeed fundamental…
I wrote…
===Putting Madigan in the ad, visually? Not a great choice, but the overall ad, what they’re trying to do… ok.===
Not my first choice, for sure, they’re trying to do something to blunt visuals. I don’t think I ignored it or applauded it.
===JB comes off haughty and arrogant and has zero desire to reform Illinois government and business environment. He just wants to increase spending and raise taxes.===
Then how the heck is Rauner, the incumbent, trailing Pritzker by 9 points?
How bad must Rauner be if as you describe people ser Pritzker, they still choose Pritzker over Rauner. Wow.
===He already has the Madigan supporters votes and that is all he thinks he needs to win.===
I don’t think I know their strategy. Nether do you.
- Demoralized - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 12:44 pm:
==you can always wrap it up in a bow around Governor Rauner.==
lololol. Says the guy who wraps everything up in a bow around Madigan. Hypocrite much?
== the other two candidates for Governor who combined got more votes than he did==
Is there a point to this statement?
==The question is why does he love the most unpopular politician in Illinois==
I think the question can be asked equally of you. Why do you love an equally unpopular politician.
You really are a piece of work and a propaganda machine.
- Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 12:55 pm:
Propaganda Machine?
Perhaps you can explain, with just facts and not insults, how with all the bad news in Illinois that is supposedly 100% Governor Rauner’s fault, JB is currently polling at 36% in a state Hillary won by 17%.
Do you think its possible the undecideds can’t commit to giving Mike Madigan and the Democrats total control of state government again because they didn’t like their record in the 12 years they had it?
The last thing voters want to see is another ad telling them how stupid they are.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 1:07 pm:
===Perhaps you can explain, with just facts and not insults, how with all the bad news in Illinois that is supposedly 100% Governor Rauner’s fault…===
That part is “Pat Quinn fails”, and governors indeed own. That’s how this always has worked, ask Candidate Rauner.
===…JB is currently polling at 36% in a state Hillary won by 17%.===
Pritzker is leading by 9. The biggest difference for governor, I think was pointed out somewhere was 5. In that scope, Pritzker is beating past precedent.
===Do you think its possible the undecideds can’t commit to giving Mike Madigan and the Democrats total control of state government again because they didn’t like their record in the 12 years they had it?===
The 27% Rauner approval points to yes… the 60% disapproval reinforces that premise.
===The last thing voters want to see is another ad telling them how stupid they are.===
Puppies heal all silliness, lol
- Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 1:15 pm:
Pritzker is leading by 9
Undecided is leading by 10
Nothing to see here move along, no reason to appeal to the undecideds, just run a base election. Worked for Hillary
- JS Mill - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 1:35 pm:
====Perhaps you can explain, with just facts and not insults, how with all the bad news in Illinois that is supposedly 100% Governor Rauner’s fault…===
That part is “Pat Quinn fails”, and governors indeed own. That’s how this always has worked, ask Candidate Rauner.=
OW nails it. LP time to grow up and realize that the rest of us (I am really only speaking for myself but I think this is accurate) do not believe that our problems are 100% on Rauner. And nobody has really said that.
Except for Rauner himself when he blamed everything on Pat Quinn and now Madigan. HE is doing that. If you and Rauner cannot live by the standard that Rauner himself set, then maybe it is time to either get Rauner admit to his lies and failures or go get some counseling.
- Pundent - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 1:54 pm:
I think the ad works. Rauner is a caricature. He doesn’t have a positive narrative to offer up so all he can do is continually shout “Madigan.” And on a day where he pivots from a Republican house member caught in a sex scandal to “Madigan” it rings particularly true.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 1:54 pm:
===Nothing to see here move along, no reason to appeal to the undecideds, just run a base election. Worked for Hillary===
Clinton led between 12-16 points in Illinois… Clinton won Illinois by 16.
I’m sure Pritzker would like that same “Illinois” result.
- Team Katniss - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 2:07 pm:
There is lots of evidence that I’m pro-puppies and pro-sunshine so I’m definitely voting for the guy that’s all that. I see puppies and sunshine and I’m triggered. lol
- Demoralized - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 2:53 pm:
You spend your days and nights arguing that everything is Madigans fault and the Governor is not to be blamed for anything. I’ve never argued the Governor is 100% to blame for everything. But he does share the blame. Stop being a constant victim.
- Demoralized - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 2:54 pm:
And LP as one usual you ignore the Governors approval rating. You just cant bring yourself to speak honestly about anything
- Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 3:05 pm:
Demoralized and OW obfuscate all you want about how despite JB polling at 36% he is guaranteed to win.
I never said Rauner was guaranteed to win. Let’s see how J. does in the debates with his raise taxes and don’t reform Illinois platform.
Alot of time left in this game.
- Responsa - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 3:06 pm:
This ad will likely buy JB some cred with Madigan. I’ve tried, but I fail to see how it will buy him any votes with undecideds. Such strange messaging choices and execution coming from that ad team. JB will probably ultimately pull it off, but IMO it will be in spite of, not because of, mixed messaging messes like this ad.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 4:07 pm:
“Pritzker is leading by 9; Undecided is leading by 10″
You guys crack me up. There actually have been a lot of polls out there taken by various candidates of both parties. The 9 in the CapFax poll, taken without McCann or Kash VanderTweedee, is definitely way lower than the others I’ve seen. I’ve heard the gov’s own poll shows him losing by unhealthy double digits.
But yea, even if you only believe CapFax, would you rather be Rauner or Pritzker? I thought so.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 4:09 pm:
===… obfuscate all you want about how despite JB polling at 36% he is guaranteed to win.===
Who said I said Pritzker will win?
I do say any incumbent polling 27/60 will have a tough time winning, lol
===Let’s see how J.B. does in the debates with his raise taxes and don’t reform Illinois platform.===
If Rauner isn’t any more likable by then, it might not matter.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 4:12 pm:
===There actually have been a lot of polls out there taken by various candidates of both parties.===
Here’s how this works, k?
If it’s a publicly known poll, let’s talk.
Some things aren’t public, so i know I don’t bring things up.
How’s that?
- Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 5:18 pm:
OW, you haven’t seen A Guy’s top secret precinct poll, have you?
This is silly and unfocused. I wouldn’t spend my money on it but JB has dough to burn, so why not? Just hope he doesn’t inadvertently lose the “Cat Lady” vote.
- Rabid - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 5:22 pm:
Raising Rauners taxes is reform
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 5:22 pm:
===you haven’t seen A Guy’s top secret precinct poll, have you?
I’m not allowed. It’s on double secret lockdown, only for those willing to pretend it’s just “people talkin’ to people” stuff.
- Jerry - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 7:32 pm:
I laughed out loud this AM when I saw it. Great mock on the Madigan This … Madigan That theme.
Makes the Gov look foolish.
- RNUG - Wednesday, Aug 1, 18 @ 10:01 pm:
Saw the ad earlier today. It comes off as cute and funny. I think it helps more than it hurts.
As others have noted, JB in person comes off as nice and likeable. As long as his ads bring out that side of him, he will continue gain supporters.
As the fear of turning all of State government over to the Democrats here in Illinois, I seriously doubt they could be much worse than Rauner has been … except on gun control. But I’m not that worried about it; I’ve got a full gun safe and the Feds will most likely keep reining in the states for the foreseeable future.
- SwingDistrict - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 1:22 am:
Sure, this ad makes fun of the frame but it reinforces it. Very. Bad. Idea. This is why democrats lose. We would rather restate and validate the points of the opposition then articulate our own positions in a forceful, direct and understandable way.
- ruetheday - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 8:44 am:
It’ s no secret that the Madigan’s are cat people
- DeseDemDose - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 11:38 am:
The Speakershould be smiling in the Pritzker Ad.