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Lay off the ageism, Jason

Thursday, Aug 16, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bernie has a story about Republican secretary of state candidate Jason Helland questioning whether incumbent Jesse White will serve four years if he’s reelected

“Is an 84-year-old man really going to serve until 2023?” Helland asked Wednesday at a GOP meeting in Springfield — part of Governor’s Day activities that included a State Fairgrounds speech where he made similar remarks. “This election is an appointment election,” meaning White’s leaving would create a vacancy to be filled by appointment.

Helland, 42, also told reporters: “The secretary of state just doesn’t have the stamina to last until 2023,” given that he previously announced he wouldn’t seek another term past the 2010 election or the 2014 election. Last year, White announced he changed his mind, and would seek a sixth term this year.

ROCCO CLAPS, political director of Citizens for Jesse White, responded that White will “absolutely” serve the full four years of his sixth term, should he win. […]

Helland also said: “A vote for my opponent is a vote for Madigan’s appointment,” referring to House Speaker MICHAEL MADIGAN, D-Chicago, who also chairs the Democratic Party of Illinois.

I ran into Secretary White last night and he looked fine to me. Helland really ought to avoid the ageism. It’s just not right.

But Helland’s warning is something that should be debated. Secretary White has, after all, said he wouldn’t run for reelection twice before and did anyway. I don’t know many people who firmly believe that White will serve all four years of his next term. It’s openly discussed in Democratic circles.

I had the chance to chat with Helland’s campaign manager yesterday and he said there would be a lot more stuff like this through November. That’s fine by me, but his candidate needs to drop the cracks about his opponent’s age. I’ve been hearing that “old man” stuff since before White ran for his first reelection in 2002, and all Jesse did was stomp his opponent into the dust, winning every single county.

You’re likely not gonna win this year, dude. Don’t be remembered like this.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 9:56 am:

    Here’s what I know;

    If Jason Helland is your candidate to take on Jesse White, you have no candidate to take on Jesse White.

    We’re clear on that, right?

    Helland was on a ballot in March, is running now, abd people are still confused to who he is, and why he’d run to begin with.

    Erika Harold got her million, albeit first portrayed as an investment to procecute Rauner enemies if she wins, but got a million all the same.

    Where’s your “Rauner Million”?

    My point?

    Same as Rich… know you’re a patsy, embrace it, leave goodwill with both sides of the aisle, run an honorable campaign.

    You can get far more by running an honorable losing campaign than deciding to be snide and sneering… and losing all the same.

    You want a tomorrow. This could end you, “today”.

  2. - BlueDogDem - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 9:58 am:

    Jesse does a fine job. I will vote for him. But Yes, age, is fair game.

  3. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 10:03 am:

    The issue of whether he will serve out a term is a fair one, but it can be handled more tactfully. I like Jesse, and he seems fitter than many men younger than him, but am of the belief that he’s been there long enough. I don’t think it’s healthy for anyone to hold an executive office that long.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 10:04 am:

    ===Same as Rich… know you’re a patsy===

    Rich didn’t say that, I said that. I’m sorry.

    Rich stated “You’re likely not gonna win this year…”

    I called Helland a patsy. My apologies, Rich.


  5. - Streamwood Retiree - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 10:06 am:

    Uh, pardon my unfamiliarity with the Illinois Constitution, but doesn’t the Governor appoint replacements tor vacancies maybe with the Senate approving? If so, why does he claim that the Speaker would appoint the successor? Just because Madigan==Satan to Republicans?
    A branch broke of my peach tree last night. Madigan must have done it. There was a mouse in the basement last week. Madigan out it there.

  6. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 10:12 am:

    Helland: Jesse tumbles, you stumble.

  7. - Actual Red - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 10:17 am:

    Jesse White is consistently the most popular politician in the state. He’s probably going to dunk on this guy like he’s dunked on everyone else. This kind of stuff does no one any good.

    But more importantly, Rocco Claps has my vote for best name in IL politics.

  8. - wordslinger - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 10:19 am:

    Well, Jason, get ready, because Jesse has “the stamina” to beat you like a rented mule, and will.

  9. - Ebenezer - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 10:54 am:

    Age is fair game. We need to find a way to talk about age without coming across as some sort of personal attack. My parents are in their late 70’s and things are changing. If you are in you mid 80’s, odd are things will begin to change soon for you too.

  10. - Soccermom - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 11:25 am:

    Ebenezer, some people start to lose their faculties in their 60s. Some people continue to be sharp and effective into their 90s. Your parents do not constitute a statistically significant sample. And even if you tested a randomly selected group of 500 likely voters over the age of 70, those results could not be used to assess the Secretary of State’s specific abilities. If you want to ask the Secretary of State to undergo such testing before you will vote for him, please be my guest. And please let me know when you plan to do it, because I want to watch…

  11. - A guy - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 11:32 am:

    Going after Jesse is like going after Mother Teresa.

  12. - Jocko - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 11:38 am:

    I guess Jason wants to add “ageist” to his resume that begins (and essentially ends) with Eagle Country Market.

  13. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 11:59 am:

    No words though about Candace Wanzo and how she became to be employed under Jesse White after the theft of $233,000.

  14. - illdoc - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 12:25 pm:

    Warren Buffett will be 88 soon. He seems to be just fine

  15. - City Zen - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 12:29 pm:

    I would think Jason would appreciate the fact that every year Jesse White remains in office is a year he doesn’t collect his GARS pension.

  16. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 12:37 pm:

    CZ, why don’t you call Rocco and suggest they make your nifty point into a bumper sticker?

  17. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 1:01 pm:

    Boomers have served this nation well and the younger generation appreciates it. White & the rest of the boomers should go sit on Montrose beach, not Florida because we need the tax $$$

  18. - Precinct Captain - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 1:13 pm:

    ==- BlueDogDem - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 9:58 am:==

    Wow, first Dem you’re actually voting for since John Calhoun?

  19. - a drop in - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 2:00 pm:

    Anon, Jessie White was born June 23, 1934. That puts him way older than a boomer.

    The rest of your comment makes even less sense. (

  20. - anon2 - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 2:43 pm:

    == age is fair game ==

    How about weight? Is that “fair game” too? After all, an obese man has greater odds of a heart attack.
    How about how much expensive wine a candidate consumes?
    If inborn characteristics are fair, then certainly things we have control over are fair.

  21. - BlueDogDem - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 2:47 pm:

    Anon2. Yup. Yup. Yup.

  22. - Deadbeat Conservative - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 4:24 pm:

    What’s Helland’s problem ? Working into your eighties is a Republican’s plan for 99% of us. Maybe they’re offended because Sec. White has health insurance.

  23. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 5:12 pm:

    Helland, 42, could die of a heart attack tomorrow. Does Helland have the stamina to last until 2023?

  24. - flea - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 6:26 pm:

    If this guy got a little bit of Jesse Whites sweat on him, he might smell like a man.

  25. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 8:01 pm:

    Wait. Anyone 75 yrs old, and older, has to renew their IL drivers license in person, with a vision test and a road test. If 81 through 86, they have to do this every two years. If 87, or older, they must renew annually, taking the vision and road test.

    Seems a bit contradictory to say it’s wrong to question his executive fitness at 84, but it’s ok to make him prove he can see and drive?

  26. - Freezeup - Thursday, Aug 16, 18 @ 8:41 pm:

    This Republican will be voting for Jesse White again just like last time.

    Somebody needs to tell that whippersnapper that it’s time to go home and have a Hot-Pocket and a juice box.

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