*** UPDATED x1 *** The Seth McMillan campaign is kind of a hot mess
Monday, Sep 17, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * A since deleted tweet of outrage… ![]() * Wanna know why it was deleted? Guess who else often uses the word “Downstate”? Seth McMillan, of course…
Click here for many more. That advanced Twitter search tool is awesome. Also, check out McMillan’s campaign announcement video. At about the :50 mark he says “I think people feel like Downstate has been forgotten for a long time.”. And then click here for a McMillan press release, which uses the word “Downstate” three times. * I put this post together, but decided to let it slide. He deleted the tweet, after all. And then I saw Bernie’s story about this McMillan tweet…
* Bernie…
Sheesh. Do better. * Meanwhile…
The typo is in an A-1 that claims the RSSCC paid a McMillan campaign staffer $1.2 million in salary. I’m not certain if McMillan or the RSSCC made the error, but it’s quite something. Not including the $1.2 million for the staffer, McMillan has reported raising a whopping $14,915.20 this quarter. Over a third of that - $5,000 - is from Richard Uihlein, which opens McMillan up to the unfortunately ubiquitous charge that he accepted money from somebody who supported an accused molester. He also received $1,000 from the chairman of the Illinois Gaming Board and his spouse. President Trump won this district by 17 big points. But Manar started spending TV money in June and it seems to have rattled McMillan to the bone. *** UPDATE *** Looks like he’s gonna have to refund Chairman Don Tracy’s contribution. From state statute…
- wordslinger - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 2:27 pm:
Such a strange story. Did he hit his head on something hard?
- Annonin' - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 2:29 pm:
Seems like it easier to just say:
Pervert funder backs…
Seth McMillan
Proft Fake Newsers
And then explain the whole sordid Roy Moore bankrollin’
- Arsenal - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 2:33 pm:
Manar was always going to be a hard out, but given how much Rauner ‘14 and Trump ‘16 cleaned up in that district, SGOP should’ve been able to find someone better than this.
- Retired Educator - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 2:35 pm:
McMillin is way out of his league. He has zero chance of unseating Manar. This is actually a real good demonstration to show, not everyone should run for office. McMillin is simply trying to manufacture controversy to get free press. (pathetic)
- Roman - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 2:37 pm:
Bruce Rauner and most Republican donors outside of Uilhein have clearly abandoned the Senate GOP ship.
And speaking of Uilhein, why in the world would he dump all that money against Julie Morrison in a Dem senate district when there are much more winnable races out there? I can almost hear John Cullerton’s laughter over Bill Brady’s sobs.
- Arthur Andersen - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 2:39 pm:
To the Update, Don Tracy is a practicing attorney. Whoops.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 2:40 pm:
“Downstate”… seriously, are you just looking to pick fights? No self awareness.
Here’s where i am with the SGOP and HGOP
I’m with them, because when Rauner leaves the stage, they’ll be looking for voters like me, in hopes to get to 60 and 30… and if they try, I’ll be there.
Twitter rarely wins elections. Rarely.
- wordslinger - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 2:47 pm:
According to ISBE, Tracy has made a few political contributions since being appointed Gaming Board chair in January 2015.
Nothing earth-shaking, but you’d think a sharpie like that would know better.
- Henry Francis - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 2:48 pm:
Well as far as I know this McMillan fellow is not a nazi or shut out of ILGOP bucks because of alleged physical harassment. So it’s not like he’s bottom of the barrel.
- Annonin' - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 2:55 pm:
he was building the Tracy Park & Outdoor Drum Practice Area. No time for those silly state laws
- Arthur Andersen - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 3:06 pm:
word, one would also think that an agency like the Gaming Board, that exercises severe oversight authority over its licensees, might do a bit of due diligence on its own shop.
Be interesting to see if this turns up as an audit finding.
- Anon - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 3:08 pm:
==Manar started spending TV money in June and it seems to have rattled McMillan to the bone.
Manar is smart. He started planning for June TV right after the ‘16 election when he saw the lay of the land.
- Marty Funkhouser - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 3:12 pm:
Pfingsten’s back. Oh goody.
- Arthur Andersen - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 3:19 pm:
-He was building the Tracy Park & Outdoor Drum Practice Area-
But Annonin’ look how swell that turned out.
- Anonymous - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 3:33 pm:
“Any member of the Board may be removed by the Governor for … engaging in any political activity.” Calls for Rauner to remove him in 3, 2, 1..
- Joe Bidenopolous - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 3:33 pm:
===No member of the Board shall engage in any political activity.===
===To the Update, Don Tracy is a practicing attorney. ===
Seems pretty crazy that the Chairman of the Gaming Board wouldn’t know the regulations and statutes s/he is tasked with overseeing. Does the Gaming Board have its own Inspector General or would that go to the Executive IG? Either way, it needs to be referred.
- Peter Torque - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 3:45 pm:
The staff salary figure should have been $1,207.25 and the contribution was from Wanda Tracy only according to letters filed with the Board of Elections. See top two items here https://www.elections.il.gov/CampaignDisclosure/CommitteeDetail.aspx?id=Sb49F%2blo9NAPhqJTjca2uw%3d%3d
- Michelle Flaherty - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 3:49 pm:
Thank goodness McMillan isn’t running for an office where words and numbers matter.
Dude seems to have serious problems with paperwork
- Cubs in '16 - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 3:55 pm:
===PATRICK PFINGSTEN, consultant to McMillan, said it is “bogus” to claim Manar was taken out of context===
In response, Manar stated the claim is ‘most righteous’.
- TaylorvilleTornado - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 4:15 pm:
You missed the hilarious part where someone from McMillan’s hired PR firm replied to someone calling them one of “Andy Manar’s group of internet thugs” and then was called out for working at that PR firm (that he advertises in his Twitter handle).
Reminds me of when IPI used to have staffer flood the Facebook pages of the local news stations to steer convos to their agenda.
- Lt Guv - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 4:33 pm:
Hire the brain dead, they’re fun to watch.
- Synonymous - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 4:43 pm:
Was Manar house or senate staff person?
Seems to be the way to get big love here.
- Arsenal - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 4:49 pm:
==Seems to be the way to get big love here.==
Another way to get big love here is to pass big bills, as Manar did. Bonus points if you then face an opponent who can’t even remember what to call his home.
- Bruce (no not him) - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 6:03 pm:
I’ve lived downstate my whole life. Never considered it a derogatory term. Now, Chicago, that’s derogatory.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Sep 17, 18 @ 11:01 pm:
@SethMcMillan hate to break it to you and your crack P.R. team, but you are running for the State Senate in Central Illinois, not Southern Illinois.
Southern Illinois is another two hours south, son.
- Southern_Dawg - Tuesday, Sep 18, 18 @ 9:04 am:
Yellow Dog is right. I actually live in Southern Illinois. I have to drive 3 hours north to even get to that district. IL48 is not in southern Illinois. Not even by a long shot. I kind of miss the days when we were thought of as Egypt and backwards. Now y’all wanna be southerners.
- Anon - Tuesday, Sep 18, 18 @ 10:36 am:
Andy was repeating this story all weekend. No wonder it became news.
- the_mahannibal - Wednesday, Oct 3, 18 @ 12:44 pm:
What is the southern/central Illinois line of demarcation? I-70? I-64?
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Oct 3, 18 @ 12:56 pm:
===southern/central Illinois line of demarcation===
45 miles south of wherever you are.