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It’s just a bill

Tuesday, Aug 21, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Many thanks to Dan’s dad for this idea

Gov. Bruce Rauner signed legislation Monday, sponsored by State Sen. Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods) and State Rep. Mark Batinick (R-Plainfield), giving motorists the option to register their vehicles for more than one year at a time.

House Bill 4259, which passed the House and Senate unanimously, allows motorists, beginning in 2021, to register their vehicles for one or two years. It also allows owners of trailers to register their trailer up to five years. The price per year would be the same, but motorists would be able to pay multiple years up front and would not have to change their sticker every year.

McConchie and Batinick say this legislation provides a convenience and saves the state money.

“About a year and a half ago, my dad came into the house frustrated after trying to put his renewal sticker on his license plate in the bitter cold saying, ‘I don’t know why we can’t renew our plates for more than one year at a time,’” McConchie recalled. “I remember thinking, ‘What a great idea!’ We could save the state money and provide greater convenience to taxpayers.

* Other bills…

* Illinois School Resource Officers to Undergo Training: Gov. Bruce Rauner signed a bill over the weekend that requires school resource officers, also known as SROs, to be better prepared to deal with the student population. The training will focus on de-escalation, crisis intervention and cyberbullying.

* Rauner: Won’t sign bill to ease voting by jail inmates without changes: Representative Juliana Stratton, who sponsored the bill, said she is “clearly disappointed” by the governor’s response. She said that that supporters of the bill had negotiated with the Illinois Department of Corrections and Illinois Sheriffs Association to decide on a procedure for delivering “know your rights” information to inmates exiting custody, and that it would simply involve adding information on voting rights to a packet of information that inmates already receive upon completing their sentences. “It’s lost on me why the governor would not be in support of this information being distributed,” Stratton said.

* Illinois Governor Blocks Bill To Tell People With Criminal Histories About Their Voting Rights: In his veto, Rauner didn’t object to helping people get access to ballots during pretrial detention, but specifically took issue with the requirement that officials provide voter registration forms to people leaving jail and voting rights information to those leaving prison. He said he’d support the bill if lawmakers eliminated those elements of it.

* More than 10,000 FOIDs yet to be renewed from June: Gov. Bruce Rauner signed a law Friday giving a 60-day grace period for gun owners to renew their state firearms identification cards and still own a firearm, but it won’t help the thousands of gun owners that have let theirs expire. The law allows for a Firearm Owner’s Identification, or FOID, card to remain valid for 60 days after the owner has sent in for renewal. This means a gun owner can submit their renewal for the card and still be a legal gun owner if it expires before the Illinois State Police processes it.

* Law allows Medicaid flexibility for ‘medically fragile’ kids: The law means that their expensive, highly technical care which is covered by Medicaid is exempt from managed-care organizations. The state has moved 80 percent of its Medicaid clients to managed-care organizations to cut costs.


  1. - BlueDogDem - Tuesday, Aug 21, 18 @ 1:44 pm:

    Two things. I want credit for the multi year sticker idea. This FOID card thing has got to go.

  2. - Mod Dem - Tuesday, Aug 21, 18 @ 1:47 pm:

    Now if they would just allow Permanent Trailer Plates like Michigan does. Lifetime plates based on Trailer VIN

  3. - JoanP - Tuesday, Aug 21, 18 @ 1:50 pm:

    In Chicago, we have the option of buying city vehicle stickers good for two years. On top of which, all seniors renew stickers in June, so we never have to put them on in the cold (thank you, Susana Mendoza!).

  4. - RNUG - Tuesday, Aug 21, 18 @ 1:54 pm:

    That reminds me, I need to send in my FOID renewal.

  5. - Leigh John-Ella - Tuesday, Aug 21, 18 @ 1:57 pm:

    Does his dad now have to register as a lobbyist?

  6. - BlueDogDem - Tuesday, Aug 21, 18 @ 2:24 pm:

    I don’t know what I’ve been thinking about getting rid of this FOID card thing. The answer has been there all along. Don’t renew any FOID cards and the bad guys will all turn in their guns. Bingo. No more crime.

  7. - @misterjayem - Tuesday, Aug 21, 18 @ 2:49 pm:

    I hope the Lord takes me home before I’m so addled and infirmed that I find renewing my FOID card once every ten years to be unduly burdensome.

    – MrJM

  8. - Cook County Commoner - Tuesday, Aug 21, 18 @ 2:50 pm:

    A UPC sticker system would probably work best. But this would cost money to update the state’s UNIVACs and buying readers. But the real killer of a modern system would be loss of gov jobs and contracts.

  9. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Aug 21, 18 @ 3:48 pm:

    CCC, what, exactly, are you talking about?

  10. - BlueDogDem - Tuesday, Aug 21, 18 @ 3:52 pm:

    AA. I think he means it’s ok to lose coal mining and steel working jobs for the greater good, but don’t you dare touch them govt jobs and contracts.

  11. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Aug 21, 18 @ 4:45 pm:

    Blue Dog, thanks for trying to interpret.

    I guess CCC thinks the cops can zap UPC license stickers with little handheld scanners like they have at Walmart. Goofy. The current SOS system already uses barcodes, but it’s not like you can do away with those digits on the sticker. For my money, I think the SOS office is efficiently operated, and everyone here knows Jesse and I aren’t from the same party.

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