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The DPI has its work cut out for it

Monday, Aug 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

Last month, Rep. Christian Mitchell, D-Chicago, was interviewed by Chicago Public Radio about his new role as interim executive director of the Democratic Party of Illinois.

Mitchell was asked at one point about what the state party planned to do to counter Dan Proft’s newspaper empire. Proft, a conservative activist and radio talk show host, operates about 40 news websites, from the Lake County Gazette, to Rock Island Today to the Carbondale Reporter. They all run stories with a decided tilt toward Proft’s favored Republican candidates, who are pro-life, anti-union and pro-gun. Proft receives millions of dollars from ultra-wealthy businessman Dick Uihlein (Proft’s Liberty Principles PAC reported receiving another $3.5 million just last week from Uihlein).

Rep. Mitchell called Proft’s papers “fake news,” and clarified that he didn’t mean to use the term the way President Donald Trump employs it to describe the Washington Post, the New York Times, CNN and other established national news outlets. Mitchell said his party intends to counter Proft’s pro-GOP, anti-Democratic Party messages with its own messaging.

I use Google to automatically track news stories published about every contested legislative race in the state, and for weeks now, maybe 90 percent of the coverage of all those candidates is coming from just a single information source: Dan Proft.

“Democrat Statehouse hopeful betting taxpayer-funded abortion, property tax hikes popular with DuPage voters,” was the headline on a July 23rd story in Proft’s DuPage Policy Journal about Terra Costa Howard, the Democratic challenger to Rep. Peter Breen (R-Lombard). After noting how many doors she’s been knocking on, the article went on to claim that Howard is “unabashedly touting far-left policies historically unpopular, if not anathema, to the upper-middle-class voters of her district.”

“Madigan spends $67K in July to boost West Chicago Democrat State House hopeful Villa,” another DuPage Policy Journal headline declared last week about in-kind contributions from the Democratic Party of Illinois, which is chaired by House Speaker Michael Madigan. Karina Villa is the Democrat running against Tonia Khouri in retiring GOP Rep. Mike Fortner’s district.

“Batinick opposes Universal Basic Income,” blared a Will County Gazette headline last month, touting the conservative policy position of targeted Rep. Mark Batinick (R-Plainfield). Another story in the same publication pointed to how Batinick’s Democratic opponent Mica Carnahan-Freeman received $66,800 in in-kind contributions from Speaker Madigan’s state party operation.

Appointed Democratic state Rep. Natalie Phelps Finnie’s Republican opponent received some favorable coverage the other day from Proft’s SE Illinois News publication. “Republican state House candidate Patrick Windhorst was impressed by Oliver North’s speeches during a recent tour of the area,” the story began, then went on to quote a Windhorst Facebook post. The story claimed that Windhorst is running on “a platform of greater fiscal responsibility and tax reform.”

Another story in the same publication is entitled “Windhorst vows to work for every resident of 118th House District,” and quotes directly from another Windhorst Facebook post. “As your state representative, I will work hard to ensure that every corner of the 118th is given the time and effort demanded by the position.”

They’re not exactly Pulitzer Prize contending articles, but they aren’t designed to do anything like that. The idea appears to be simply publishing flattering stories about the candidates Proft’s political organization supports.

Some stories are more interesting than others, though. One recent piece in the Metro East Sun chronicled Democratic state Senate candidate Brian Stout’s use of an anti-gay slur during a Facebook spat three years ago. Stout is running against the heavily favored Republican nominee Jason Plummer.

But many if not most stories are like this one from the Illinois Valley Times: “Illinois House Speaker and Democrat Party Chairman Michael J. Madigan (D-Chicago) has reported $43,433 in July contributions to Lance Yednock, a Democrat running for the Illinois State House of Representatives against incumbent Rep. Jerry Long (R-Streator).”

And there’s this recent lede in the Chicago City Wire: “Ammie Kessem argues that Rep. Robert Martwick’s actions are proof that he views voters in the 19th House District as second-class citizens.”

Yes, it’s only August. But almost all established local news outlets have slashed their budgets over the years, so their reporting on these races will undoubtedly continue to be sparse throughout the fall campaign.

And if a voter happens to use Google to find out what’s going on in his or her local legislative contests, that voter will be far more likely to be directed to one of Proft’s outlets than anywhere else. Rep. Mitchell and the Democrats have their work cut out for them on this particular front.


  1. - WhoKnew - Monday, Aug 6, 18 @ 8:58 am:

    “The Nightly news, they don’t tell us what to think. But they do tell us what to think about!”

    One of the best bumper stickers I’ve ever seen!

  2. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 6, 18 @ 8:59 am:

    With Mitchell, the Dems now at least have someone running the show who’s heard of google. They’ve been stuck in the Pony Express days under Madigan.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 6, 18 @ 9:11 am:

    The Proft vertical integration is the long lasting effect of Uihlein monies and the lingering effect of Proft’s phony papers to propagate narratives that are less then truthful, or more importantly, slanted and presented as news.

    Rauner saw the genius of this, nearly had Matt Besler a whole 2 months running his own operation. But, as a white make, Bruce Rauner felt the deal with IPI and Proft was untenable after firing the Superstars…

    … and yet, the vertical integration remains… on The Googke

  4. - Give Me A Break - Monday, Aug 6, 18 @ 9:11 am:

    “They’ve been stuck in the Pony Express days”

    I thinking more along the lines of writing on stone tablets and having Mapes come down from the mountain from time-to-time to impart the newest commandments to the mushrooms.

  5. - Arsenal - Monday, Aug 6, 18 @ 9:19 am:

    If JB wins (and it’s a big if), this is the problem Mitchell/DPI will have to turn to in full. If Rauner’s gone, ILGOP’s going to be one step above “rump” status, and it’ll be awfully hard for it to fight off a Proft takeover.

  6. - Driveby - Monday, Aug 6, 18 @ 9:19 am:

    Listen to that WBEZ interview of Mitchell and you’ll understand why Proft’s papers exist. It was 100% softball layups to Mitchell, basically just giving him a free political ad.

  7. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 6, 18 @ 9:21 am:

    “…Pony Express days under Madigan”. Unfair, in fact, not long ago, Madigan typed in ‘Google’ but got nothing, zip. Then he was advised typing that on a vintage 1928 Underwood isn’t going to get him into this century.

  8. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 6, 18 @ 9:45 am:

    –If Rauner’s gone, ILGOP’s going to be one step above “rump” status, and it’ll be awfully hard for it to fight off a Proft takeover.–

    That point is made often by a member of the ILGOP state committee that I chat with quite a bit at my favorite watering hole. There are Ives/Proft types who would be happy to see Pritzker win for that reason.

    As an aside, he told me after the primary there was some enthusiasm within the state GOP to pull a McCann and create an Illinois Progressive Party, fronted by some Bernie-or-Bust type for governor, to draw votes from Pritzker. But the BTIA(TM) couldn’t line it up.

  9. - Annonin' - Monday, Aug 6, 18 @ 10:04 am:

    Nice pitch for some ad biz.
    Meanwhile likely that D and I voters get more direct contacts from candidates than see “stories” from NewsManDan

  10. - Archpundit - Monday, Aug 6, 18 @ 10:12 am:

    ==That point is made often by a member of the ILGOP state committee that I chat with quite a bit at my favorite watering hole. There are Ives/Proft types who would be happy to see Pritzker win for that reason.

    When you rely on a few sources for funds this is what can happen (Dems might learn from this with their own self funder now).

    A Proft Republican Party will be more pure, but smaller and a permanent minority. Dan will make money though. Grifters gonna grift.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 6, 18 @ 10:16 am:

    ===A Proft Republican Party will be more pure, but smaller and a permanent minority. Dan will make money though. Grifters gonna grift.===

    To go one step further?

    It will never be about governing, inclusion, or uniting.

    It’s sole purpose is to be at odds with itself to generate the grifting, the battles, the purity to make a party “one”

    Of course, it’s end game is the money, but those who believe that Proft is true to heart are those less likely to understand why Proft does what he does.

    As for those like me, that keeps us sidelined, as I have been, and will likely be for a long time, because the party those of us remember and would support its return… it ain’t comin’ back with Proft.

  12. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Aug 6, 18 @ 10:23 am:

    “Democrat Statehouse hopeful betting taxpayer-funded abortion, property tax hikes popular with DuPage voters,”

    After noting how many doors she’s been knocking on, the article went on to claim that Howard is “unabashedly touting far-left policies historically unpopular, if not anathema, to the upper-middle-class voters of her district.”

    I am curious why Representative Mitchell would characterize shining a light on the far left liberal policies he and other Democrats support is “fake news”?

  13. - Arsenal - Monday, Aug 6, 18 @ 10:31 am:

    ==There are Ives/Proft types who would be happy to see Pritzker win for that reason.==

    I kinda suspect the increased scrutiny that would come with that would be a big problem for Proft, but what do I know, and far be it from me to warn ILGOP against a mistake, anyway.

  14. - @misterjayem - Monday, Aug 6, 18 @ 11:04 am:

    “taxpayer-funded abortion”
    “far left liberal policies”

    Which “far left liberal” signed the bill making that policy the law of the land, LP?

    – MrJM

  15. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 6, 18 @ 11:07 am:

    ===…the far left liberal policies…===

    Bruce Rauner is an uber-left, costal, limousine liberal.

    Rauner’s signature proved that, time and again.

  16. - Precinct Captain - Monday, Aug 6, 18 @ 11:15 am:

    Devin Nunes started his own media outlet in California. Probably time for DPI to do the same.

  17. - Archpundit - Monday, Aug 6, 18 @ 11:26 am:

    In one sense having a newspaper that is a party organ is how newspapers started. I think most of us like having some sort of independent news as well. The problem with what Proft is creating is there really isn’t an independent source covering a lot of what Proft covers.

    Having a Democratic paper doesn’t solve that problem.

    Fortunately, Proft isn’t very good at anything besides bilking billionaires.

  18. - Arsenal - Monday, Aug 6, 18 @ 11:53 am:

    ==I am curious why Representative Mitchell would characterize shining a light on the far left liberal policies he and other Democrats support is “fake news”?==

    So, the list of people LP thinks we should trust implicitly now includes Dan Proft and the Chicago Archdiocese.

  19. - Duopoly - Monday, Aug 6, 18 @ 12:10 pm:

    Appears to be a BFD for the DPI.

  20. - Robert M Roman - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 4:41 am:

    Well, for a while there was Progress Illinois, mostly funded by a few unions, notably SEIU. But despite the name, it never quite managed to exceed Cook County nor was it ever in print.

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