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Creating gun sanctuary counties to own the libs

Thursday, Aug 2, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Daily Telegraph

A quarter of Illinois’ county governments have passed resolutions declaring their county a “gun sanctuary,” including those in Brown and Greene counties. […]

Mark Strang, the Greene County board’s vice chairman, said the symbolic nature of the resolution is in defiance of counties that see fit not to follow the law.

“The same politicians that overlook those (immigration) laws are the same ones trying to impose gun laws in the state of Illinois,” Strang said. “We’re saying that if you’re not going to enforce rules regarding immigration, we’ll just have our own gun control laws.” […]

“It’s to show the hypocrisy of these counties not abiding by the (immigration) law,” Strang said. “Guns are something we treasure and we don’t want a bunch of laws made against our gun ownership rights.”


  1. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 2:24 pm:

    What immigration laws are being overlooked? What gun laws are they planning on overlooking? This whole thing is terribly vague.

  2. - DuPage Saint - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 2:31 pm:

    I want my county to be a tax free sanctuary. I believe there would be support for that.

  3. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 2:31 pm:

    ===This whole thing is terribly vague===

    I refer you to the headline. Nothing vague about it. lol

  4. - JS Mill - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 2:31 pm:

    What is being ignored is that we have more freedom as it relates to gun ownership and possession in Illinois than we have had in at least 40 years.

    Don’t let the facts get in the way of the dog whistle.

  5. - OneMan - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 2:33 pm:

    I would be happy if my county was a ‘you can’t smell the bodies at the morgue sanctuary’

  6. - anon2 - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 2:41 pm:

    As I understand it, the rural counties are comparing counties to states. They object to the state not enforcing federal immigration laws. So they say they don’t have to follow state laws. States have more rights under the Constitution than counties do under the IL constitution.

  7. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 2:43 pm:

    ==What immigration laws are being overlooked?==

    Sanctuary cities do two key things: first, jails refuse to turn over illegals to the feds; and, second, cops who arrest someone are instructed not to ask if the person is a citizen. This thwarts the feds identifying, taking custody of, and ultimately deporting illegals. The argument the cities would make is that they aren’t going to put resources into effectuating a federal law that they don’t agree with.

    I don’t see how the sanctuary city model works with guns other than pure grandstanding.

  8. - Ok - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 2:43 pm:

    I think a good Question of the Day would be something along the lines of: What should Illinois politicians do to ‘own the MAGAs’? What is the inverse to these?

  9. - Demoralized - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 2:47 pm:

    When it comes to “sanctuary cities” (which is a misnomer because they aren’t a sanctuary from anything) the only things those cities are doing is not making immigration enforcement a primary task of their law enforcement agencies. Immigration enforcement is a federal responsibility and anyone that has been paying attention would note that federal immigration officials have arrested people in these “sanctuary” cities. Not such a “sanctuary.”

    These resolutions are one giant farce.

  10. - Can - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 2:50 pm:

    ==Guns are something we treasure==

    They treasure guns but not human beings who are trying to come here and make a better life for themselves.

  11. - lake county democrat - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 2:51 pm:

    Full circle: How many Southern states left enforcement of civil rights laws in the 60’s to the feds?

  12. - Norseman - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 2:53 pm:

    Local pols who want to think with their heart and not their head should beware of the potential legal and financial implications for their communities. Following the siren song of issue advocates has ramifications. See the following about towns wanting to stick it to libs as well:

  13. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 2:54 pm:

    This whole thing will be fun and games until some local official refuses to enforce a state gun law because of this county law. What if the state A.G. decides to do something about it? Do the preppers come from out of state and take over a wildlife sanctuary, have an armed standoff with the ISP in Greene or Effingham county?

  14. - wordslinger - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 2:55 pm:

    Worthy of a symbolic yawn.

    Just remember the waffle house shooter. Don’t give guns back to the whack jobs once you have legally confiscated them. Do your duty.

  15. - Nearly Normal - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 2:59 pm:

    Article refers to “sanctuary counties” in Illinois. I was not aware of counties but am aware of sanctuary cities. Of course, most of the counties cited as “gun sanctuary counties” do not have large cities. So, we are comparing apples to oranges.

    I come from a family that hunts and shoots guns. However, no one in mine is a member of the NRA any more. Concerns over how the NRA is using the 2nd Amendment for their own political agenda turned the guys off years ago.Methinks these counties are being played by the NRA propaganda machine.

  16. - Uncle Ernie - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 3:05 pm:

    =It’s to show the hypocrisy of these counties not abiding by the (immigration) law,” Strang said. “Guns are something we treasure and we don’t want a bunch of laws made against our gun ownership rights.=
    If we are treasuring guns in the same manner that we treasure people… we are really screwed up. I have a few guns, and I enjoy owning them because in most cases they were gifts from family members years ago. I enjoy the quality and workmanship that went into gun manufacturing. I do not hunt any longer or even shoot, but I enjoy them. I treasurer my family and friends, I sure do not put guns in that category…why have we gone so nuts over gun ownership?

  17. - Gooner - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 3:08 pm:

    It seems like it would have the opposite impact.

    If both sides embrace sanctuary cities, then sanctuary cities for undocumented workers must be fine.

    Glad that both left and right can agree on this one.

  18. - Grand Avenue - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 3:10 pm:

    Local governments do all kinds of honorary resolutions or advisory referenda. It’s not worth losing sleep over

  19. - Moron Sanctuary - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 3:11 pm:

    The guns/people equivalency is from the same camp that argued corporations are people - it worked for that ridiculous equivalency.
    As far as them declaring that they are not going to use local law enforcement to enforce gun laws like sanctuary cities are not using local law enforcement to enforce immigration laws - it’s just stupidity on both parts.

  20. - NeverPoliticallyCorrect - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 3:12 pm:

    Cook County is a Sanctuary County. This stunt by the counties to be a gun sanctuary is just as stupid. There are laws and they should be enforced or changed. But until they are then follow or enforce them.

  21. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 3:13 pm:

    Nothing condemns hypocrisy like more hypocrisy.

  22. - Perrid - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 3:14 pm:

    There’s a difference between not going above and beyond your job to do the feds’ job (immigration sanctuaries) and refusing to do your own job (enforce state gun laws).

  23. - Dr Kilovolt - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 3:23 pm:

    Cue “Dueling Banjoes”?

    Seriously, though, comparing the idea of immigrant sanctuary, which documentably makes communities safer, to gun laws, the absence of which documentably results in higher murder rates, seems disingenuous, to be kind about it.

  24. - Duopoly - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 3:28 pm:

    =why have we gone so nuts over gun ownership?=

    Because it takes our attention away from our failure to own our corporate “democracy”.

  25. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 3:34 pm:

    Sig Sauer is a popular manufacturer of firearms sold in the United States. It made its first gun in the 1850s, and descendants of that gun eventually found refuge in America.

    Surviving the journey was difficult for the Sauers, but once here in the new world, the family thrived. Settling in New Hampshire, the children and grandchildren of SIG prospered. The 1911 and P210 became famous and wildly popular.

    Who can argue that the fruit of this German-Swiss immigrant forever altered American culture? What other immigrant family in New Hampshire can claim to be more American than SIG Sauer?

    And yet even today, there are questions about whether any of the millions of SIG Sauer’s in circulation across the country should be legal. There are those who would prevent foreigners from taking the jobs of American firearms.

    And it’s not just SIG Sauer. The Berettas came here from Italy, without papers (WOP), too. These firearms shouldn’t be forced to live in the shadows, in fear of registration or confiscation. It’s bad enough that we have to stamp serial numbers on them, there are those who would forcibly remove them from this country.

    So I’m thankful to Vice Chairman Strang, for standing up for undocumented immigrant firearms. This is what Jesus would have done had there been firearms back then. Greene County is a bastion of liberty, a welcoming spot in an otherwise hostile country, a place we all guns are equal.

    There is hope for American after all.

  26. - Bigtwich - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 3:37 pm:

    He’s leavin’ (leavin’)
    On that midnight train to Georgia
    Leavin’ on the midnight train
    Said he’s goin’ back
    Goin’ back to find
    To a simpler place in time
    Oh yes he is

  27. - OneMan - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 3:41 pm:


    I was going to go with once there were great herds of handguns roaming free on the prairies of Illinois. Then the liberals from Chicago showed up and starting using chardonnay and cheese to trap them and the size of the herds dwindled.

    Only you can prevent….

  28. - Downstate - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 3:54 pm:

    Sanctuary Cities - Not enforcing federal law.

    So if you are okay with cities thumbing their nose at federal officials on immigration, is it okay for a community to not enforce other federal laws, like counterfeiting, or gun manufacturing, or crossing state lines for illegal purposes?

  29. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 3:59 pm:

    Downstate, there was a time when hillbillies used to make their own moonshine. They didn’t much care for federal revenue agents. I find it ironic that today, in some of the same areas of the country that held that suspicious view of revenuers somehow believe cities should be enforcing federal laws.

    Not that I’m calling you or anyone from one of these counties “hillbillies,” it’s just that I think it’s useful to point out the selective views on when it is and isn’t OK to ignore federal laws.

  30. - Veil of Ignorance - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 4:02 pm:

    I think some folks may have missed the civics lesson on federalism…which is weird because I thought these same folks were previously all about states’ rights (e.g. 10th Amendment). Springfield passes STATE laws that regulate guns and these laws are still subject to complying with the 2nd Amendment. On the flip side, Illinois doesn’t violate any FEDERAL immigration laws; it simply refuses to enforce them. Especially when they’re used in such a blatantly racist, political, and heartless manner.

  31. - Veil of Ignorance - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 4:06 pm:

    @Downstate: except that the majority of federal immigration law violations by immigrants are violations of federal civil law; your other examples are violations of federal criminal law. You may not like this distinction, but it’s the reality right now.

  32. - JS Mill - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 4:07 pm:

    I think the real point that is being missed here is that these folks are going through these what are symbolic gestures now, but possibly action later over a non existing issue.

    In Illinois, our gun rights have been expanded not restricted.

    This is the folly of failure to think for ones self and look at the facts. Getting all of your info from a single partisan source.

  33. - Archpundit - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 4:08 pm:

    ===So if you are okay with cities thumbing their nose at federal officials on immigration

    Again, not what local authorities are doing in most cases and in all cases in Illinois. The states or counties are not asking about citizenship status for those who contact the police. This has a very specific purpose, by the way, in that it ensures those who do not have documents aren’t afraid to call or cooperate with authorities. States and counties in all cases in Illinois that I am aware of, will contact federal authorities if someone they arrest has a federal warrant out for them–iow, an undocumented immigrant who has a felony conviction.

    Keeping in mind that just being undocumented in the United States is not in and of itself a crime. Being undocumented is a civil infraction–meaning not even a misdemeanor so I don’t understand what is being ignored.

    Could someone explain that to me?

    Federal law is never ‘enforced’ by local authorities. There’s a clue in there in the word federal. What local authorities do is if they run into something that is a federal and not also a state crime (which most crimes are) they arrest and handover someone to the feds.

    Local authorities do not enforce violations of the federal tax code which can be a felony, for example.

    It’s called federalism and is kind of a big deal. If you are Constitution lovin’ American that is.

  34. - wordslinger - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 4:09 pm:

    –So if you are okay with cities thumbing their nose at federal officials on immigration,–

    How so? By requiring a warrant before holding someone in jail?

    Are your papers in order? May I see them, please?

  35. - Demoralized - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 4:11 pm:

    ==like counterfeiting==

    Cities, nor counties or states would be enforcing those laws in the first place (assuming you are talking about money). Nor could they. So, bad example.

  36. - Downstate - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 4:12 pm:

    Moonshiners are a quaint notion. I think that practice ended about 40 years before I was born. Hope my views aren’t colored just because I happen to live in an area where that occurred. If that was the case, then the attitudes of East St. Louis residents towards racism should be discounted, as for a long while, East St. Louis didn’t welcome blacks.

    Regarding illegal aliens, I think 80% of the population would agree on a solution for this issue - a path to eventual citizenship. But I’m afraid the political parties and the media don’t want this solved, as they all make money by keeping the issue alive.

  37. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 4:16 pm:

    Anon2 at 2:41 is wrong on all counts.

    “Sanctuary city” is a marketing term, not a legal one. Democrats have seized on it as a way of appealing to urban constituents, and now rural areas are making up legislation to show their partisanship. It’s all overblown, except that some people take it too seriously

  38. - no expert - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 4:29 pm:

    There is a significant difference between sanctuary cities and “gun sanctuary” locations.

    Ironically the difference is a major talking point of the Right side of the political spectrum.

    The Tenth Amendment, the one that reserves the remainder of the rights not enumerated to the states and the people, has been found to prohibit the Federal Government from commandeering state resources and their employees for the purpose of enforcing federal law. See NY v. US 505 U.S. 144 (1992).

    Sanctuary Cities only state that they will not help enforce immigration laws. The feds are constitutionally prohibited from mandating state action on the issue. So they need to enforce their own laws.

    Gun control laws are mainly state laws and as municipalities are subservient to the state have no rational argument to state that they will not enforce the higher law making body’s decision when constitutionally mandated to do so.

  39. - Precinct Captain - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 4:34 pm:

    ==- Ok - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 2:43 pm:==

    Live a fulfilling life, not a hyper-reactionary life.

  40. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 4:48 pm:

    ===it simply refuses to enforce them===

    Without a judicial warrant.

  41. - Veil of Ignorance - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 4:51 pm:

    = See NY v. US 505 U.S. 144 (1992)” =

    no expert sure cites like an expert…just saying ;)

  42. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 5:02 pm:

    Sanctuary cities and counties are costing the citizen that live there billions.

  43. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 5:44 pm:

    Can: I treasure legality. It is legal for me to own a firearm. It is not legal for many people to come here by their own methods/

  44. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 6:00 pm:

    We would’nt have a “Sanctuary” issue if the GOP Congress had done their job and passed reasonable immagration reform.

  45. - Anon - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 6:11 pm:

    Rich really needs to make a detailed post on federalism and how intergovernmental arrangements work, along with limitations of the federal constitution so that commenters can go ahead and not read the post before continuing to post silly arguments that indicate that they don’t understand how our government — which is literally many thousands of different governments kinda working together — works.

  46. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 8:08 pm:

    - I treasure legality. It is legal for me to own a firearm. It is not legal for many people to come here by their own methods -

    Ok, so if the majority of elected lawmakers decided guns were illegal you’d happily give them up and criticize anyone that resisted?

  47. - DeseDemDose - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 8:28 pm:

    Sanctuary City for sanctuary guns for Sactuary people Womp Womp.

  48. - Dave W - Thursday, Aug 2, 18 @ 10:07 pm:

    If these counties were smart, they’d put this issue on the ballot as a non-binding referendum to boost turnout amongst the Republican base that Rauner has continually thumbed his nose at.

  49. - Johnny Justuice - Friday, Aug 3, 18 @ 1:03 am:

    Some counties have put this on the ballot as an advisory referendum. I think Madison or St. Clair did.

  50. - Liandro - Friday, Aug 3, 18 @ 9:03 am:

    “Cities, nor counties or states would be enforcing those laws in the first place (assuming you are talking about money). Nor could they. So, bad example.”

    A business (or person) absolutely can (and should) call the local police if they encounter someone spreading counterfeit bills. The local cops will not ignore that at all, and it would be bad for their community if they did. Assisting in such things is part of what local police do.

  51. - wordslinger - Friday, Aug 3, 18 @ 9:20 am:

    —..encounter someone spreading counterfeit bills.–

    Encounter? Do you mean being a victim of an attempted or actual theft (state criminal laws) i.e. someone tried to get goods or services from you with counterfeit money?

    Local police can enforce the state theft charges, not the federal counterfeiting charges.

    What other federal civil laws do you believe local police should be enforcing by locking people up in jail without a warrant?

  52. - Amalia - Friday, Aug 3, 18 @ 11:54 am:

    so just like they want sanctuary cities to be deprived of Feds dough, no state money for them?

  53. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Friday, Aug 3, 18 @ 12:17 pm:

    If something bad happens because state gun laws are ignored, it’s not going to be libs owned. More likely it will be some gun seller or owner thrown under the bus.

  54. - Liandro - Friday, Aug 3, 18 @ 3:25 pm:

    “Do you mean being a victim of an attempted or actual theft (state criminal laws) i.e. someone tried to get goods or services from you with counterfeit money?”

    No, I mean exactly what I said: encounter. Got a tip on a counterfeiting ring? There is no need for a citizen to call the Secret Service because your local police will be the conduit to investigate whether there is a local crime and, if not, contact the necessary agency. You’re welcome to call the feds directly as well, of course.

    That’s a bit more approachable, isn’t it? Not everyone has the phone number for federal agencies lying around…

  55. - wordslinger - Friday, Aug 3, 18 @ 11:56 pm:

    –No, I mean exactly what I said: encounter. Got a tip on a counterfeiting ring? There is no need for a citizen to call the Secret Service because your local police will be the conduit to investigate whether there is a local crime and, if not, contact the necessary agency. You’re welcome to call the feds directly as well, of course.–

    Liandro, I think it’s just swell that you folks in Dixon are all Scooby-Doo on those “counterfitting rings” that plague your community.

    They would have gotten away with it, too, except for you meddlesome kids.

    Obviously, you’re on top of things there, enforcing the law, like with Rita.

    What’s your problem, man? Explain to me how “illegal aliens” are bad news in Dixon? Are you kidding me? They’re the backbone of whatever economy you got.

    Don’t kid me, man. I’m from the neighborhood. Great fortunes, all my life, have been built on “illegal aliens” in that neck of the woods.

    Have some respect, for those that did the work.

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