Thought you might be interested since they never publicize their own ads…
It’s attached.
According to the same group that Pritzker uses to criticize access to mental health care, the overall ranking from Illinois has steadily improved since 2011. In 2011, Illinois ranked 16th. In 2014, Illinois ranked 15th. Right now, Illinois is ranked 11th in overall mental health care.
There is one thing they left out, though. Pritzker’s new ad accurately references this July, 2017 CNN story…
About 80,000 people in Illinois have lost access to mental health care because of the budget crisis, according to a recent survey by the Community Behavioral Healthcare Association of Illinois, which represents mental health, substance abuse and youth service providers.
This is the Pritzker sweet spot. JB pitching, no need for the flash and the magic tricks.
It’s in sharp contrast how Rauner can’t do ads like this anymore. It’s first rate.
To the disputed areas,
One thing that always gets to the wrong for me is…
If ya have the facts on your side, you don’t need to make it worse to make your point.
You want to get on the wrong side with me, start there.
Now, the cite… ah, the cite.
The cite allows the ad to be… true. True to that cite… yep.
It’s one of those things civilians seem to find confusing too. While the ad is accurate to its cite, it may not be accurate to the moment.
That is… disappointing…
The ad is a B+… it’s git all the things I’d hope a Pritzker ad will have, and continue to have thru November.
It also speaks volumes to such weak-mindedness to task… that Rauner with all he has around that can be used, they use a cite, accurately… and to their credit, it makes the hay, and the numbers are powerful…
…so why isn’t the 80,000 enough to make the point?
===There is one thing they left out, though. Pritzker’s new ad accurately references this July, 2017 CNN story…
About 80,000 people in Illinois have lost access to mental health care because of the budget crisis===
Fair enough on the stats. If Pritzker wants the moral high ground then you have to stay thier, OW is spot on.
I wonder if the other team ever makes corrections to their ads? Two wrongs do not make a right, but playing fact-checker when your own house is one built on a constant drum beat of lies is fairly lame. Common practice, but feels tattle tale like.
- Back to the Future - Tuesday, Aug 28, 18 @ 2:15 pm:
This kinda reminds me about the old story about Reagan voters. Reagan would say that, whatever, there’s 1 million welfare cheats, and all the do-gooer liberals would say, “No no no, it’s only 2,000″. And the Reagan voters would say, “2,000 is too many. One is too many.”
In this digital age the state ranking mistake is very easy to fix without losing JB’s larger message — by removing the incorrect frame and replacing it with the correct printed data. Will his campaign do it?
The closing line in the ad says it all: “We have to prioritize mental health care in Illinois and when I’m governor, we will.” The ad proves Rauner didn’t with the cite that 80,000 people lost their mental health care because of Rauner and the budget impasse.
This entire post should be in the dictionary under knit-picking.
If the Pritzker Crew can’t message with actual facts that continually support the premise of Rauner’s own failures, and they need to make things “worse” with dated facts…
… that’s on a Crew not confident enough in their own skills… given Rauner’s own record is bad on its own.
That’s how you get ads like this.
“We need to make it more. We don’t know how to make the actual bad sound bad.”
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 28, 18 @ 1:29 pm:
To the Ad,
This is the Pritzker sweet spot. JB pitching, no need for the flash and the magic tricks.
It’s in sharp contrast how Rauner can’t do ads like this anymore. It’s first rate.
To the disputed areas,
One thing that always gets to the wrong for me is…
If ya have the facts on your side, you don’t need to make it worse to make your point.
You want to get on the wrong side with me, start there.
Now, the cite… ah, the cite.
The cite allows the ad to be… true. True to that cite… yep.
It’s one of those things civilians seem to find confusing too. While the ad is accurate to its cite, it may not be accurate to the moment.
That is… disappointing…
The ad is a B+… it’s git all the things I’d hope a Pritzker ad will have, and continue to have thru November.
It also speaks volumes to such weak-mindedness to task… that Rauner with all he has around that can be used, they use a cite, accurately… and to their credit, it makes the hay, and the numbers are powerful…
…so why isn’t the 80,000 enough to make the point?
That’s a tell.
- PublicServant - Tuesday, Aug 28, 18 @ 1:31 pm:
===There is one thing they left out, though. Pritzker’s new ad accurately references this July, 2017 CNN story…
About 80,000 people in Illinois have lost access to mental health care because of the budget crisis===
So, Cherry-picking is bipartisan.
- JS Mill - Tuesday, Aug 28, 18 @ 1:53 pm:
Fair enough on the stats. If Pritzker wants the moral high ground then you have to stay thier, OW is spot on.
I wonder if the other team ever makes corrections to their ads? Two wrongs do not make a right, but playing fact-checker when your own house is one built on a constant drum beat of lies is fairly lame. Common practice, but feels tattle tale like.
- Back to the Future - Tuesday, Aug 28, 18 @ 2:15 pm:
Nice Ad. I give it B.
- Arsenal - Tuesday, Aug 28, 18 @ 2:18 pm:
This kinda reminds me about the old story about Reagan voters. Reagan would say that, whatever, there’s 1 million welfare cheats, and all the do-gooer liberals would say, “No no no, it’s only 2,000″. And the Reagan voters would say, “2,000 is too many. One is too many.”
- Responsa - Tuesday, Aug 28, 18 @ 2:32 pm:
In this digital age the state ranking mistake is very easy to fix without losing JB’s larger message — by removing the incorrect frame and replacing it with the correct printed data. Will his campaign do it?
- Anon0091 - Tuesday, Aug 28, 18 @ 4:42 pm:
The closing line in the ad says it all: “We have to prioritize mental health care in Illinois and when I’m governor, we will.” The ad proves Rauner didn’t with the cite that 80,000 people lost their mental health care because of Rauner and the budget impasse.
This entire post should be in the dictionary under knit-picking.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 28, 18 @ 4:44 pm:
===This entire post should be in the dictionary under knit-picking.===
This says a great deal about your objectivity.
Thanks for letting us know.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 28, 18 @ 4:47 pm:
If the Pritzker Crew can’t message with actual facts that continually support the premise of Rauner’s own failures, and they need to make things “worse” with dated facts…
… that’s on a Crew not confident enough in their own skills… given Rauner’s own record is bad on its own.
That’s how you get ads like this.
“We need to make it more. We don’t know how to make the actual bad sound bad.”
- Steve - Wednesday, Aug 29, 18 @ 9:16 am:
It’s nice of JB to run ads like this but it doesn’t really matter. More voters , in Illinois , like JB which means he will win.
- Steve - Wednesday, Aug 29, 18 @ 9:16 am:
It’s nice of JB to run ads like this but it doesn’t really matter. More voters , in Illinois , like JB which means he will win.