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Creating gun sanctuary counties to own the libs

Thursday, Aug 2, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Daily Telegraph

A quarter of Illinois’ county governments have passed resolutions declaring their county a “gun sanctuary,” including those in Brown and Greene counties. […]

Mark Strang, the Greene County board’s vice chairman, said the symbolic nature of the resolution is in defiance of counties that see fit not to follow the law.

“The same politicians that overlook those (immigration) laws are the same ones trying to impose gun laws in the state of Illinois,” Strang said. “We’re saying that if you’re not going to enforce rules regarding immigration, we’ll just have our own gun control laws.” […]

“It’s to show the hypocrisy of these counties not abiding by the (immigration) law,” Strang said. “Guns are something we treasure and we don’t want a bunch of laws made against our gun ownership rights.”


One matter resolved, but a bigger one remains

Thursday, Aug 2, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Comptroller Mendoza yesterday…

Our office today began sending the first backpay checks authorized by the General Assembly. The checks are going to employees of the Department of Public Health – the first state agency to submit the vouchers for backpay to our office. As soon as the other state agencies submit their vouchers to us, we are prepared to get the backpay checks out quickly. (Please note these backpay checks are not for the step increases that Governor Rauner’s Administration has refused to pay.)

* The step pay issue is still in dispute

The administration stopped paying step raises to AFSCME members after the union’s last contract expired June 30, 2015. Step increases are automatic raises given to workers in the first seven to 10 years of their careers. AFSCME said about 15,000 of its members are eligible for them. […]

In its filing Tuesday with the ILRB, the Rauner administration said it only owes step increases for the period from July 1, 2015, to Jan. 8, 2016 when the administration declared contract talks were at an impasse. Although labor law requires the status quo be maintained while a new contract is negotiated, the administration said that requirement ends when an impasse is reached. Consequently, the administration said it only owes step raises until Jan. 8, 2016. […]

The impasse issue is also being litigated, and the administration said it shouldn’t have to pay the step increases until that case is resolved. The case was argued before the Fourth District Appellate Court in June, but a decision hasn’t been issued yet. The administration noted the case is likely to end up in the Supreme Court. If it is determined an impasse doesn’t exist, the administration said, the ILRB can modify and initial decision.

The administration also said no money was appropriated in the budget to pay the past due step increases. The estimated cost of the step raises is $415 million. In addition, the administration said some state agencies may not have been appropriated enough salary money to pay AFSCME members their step raises going forward.


AFSCME strongly disagrees with the Rauner Administration’s proposal and will file an objection, instead urging that all employees are immediately restored to their proper step and paid the back wages owed.

There are no grounds for the administration’s claim that the appellate court ruling only applies through January 2016. The tolling agreement which continued the current terms and conditions of employment has been in effect since July 2015 and remains in effect today, as the administration has acknowledged.

What’s more, the need for appropriation authority (as in the back pay case) does not apply to the step case because the back pay case arose from a violation of the contract but Rauner’s failure to pay steps is a violation of state law.


Yes, it’s a slow news day

Thursday, Aug 2, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Maybe not “big news,” but certainly good news for some folks I know…


Caption contest!

Thursday, Aug 2, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sen. Toi Hutchinson (D-Olympia Fields) is now officially the new president of the National Conference of State Legislatures. This is a very big deal, so try to be gentle…


India Post astrologer predicts Pritzker win

Thursday, Aug 2, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The New Dehli-based India Post newspaper asked an astrologer to take a look at the Illinois governor’s race because the paper claims there’s intense interest about the race among Indian-Americans here. According to the article, Jatin Patel predicted Donald Trump would defeat Hillary Clinton. Patel uses what’s called the “Vedic systems approach” (click here to learn more). I kid you not

Mr. Pritzker birth (natal) planets has exalted (extreme power) of Rahu and Ketu which has given him abundance of drive. His Sun and Saturn are well-placed. This has given him limelight and opportunity to pursue politics, later in his career.

Saturn rules masses of people, which gives him people skills and is liked by others. Sun rules government, the combination of the two and transit Saturn on the day of election touches his natal Saturn making people (masses) like him. His natal Moon is strong giving him status, and a nurturing nature.

Mr. Rauner’s natal planets have strong Saturn, Venus, and Mars which give him good life, energy and success in businesses ventures. Venus giving him interest in arts and good support from wife, also making him helping others. He has many interests in life, outdoors for example. Mars gives him success in real estate and strict in decision making. It is sitting in its own house.

Both candidates have strong charts, but the transit of planets should be a very decisive factor for the ultimate outcome.

On November 6, 2018, the big difference of Saturn close to natal Saturn of Mr. Pritzer and exalted Rahu and Ketu at birth give him the edge. Mr. Pritzker in my opinion would prevail.

And there you have it.


*** UPDATED x1 *** A closer look at the governor’s off-shoring claims

Thursday, Aug 2, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As we’ve already discussed, Gov. Rauner signed the comptroller’s “off-shoring” bill this week. From his press release

Gov. Bruce Rauner today signed legislation to bring greater transparency to state government finances, limiting the use of intergovernmental agreements to end the longtime practice of paying employees from one office out of other State agencies’ appropriated funds. At the same time, the Governor called for the provisions of the legislation to be applicable to the offices of all Constitutional officers.

“Transparent governing has been a hallmark of this administration and I support efforts to challenge status quo policies and practices, particularly those that are perceived to undermine the public’s confidence in their government,” Rauner said.

“Unlike previous administrations, we have been transparent in reporting headcount and salaries of all Governor’s Office employees,” Rauner said, “and our administration is spending less on total agency-wide payroll than the previous administration.”

“The same level of transparent accounting ought to apply to all State Constitutional Offices as a necessity for accomplishing their work for taxpayers,” the Governor said urging the General Assembly to extend the truth-in-budgeting principle to the Offices of the Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Comptroller, and Treasurer.”

“The taxpayers of Illinois need to know how their money is being spent,” Rauner said. “The state’s constitutional offices have an obligation to be accountable for their spending and this would be a major step toward achieving that goal.”

* Notice how he spends much of the release insisting that other statewide electeds should now be subjected to the same rules? From the comptroller’s spokesman…

We looked into all that and found it was not necessary because no other constitutional office has the authority over another office that the Governor’s office has over its agencies. The Comptroller can’t say to the Attorney General, “Hey, I’m hiring a $150,000-a-year staffer and taking her salary out of your budget.” Or vice-versa. That imbalance of power does not exist elsewhere. The governor can and does do that to all the agencies whose directors he appoints and who therefore are in no position to argue with him. It’s not an issue for any other constitutional office.

That makes sense.

I suppose, say, it’s conceivable that the comptroller might seek an intergovernmental agreement to pay executive salaries in the future out of the State Lottery Fund. The latest omnibus appropriations bill gave her $50,300 from that fund “for expenses in connection with the State Lottery.” But that seems a stretch. The governor’s office would have to approve such an IGA, for one.

* And how transparent has this administration actually been? From 2015

Gov. Bruce Rauner promised a leaner, more transparent administration than his predecessors, yet he’s rigorously following their time-honored practice of asking other departments to sign paychecks for his staff.

Among employees doing significant work for Rauner, half their combined salaries — about $4 million — comes from separate agency budgets and isn’t listed on his office payroll, according to a review of documents by The Associated Press.

That figure is about $1 million more than Rauner’s staff reported in June during a contentious hearing over use of the strategy before a House committee headed by Rep. John Bradley, a Marion Democrat.

So, the answer is: “Not very.”

* And has he really spent “less on total agency-wide payroll than the previous administration”? From that same article

Based on a publicly available online directory of governor’s staff, Rauner is asking other agencies to cover about $4 million — more than Quinn, the AP’s analysis found.

* Back to the comptroller’s office…

We count about $5 million in Rauner off-shoring on the current payrolls.

So, the answer is: “No.”

* Meanwhile, it appears that Comptroller Mendoza’s Republican opponent opposed the bill during the spring session

Interesting concept, but I don’t buy it.

*** UPDATE *** OK, here’s something I didn’t know. The governor’s office just called and pointed to numerous intergovernmental agreements that the administration has with the attorney general’s office.

For example, Revenue has an IGA for seven criminal enforcement tax attorneys. Those lawyers work for and are controlled by the attorney general, not the department.

DHS has an IGA with the attorney general for collections. These are the IGA’s (along with others) that the governor wants addressed in future legislation.

Also, the governor’s office says a state statute requires DCFS to pay for child welfare attorneys general.


Remembering #hotdoggate

Thursday, Aug 2, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From October 29, 2014

The Twitterverse exploded Tuesday night after video footage captured Illinois gubernatorial hopeful Bruce Rauner violating the most basic Chicago food law.

Rauner, the Republican candidate campaigning in Northwest suburban Vernon Hills amidst a ferocious race against incumbent Democrat Pat Quinn, stopped at the village’s Portillo’s on Tuesday.

Eventually, Rauner makes his way to the counter. Check out 39 seconds into this Daily Herald video to watch Rauner order three hot dogs: One with everything, one plain with nothing on it and the third with mustard and ketchup.

Ordering a hot dog with ketchup in Chicago is always a gutsy move. It’s an especially courageous move by a candidate involved in a close race with less than a week before Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 4. Social media reacted strongly, with several Tweets claiming Rauner’s order had cost him the election.

* It was the first true Twitter meltdown over anything involving an Illinois gubernatorial campaign

Turns out the offending dog was meant for one of his staffers, but by the time Team Rauner clarified the incident, it was too late: News of the Winnetka venture capitalist’s mistake had swiftly spread across social media; on Twitter, #Raunerdog and #hotdoggate hash tags had sprung up.

Click here and scroll down to refresh your memory.

* Gov. Rauner helped celebrate the 125th anniversary of Vienna Beef in Chicago yesterday and recalled the incident

Rauner ordered what he called a Chicago-style dog for himself and for his staffers a plain hot dog and — gasp — one with ketchup.

“You would have thought the earth stood still. There were reporters standing there. They said, ‘What just happened? What just happened? The governor just ordered a hot dog with ketchup,’ ” Rauner recalled.

“This is a headline. It was a state headline — state headline that the governor’s staffer ordered,” he said. “And you know what? I had to come out and say, ‘In America, we believe in freedom, freedom of choice. In Chicago we eat it with mustard and relish and pickles. But America’s built on freedom and if Lindsay wants ketchup, God bless her. All right?’”

The staffer, Lindsay Walters, is now a deputy press secretary for President Donald Trump.

* Actually, it was Walters herself who took the fall…


Define “transparency”

Thursday, Aug 2, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Chicago Public Schools CEO Janice Jackson back in January

“When people don’t trust that district, I take that personal, not just because I’m the CEO, but because I owe everything in my career to CPS,” Jackson said.

Jackson promises more transparency in her tenure as Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s fourth CPS CEO

* Yesterday…



Thursday, Aug 2, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

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