Pritzker on gun violence
Friday, Aug 10, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller
* JB Pritzker op-ed…
While gun safety measures and rebuilding trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve is critical, taken alone they will not end the violence.
To end gun violence, just as with any public health epidemic, we must address its root causes by bringing real economic opportunity to the communities affected most. I’m not talking about lip service, but true investment that seeks to build wealth and prosperity. Fostering economic inclusion and expanding opportunities for minority entrepreneurs is critically important. It’s past time that we reverse the trend of disinvestment and restore hope and economic justice to communities that need it most. We can do that by providing capital for small businesses, investing in accelerators for entrepreneurs and workers, and improving education for our young people.
Strengthening communities also requires that we invest in community-based programs working to interrupt gun violence before it happens, and give children and families the tools they need to build better lives. After-school programs, mental health services, and violence prevention organizations were decimated by Bruce Rauner’s budget crisis. These are the tools of prevention and they must be restored to full strength.
And we have to invest more intentionally in public education from cradle to career, to increase the wage potential and economic opportunity of people in communities across Chicago and our state.
- Anonymous - Friday, Aug 10, 18 @ 2:42 pm:
Was not Pritzker’s previous answer to gun violence banning the sale of handguns to citizens in his last campaign?
- DarkDante - Friday, Aug 10, 18 @ 2:44 pm:
It feels like less of a cheap attempt to use blood on the streets as a political attack on his rival than his earlier rhetoric (although he was politic even then). A textbook response to the question. Hopefully he can walk the walk.
- Stuntman Bob's Brother - Friday, Aug 10, 18 @ 2:52 pm:
==”root causes…real economic opportunity…true investment…build wealth…expanding opportunities…reverse the trend of disinvestment…economic justice…providing capital… investing in accelerators…improving education…invest in community-based programs working.”
There’s more buzzwords in JB’s statement than in a whole book of old Dilbert cartoons. How high do you plan to raise taxes to do all that, JB, and still pay off the rising pension shortfall, plus keep bridges from falling into rivers?
- NeverPoliticallyCorrect - Friday, Aug 10, 18 @ 2:58 pm:
Same old song, we don’t spend enough money in this areas so it’s all our fault. And “invest more intentionally in public education from cradle to career”. Yes, the $19,000 per pupil spending is just not enough for Chicago kids. This is just Pritzker’s “It’s Rauner” mantra, just as bad as Rauner’s “It’s Madigan” I propose we go without a governor for an election cycle. Create a bi-partisan commission for special appointments and see if things go better without a governor.
- Perrid - Friday, Aug 10, 18 @ 3:02 pm:
It all sounds good, let’s see what he actually does.
- California Guy - Friday, Aug 10, 18 @ 3:11 pm:
Broad statement. Invest in what exactly? More education spending? I don’t see Chicago, a City that’s been running operational expenses by issuing debt for years, somehow securing high risk loans for start ups.
- Pick a Name - Friday, Aug 10, 18 @ 3:14 pm:
JB is completely out of touch
- WhoKnew - Friday, Aug 10, 18 @ 3:38 pm:
–I propose we go without a governor for an election cycle–
But whose going to illegally fire and illegally hire all the cronies???
- Amalia - Friday, Aug 10, 18 @ 3:39 pm:
can’t get behind the pay wall to see if it’s more than the pablum here. the truth is, there are lots of good people in these neighborhoods but there are also stone cold killers and gang members who are responsible for most of the violence. they are not going to respond to the Pritzker prescription. it’s a both and thing. you can do the socially responsible lift us all up stuff. but you have to go hard at those who are violent.
- City Zen - Friday, Aug 10, 18 @ 3:49 pm:
==by bringing real economic opportunity to the communities affected most. I’m not talking about lip service…==
Does anyone in the JB campaign proofread?
- Anonymous - Friday, Aug 10, 18 @ 4:26 pm:
JB solution. Throw more tax money at the problem. That will solve it. Yeah right.