Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 - Jackson calls judge “domestic terrorist” *** Judge threatens Libertarian gubernatorial candidate with contempt citation
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*** UPDATED x1 - Jackson calls judge “domestic terrorist” *** Judge threatens Libertarian gubernatorial candidate with contempt citation

Tuesday, Aug 7, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* AP

The Libertarian candidate for Illinois governor, who’s campaigned against the state’s child-support system, engaged in a shouting match with a judge about money he owes his ex-wife and access to child visitation.

The (Arlington Heights) Daily Herald reports Grayson Jackson balked at scheduling a meeting with his daughter at a neutral family visitation center. Lake County Judge Joseph Salvi questioned whether Jackson would show up as his gubernatorial campaign was taking a lot of time.

Jackson replied he was forced to run because of his treatment and wouldn’t be treated as a second-class citizen.

* The AP brief doesn’t really catch the full flavor of the original story, however

“If I say you can see your daughter two or three times a week, will you show up?” Salvi asked, adding “this governor thing is taking up a lot of your time.” […]

A shouting match started as Salvi questioned Jackson’s statement he was “forced” to run, and Jackson reiterated the legal system is rigged against him. The argument ended when Salvi threatened to incarcerate Jackson for contempt of court.

“I handle over 650 cases in this courthouse, and I have never met someone as self-centered or egotistical as you,” Salvi said. […]

Jackson was in court because he owes $6,067 in fees to his ex-wife for child support, education and other related expenses. Salvi told Jackson in May at least $3,067 needed to be paid by Monday or Jackson would be jailed.

He told Salvi the money was paid through a third-party internet child support program. Salvi agreed to wait two weeks to see if the payment surfaces.

Jackson also asked Judge Salvi to recuse himself because his brother Al Salvi once mused on Facebook that he’d like Jackson to step aside so he could run for governor.

*** UPDATE *** I’m thinking Judge Salvi is gonna get the last word on this one…


  1. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 12:49 pm:

    ===Salvi told Jackson in May at least $3,067 needed to be paid by Monday or Jackson would be jailed.===

    Looks like Kash is out of cash.

  2. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 12:56 pm:

    Does anyone know what a “third-party internet child support program” is?

  3. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 12:57 pm:

    “I handle over 650 cases in this courthouse, and I have never met someone as self-centered or egotistical as you,” Salvi said.
    So in other words the archtypical gubernatorial candidate.

  4. - Archpundit - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 12:58 pm:

    I’m a bit confused. Did Salvi shout at him? Or was the shouting match all Kash with Salvi ending it by the simple fact he is a judge and you don’t yell at judges unless you are really dumb.

  5. - NavVetGop - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 1:03 pm:

    Some words of wisdom from a Navy Vet to Kash

    “Hey Shipmate, Get your s*** together”

  6. - Saluki - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 1:04 pm:

    This. guy. He belongs in the Scott Lee Cohen wing of the Illinois political hall of fame.

  7. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 1:06 pm:

    ===what a “third-party internet child support program” is?===

    If part of your wages are withheld from your paycheck for child support, then a third party would be involved. There are probably other examples, but that’s the one that immediately came to mind when I read this. Maybe he recently changed jobs?

  8. - Bigtwich - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 1:07 pm:

    –Does anyone know what a “third-party internet child support program” is?–

    Could be talking about this although a private collection agency could be involved.

  9. - Iggy - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 1:08 pm:

    and hes still going to get more votes than Brother Mccann. Ouch

  10. - Yiddishcowboy - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 1:10 pm:

    Not only is Kash toast, he’s burnt toast. But, really, was he anything but old, mold-covered bread to begin with chance-wise.

  11. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 1:11 pm:

    Any day that you yell at a judge and don’t end up behind bars is a win.

    –Jackson also asked Judge Salvi to recuse himself because his brother Al Salvi once mused on Facebook that he’d like Jackson to step aside so he could run for governor.–

    So weird. That did happen. And Judge Salvi did say –“this governor thing is taking up a lot of your time.” […]–

    Maybe Judge Salvi should take the opportunity to bail on this one.

  12. - JoanP - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 1:15 pm:

    =Salvi asked, adding “this governor thing is taking up a lot of your time.” =

    =“I handle over 650 cases in this courthouse, and I have never met someone as self-centered or egotistical as you,”=

    This judge is not helping matters with these sorts of comments. He needs to work on his judicial demeanor. All the more so if he was doing some of the shouting.

  13. - Chris P. Bacon - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 1:17 pm:

    Hopefully this link will work, photo of Kash with an ax over his shoulder with fundraising plea.

    Unless you’re Abe Lincoln my view is candidates should avoid axes. And definitely don’t combine with duct tape and an empty garage.

  14. - ILMom - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 1:35 pm:

    I’m betting that there’s a correlation between kids who run on a “No Homework” platform in middle school, and those same kids growing up to be Libertarians.

  15. - @misterjayem - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 1:38 pm:

    If you’re new to the “Kash Jackson” drama and want to use Google to gather more info, be advised that on Aug 29, 2017 he changed his name from BENJAMIN ADAM WINDERWEEDLE.

    – MrJM

  16. - Steve Rogers - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 1:44 pm:

    Does anyone know what a “third-party internet child support program” is?

    I don’t know, but I think Nigerian princes might be running it.

  17. - Colin O'Scopy - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 1:49 pm:

    He puts the “ray ray” in cray cray.

  18. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 2:08 pm:

    I truly feel for his daughter.

  19. - f - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 2:40 pm:

    Benjamin Winderwheedle, your children must be so proud to have you as a dad.

  20. - Flynn's Mom - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 3:11 pm:

    @2:40 pm is me

  21. - Generic Drone - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 3:17 pm:

    Is his running mate the “because the rent’s too damn high” guy?

  22. - Archpundit - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 4:35 pm:

    ===Is his running mate the “because the rent’s too damn high” guy?

    At least that guy had a point.

  23. - David - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 4:44 pm:

    “He’s a domestic terrorist and should recuse himself” is pretty hilarious. Only recuse himself? Are there appropriate cases besides those involving Winderwheedle’s missing child support payments for domestic terrorists to preside over? Seems important.

  24. - Anon E. Moose - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 4:46 pm:

    And that is how you deal with a “domestic terrorist”? By yelling?

  25. - E Neiman - Tuesday, Aug 7, 18 @ 8:45 pm:

    ===Does anyone know what a “third-party internet child support program” is?

    That would be the third-party internet payment service used by the IL SDU website.

  26. - grandma - Wednesday, Aug 8, 18 @ 10:12 am:

    Child Pay is an internet service you can make your child support payments through. You set up an online account and it processes your payment through the proper state agency to give credit to the payer and gets the money to the recipient.

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