Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x5 - Shriver Center, Cullerton, Senate Latino Caucus, McCann, Pritzker respond *** Rauner says he will veto three immigration bills, talks about Mollie Tibbetts case
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*** UPDATED x5 - Shriver Center, Cullerton, Senate Latino Caucus, McCann, Pritzker respond *** Rauner says he will veto three immigration bills, talks about Mollie Tibbetts case

Friday, Aug 24, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Earlier today on a southern Illinois radio station…

* The governor called the three pieces of legislation “bad bills.” Former Gov. Jim Edgar penned an op-ed earlier this week calling on him to sign the bills. Here’s Edgar’s take on the first bill Rauner referenced today

The Immigration Safe Zones Act (SB 35) addresses the all-too-common fear among many immigrants of law enforcement agents swooping them up as they go to court, seek medical attention, pursue education, and seek other assistance. This bill would direct the Illinois Attorney General to develop model policies for courthouses, schools, libraries, medical facilities, and shelters on how to handle immigration enforcement activity. These model policies would send a strong signal that education, public health and justice should be available for all Illinois residents, while ensuring that any enforcement activity at these locations meet basic legal standards.

Gov. Rauner said today the “bad” bill was “part of the whole sanctuary concept that I’m against.”

…Adding… I posted the wrong bill above. He’s vetoing SB35, but signing SB3488. Change made in text.

* Edgar

The VOICES Act (SB 34) would set consistent rules for law enforcement agencies that work with survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, trafficking, and certain other crimes. These survivors can seek federal protections if law enforcement agencies certify that they have come forward and actively cooperated in the prosecution of their case, but too often these agencies delay or deny these certifications. By setting standards for handling certification requests, this bill would encourage the untold numbers of survivors who have yet to come forward to report and cooperate with law enforcement, and improve public safety for all.

“That ties the hands of law enforcement,” Rauner said. “It can delay deportations which should otherwise occur. And again, that’s a bad bill and we’re gonna be vetoing that. We don’t want to tie the hands of our local law enforcement.”

* Edgar

The Immigrant Tenant Protection Act (SB 3103) would protect immigrant renters from unscrupulous landlords who might seek to avoid their legal obligations under Illinois law and local ordinances by issuing threats and illegal evictions based solely on immigration status.

“Again,” Rauner said, Wwe should not be tying the hands of any property owners in the state or supporting illegal immigration in that way.”

* The show’s host then mentioned that Illinois has more illegal immigrants than any other state. Rauner’s response

That pushes up our unemployment rate, and that holds down wages in Illinois and takes jobs away from Americans.

* Rauner also talked about how the state Democrats “tried to ban E-Verify as a tool for employers to check on legal status of immigrants before they hire anybody.” He said that “fortunately, they lost that in the courts.” The governor said he wants E-Verify everywhere in the country. Click here for background on that fight.

The show’s host suggested that perhaps the alleged murderer of Mollie Tibbetts, who is reported to be an illegal immigrant, might not have even been working in Iowa if his employer had used E-Verify, which is a website that allows employers to determine the eligibility of their employees to work.


Well, you know I did read, I did read that, that that individual, the alleged murderer in that case, who was an illegal immigrant, had been working in the US for a while and the employer did not use E-Verify to check on his status and that may very well have made a difference.

Some Republicans, including former US House Speaker Newt Gingrich, have been pushing Republican candidates to use the Mollie Tibbetts case in the fall campaign.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Pritzker campaign…

“Bruce Rauner vetoing a majority of the immigration bills on his desk is a cowardly, political move that exploits divisions he and Donald Trump try to make in our society,” said JB Pritzker. “When Trump leads chants to ‘build the wall’ and bans refugees from entering our country, Rauner applauds his administration and follows his lead by vetoing bills even Republicans call ‘practical, common sense solutions to urgent issues that immigrants in our state face.’ We have 1.8 million immigrants in Illinois, and their governor refuses to protect and support them — that’s a disgrace. As governor, I will sign these critical bills, stand with our immigrant families, and work to improve educational opportunities, increase healthcare options, and foster economic opportunity for immigrant youth and their families.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** Sen. Sam McCann…

Governor Rauner’s sudden change of heart on immigration is disingenuous and clearly driven by his staggeringly low poll numbers. Rauner willingly signed a bill into law reigning Illinois in as a sanctuary state and has remained silent in much of the national immigration debate. Choosing rather to side with a Chicago liberals rather than POTUS Donald Trump.

Now that polls show him trailing by nearly twenty points, Governor Rauner has decided his only political option is to flip-flop and pretend to be conservative, thinking Illinois voters won’t see right through him.

Illinois voters have one candidate who has been consistently tough on immigration, and they can count on me to stay vigilant in protecting jobs for our citizens.

*** UPDATE 3 *** Press release…

The Illinois Senate Latino Caucus denounced statements made by Gov. Bruce Rauner today while announcing his veto of three immigration-related bills on the basis of inaccurate assertions and false generalizations that all undocumented immigrants are murderers.

Senate Latino Caucus members released the following statements:

Latino Caucus Co-Chair Martin A. Sandoval (D-Chicago):

“These are measures that would have given immigrants basic human rights and protected them from deportation simply for reporting crimes. As we draw closer to November, Rauner gets closer and closer to being a Donald Trump clone than an independently-minded leader.”

Assistant Majority Leader Antonio “Tony” Munoz (D-Chicago):

“The governor’s comments today are misguided. I find it offensive that he would attempt to hurt members of our community to join in with President Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda. He has completely ignored the intent of these pieces of legislation while failing to lead our diverse state once again.”

Assistant Majority Leader Iris Y. Martinez (D-Chicago):

“The governor is trying to score political points during a week when anti-immigrant rhetoric is high. It’s a shame that he cares more about appealing to certain voters than really reading this legislation and understanding that it is beneficial to the many immigrants living in our state.”

Senator Omar Aquino (D-Chicago):

“Gov. Rauner chose to side with the racist rhetoric that is spewed from the White House instead of focusing on the people he represents. He was wrong for using such a tragic incident to benefit himself and hurting our community by completely undermining legislation that helps everyone.”

Senator Cristina Castro (D-Elgin):

“This once again proves the governor is no friend of Illinois’ diverse immigrant communities. Gov. Rauner continues to flock to President Trump’s hostile right-wing agenda instead of embracing the contributions diversity brings to our state and society. Illinois needs a leader, not a Trump follower.”

*** UPDATE 4 *** Press release…

Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto Friday of legislation intended to improve relations between immigrant communities and law enforcement is a step backward that will punish victims and shield criminals, said Illinois Senate President John J. Cullerton, the lead sponsor of the proposal.

“This is a slap in the face to crime victims who happen to be immigrants. The whole idea was to foster trust between police and immigrant communities. You want immigrants to report crime, because criminals aren’t checking immigration status,” Cullerton said. “Gov. Rauner’s veto is a misguided step in the wrong direction that will ultimately shield criminals and punish victims.”

Cullerton sponsored the proposed Voices Of Immigrant Communities Empowering Survivors (VOICES) Act to add teeth to an existing federal law designed to encourage people to report crimes and help police regardless of their immigration status. Federal law creates special immigration visas for victims of crime.

Here’s how it is intended to work: When victimized immigrants help police and prosecutors bring criminals to justice, they are supposed to, in turn, get assistance from law enforcement with their official immigration paperwork.

That deal already exists in federal law. The problem is there’s no deadline for that paperwork assistance, leading to criticism that immigrant victims are too often left in legal limbo. These are often victims of human trafficking.

Cullerton’s proposal required Illinois law enforcement to sign off on the immigration paperwork within 90 business days.

The VOICES Act, Senate Bill 34, passed the Illinois Senate with bipartisan support.

*** UPDATE 5 *** Press release…

The Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law condemns Governor Rauner’s veto of SB3103, the Illinois Immigrant Tenant Protection Act. The ITPA protects all Illinoisans by prohibiting landlords from harassing, mistreating, or evicting tenants based on any perceived immigration status. The bill would make Illinois a better place to rent property and a fairer place to live. It is disgraceful that in the year of the 50th Anniversary of the Fair Housing Act Governor Rauner has chosen to veto SB3103, putting hateful and discriminatory politics ahead of sound policy.


  1. - A Jack - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 12:27 pm:

    So Rauner, it’s okay to abuse immigrant tenets? What if your Swedish great grandfather had rented his farm and had been threatened for deportation because he complained that the well ran dry?

  2. - Montrose - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 12:28 pm:

    “Again,” Rauner said, Wwe should not be tying the hands of any property owners in the state or supporting illegal immigration in that way.”

    This bill is about stopping landlord’s from using immigration status to scare and intimidate renters. Such landlords are benefiting from illegal immigration. Tying these landlords hands is exactly what he should want to do if he believes the second half of his statement.

  3. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 12:29 pm:

    There is a massive difference between immigrant and illegal immigrant.

  4. - Annonin' - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 12:32 pm:

    Notice Tom Miller (no relation) got the LyinLaugh from GovJunk before he ranted about McCann.
    Too bad Tom ask the next question about the Iowa murder to see if GovJunk had a shred of info.
    The ExitInterviewTour continues

  5. - theq - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 12:38 pm:

    The whole “Some Republicans, including former US House Speaker Newt Gingrich, have been pushing Republican candidates to use the Mollie Tibbetts case in the fall campaign” makes me sick to my stomach. Campaign on accomplishments and ideas not on the death of a beautiful young life.

  6. - Anon - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 12:39 pm:

    Let’s talk about policies that lead to unnecessary deaths.

    Like Veterans that died of a legionaries outbreak that didn’t need to in the State of Illinois under Rauner’s administration.

    === the employer did not use E-Verify to check on his status and that may very well have made a difference===

    He’d worked for the same employer for four years. That employer is also a major republican donor.

  7. - wordslinger - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 12:39 pm:

    –Some Republicans, including former US House Speaker Newt Gingrich, have been pushing Republican candidates to use the Mollie Tibbetts case in the fall campaign.–

    If that doesn’t work, maybe they should play the Mafia card and get those thievin’ Italians out of here. Or those drunken Irish who take their orders from the Pope. Or the boy-buggerin’ Greeks. Or those Jews who killed our Lord. And the Muslim terrorists, too.

    See, if one’s bad, they’re all bad, amirite?

    Those dehumanizing cards, and many more, have all been played at one time or another by the vile scoundrels among us.

  8. - Truthteller - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 12:40 pm:

    So Rauner has decided to jump in with Trump. Makes sense Trump is more popular

  9. - Perrid - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 12:40 pm:

    So police officers don’t need to help survivors of sexual abuse if they are undocumented, and landlords can do whatever they want, like turn off the heat in winter, to their tenants if they are undocumented. Rauner doesn’t want to take THOSE options off of the table; that’s what it means when he says he doesn’t want to tie their hands.

  10. - Dupagedem - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 12:41 pm:

    The illegal immigrant that killed Mollie Tibbets had fake papers, so he would most likely not been caught with e verify.

  11. - Annonin' - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 12:41 pm:

    BTW Iowa papers reportin’ the employer never used E-verify. Wonder if GovJunk knew that. Wonder why GovJunk did the interview if was really in DuQuion last night?

  12. - A Jack - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 12:44 pm:

    We have thousands of murders in this country by legal residents.

    But Republicans are going on a immigrant witch hunt because of one alleged murder by a person of questionable immigration status?

  13. - Scamp640 - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 12:46 pm:

    At some point, the United States is going to have to get serious about putting out the immigrant welcome mat. States like Illinois are losing population. Our economy needs workers and consumers in order to thrive. With dropping birth rates, immigrants are the only solution to replenish our population…

  14. - WSJ Paywall - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 12:47 pm:

    Was wondering when Rauner/his staff would get desperate enough to get down in the gutter with this.

  15. - don the legend - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 12:49 pm:

    Hopefully, in a few years, people will be asking, “Who was that governor between Quinn and Pritzker?’

  16. - @misterjayem - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 12:52 pm:

    There is a massive difference between a worthwhile comment and an anonymous drive-by.

    – MrJM

  17. - Can - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 12:54 pm:

    The Tibbetts case is sad because a young person was murdered. Another sad event was the guy in Colorado killing his wife and two kids. One case is not more or less awful than the other because of the immigration or citizenship status of the murderers. It’s too bad that not everyone understands that.

  18. - Roman - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:02 pm:

    This represents a major policy reversal by the Governor.

    None of those bills go nearly as far as the “Trust Act,” which Rauner signed at big ceremony last year. That law prohibits Illinois law enforcement from honoring federal ICE detainers on criminal suspects.

    Fascinating political strategy here. He’s sprinting back to the right.

    What’s next? A nasty confrontation next week on the Kennedy Expressway with the anti-violence protest.

  19. - TaylorvilleTornado - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:02 pm:

    The day Rauner became a real Republican…

  20. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:05 pm:

    ==That law prohibits Illinois law enforcement from honoring federal ICE detainers on criminal suspects.==

    No, it doesn’t.

    ==None of those bills go nearly as far as the “Trust Act,” which Rauner signed at big ceremony last year==

    These bills were all collectively part of the original version of the Trust act. It was signed in part because they were removed from last year’s bill.

  21. - Jocko - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:06 pm:

    ==We should not be tying the hands of any property owners or supporting illegal immigration==

    So we’ll just take it on faith that landlords will act selflessly and in the best interests of the state & country.

  22. - allknowingmasterofracoondom - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:07 pm:

    “There is a massive difference between a worthwhile comment and an anonymous drive-by.

    – MrJM”

    With respect, it seems like an anonymous drive by but in all that Edgar states, he uses the word “immigrant.” And I think there is a huge difference between an immigrant who comes here legally, and one who does not.

    These bills, along with many others at the state and federal level blur the line between that status.

    I agree there should be humane treatment of all those who enter illegally, some of the recent actions by this administration were disgusting.

    But, we can’t afford to leave immigration unchecked. I said it years before the clown in the white house said something similar - we either have borders or we don’t.

  23. - The Dude Abides - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:09 pm:

    Rauner said “That pushes up our unemployment rate, and that holds down wages in Illinois and takes jobs away from Americans.”
    What a hypocrite. Holding down wages is one of the main reasons that he ran for Governor. He loves cheap labor. I heard him tell the asphalt pavers association that they need cheaper labor. Ending Unions, the prevailing wage issue is all about cheap labor.

  24. - Responsa - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:13 pm:

    The Iowa DOT has confirmed (Using facial recognition technology) that the murderer of Mollie Tibbits had neither a state ID under any name –which was legally required for him to be employed, or an Iowa Driver’s license to enable him to be driving the truck in which he abducted Mollie. Yes, these are issues with respect to the broken immigration system and blatant non-compliance of existing laws that are going to come up during the fall campaigns. As they should.

  25. - Stones - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:14 pm:

    I feel strongly that it’s disgraceful to use the murder of an individual for political purposes.

  26. - Roman - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:19 pm:

    - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:05 pm:

    You are wrong. From the Trust Act:

    (5 ILCS 805/15)
    Sec. 15. Prohibition on enforcing federal civil immigration laws.
    (a) A law enforcement agency or law enforcement official shall not detain or continue to detain any individual solely on the basis of any immigration detainer or non-judicial immigration warrant or otherwise comply with an immigration detainer or non-judicial immigration warrant.

  27. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:22 pm:

    Roman, you said “criminal suspects”…a detainer accompanied by a warrant can be complied with. You also left out the provision of the bill that states nothing in the law prevents law enforcement from communicating with the Feds

  28. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:25 pm:

    Additionally, all that last years Trust act did was essentially codify into State law existing Federal court rulings. In other words, it was already the law.

  29. - Memo From Turner - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:26 pm:

    Wait, I thought Jeanne and Proft said Rauner already made Illinois a sanctuary state. Am I missing something here? We all know Jeanne doesn’t lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those that do…

  30. - West Wing - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:28 pm:

    Sadly, the GOP now has a silver bullet issue to use in Iowa in 2018 and 2020 and they will exploit the murder for political gain on the immigration issue with great intensity. They will pander and exploit with great intensity and the Democrats will be put on defense on immigration in the heartland.

  31. - Archiesmom - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:29 pm:

    Two words. Willie Horton.

  32. - Archiesmom - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:31 pm:

    Would the Republicans be making Mollie Tibbett a talking point (God help them) if she had been a young black woman?

  33. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:33 pm:

    ==I feel strongly that it’s disgraceful to use the murder of an individual for political purposes.==

    I’m guessing you don’t hold to that same standard when it comes to gun politics

  34. - Albany Park Patriot - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:38 pm:

    I’ll take Governor Edgar’s judgment any day over Rauner’s.

  35. - Jocko - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:53 pm:

    Responsa & others,

    I’m looking forward to hearing Trump, Newt, and Gov. Reynolds come down on Yarrabee farms for hiring an undocumented immigrant

  36. - Roman - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:59 pm:

    == a detainer accompanied by a warrant can be complied with. ==

    “Warrant” is the key word there. Because of the Trust Act, a “detainer” is now meaningless in Illinois. Previous to the Trust Act, ICE did not need a warrant to get an Illinois police agency to hold an undocumented person. ICE merely had to send a “detainer” (a simple written request, usually via fax) to the police agency — and the police department would not release the suspect, even if that suspect posted bail. The Trust Act forces ICE to go to court, appear before a judge, and ask the judge to issue a federal warrant to hold the individual.

    It’s a much more time consuming process than sending a fax or email — and ICE rarely bothers with it.

    The Cook County Sheriff and the Chicago PD had been refusing to honor ICE detainers for a few years. They’d effectively tell ICE: “we don’t care about your detainer, go see a judge and get a warrant if you want us to hold this guy.”

    The Trust Act made that policy a statewide law. It represented a major change in the way local law enforcement handles undocumented individuals they arrest on a day-to-day basis. None of the three bills that passed this year would have that much of an impact on law enforcement operations.

  37. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 1:59 pm:

    ==He’d worked for the same employer for four years. That employer is also a major republican donor.==

    Anon, that employer is also a 2018 republican NOMINEE for state agriculture secretary - not just some donor. Republicans here and elsewhere would be wise to stop trying to exploit this young lady’s murder until they can get their own party members to follow our immigration laws. Of course Rauner isn’t smart enough to do that, but others might be….

  38. - Trump2020 - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 2:00 pm:

    This should definitely be used as a campaign talking point for republicans. It’s not the first time that someone here illegally has killed a US citizen. Stronger immigration laws are needed.

  39. - L.A. - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 2:01 pm:

    -Would the Republicans be making Mollie Tibbett a talking point (God help them) if she had been a young black woman?

    (Banned Word) No!

    They don’t give two (banned word) about black people being gunned down in the streets of Chicago. But some poor white girl in Iowa farm country, that person they care about.

  40. - Fixer - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 2:14 pm:

    Archiesmom, in this situation, yes. It fits a narrative being pushed. It could have been just about anyone and they’d still be running this shtick.

  41. - #5 - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 2:20 pm:

    “This should definitely be used as a campaign talking point for republicans”

    Mollie Tibbett’s family doesn’t seem to feel that way.

  42. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 2:36 pm:

    ==The Cook County Sheriff and the Chicago PD had been refusing to honor ICE detainers for a few years.==

    Yes, mainly because a suit was filed in Federal Court in Chicago, where a judge ruled those detainers cant be enforced as issued.

  43. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 2:38 pm:

    ===Would the Republicans be making Mollie Tibbett a talking point (God help them) if she had been a young black woman?===
    Or if her killer was a WHITE male?

  44. - lost in the weeds - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 2:39 pm:

    The owner where the illegal immigrant worked was a Republican and former Farm Bureau president and lost the Secretary of Agriculture election in Iowa recently. 47 percent of crop workers are illegal immigrants in US. This country has long depended on immigrants to do the labor that non immigrants cannot or will not do. The system seeks cheap labor and illegal immigrants provide it. The employers need these immigrants for their business. The resistance party portrays the immigrants as having citizen rights and protections. In reality the illegal immigrant working in this country provides cheap labor so consumers can by cheaper food with limited rights. Cheap labor allows other stuff to bought more cheaply. US has a long history of obtaining cheap labor using indentured servants,african americans, native americans, slaves, mexican, european and asian immigrants, and illegal immigrants. It is not easy finding manual labor to work in the fields, packing houses and canneries from the existing US citizens.

    According to WHO and the farm they used E-Verify and then later said they did not use E-Verify.

  45. - Charry - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 2:40 pm:

    My name is Sam Mccann and I endorse this statement as official spoiler of this election.

    nothing in this statement says what he would do, what he thinks, or why a governor should or should not support these measures. Because brother knows that brother is here for one reason.

    what a joke.

  46. - Veil of Ignorance - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 2:53 pm:

    Extremely disappointing. The VOICES Act (SB34) got 76 House votes, including Republican Leader Durkin and several female GOP members. It’s meant to help immigrant victims of crime get a baseline level of assistance from law enforcement and encourages folks to report crimes. So to bring up the Tibbetts tragedy in the same conversation is just disingenuous and sad. This is politics at its worst.

  47. - Roman - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 2:55 pm:

    == Yes, mainly because a suit was filed in Federal Court in Chicago, where a judge ruled those detainers cant be enforced as issued. ==

    No, the Cook County Sheriff and CPD were ignoring detainers because the county board and city council passed welcoming ordinances mandating them to do so. Almost every other law enforcement agency in the state was honoring ICE detainers until the Trust Act became law last year.

  48. - don the legend - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 2:56 pm:

    –This is politics at its worst. –

    Being practiced by the worst governor in America.

  49. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 2:59 pm:

    ==Almost every other law enforcement agency in the state was honoring ICE detainers until the Trust Act became law last year.==

    Then they were likely in violation of a Federal a court order prohibiting enforcement of detainers without a warrant

  50. - Veil of Ignorance - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 3:10 pm:

    @Roman: that’s funny because the Sheriff Association said the exact opposite than what you claim because ICE detainer requests aren’t judicial warrants. In other words, there’s no legal basis for law enforcement to hold a person in custody based solely on an administrative immigration warrant.

  51. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 3:23 pm:

    ===Rauner willingly signed a bill into law reigning Illinois in as a sanctuary state and has remained silent in much of the national immigration debate. Choosing rather to side with a Chicago liberals rather than POTUS Donald Trump===

    This is Sam McCann making serious hay, going “Right”, staying “Right”… no quarter for Rauner

  52. - Roman - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 3:45 pm:

    - Veil of Ignorance -

    Before the guv signed the Trust Act, all but few law enforcement agencies in Illinois honored ICE detainers. The Trust Act made it illegal. Which makes the Trust Act a significant piece of legislation. That’s my point. After HB 40, it was one of the chief justifications for Jeanne Ives candidacy.

    Sorry, I didn’t mean to pull this post into a worm hole on the legality of ICE detainers and the 4th Amendment…the governor is pulling a major about-face on immigration. That’s the news here.

    Last year, he did a big ceremonial bill signing for the Trust Act with scores of Latino politician standing behind him. Now he sounds like Steve Bannon when it comes to immigration.

  53. - Precinct Captain - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 3:59 pm:

    Charry - Friday, Aug 24, 18 @ 2:40 pm:

    Rauner is polling 30 percent. McCann isn’t spoiling a thing unless he forgot to close the fridge at home.

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