Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Democratic candidate withdraws from Tribune endorsement session over McQueary column
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Democratic candidate withdraws from Tribune endorsement session over McQueary column

Friday, Sep 28, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Terra Costa Howard is running against Rep. Peter Breen (R-Lombard). This is a Tier 1 race and as I’ve been telling subscribers, tons of money is being pumped into it. Personal PAC is also heavily involved because Breen is totally against abortion rights…

Statement from Terra Costa Howard
Democratic nominee for 48th District State Representative

Several weeks ago, I accepted the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board’s invitation to attend an endorsement session today.

Many friends and advisors warned me that I had no chance of getting a fair hearing, much less an endorsement. However, I thought it was important to give voters in the 48th District this opportunity to hear from me directly about my positions on the issues that matter most to us.

Then on Monday, I read Kristen McQueary’s column, which insulted every Democratic woman running for office in Illinois.

Ms. McQueary said the women running in DuPage County and other suburbs were “put up” by House Speaker Michael Madigan because we “poll well.” That’s offensive.

I’ve worked as an attorney in DuPage County for two decades, standing up for people who are vulnerable and in need. I’ve worked beside my husband to build a successful small business. I spent eight years on the Glen Ellyn school board, making sure our community’s excellent public schools serve the needs of our children – while keeping our budgets balanced, every year.

By any standard, I am more than qualified to run for State Representative – and to serve. Yet Ms. McQueary makes it sound like I’m some generic “woman candidate,” a pawn in a skirt whose name was randomly pulled from a hat.

She also claimed that any candidate who accepts support from the Illinois Democratic Party has to “give up control” of her campaign and winds up “subservient” to Madigan. That is absolutely untrue.

I’m proud to be a Democrat, and I’m proud that the Democratic Party of Illinois is supporting me.

I’m up against an incumbent who is backed by billionaires Bruce Rauner and Dick Uihlein (the top donor for Roy Moore, the Republican Senate candidate in Alabama who was accused of sexually assaulting several teen girls.) Without the support of my party, I would have no chance to unseat an entrenched politician who has turned his back on our communities in favor of the wealthy special interests that support him.

But let me be clear: I am in full control of my campaign, and I am “subservient” to no one. When I get to Springfield, I will vote my district first, no matter what.

As for Ms. McQueary’s statement that Democratic women “have become adept at looking the other way” when women are abused or harassed, I will just say this: For 20 years, judges in DuPage County have chosen me to act as guardian ad litem for children, seniors, and people with disabilities. Those judges trust me to protect those vulnerable people to the absolute best of my ability – and they know I will never “look the other way” if my clients are in danger of harm or abuse. My integrity has never been for sale, and it never will be.

Every day, I grab a clipboard and walk from door to door in my district, talking to people about the issues that matter most to them and their families. I see no reason to waste precious hours of this campaign fighting to be heard in a room full of people whose minds were made up long before I walked in the door.

For these reasons, I am withdrawing from today’s meeting with the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board.

The column in question is here. I’ve asked McQueary via e-mail for comment and will post it if she sends one.

Did she do the right thing, or should she have attended the forum anyway?


  1. - Anonymous - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 9:42 am:

    While walking, does her phone have an app that allows Madigan’s folks to tell that she is walking, as the Tribune columnist said is the case with Madigan-financed candidates?

  2. - Soccermom - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 9:43 am:

    Madigan and the fembots he controls…

  3. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 9:45 am:

    Good for her. She did the right thing. No matter what Ms. Howard would have said, McQueary would have the last word.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 9:47 am:

    The question…

    “Did she do the right thing, or should she have attended the forum anyway?”

    From the cited article…

    ===Putting up female candidates in the suburbs because they poll well and have increased Madigan’s voting majority — that is the Madigan program.===

    That @StatehouseChick is so dismissive, off-handedly dismissive…

    No, there is no reason to sit in front of someone so readily dismissive of a person, and choosing gender, not qualifications, to make a point… no.

    As of that sentence, her gender dictated the words to the dismissive… that sentence wouldn’t pertain to her if she were male.

    No good comes from facing someone so dismissive of people.

  5. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 9:48 am:

    ===is the case with Madigan-financed candidates===

    That’s a standard app that lots of Democrats around the country use.

  6. - Smitty Irving - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 9:48 am:

    She did the right thing. McQueary needs to learn words have consequences.

  7. - wordslinger - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 9:53 am:

    Howard’s reasoning convinces me she’s doing the right thing.

    The tronc endorsement has always been a rigged game, one way or the other. Paul Lis made a fortune off of it.

  8. - 47th Ward - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 9:53 am:

    I don’t know if it was the right thing to do, but I think it’s the smart thing to do. The best likely outcome for her if she attends is that the Tribune will say something nice about her as it endorses Breen. So now, the Tribune will still endorse Breen but won’t say anything nice about her.

    And now Rich and maybe others will take notice of her standing up to the Tribune and McQueary. That won’t translate into broad coverage by voters in her district, but she’ll own this blog post today and this message is really aimed at political players outside her district anyway.

    Finally, I am glad someone called out McQueary’s insult for the cheap, uninformed, patronizing slop that it was. Good for Howard. Maybe I’ll send her a contribution. She’s got some guts, that’s for sure.

  9. - Wow - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 9:54 am:

    3 hours to waste at Trib Frat House Tower? Or 3 hours meeting voters in district?? Mmmmmm

  10. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 9:57 am:

    Good for her.

    Every time I think about pulling the trigger and digitally subscribing to the Tribune because of their other journalists there I enjoy, I remember the Trib also employs McQueary and Kass as pro bono GOP operatives and I don’t want to contribute the furtherance of bad faith they inject into Illinois discourse.

    There are ways to oppose Madigan and Democratic policies in a thoughtful and honest way without but these two are reflexive partisans with no respect for their readers.

  11. - Occam - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 9:58 am:

    In other words, somebody said something mean about her so she’s now going to play the victim card and go and hide.

    Maybe McQueary was right.

  12. - Taxpayer 1 - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 10:00 am:

    I believe it is a bad move. She had a lot to say in her letter which she should have said to the Tribune. You cannot run when you don’t get your way. If she is the fighter she claims to be why did she walk away? I am unsure but it will hurt her chances.

  13. - Anonymous - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 10:01 am:

    Was McQueary’s column inspired by thinking the hurricane that hit New Orleans had a feminine name?

  14. - Flat Bed Ford - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 10:03 am:

    Terra Costa Howard is channeling her inner Donald Trump. FAKE NEWS! She might not like the press or a particular reporter but in issuing this statement she is equally as guilty as Donald Trump is in degrading what is left of the free press. They are truly the only check and balances on candidates and elected officials. She just flipped them the bird.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 10:06 am:

    ===You cannot run when you don’t get your way.===

    No one is required to sit in front of the Trib Edit Board. Running away indicates someone not doing a required act.

    ===If she is the fighter she claims to be why did she walk away?===

    The history of the Trib Edit Board before @StatehouseChick’s remarks here… have shown Dems don’t face a board willing to look at candidates over party affiliations… if anything, @StatehouseChick seems to be indicating her preference of male Republican candidates… or is that too far…

  16. - Arsenal - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 10:06 am:

    ==That’s a standard app that lots of Democrats around the country use.==

    And that’s a misunderstanding of how it works. For one thing, no one is required to use it, and most folks still use paper lists.

  17. - Soccermom - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 10:12 am:

    As I understand it, Terra Costa Howard was one of the few Democratic candidates — male or female — willing to meet with the Tribune ed board.

    Instead of applauding Terra’s willingness to head into the lion’s den, the Trib threw a few gratuitous insults her way, just a few days before her scheduled session.

    Not cool, and not strategic.

  18. - Soccermom - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 10:14 am:

    Gee, Occam — I’m not sure that releasing a public statement counts as “running away and hiding.”

  19. - A guy - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 10:17 am:

    Breen went to all of them. Sun Times included. Daily Herald. League of Women Voters Forum; not exactly friendly allies. Putting out a press release saying you’re not going and calling out the journalist? Odd.

    Lots of Dems have politely declined the Tribune. Lots of GOPers declined the Sun Times politely. I don’t recall any of them sending a press release. That’s just kooky.

  20. - Because I said so.... - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 10:20 am:

    =In other words, somebody said something mean about her so she’s now going to play the victim card and go and hide.=

    OH PLEASE! She had every right and to some level and obligation to call out McQueary on that article and she is not playing victim… all. She was hoping for a fair assessment of both candidates but as always, the Trib has its mind made up before things begin. McQueary as always, or since she’s been at the Trib, she makes generalizations and her view is totally one-sided.
    Maybe I’m still a bit raw from yesterdays news but I strongly support and applaud Terra Costa Howard for standing up to the Trib editorial board.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 10:23 am:

    Breen, and his righteous indignation, also supports a governor who signed an abortion bill, arguably too liberal to pass and be signed in California.

    Breen, as a phony, no problem facing anyone.

  22. - Soccermom - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 10:27 am:

    A guy —

    As I understand it, Terra Costa Howard had politely accepted — and then saw the not-so-polite column about Democratic women. So she decided to stand up and explain why she decided to withdraw.

  23. - Roman - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 10:28 am:

    She did the right thing. There was little-to-no chance Costa Howard was ever going to get the Trib endorsement. Why submit yourself to a kangaroo court when you can weaponize your non-endorsement as a sexist attack? McQueary gave them an opening, they took it. Smart politics.

  24. - Michael Westen - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 10:30 am:

    Look at the bright side. At least McQueary didn’t call for a hurricane to hit her house. So I guess that’s progress.

  25. - From the 'Dale to HP - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 10:35 am:

    The Trib Ed Board has a major legitimacy problem (and have for years now). They really need to be introspective and reevaluate how they write about things over there. Until then, their words are fairly meaningless.

  26. - sunshine - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 10:52 am:

    She absolutely did the right thing. Kudos to her for standing up to Katrina and her hurricane sized ego.
    Why would you sit in front of someoneone who has already decided to oppose you for reasons that have nothing to do with you as an individual?

  27. - Texas Red - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 10:52 am:

    the calculus in play is do you attend and offer your vision on the issues that might impact residents in the 48th District, regardless of the endorsement potential; or do you condemn the process and go with a resistance theme. she chose the latter.

  28. - wordslinger - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 10:54 am:

    –I don’t recall any of them sending a press release. That’s just kooky.–

    What’s “kooky” about it?

  29. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 10:55 am:

    ===FAKE NEWS (exclamation mark) She might not like the press or a particular reporter…===

    @StatehouseChick is a columnist and a member of the Editorial Board.

    ===They are truly the only check and balances on candidates and elected officials. She just flipped them the bird.===

    You must not read the Tribune.

    This is true;

    The Tribune reporters are top shelf, Restaurant Quality, and cover, in this instance, politics and state government as well as anyone you may find doing the same job anywhere in America.

    This is also true;

    The Tribune Editorial Board must not read the paper they put out, or purposely undercut the exceptional and acclaimed reporting that consistently refutes the Editorials printed. If anything, there are times, far too often, that the Editorial page and writers/editors are not in tune to the actual happenings, but more of a tool of the likes of political allies.

  30. - Downstate Dem - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 10:59 am:

    Yes, she did the right thing. She should not waste one breath speaking with someone from the Tribune.

  31. - @misterjayem - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 11:02 am:

    It’s ironic that Kristen McQueary asserts that Madigan is only “putting up female candidates in the suburbs because they poll well” when McQueary was only put on the Tribune Editorial Board because a female byline makes the Board’s partisan sexism somewhat more palatable.

    What’s that you say?

    My rhetoric unfairly demeans an accomplished woman in a misguided attempt to make a political point about the powerful men positioned above her?


    That seems to be going ’round.

    – MrJM

  32. - Jake From Elwood - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 11:18 am:

    Ms. Costa Howard is wise not to subject herself to the unwinnable Tribune board process. She is even wiser to use the McQueary editorial as her rationale. She used this situation to her advantage. What a contrast in choices for the 48th District.

  33. - A guy - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 11:29 am:

    ==So she decided to stand up and explain why she decided to withdraw.==

    S Mom, why not go in and explain your ’stand up’ position. I constantly hear this whole beanbag analogy. A press release to say “I’m not coming”. New one on me.

  34. - Soccermom - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 11:36 am:

    Guy — a new one on you? Maybe that’s why they call it “news…”

  35. - JS Mill - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 11:39 am:

    =Putting out a press release saying you’re not going and calling out the journalist?=

    How often do panelists from the other groups like the Sun Times and league of women voters put out an op-ed ripping the people that will sit before them? THAT is odd.

    =FAKE NEWS (exclamation mark) She might not like the press or a particular reporter=

    Op Ed’s are not reporting, they are personal opinion. McQueary is on record as in the bag for the right wing. And she is a member of the TRONC editorial board, ripping female candidates that were invited to speak before the event.

    Where does that happen? Only an idiot spends any time with them after that. The Trib editorial board has officially lost all credibiliity.

  36. - Louis G Atsaves - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 12:00 pm:

    She should attend. Pritzker too should have attended. McQuery is a lame excuse and so is her press release. If you can’t face the public directly or through the press and face some tough questions you have no business running for public office.


  37. - wordslinger - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 12:10 pm:

    –If you can’t face the public directly or through the press and face some tough questions you have no business running for public office.–

    LOL, you’re not very good Strawman-maker, Louis. You offer no evidence, whatsoever, that Howard is ducking the public or the press (edit boards aren’t reporters).

    And you obviously did not read either McQueary’s columm or Howard’s statement about it. Such a blissful path to a pre-cooked conclusion.

  38. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 12:15 pm:

    Agree with Jake from Elwood. What does Ms. Howard want more: a few “attaboys” from people like Louis and -a guy-, who aren’t going to vote for her anyway? Or to maybe get some more free earned media by picking a fight with the largest, most conservative newspaper in the state? I’d pick the latter every time, but especially in this year where there’s likely to be huge D turnout. She needs name recognition, and to keep female voters in her district fired up - calling out this article as a chauvinistic smear job, and responding to it as well as she does, is the best way to do it.

  39. - Annonin' - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 12:18 pm:

    Wow 2.5 hours and nothin’ from Katrina. Maybe they are tryin’ to understand GovJunk spin on Kvanaugh.
    Skippin’ Tribbies is smart. They are probably in tank with Breen. and influence has waned (understatement) of late.

  40. - Telly - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 12:38 pm:

    If I were running for state rep in a tightly contested race, I wouldn’t waste a single minute meeting with an editorial board or any other organization if there was zero chance they would endorse me. Why drive downtown and give up three hours of knocking on doors?

  41. - Demoralized - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 12:43 pm:

    == If you can’t face the public directly or through the press==

    I wasn’t aware she had a blackout on either? This was one edit board. Should she have gone? Perhaps. She could have told McQueary what to go do with herself when she was there. But, she most certainly isn’t ducking the public or the press. You like making things up?

  42. - Louis G Atsaves - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 12:49 pm:

    I come from the Adeline J. Geo-Karis school of campaigning @wordslinger.

    You go to all the editorial boards. You meet with all reporters. You attend and face the public in as many forums as humanly possible, even ones that are or may be hostile to the candidate.

    She should go. Pritzker should have gone. Period.

  43. - wordslinger - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 1:12 pm:

    –I come from the Adeline J. Geo-Karis school of campaigning @wordslinger.–

    Is that where you learned to not even address the sound reasons behind her position, and continue with false claims that she’s ducking the public and reporters?

    I’m guessing you came up with that on your own.

  44. - A guy - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 1:46 pm:

    If you’re going to skip editorial interviews from newspapers that write critical political editorials, you won’t likely go anywhere.

    As critical as y’all are about Rauner snubbing the press (and you’re right!) this is a bit hypocritical. The Chicago Tribune remains a very important media source in DuPage County and the towns in that district. It wasn’t a good choice. I’d be willing to suggest that the competing media sources of the Sun Times and the Daily Herald aren’t cheering about a candidate sending a Press Release stating they aren’t coming because of any particular reporter of editorial member. There are others in that room and the more liberal members are part of those others.

    It’s silly and petty. The opponent made all of them.

  45. - Anonymous - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 2:09 pm:

    I stopped paying attention to McQuery when she wanted a hurricane to hit Chicago.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 2:16 pm:

    ===If you’re going to skip editorial interviews from newspapers that write critical political editorials, you won’t likely go anywhere.===


    Oh, - A Guy -… it’s not the editorials… it’s that the Trib Edit Board is WHOLLY owned by Bruce Rauner.

    Further, @StatehouseChick… her interpretation of women running for the Illinois House… there’s not a bad editorial, it’s open bias.

    But, please, go on, and blame “both sides” for something that isn’t in any way going on.


  47. - Anton Cermak - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 2:40 pm:

    Two Words: Gary Johnson

  48. - @misterjayem - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 3:01 pm:

    “there’s not a bad editorial, it’s open bias”

    There is it in eight words.

    If you still pretend that you don’t understand Terra Costa Howard’s decision, you cannot be helped.

    – MrJM

  49. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 3:16 pm:

    (Tips cap to - @misterjayem -)

    Sometimes I walk it around the barn when 8 words should suffice. No snark.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    I have much, very respectfully, to learn from those like - @misterjayem -


  50. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 3:37 pm:

    ==There are others in that room and the more liberal members are part of those others.==

    Yeah, she should totally do it because one of the people in the room cheers just a little less loudly for Rauner and Breen than all of the others. Being more liberal than hurricane Kristen is a very, very low bar.

  51. - Anon - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 3:53 pm:

    Whenever I see McQueary on Chicago Tonight, I hope for some fireworks. I’d like to see her stir things up a little. But knowing her audience, she seems to change her tune. And there she was last week, encouraging unions and coming off as a fairly typical leftish Chicago journalist.

  52. - Arthur Andersen - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 3:57 pm:

    -the more liberal members are part of those others-

    One wouldn’t detect any liberal influence whatsoever from reading the average screed on that editorial page.

    Good on Terra Costa Howard for calling out Katrina and telling the troncs to pound sand.

  53. - A guy - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 4:01 pm:

    Can’t argue with this level of brilliance. Nope.

  54. - wordslinger - Friday, Sep 28, 18 @ 4:22 pm:

    –Can’t argue with this level of brilliance. Nope–

    You haven’t made an counter-argument to her statement. You just called her “kooky.”

  55. - DuPage Moderate - Thursday, Oct 4, 18 @ 3:29 pm:

    Was going to sit this one out - now I’ll be punching Costa-Howard’s name.

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