Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Rauner says nepotism EO will help stop outmigration
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Rauner says nepotism EO will help stop outmigration

Monday, Sep 24, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Rauner signed an executive order on Friday banning nepotism in state government hiring and blamed mistrust by residents as a reason for people moving out of Illinois.

As a rationale for Rauner’s action, the executive order said “with the problem of outmigration growing in Illinois, it is imperative to strengthen the ethical practices of state government to ensure residents of Illinois trust that the state is promoting their interests.”

“Public trust historically has been diminished by a belief that the work of state government is done by the backroom dealings of a few focused on personal gain, while the people of Illinois are left wondering who has their interest in mind,” the order said.

Rauner has frequently used the word “corrupt” to attack his political opponents, namely Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan.

The EO is here.

Outmigration is a real problem. Everybody watching last night’s football game in Arizona got a depressing lesson in outmigration when the cameras continually focused on the huge number of Bears fans in the stands. I kinda doubt that most of those folks flew out for the game.

Rauner connecting his EO to the problem is a bit odd, but not totally unjustifiable. More reforms are clearly needed and Rauner’s talked about nepotism and outmigration for years. I guess my only question is: “Why did this take so long?” At first I thought he might be trying to get in front of a weekend story, but nothing broke. Maybe I’m just too cynical these days.

* Speaking of executive orders

Gov. Bruce Rauner has issued executive orders eliminating 53 boards and commissions his administration said serve no public purpose and have been inactive for years, some for as long as two full decades. […]

One of the organizations that Rauner eliminated — the State Government Accountability Council — was formed in 1999 and there isn’t any recorded activity since that time. Another, the Illinois Board of Athletic Trainers, last met a decade ago in 2008.

The EO is here. Go to page 7 for this next part.

* From a subscriber…

The EO listed the Commission on Police Professionalism as a defunct board citing an internal statutory repeal date in 50 ILCS 725/8.

However, the GA passed this year and the governor signed SB3263, which extended the deadline for the commission to issue it’s report and transferred staff responsibility for the commission from the Law Enforcement Training Standards Board to the State Police.

My understanding is that the bill was introduced because LETSB had never done any work to convene the commission so it could begin it’s work.

So if my reading is right, the governor has abolished the commission before it has met and just a few weeks after extending it’s deadline. Kinda goofy.

The bill is here. I asked the governor’s office for a response hours ago and never heard back.

…,Adding… I was just shown evidence that my e-mail inquiry was sent to spam. They’re checking on it now.

*** UPDATE *** From the governor’s office…

Your subscriber is flat out wrong.

The commission that SB3263 refers to is not one of the 53 boards or commissions that we abolished. Our executive orders also clarified that 44 boards and commissions no longer have legal authority to function, and one of those 44 was an old version of the commission.

The old version of the commission had statutory authority from 50 ILCS 725/8, which we referred to in Exhibit B of EO 2018-11. That section of the statute had a sunset date of April 1, 2016. When that date came and went, the previous version of the commission became defunct.

More than a year later, Public Act 100-319 (eff. 8-24-17) created a new version of the commission in a different section of the statute, 50 ILCS 725/7.5. The new commission has slightly different membership and slightly broader functions, compared to the old commission. The new statute added the Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department, as a member, and adds “review [of] officer-involved shooting investigation policies, review policies and practices concerning the use of force and misconduct by law enforcement officers” to the functions.

Our executive order doesn’t affect this new version of the commission at all.


  1. - Precinct Captain - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 12:17 pm:

    One of the most corrupt governors in America complaining about ethics? Spare me Bruce.

  2. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 12:20 pm:

    That’s right, the guy that used to manage the state pensions is complaining about corrupt backroom deals. There could be no other governor with as much firsthand knowledge of the problem than Bruce Rauner.

  3. - Huh? - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 12:22 pm:

    “banning nepotism… and blamed…as a reason for people moving out of Illinois.”
    And I thought it was high taxes and no term limits. /s

  4. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 12:23 pm:

    “Bruce and I aren’t related”

    - Leslie Munger

  5. - Cubs in '16 - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 12:25 pm:

    ===“Bruce and I aren’t related”

    - Leslie Munger===

    “Nor are we”

    -Ken Dunkin

  6. - A Jack - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 12:26 pm:

    Did Rauner sign the EO before or after he shuffled Munger into the DCEO?

  7. - Anonymous - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 12:26 pm:

    ===So if my reading is right, the governor has abolished the commission before it has met and just a few weeks after extending it’s deadline.===

    How long before we can take the training wheels off of the Rauner administration?

  8. - wordslinger - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 12:26 pm:

    Well, we know for sure that Munger, Dunkin, the Cellini crew and the IT patronage army won’t be leaving Illinois as long as Rauner is governor.

  9. - vole - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 12:31 pm:

    yep, ranks right up there with underfunded schools and universities, lousy roads, and increasing threats to environmental quality and quality of living from industrial agriculture

  10. - Lodestar - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 12:31 pm:

    The gaping nepotism hole here is, of course, business partner, investor or someone with a shared financial interest.

  11. - Nietzsche - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 12:33 pm:

    “…belief that the work of state government is done by the backroom dealings of a few focused on personal gain, while the people of Illinois are left wondering who has their interest in mind,” the order said.”

    BVR: Making beliefs reality.

  12. - Skeptic - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 12:35 pm:

    BVR: “See? I told you there was waste, fraud and abuse.”

  13. - A Jack - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 12:36 pm:

    Oh pardon me, I guess Munger is cronyism and Rauner hasn’t signed an EO for that.

    And I guess former Reps becoming Department Directors and their children taking over their old position is still okay too.

  14. - Annonin' - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 12:38 pm:

    So GovJunk thinks nepotism leads to outmigration? and Capt Fax watched a football game and sees “evidence” of either nepotism/outmigration.
    That clears it all up — not.
    Most know that next to Naples/Ft. Meyers the Phoenix area has had lots of IL’s for decades. Something about climate — and Cubs spring training.

  15. - Nearly Normal - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 12:40 pm:

    Re the Bears fans seen at the game in Arizona–there are many folks from BloNo who moved to AZ in order to keep jobs with State Farm. Of course, not all transferred are Bears fans but no doubt there are many who are. Plus State Farm has naming rights for the Cardinal’s stadium.

  16. - Whatever - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 12:48 pm:

    == Everybody watching last night’s football game in Arizona got a depressing lesson in outmigration when the cameras continually focused on the huge number of Bears fans in the stands.==

    I remember when “they” flew in a couple tons of White Castle hamburgers to San Francisco and had a big cookout for Chicagoland expatriates. It was at Candlestick Park in 1984 or 85. So it’s been happening for decades.

  17. - Roman - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 12:49 pm:

    Completely meaningless and laughable. Why not issue an EO calling for the clouds to rain money?

    If he really wants to stop nepotism in state government he could call his lackies at the tollway and tell them to stop giving contracts to their kids.

  18. - Lt Guv - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 12:53 pm:

    An irrelevant move in relation to outmigration. Give me a break.

  19. - Norseman - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 12:57 pm:

    The bill’s effective date has already passed. In conflicts over laws, the last passed takes preference. The EO would be viewed in that vein. However, EO’s are subject to legislative review. So the bd. Is kaput unless the GA rejects the EO.

  20. - Anonymous - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 12:58 pm:

    Oh,how I wish BVR could be classified as one of the “outmigrants.” Laughable EO…at this juncture.

  21. - Anonymous - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 1:01 pm:

    I’d like to see a statute that bans this type of nepotism hiring in county and local township governments also. Whiteside county for instance, where circuit clerk Sue Costello, a Republican, is married to appointed state’s attorney Terry Costello, who used to be a Republican, but is now a Democrat, so he can be greased into office this November. It’s just one big Good Old Boys (and Girls) club in Whiteside, under the control(?) of the dessicated nursing home crowd on the twenty-seven member county board.

  22. - NeverPoliticallyCorrect - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 1:02 pm:

    The only thing almost as bad as making phony promises to give everyone everything (cue Democratic bow) is saying meaningless administrative actions will fix all our problems (cue Rauner). I, for one, am just so tired of all the denial, deflecting, and deceit both main parties have utilized over the decades in Illinois.

  23. - Big Jer - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 1:03 pm:

    ====I remember when “they” flew in a couple tons of White Castle hamburgers to San Francisco and had a big cookout for Chicagoland expatriates. It was at Candlestick Park in 1984 or 85. So it’s been happening for decades.

    Agreed. I lived in Souther California for a few years in the early 90’s and was surprised at how many people I ran into who lived in Cali but were from Chicago.

    Also I worked in the plastics engineering field for 25 years and even in traveling for work around the country would frequently meet people who moved from Chicago either due to work or family.

    Lastly those of us old enough to remember when WGN was a superstation and you could watch the Cubs anywhere in the country may also play a role in the amount of Chicago expatriates and Chicago sports fans around the country.

  24. - Yiddishcowboy - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 1:06 pm:

    Me again at 12:58…YC

  25. - Rich Miller - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 1:06 pm:

    === So it’s been happening for decades===

    Yes, of course it has. However, net outmigration has only been a thing for a few years.

  26. - Steve Rogers - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 1:08 pm:

    Since there is no mention of how much money the state is saving, I’m guessing that eliminating all these boards and commissions (while great for housecleaning) saves $0.

  27. - Han's Solo Cup - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 1:18 pm:

    If he really wanted to put a dent in out migration he should draft and sign a law banning winter.

  28. - Stuntman Bob's Brother - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 1:20 pm:

    With respect to outmigration, some municipalities within the state have imposed “exit taxes” due when you sell your residence (one of them got me for 0.5% of sales price many years ago). Would it be legal for the state to impose a similar tax? And if so, how much should it be?

  29. - cdog - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 1:21 pm:

    Outmigration, nepotism, cronyism, and patronage are not problems in Illinois, and never have been. To claim this is pure lunacy.

    Cigarettes don’t cause cancer, either.


  30. - cdog - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 1:24 pm:

    Stuntman, statewide exit tax?

    Is that a joke?

  31. - Give Me A Break - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 1:30 pm:

    I will believe any Gov. is serious about doing away with nepotism and the like when they sign an EO extending the provisions of this one to county political chairs.

  32. - Annoyance - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 1:32 pm:

    Eliminate outmigration here’s a few ideas:

    1. Give employees raises
    2. Allow for advancement, which was just taken away from the Chicago state of Illinois employees just look at the postings. I didn’t realized that the composition of Illinois did not include minorities but the legislatures seem to believe it. Stupid legislation has consequences.
    3. People move for family and jobs don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Make Illinois pleasant for the growing senior population, healthcare, walkable, easy transportation, and social programs.

  33. - Langhorne - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 1:38 pm:

    If you eliminate 53 inactive boards and commissions that have done nothing, …….. you have accomplished…….. nothing. This is the kind of thing usually assigned to an intern, that gets quietly tidied up. BTIA

  34. - Barrington - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 1:40 pm:

    If net outmigration has been a thing the last few years then I am not sure why Rauner would want to highlight this.

  35. - Anonymous - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 1:50 pm:

    Really the only thing Rauner can do to help out-migration is to run a better government. Reforms need to happen as well to improve our fiscal condition and so our tax increases aren’t swallowed up by our pension backlog.

    Rauner has failed at running at improving government function and the legislature has failed at reforms… they have both been an abject failure. The most unfortunate thing about our upcoming election is no matter what the outcome of the election is, the outcome for our state will be the same.

  36. - Ole' Nelson - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 2:09 pm:


    Not exactly an out-migration tax, but essentially functions as one. Check out the following quote from bondbuyer magazine about an idea for raising the revenue necessary to begin paying down Illinois’ pension debt.

    “A statewide property tax has benefits if such a tax is legal because it creates certainty and transparency and would likely be capitalized into real estate values which could prevent people leaving the state to avoid paying for the liability, Mattoon said. But it would prove a hard sell.”

  37. - Deadbeat Conservative - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 2:45 pm:

    =the State Government Accountability Council — was formed in 1999 and there isn’t any recorded activity since that time.=

    And it certainly shows….

  38. - Mad Brown - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 3:33 pm:

    I mean who needs Childhood Cancer Research, or Radiation Protection, or Mental Health Services Strategic Planning, or and Interstate Sex Offender task force anyway?

  39. - GlimmerGirl - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 4:00 pm:

    I can think of at least 5 highly-educated families who “outmigrated,” 3 to Tennessee, because of the Governor’s 9 month closure of the Illinois State Museum system back in 2015-16. Let’s see… low property taxes, no state income tax, better weather, mountain scenery…

  40. - Anonymous - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 5:14 pm:

    =I can think of at least 5 highly-educated families who “outmigrated,” 3 to Tennessee=

    Good. Tennessee could desperately use some highly educated people.

  41. - Anonymous - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 6:39 pm:

    There is a lot of nepotism swapping too. County official hires state official’s kin, then vice versa, then throw in a City official doing something similar. The EO does nothing about that.

  42. - The Dude - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 7:00 pm:

    Only nepotism I see in state government is the governors appointed staff.

    It isn’t uncommon to run into Rauner’s staff and then I google their name and it’s a brother of a GOP chairman or state reps kid.

    I’ve done it to over 5 of Rauner’s staff.

    At the union level nepotism was out the door when Rutan became a thing. I like how the governor makes this law after 4 years of doing it.

  43. - Orland Park Mayor - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 7:11 pm:

    Nepotism…Does the Gov forget appointing Liz Gorman to the Tollway and her husband to a state position as well?

  44. - VanillaMan - Monday, Sep 24, 18 @ 10:47 pm:

    Rauner is such a poor governor, he’s doing EO now, instead of during his first 100 days.

    Bruce, you are so sad.

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