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*** UPDATED x1 *** Question of the day

Monday, Aug 13, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Republican attorney general Erika Harold has a new TV ad. I’m told this is a significant buy

I think one of the goals here is to make it as tough as possible to portray her as a crazy right-wing extremist. Also, look closely and you’ll catch a glimpse of the building that houses Madigan & Getzendanner. Nice touch.

* Transcript

In Illinois, politicians have turned corruption into an art form. I’m Erika Harold, and this scheme is one of the worst.

Mike Madigan and Kwame Raoul team up to raise property taxes. In Chicago, Madigan’s business does property tax appeals for the powerful - higher taxes, higher profits. And Kwame Raoul, his top donor gets massive tax breaks from the county while you get higher taxes.

I’m Erika Harold. As Attorney General, I’ll make the politicians pay for their corruption, not you.

I know a lot of you are tired of the MJM stuff, but get used to it because the Republicans are convinced it works, particularly against people who aren’t very well known (as in Sen. Raoul). And because the Madigan issue is being used - and will continue to be - up and down the ticket throughout the campaign, the message will be amplified. So, try to look at this as an average voter.

* The accompanying press release lays out the strategy…

For fourteen years, Kwame Raoul has done Mike Madigan’s bidding in Springfield, serving as his partner in the Illinois Senate. Whether it’s gerrymandering legislative districts, blocking term limits, pushing unbalanced budgets, skipping pension payments, or hiking income, sales, and property taxes, Raoul has been with Madigan and his agenda every step of the way.

One of Kwame Raoul’s biggest offenses is our state’s broken property tax system. Rather than reforming the system to protect homeowners, Raoul literally teamed up with Madigan and attempted to push property tax hikes on homeowners in Chicago.

Meanwhile, Madigan’s law firm continued to rake in millions by appealing property taxes for the wealthy, and one of Raoul’s top donors received million-dollar reductions in property taxes, leaving Illinois families with the bill. It’s a broken system the Chicago Tribune said “pits rich against poor” and rewards politically-connected lawyers like Madigan, but Kwame Raoul has done nothing but make the problem worse.

Erika Harold will fight to reform our state’s broken property tax system and unlike Kwame Raoul, Erika won’t cozy up to politicians like Mike Madigan who profit off the system - she will hold them accountable.

Now, with all that in mind…

* The Question: Your rating of this ad?

*** UPDATE *** Raoul campaign…

“Erika Harold doesn’t want voters to know what she believes in, so she’s lashing out to distract from her extreme record in her first, negative television ad,” said Raoul communications director Aviva Bowen. “She doesn’t want voters to know that she would make abortion illegal, even in cases of rape and incest. Or that she would take health care away from thousands of Illinois families and children born with preexisting conditions. Erika Harold even said she would put a foster child with known child abusers instead of loving gay parents. At a time when the Trump administration is attacking our most fundamental rights with unrelenting force, the role of attorney general has never been more important. Voters won’t believe what Erika Harold believes, but they deserve to know it.”


  1. - 47th Ward - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:08 pm:

    It’s a good ad. The Madigan angle is all they have and she ties in Raoul as best she can. I think the entire message here is off base and a distraction from actual issues that should be the focus of this campaign, but that’s politics. Now that Rauner has opened his checkbook for her, she can say anything she likes.

    Some of the people all of the time and whatnot.

  2. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:10 pm:

    It’s a very good ad for what it is but I’m confused. How exactly did Madigan and Kwame team up to raise property taxes? I guess I missed that.

  3. - Arsenal - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:13 pm:

    The cuts are a little awkward, but she’s good on camera. I suspect she’ll be even better in the next ad.

  4. - OneMan - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:13 pm:

    B+ the whole, these guys make money of the property tax process is an understandable argument.

  5. - Joe M - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:15 pm:

    If she can solve Illinois’ property tax issues, she is setting her sights too low. She should be running for Governor or even President. Perhaps in her next ad she will enlighten us as to how she will solve high property taxes in Illinois?

  6. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:16 pm:

    Stick to the question, please. Deletions will follow.

  7. - Real - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:19 pm:

    I don’t think the ad will do much to change minds. What will change minds is an ad about Harolds comments about gay parents.

    The Obama endorsement will help Raoul a lot.

  8. - Texas Red - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:25 pm:

    Very good ad.The “scheme” approach tells a story that throws shade on Raoul, while also appealing to folks feed up with high property taxes. Should play well in collar counties.

  9. - Al - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:27 pm:

    The legislature does not directly raise property taxes as far as I know. It is a function of local governments. C minus.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:27 pm:

    ===I’m Erika Harold. As Attorney General, I’ll make the politicians pay for their corruption, not you.===

    For a million bucks…

    To the Post,

    It’s a “B”.

    It holds serve for those wanting to punish Madigan, it reinforces a narrative to that length, the trick will be how deep can this message get before Raoul can intro Harold as Rauner’s too conservative nominee who is pro-life…

    A bit stilted, but she comes across strong and self-assured. More practice will make her stilted-ness disappear.

    It works.

  11. - City Zen - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:32 pm:

    At what point does Harold bring up Raoul’s connection with tobacco? That’s more relevant for an Attorney General than property taxes.

    ==The Obama endorsement will help Raoul a lot.==

    Considering Barack’s smoking habit, you could say that’s a Kool endorsement.

  12. - Montrose - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:39 pm:

    Its a solid ad. I give it a B. She hits all talking points and has solid presence. The only thing she is missing is showing herself in some non-Chicago setting to further separate herself from those big city crooks.

    (An aside - every time I watch an ad via CapFax on YouTube, it prompts me to watch a Celebrity Jeopardy SNL clip next. There’s a metaphor in there somewhere.)

  13. - Cry wolf - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:48 pm:

    At some point the Madigan angle is going to be played out. Looses credibility when every Democrat is attacked simultaneously for being a Madigan puppet. Also, it is scary that someone who could be potentially elected as the Chief Lawyer for the State of Illinois would try to sell the property tax appeal corruption angle.

  14. - d.p.gumby - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:48 pm:

    Slick, but if any viewer has any knowledge they will know that it is irrelevant to the AG and typical Brucie fiction. Shows a serious lack of integrity on Harold’s part if this is what she wants to be the core of her campaign.

  15. - Jocko - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:55 pm:

    ==As Attorney General, I’ll make the politicians pay for their corruption, not you.==

    Assumes facts not in evidence. B-

  16. - The Dude Abides - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:55 pm:

    It is a solid ad, I’ll give it a B+. She is obviously very good when in front of a camera. Knowledgeable folks would know that Madigan isn’t doing anything illegal with his law firm but this resonates with the GOP base who think Madigan is the devil.

  17. - Wow - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:56 pm:

    Give the Ad a B+.. but.. blue state, she loses, Diane screams at Bruce when they get to Italy about wasting $1M of of HER money.. again, B+

  18. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:58 pm:


    Advertisers use attractive people for a reason; they help sell the product. Harold, remember, won a certain beauty contest. She’s very presentable in this advertisement.

    The tax angle is good. That is one thing that people on both sides are grumbling about. Tying it all into Madigan? That’s Rauner’s well worn theme that won’t get him re-elected.

    This ad isn’t super right wing, which is good. But Harold’s biggest liability is her party.

  19. - DuPage Bard - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:01 pm:

    Madigan is an effective use. This is the whole ball of wax. There is nothing else being banked on at this point. It’s all Madigan all the time.
    One small question, if Rauner loses, Harold loses and Madigan gains super majority what next? It’s literally an all or nothing strategy for the entire party.

  20. - Responsa - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:06 pm:

    This ad helps solve a problem for voters in this state who see a genuine benefit in having both parties being represented in the top offices. With the gubernatorial race standing where it is and the Chicago mayoral race next year bound to be a Democratic winner and with both Illinois senators currently Democrats, and well, with Madigan being Madigan, Erica is bound to get a second look from voters to fill that need. I rate this ad an A-. She presents herself very well.

  21. - Chris P. Bacon - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:22 pm:

    Fortunately, like an increasing number of people, I’m completely unhooked from tv and will never have to watch another “Madigan is the root of all evil” ad again. I’m assuming all GOP candidates will remain dinosaurs and continue to make horrible use of social media and web. Safe bet.

  22. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:28 pm:

    ==One small question, if Rauner loses, Harold loses and Madigan gains super majority what next? It’s literally an all or nothing strategy for the entire party.==

    This is the same question I have This is a very, very blue state. Voters as a whole don’t pay a lot of attention until the end of the campaigns, but as this is the third or fourth version of “Fire Madigan” as a campaign strategy, literally everyone in Illinois has to have an opinion on this one way or another by now. How many people can Rauner, and by extension Harold, possibly convince to switch from voting dem to voting republican by using the same attacks over and over? This line of attack has to hit a wall at some point, and I’m guessing that may have happened four years ago. I assume by now the game is all about turnout

  23. - Real - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:30 pm:

    I agree. I rarely watch tv and since I don’t have a Facebook either I usually see these new ad’s on CapFax.

  24. - Mama - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:36 pm:

    “Republican attorney general Erika Harold”.

    Rich, that should read Republican ‘candidate’ for attorney general. She is not the attorney general as we speak.

  25. - Precinct Captain - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:41 pm:

    It’s not a surprise that a wannabe career politician like Erika Harold has some slick ads. You’d expect nothing less from a Rauner-Koch mouthpiece.

  26. - Real - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:53 pm:

    Advertisers use attractive people for a reason; they help sell the product.

    -But still no female president after hundreds of years so not sure how effective that is.

  27. - Cook County Commoner - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 5:24 pm:

    Good. I watched it with a couple of older ladies, and they liked it. Good pace.

  28. - A guy - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 5:33 pm:

    It’s a strong ad. It shows her in a very assertive posture that we haven’t seen before. It makes it’s points clearly. Solid effort. Have to see what follows.

  29. - Cheryl44 - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 5:37 pm:

    F. All she’s proving is she spent Rauner’s money on that ad.

  30. - Steve - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 5:48 pm:

    It’s a good ad . I’d give a ‘B’. Although, tying Raoul to Mike Madigan is kind of misleading at best. But, for the average voter who isn’t super informed it might be effective. But, I’d be surprised if Raoul is going to lose.

  31. - Someone you should know - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 6:34 pm:

    D, the CGI was very odd to say the least, It was obviously done with a green screen, and not very well, If I say so my self

  32. - Born free taxed to Death - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 7:20 pm:

    Good ad with valid content. I believe a vote for EH would be a vote to pull our state out of the toilet.

  33. - Dave W - Tuesday, Aug 14, 18 @ 4:53 am:

    A-. She’s great on camera, everyone hates paying high property taxes, Madigan is unpopular around the state and the dramatic music in the background is a nice touch. Well done.

  34. - A Jack - Tuesday, Aug 14, 18 @ 8:58 am:

    D. I still don’t care about Chicago property taxes. Chicago taxes or appeals are not a downstate issue. And it doesn’t really work when I pay high property taxes in a very heavy Republican area. Madigan has nothing to do with property taxes in my area. If anything it’s the Republicans in charge around here that have mismanaged property tax funds.

  35. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Aug 14, 18 @ 10:28 am:

    The hyperbole in this race is extreme. The Illinois Attorney General can’t get rid of property tax. The Illinois Attorney General can’t make abortion illegal. How about we vote for the Attorney General that can crush unwanted Illinois coal into diamonds?

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