Reader comments closed for the weekend
Friday, Aug 24, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * I feel like some Keef… Always took candy from strangers
*** UPDATED x1 - McCann accepts all 12 *** Rauner wants 12 debates, Pritzker says 3
Friday, Aug 24, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * Gov. Rauner wants as many as a dozen debates, according to the Sun-Times. JB Pritzker has only agreed to three…
Thoughts? *** UPDATE *** Sen. Sam McCann…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Campaign updates
Friday, Aug 24, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller
Let’s dance!
Friday, Aug 24, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * This video of one of JB Pritzker’s new TV ads has some issues because it came in over the transom… * If you check the 12-second mark, you’ll see him dance a bit. I’ve isolated it for you… * I’m not sure who’s better. From four years ago…
…Adding… A more recent Rauner dancing video…
*** UPDATED x5 - Shriver Center, Cullerton, Senate Latino Caucus, McCann, Pritzker respond *** Rauner says he will veto three immigration bills, talks about Mollie Tibbetts case
Friday, Aug 24, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * Earlier today on a southern Illinois radio station…
* The governor called the three pieces of legislation “bad bills.” Former Gov. Jim Edgar penned an op-ed earlier this week calling on him to sign the bills. Here’s Edgar’s take on the first bill Rauner referenced today…
Gov. Rauner said today the “bad” bill was “part of the whole sanctuary concept that I’m against.” …Adding… I posted the wrong bill above. He’s vetoing SB35, but signing SB3488. Change made in text. * Edgar…
“That ties the hands of law enforcement,” Rauner said. “It can delay deportations which should otherwise occur. And again, that’s a bad bill and we’re gonna be vetoing that. We don’t want to tie the hands of our local law enforcement.” * Edgar…
“Again,” Rauner said, Wwe should not be tying the hands of any property owners in the state or supporting illegal immigration in that way.” * The show’s host then mentioned that Illinois has more illegal immigrants than any other state. Rauner’s response…
* Rauner also talked about how the state Democrats “tried to ban E-Verify as a tool for employers to check on legal status of immigrants before they hire anybody.” He said that “fortunately, they lost that in the courts.” The governor said he wants E-Verify everywhere in the country. Click here for background on that fight. The show’s host suggested that perhaps the alleged murderer of Mollie Tibbetts, who is reported to be an illegal immigrant, might not have even been working in Iowa if his employer had used E-Verify, which is a website that allows employers to determine the eligibility of their employees to work.
Some Republicans, including former US House Speaker Newt Gingrich, have been pushing Republican candidates to use the Mollie Tibbetts case in the fall campaign. *** UPDATE 1 *** Pritzker campaign…
*** UPDATE 2 *** Sen. Sam McCann…
*** UPDATE 3 *** Press release…
*** UPDATE 4 *** Press release…
*** UPDATE 5 *** Press release…
Pritzker campaign celebrates National Waffle Day with P&R poke at Rauner
Friday, Aug 24, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * Ouch…
Background is here if you don’t quite get the joke.
Question of the day
Friday, Aug 24, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * Attorney General Lisa Madigan press release…
* NBC 5…
* Sun-Times…
* OK, back to this statement by AG Madigan…
* The Questions: 1) Is this an appropriate undertaking by the attorney general? 2) Should this be used as a template by future attorneys general for investigating corruption and other statewide illegalities? Take the poll, answer both questions and then explain your answers in comments, please. survey tools
[I had a problem with the template, so I posted a new survey.]
*** UPDATED x1 *** Open thread
Friday, Aug 24, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * I have to take Oscar for a haircut and run another quick errand. Not sure when I’ll be back. Please keep it Illinois-centric and be nice to each other. Thanks. *** UPDATE *** He’s so cute… ![]()
More on Pritzker’s revenue guesstimate as he launches new TV ad
Friday, Aug 24, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * Politico…
First, reporters have been asking for those rates for more than just weeks. It’s been months. Maybe even a year or more. And, yes, I agree that the Pritzker campaign likely isn’t going to release its numbers because doing so would give the other side some big ammo. Duh. That’s why I decided to do it myself. Unlike the rate issue, needed revenue is a question I could answer myself, but I had to ask them first just to see if they wanted to stick their necks out. We’ll just have to see if Team Rauner uses that back of the envelope guesstimate I published yesterday. * Meanwhile, the Pritzker campaign has a new TV ad on this very topic. Rate it… * Transcript…
Caption contest!
Friday, Aug 24, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * Pretty heavy union presence in that part of the world… ![]()
Friday, Aug 24, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * Follow along with ScribbleLive…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Friday, Aug 24, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller