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Our scintillating attorney general’s race

Thursday, Aug 23, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* An idea older than she is with no chance of passing and an empty complaint that somebody who has an opinion ought to go to Springfield to do something about it

Harold stressed the fact that she wants to be the state’s watchdog. The Attorney spoke on her desire to focus on workers comp and fighting against controversy in Springfield. Harold called it an asset that shes never held an elected office.

The Republican candidate wants voters to know that she wont be swayed by special interests from either parties.

“The Attorney General should be given the power by the General Assembly to be able to convene a statewide Grand Jury,” Harold said. “That’s important because it would give you the opportunity to be far more proactive and aggressive in investigating corruption.”

Harold’s opponent, Democrat Kwame Raoul was also there to speak with voters. When referring to Harold, he spoke on her “lack of experience”. The democrat said that she shouldn’t be able to make promises she knows nothing of, Raoul’s comments were in reference to her stating she will focus on workers comp issues.

“On all of these issues that she says she wants to advocate for now, shes never weighed in like people do on a day to day basis in Springfield,” explained Raoul. “People come from all over the state that are concerned about the policy that we are putting forth, she hasn’t been doing that.”

* You’re with Madigan! You’re with Rauner!

The main contenders for Illinois attorney general seeking to replace the retiring Lisa Madigan on Wednesday traded accusations of which contender was more beholden to their political leaders.

Republican contender Erika Harold of Urbana sought to link rival state Sen. Kwame Raoul to Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan. Raoul, after offering words of encouragement about Harold’s candidacy during the forum, used an appearance before reporters afterward to question her ties to Rauner and assailed her for lacking experience in policymaking. […]

“It’s not ironic that she was given $1 million a couple of weeks ago from Bruce Rauner and introduced herself in a general campaign with an ad comparing me to Mike Madigan,” Raoul told reporters. […]

“When you think about why Illinois is the way it is, you’ve had certain people that have been in power for a very long time. Speaker Michael Madigan is the longest serving (state) speaker of the House in U.S. history,” Harold said. “And my opponent has been in Springfield for the past 14 years, marching lockstep behind him. If you want change within your state, you cannot continue to send the same people there hoping that somehow they will change. And that’s why we have to have redistricting reform.”

They did talk about some substance. Harold jabbed Raoul for proposing a bill (SB3005) that she said would give legal standing to out of staters to block state environmental siting permits. Raoul said he withdrew the bill after discussions with the Farm Bureau and others. They also both talked about worker’s comp. She’s for a causation standard, for instance. No surprises. Lots of droning. She says he’s ducking debates, he says his campaign manager reached out last month about setting up debates.


  1. - slippery - Thursday, Aug 23, 18 @ 1:59 pm:

    This is the race to pay attention to if you care about policy and the budget. All of the big agencies are operating under consent decrees. I think nearly half of the state budget is being monitored by federal courts. This and prior governors signed off on these decrees, but it’s the Attorney General’s Office representing the agencies in these cases. Nothing will change until the governor and the AG work together to get the federal courts to dissolve the decrees.

  2. - Keyrock - Thursday, Aug 23, 18 @ 2:03 pm:

    Slippery - nothing will change until the governor and the AG work together to get the state to comply with the decrees.

    There, fixed it for you.

  3. - NeverPoliticallyCorrect - Thursday, Aug 23, 18 @ 2:18 pm:

    Keyrock-many of these consent decrees were signed under both a democratic governor and AG. So we can’t count on party affiliation to fix these issues. As someone who works in the belly of the beast unless and until the legislature prioritizes good government over good politics Illinois will continue to wallow in the muck.

  4. - Streamwood Retiree - Thursday, Aug 23, 18 @ 2:21 pm:

    Is there a ballot checkbox for “none of the above”?

  5. - Zeep Bow - Thursday, Aug 23, 18 @ 2:21 pm:

    NeverPoliticallyCorrect –

    Nobody has mentioned partisanship besides you. Slippery said (direct quote): “Nothing will change until the governor and the AG work together to get the federal courts to dissolve the decrees.”

  6. - Alternative Logic - Thursday, Aug 23, 18 @ 2:26 pm:

    Finally someone who will be “fighting against controversy in Springfield.”

    “Controversy” has for too long had a free hand in Illinois!

  7. - Touré’s Latte - Thursday, Aug 23, 18 @ 3:06 pm:

    Everyone who has witnessed Raoul on the floor probably cringed when he went to “lack of experience”.

  8. - Roman - Thursday, Aug 23, 18 @ 3:11 pm:

    Of course, if an AG “statewide grand jury” bill was put on the governor’s desk anytime during the last four year, the person bankrolling Harold’s campaign would have vetoed it.

  9. - Texas Red - Thursday, Aug 23, 18 @ 3:18 pm:

    “this has got to be the most clever way of describing the beltway “establishment”

    …” shes never weighed in like people do on a day to day basis in Springfield”

  10. - JS Mill - Thursday, Aug 23, 18 @ 3:46 pm:

    =The Republican candidate wants voters to know that she wont be swayed by special interests from either parties.=

    Right, she WILL be swayed by that $1 million large though. I mean, she only parroted what Rauner’s stated reason for giving her the money was after the money hit the account.

  11. - Nick Name - Thursday, Aug 23, 18 @ 4:05 pm:

    ===The Attorney General should be given the power by the General Assembly to be able to convene a statewide Grand Jury,” Harold said. “That’s important because it would give you the opportunity to be far more proactive and aggressive in investigating corruption.”===

    She’s certainly bought and paid for by Rauner.

  12. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 23, 18 @ 4:22 pm:

    In case he’s now aware (snark), the Illinois AG defends the state in work comp cases. Lisa Madigan put out an 18 page report with recommendations for change based on her experience in the WC system that would create fairness and save money.

    I’d suggest that Kwame read what his fellow Democrat AG has written…

  13. - Pundent - Thursday, Aug 23, 18 @ 5:47 pm:

    =Lisa Madigan put out an 18 page report with recommendations for change based on her experience in the WC system that would create fairness and save money.=

    I could put out a report on the topic as well and it would have the same effect. Changing workers’ compensation laws and causation standards is the work of the legislature not the AG.

  14. - Loop Lady - Thursday, Aug 23, 18 @ 7:20 pm:

    I am glad that the new AG will not be a family member of Mike Madigan…Kwame has his faults, but let’s let him continue “ the work of his life”…

  15. - Why - Thursday, Aug 23, 18 @ 8:16 pm:

    Perhaps the AG can explain why a money-launderer is the auditor general?
    A true AG would find a way to prosecute instead of hiding behind ‘I’m limited in what I can do’

  16. - Natty_B - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 9:28 am:

    Harold is running to be a Fox News host in 2019 not for AG.

  17. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 10:33 am:


    The Illinois AG defends the State of Illinois so she has a role in the WC system and the laws that govern it.

    Under your scenario, no constitutional officer would put forth reports or legislation because you say its the role of the Assembly. So, Mendoza should not put forth legislation or Frerichs? Is that your assertion?

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