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Today’s quotable

Monday, Aug 13, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Rauner held a media availability at the Illinois State Fair this afternoon and Bernie Schoenburg tried to follow up on Rauner’s comment earlier today about Speaker Madigan: “I hope he’s been doing something illegal, and I hope he gets prosecuted.” The two went back and forth for a bit, with the governor pointing to unethical things he claims Madigan has done

Rauner: All that behavior is il… is unethical. I hope they work hard to determine if it’s illegal or not. We should find out if it’s illegal and it should be prosecuted if it’s illegal.

Bernie: Was it ethical for you to entice Ken Dunkin to stay out of town for a vote, then appoint him after he loses a primary, then appoint him to a board where he’s paid, whatever, $70 thousand a year?

Rauner: Ken Dunkin is a very passionate person who’s made tough votes on behalf of taxpayers. Um, he’s a hard worker. He’s from the South Side. And very appropriate for that board.

Bernie: Yeah? But then why did you ask him to leave that board?

Rauner: [Pause] Well… after I appointed him it all became out that he did some things that were very inappropriate in his behavior with, um, sexual harassment. That’s wrong. And I said, ‘If that’s true, get out.’

Background is here.


  1. - City Zen - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:56 pm:

    Bruce was about to say ilethical.

  2. - 47th Ward - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:59 pm:

    ===Bernie: Was it ethical for you to entice Ken Dunkin to stay out of town for a vote, then appoint him after he loses a primary, then appoint him to a board where he’s paid, whatever, $70 thousand a year?

    Rauner: Ken Dunkin is a very passionate person who’s made tough votes on behalf of taxpayers. Um, he’s a hard worker. He’s from the South Side. And very appropriate for that board.

    Bernie: Yeah? But then why did you ask him to leave that board?===

    And that, my friends, is how it’s done. Good job Bernie. Restaurant quality.

  3. - TopHatMonocle - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 3:59 pm:

    This guy has lost his marbles, and probably thinks Madigan stole them.

  4. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:01 pm:

    It seems that Rauner forgot about the latest on Dunk, until Bernie reminded him.

    Not good on his feet, this one.

  5. - Bobby Hicks - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:06 pm:

    What Tophat said; good Lord, the guy needs to get help.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:06 pm:

    The hypocrisy that is Rauner begins with Rauner pivoting off illegal and stressing unethical… which then opens Rauner for ethics questions, be they political moves, or political appointees.

    To be held at the standard you ask others to be held… you better be ready for the questions. Rauner is rarely ready for pointed questions that speak to his own hypocrisy.

    Good on Bernie.

    These 90+ days should be about Rauner having to answer for his term, and the decisions made in that term.

    We’re seeing more and more of that now.

    Well done.

  7. - Albany Park Patriot - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:08 pm:

    That doesn’t sound like how normal people answer questions.

  8. - Anon0091 - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:10 pm:

    That’s Brucie. Just firin’ up that backhoe and keep on diggin’.

  9. - DuPage Bard - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:11 pm:

    Madigan, Madigan, Madigan it’s really all I got folks so please just refer to the cue cards

  10. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:12 pm:

    “It all became out” is not a typo, by the way.

  11. - Arsenal - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:15 pm:

    ==“It all became out” is not a typo, by the way.==

    That’s the most devastating criticism of Rauner in this whole post, lol.

    Man, Bernie’s been eating his Wheaties lately, hasn’t he?

  12. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:16 pm:

    In the law of Defamation, slander per se refers to certain language that is actionable as slander in and of itself without proof of special damages, such as the situation in which a person is falsely accused of having committed a crime. THATS why he pivots to unethical as opposed to illegal….or so his lawyers told him.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:16 pm:

    ===“It all became out” is not a typo, by the way.===

    Unless he’s scripted, the word jumbles flow while searching for the yearbook answer.

    Meh. When you treat everyday as a “Friday”, it catches up with you.

  14. - Rod - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:17 pm:

    The way Governor Rauner phrased his response to Schoenberg leads me to believe he may be lobbying AG Sessions to investigate Madigan for honest services fraud. The Governor says Madigan has done unethical things for sure but “they” need to work hard to determine if those acts were illegal or not. That raises the question is “they” the US Department of Justice?

  15. - Generic Drone - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:22 pm:

    Rauner talkin ethics= irony

  16. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:25 pm:

    ===honest services fraud===

    The US Supremes have pretty much killed off that avenue.

  17. - 47th Ward - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:25 pm:

    === [Pause] ===

    Is there video yet? Was it the famous deer in the headlights look, or did he start his answer with a grinning guffaw?

    Asking for a friend.

  18. - Demoralized - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:26 pm:

    ==“It all became out” is not a typo, by the way.==

    Is he in charge of writing stuff for the Fair?

  19. - Michelle Flaherty - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:26 pm:

    ==“It all became out” is not a typo, by the way.==

    Ahhh. Now it’s clear. Rauner himself is the proofreader for all the State Fair materials.

  20. - Precinct Captain - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:38 pm:

    Is the governor well?

  21. - Cubs in '16 - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:49 pm:

    “Was it ethical for you to entice Ken Dunkin to stay out of town for a vote?”

    Good journalism but would’ve really liked to see Bernie stay on this line of questioning.

  22. - Pick a Name - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:51 pm:

    Wake us when Bernie asks tough questions of Dems.

  23. - RubySlipper - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 4:52 pm:

    He’s lost it. Does Rauner’s Madiganitis qualify as a disability to trigger removal under Art 5 Section 6 of the Constitution? Asking for a friend.

  24. - The Captain - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 5:00 pm:

    I think Bernie is using ooda loops because the Governor definitely seems disoriented.

  25. - Soccermom - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 5:01 pm:

    Pick a Name — seriously?

  26. - M - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 5:13 pm:

    Where is the list of unethical things Rauner has done?

  27. - Anon - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 5:16 pm:

    Wait until more information like this keeps coming as we get closer and closer to the election

  28. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 5:32 pm:

    –Where is the list of unethical things Rauner has done?–

    RNUG started one today on the other thread. Some have added to it.

    Seek and ye shall find.

  29. - A guy - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 5:36 pm:

    ==… he did some things that were very inappropriate in his behavior with, um, sexual harassment. That’s wrong. And I said, ‘If that’s true, get out.’===

    At the very least, he got this right. Hope it catches on.

  30. - @misterjayem - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 5:37 pm:

    “All that behavior is ill…”

    Every day, Rauner’s beef with Madigan looks more and more like an silly old-school hip-hop feud.

    – MrJM

  31. - Pick a Name - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 6:17 pm:

    Yes, Soccermom, seriously. He will throw a few softballs at the Dems.

  32. - Present - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 6:25 pm:

    He really, really doesn’t want to go there. Yikes.

  33. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 6:36 pm:

    If the accusations are true. passionate is a good description of Dunkin.

  34. - Jocko - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 6:40 pm:

    How does someone so poor on his feet become Chairman of GCTR? I have to wonder if Bruce is the Koch brothers version of the Manchurian Candidate.

  35. - Huh? - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 6:49 pm:

    “Rauner: Ken Dunkin is a very passionate person”

    So much that it was sexual harassment.

  36. - Almost the weekend - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 7:47 pm:

    The first class of the Rauner Fellowship program at Walter Payton Prep is gonna be a doozy

  37. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 13, 18 @ 8:36 pm:

    Can someone investigate and indict Bruce since he’s such a big fan of the process?

  38. - Ramnoo 38 - Tuesday, Aug 14, 18 @ 6:06 am:

    Dear Gov. Rauner:
    Your recent comments regarding Speaker Madigan go beyond just being troubling. They show that you are consumed by hatred. A person who is in such a state is unfit for office. You claim to love the state of Illinois. If you have even the tiniest shred of human decency left inside of you, for the good of this state and for your own personal well being, resign as Governor of Illinois. Please do so immediately.

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