Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Another former Pritzker campaign worker comes forward as the spin cranks up
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Another former Pritzker campaign worker comes forward as the spin cranks up

Wednesday, Oct 17, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Remember Kina Collins? She’s the JB Pritzker campaign worker who quit her job after the FBI tape was made public with Pritzker saying what was deemed “racially insensitive” things about some black politicians.

Here’s an excerpt from Collins’ latest Facebook post

During my time in the Pritzker campaign, the mid and senior level leadership did absolutely nothing to correct the culture of sexism, homophobia, and racism that ran rampant among staffers. There were racial slurs that were use, sexist jokes that were made, and the voices of women and staffers of color were being ignored. When I made my exit from the campaign and told my side of the story, instead of people believing me, I was told that I was seeking attention and “would be black balled or possibly sued for speaking out”. So not only was I working in poor conditions, but there was also an attempt to bully me into silence.

As a former staffer on this campaign I can assure readers that without a shadow of a doubt everything that I have read thus far in the suit can be corroborated from my time on the campaign and can be corroborated through other former staffers.

* Meanwhile, it’s no surprise at all that Pritzker did this event today with these three folks…

As Mary Ann Ahern notes, the media was not advised about that appearance. Also not a surprise.

* Gov. Rauner did do a media availability today, of course…

The only people claiming Rauner involvement today are hyperpartisans and mad tinfoil hatters. He somehow convinced 10 Democratic minority staffers to file a lawsuit against their boss three weeks before an election? Right.

* The number of minorities Rauner has hired for his campaign doesn’t really matter at the moment because this story isn’t about quantity, it’s about how their respective campaign staffs are being treated. Last I checked, no Rauner campaign staffers had sued over discrimination and retaliation…

He could’ve at least mentioned his running mate when asked about his campaign’s highest ranking minority. Not sure why he didn’t.

* Meanwhile, the Daily Caller is its usual self

The staffers say they are suing Pritzker for multiple comments he allegedly made throughout his campaign.

The plaintiffs never alleged that Pritzker himself said anything untoward. This is about upper-level staff.

* Onward

Shay Allen, a Chicago-based civil rights attorney who represents the plaintiffs, says Stratton’s statement is false, adding that Stratton has never reached out to any of his clients despite their complaints to the campaign.

“I have no idea how the person who made that statement could make those claims,” he said. “I’m positive that she’s never spoken to my plaintiffs.”

Allen said his clients were treated poorly.

“There were instances where they were spoken to very unprofessionally,” he said. “There were instances of physical intimidation.”

Allen said his clients are asking for more effort on behalf of Pritzker’s campaign to include minorities in positions of consequence, something he claims has almost exclusively gone to white staffers.

“Almost all of them have prior [campaign] experience,” he said. “A couple have come from other states to help with the campaign.”

I’m not sure why the running mate should be involved in a low-level staff issue.

Here’s the allegation of “physical intimidation”

Once seated, [Field Operations Director] Caitlin Pharo intentionally positioned herself between two Black males in an attempt to further intimidate and silence them at cultural sensitivity training.

And as far as including “minorities in positions of consequence,” the candidate’s running mate Juliana Stratton, his deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks and his deputy field director for the South and West Sides Ebonee Dawson are all people of color. Also, his campaign spokesperson is Jordan Abudayyeh. I also don’t recall a major campaign with so many women in top positions.

* Tribune

Three weeks before Election Day, staffers who have worked for J.B. Pritzker’s campaign have filed a federal lawsuit alleging racial discrimination in their months on the job, accusations the Democratic governor candidate quickly called “just not true.”

The lawsuit comes in the final stretch of an increasingly bitter campaign between Pritzker and Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner that has seen both sides break spending records and accuse one another of criminal activity.

Weird enough for you yet?


  1. - Maximus - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:11 pm:

    What a mess both of these candidates have made. Who is the Libertarian candidate for governor? I’ll need to look into a third option so I can vote for someone and not need a shower afterwards.

  2. - Soccermom - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:12 pm:

    BenFolds5 –

    But if they were seeking advancement, why file now? There’s no advancement to be had at this point in the campaign, and they presumably would have been well-positioned for jobs in the administration.

    And Real, there’s no way they could be hired now. Even if there were no hard feelings (which, um, is not likely), it would look like payoffs in response to the suit, and so would be politically impossible.

    I just can’t figure this out.

  3. - Driving a car - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:13 pm:

    ==Who is the Libertarian candidate for governor? I’ll need to look into a third option so I can vote for someone and not need a shower afterwards.==

    Kash Jackson — who doesn’t pay his child support

  4. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:16 pm:

    –He could’ve at least mentioned his running mate when asked about his campaign’s highest ranking minority. Not sure why he didn’t.–

    “And my running mate…um….um….um… Evian Sangria…. she’s French/Hispanic, I believe….”

  5. - OneMan - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:16 pm:

    Weird enough for you yet?

    No, no it isn’t for this kind of money I want all the weird… Heck I want JB to hire Weird Al to do a campaign song.

    Msximus to my earlier statement, go ahead and google the Libertarian candidate. I’ll wait.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:17 pm:


    Great post, Rich. Wow. So much… “much”

    To the Post,

    Yep. Pritzker with Jesse and Susana, that’s a no-brainer even a (banned word) like me saw coming.

    I think this is critical to context and only to the pure politics to the moment. There’s a difference speaking to the politics to this and what this lawsuit allegedly says;

    ===The only people claiming Rauner involvement today are hyperpartisans and mad tinfoil hatters. He somehow convinced 10 Democratic minority staffers to file a lawsuit against their boss three weeks before an election? Right.

    * The number of minorities Rauner has hired for his campaign doesn’t really matter at the moment because this story isn’t about quantity, it’s about how their respective campaign staffs are being treated. Last I checked, no Rauner campaign staffers had sued over discrimination and retaliation…===

    That’s a needed context.

    And - A Guy - was right…another piling on happened. Now I’ll watch with him and see if there’s more.

    I think now, for me, it will be interesting, solely to the politics, nothing more, to see how this is handled going forward.

  7. - Taxpayet - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:18 pm:

    In my opinion, JB has has a kinda racist reputation

  8. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:18 pm:

    “He could’ve at least mentioned his running mate when asked about his campaign’s highest ranking minority. Not sure why he didn’t. ”

    I’m sure she just “slipped” his mind;)

  9. - Al - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:18 pm:

    This is as weird as the weird furniture building lease. This is as weird as Stu Levine influencing and corrupting the Teachers Retirement System. This is as weird as a federal judge allowing the escape of a billion dollar death judgement involving a corporate reorganization and weird sale to an Israeli retiree who thought he was buying $27k in used computers not a corporation involved in a death lawsuit. Yeah having a dishonest wall street bond salesman for governor has been weird.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:19 pm:

    ===He could’ve at least mentioned his running mate when asked about his campaign’s highest ranking minority. Not sure why he didn’t.===

    First thing I thought of when the ILGOP had a statement. Why not have Evelyn Sanguinetti be the voice to it?

  11. - Maestro - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:19 pm:

    Well this is troubling. I would like to know specifically who the managers are that made these crass comments, if in fact it is true.

  12. - Henry Francis - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:20 pm:

    When the going gets weird, the weird go pro. - HST

  13. - Rusty Bridges - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:20 pm:

    Outrageous that leftist staffers would be asked to work in areas devastated by the identical leftist policies they advocate.

  14. - RNUG - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:22 pm:

    I don’t think even Donald Westlake could have come up with these plot twists.

  15. - Fav Human - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:22 pm:

    So, how could ANY experience campaign manager let it come to this?

    Its not like no one has ever wanted to campaign in Chicago.

    Very odd. Or was the person causing the problem too “connected” to be dumped?

  16. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:23 pm:

    It diverts from Quincy for a day.

  17. - Former IL Field Organizer - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:23 pm:

    I cannot speak to the details of this case. But as someone who worked as a field organizer on various Democratic campaigns in Illinois and was treated very poorly, the facts of this look and feel true. I hope the truth will come out here.

    Commenters asking what angle these FOs are taking — are they seeking jobs with the administration? are they Rauner plants? — seem to be missing the point. If the facts of the case established in the lawsuit are true, these FOs have been through a traumatic experience and are seeking justice. They’re not concerned with the political or electoral consequences.

    Having people of color and women at the top levels of your campaign does not mean that there is not abuse happening at the lower levels. Political campaigns often have abusive and toxic cultures to them. It would be great if this would prompt a larger conversation about that topic. Count me skeptical.

  18. - Texas Red - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:23 pm:

    “Juliana and I started off our morning with Secretary of State @JesseWhite2018… the media was not advised about that appearance.”

    The Blago tapes presaged this. As JB did call Jesse “the least offensive”.

  19. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:26 pm:

    A little more weirdness…. One of the attorneys:
    24. By reason of the conduct above, Respondent has engaged in the following misconduct:

    knowingly making a false statement of fact or law to a tribunal or failure to correct a false statement of material fact or law previously made to the tribunal by the lawyer, including but not limited to filing a false pleading and testifying falsely before Judge Porter in People v. Biles, about Biles’ desire to testify, in violation of Rule 3.3(a)(1) of the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct (2010);

    conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, and misrepresentation, by conduct including but not limited to the filing of a false pleading and testifying falsely before Judge Porter in People v. Biles, about Biles’ desire to testify, in violation of Rule 8.4(c) of the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct (2010); and

    conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice, by conduct including filing a false pleading and testifying falsely before Judge Porter in People v. Biles, about Biles’ desire to testify resulting in the delay of a disposition in the matter of People v. Biles, docket number 14 CR 1871, in violation of Rule 8.4(d) of the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct (2010).

  20. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:26 pm:

    –Once seated, [Field Operations Director] Caitlin Pharo intentionally positioned herself between two Black males in an attempt to further intimidate and silence them at cultural sensitivity training.–

    Could you elaborate in clear terms? Did those two dudes fear she was going to slug them or something, at cultural sensitivity training?

  21. - Perrid - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:32 pm:

    @Former Il Field Operator, I envy your optimism.

    All of this may be true, they might both feel wronged and have actually been wronged, but the blackmail letter asking for $7.5 million dollars for their silence doesn’t speak volumes, it screams to me.

    Plus the complaints about being forced to work in “unsafe” areas falls flat to me. There are people, voters, in that area, people live and work there, why shouldn’t you work to get their vote, if you have the manpower? As for “forcing” minorities to work in minority communities, there is literally boilerplate language in state contracts that say contractors have to try to have their workforce reflect their community. The idea being to promote diversity and representation.

  22. - Shytown - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:34 pm:

    This doesn’t pass the smell test and nothing listed in the filing to back up a single claim. And african american field organizers being sent to the south and west sides to organize? No campaign has ever done that before…said no campaign ever. Just bizarre all around.

  23. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:37 pm:

    Like I said before, expect all the negativity of the Kirk & Munger campaigns but on steriods with Rauner.

  24. - Jocko - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:40 pm:

    ==Did those two dudes fear she was going to slug them or something==

    I was thinking the same thing. I’m picturing Ralph Cramden right after Alice says something provocative.

  25. - Ike - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:40 pm:

    Taxpayer - but you must not have any thoughts on Rauner and his recent comments about immigrants.

  26. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:41 pm:

    ==Once seated, [Field Operations Director] Caitlin Pharo intentionally positioned herself between two Black males in an attempt to further intimidate and silence them at cultural sensitivity training.==

    I’m trying to figure that out too. They were sitting and talking and she sat in a chair between them? Or they were sitting next to each other and she pushed them apart and put a chair there and sat in it? How did the plaintiffs determine intent to silence? Did she say something?

  27. - Suburban Mom - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:43 pm:

    This lawyer, you guys — this is bad lawyering. I can’t tell if he’s just super bush-league and the plaintiffs had the bad luck to retain a miserably bad attorney, or if he’s deliberately attempting to undermine them … in some Avenatti-style publicity-seeking, I guess?

    I’m trying to think it through — I suppose almost all of the weirdness here could be explained by a stunting lawyer who thought he could get a lot of free publicity out of a bombshell racial discrimination case against a Democratic nominee, and doesn’t have the experience or PR savvy to pick a winning case or appropriately protect his clients, because this case is going to be an absolute trashfire when it goes to actual court.

    (Count me another lawyer who isn’t familiar with these lawyers, nor are others I know who practice in Cook County in similar sorts of cases (subset: that I’ve spoken to in the last couple hours), so I’m curious to know, like, their networks and where they fit. Not in a tinfoil hat way, just in an “I don’t totally understand what is going on here and I feel like I would understand better if I knew who they were and where they fit” way.)

  28. - frisbee - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:45 pm:

    So for $7.5M all ten would be quiet? Sounds like extortion for hush money to me.

  29. - Former IL Field Organizer - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:46 pm:


    Read the facts of the lawsuit again. The FOs are not objecting to working on the south and west sides of Chicago. They are objecting to being “placed in an unsafe location. The Footlocker next door was robbed twice in a week; two other stores nearby have been robbed; their office has been cased; a young woman was raped outside their back door; and a gunfight took place right outside their office. All of these crimes happened during the day. Although an alderman offered to let them use space, for free, in a safer location, the request was denied.” And yes, there are places to work on the south and west sides of the city that are safer than others. It’s not one giant pit of violence.

    Read the details about the organizer who was stationed in Peoria again: “Even after the chairman of the Peoria Democrats informed the campaign that they could request cheaper rates at safer hotels, therefore not affecting the campaign budget, the Campaign still refused to move her to a safer location.” The requests these organizers were making are not unreasonable. The problem is that according to these allegations, the Pritzker campaign did not care.

    You use the term “blackmail” loosely. Nothing in the letter says anything about staying silent. It’s interesting as well that the Pritzker campaign only posted the final part of the letter, as opposed to the whole letter.

  30. - Suburban Mom - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:46 pm:

    (Having said that about the lawyers, I TOTALLY am willing to believe any and all bad allegations about campaigns, because I’ve worked on campaigns, and they’re terrible boys’ clubs full of fratty bros hopped up on power. I mean also full of passionate and engaged and wonderful Illinoisians of every stripe who became some of my closest friends, but there’s a sheen of fratty grossness in almost every campaign. They’re not great places for women and I 100% believe that they feature tons of grossness for minorities too.)

  31. - Real - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:48 pm:

    This suit does smell. Even if someone is truly racist who gets bold about it on a campaign?

  32. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:48 pm:

    ===Sounds like extortion for hush money to me.===

    That’s why I thought this was better than the bland, but more than acceptable Pritzker Crew response;

    ===“Being wealthy, I can have these type of issues far more than others. Money, and a want for it, makes people do things they might not normally do. That’s all I’ll say to this”===

    It’s like Slip and Sue and her suing “to teach a lesson”… the $7.5 million is a heck is lesson for these 10?

  33. - Robert the Bruce - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:50 pm:

    The truth is likely somewhere in between. How many campaigns - honestly - does anyone here know who would not be more likely to send African American staff to meetings with African American leaders in African American neighborhoods?

    Maybe it is a style thing - overly blunt/cynical direction coming from leadership that doesn’t land well among younger staff. But “Round up 40 black guys” shouldn’t land well to anyone.

    10 complainants, plus Ms. Collins…it will be interesting to see how this story develops.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:52 pm:

    Sorry, adding…

    Do I think it was indeed extortion for silence? No.

    These 10 work and worked campaigns before, high profile campaigns. They are upset and feel angst towards the Crew.

    Tough to speculate, but they say it was a tough place to work so I’d start there.

  35. - Dazed and confused - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:57 pm:

    So wait… this week we don’t believe the victims???

  36. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 1:59 pm:

    I didn’t know there were legal protections against “micromanagement” or having equal access to the candidate. Even if everything they say is true, how is this lawsuit the right way to handle it? You can’t torpedo your own candidate.

  37. - Pick a Name - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 2:01 pm:

    Could JB be the equivalent of a MLB team having a 3-0 series lead, a score of 7-0 going into the 8th, at home, and blowing game 4 and losing the series??

    There is still almost 3 weeks until election day.

  38. - Robert the Bruce - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 2:03 pm:

    3DCheckers- it seems from the lawsuit that the staff tried to resolve things internally…sent complaints that they alleged were ignored….were told not to speak their minds at diversity training….were told an investigation was complete that hadn’t interviewed them about their complaints. So it seems to me that, from their vantage point, the complainants tried to resolve things in house first.

  39. - Been There - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 2:05 pm:

    ===, it’s no surprise at all that Pritzker did this event today with these three folks…===
    What does J.B. have against tall people?

  40. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 2:06 pm:

    “So wait… this week we don’t believe the victims???”

    Or not innocent until proven guilty? That cuts both ways.

    I think there should be allegations against specific individuals, or someone should try to expose the culprits. I believe we all deserve to know who did it, if it happened.

  41. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 2:10 pm:

    ===Could JB be the equivalent of a MLB team having a 3-0 series lead… and blowing game 4 and (then) losing the series??===

    The Red Sox beat the Yankees in that “similar” fashion to win their first World Series since 1918.

    Bruce Rauner owns a “piece” of the Red Sox.

    The outcome may be that Pritzker wins at the same polling numbers “window” he’s in now, or something else.

    The reality is this lawsuit, in the end, like the other fundamental errors refect on the Crew far longer than the campaign.

    Like a pitcher who is in a World Series but the stats aren’t great.

    See: Darvish, Yu

  42. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 2:16 pm:

    –Could JB be the equivalent of a MLB team having a 3-0 series lead, a score of 7-0 going into the 8th, at home, and blowing game 4 and losing the series??–

    My, you’re waxing metaphorical today. First with marathons, now playoffs.

    Don’t quit your day job.

  43. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 2:19 pm:

    –The reality is this lawsuit, in the end, like the other fundamental errors refect on the Crew far longer than the campaign.–

    How? Other than pay the plaintiffs, thereby admitting wrongdoing, which would certainly leak before the election, what could they have done to prevent a lawsuit?

  44. - Henry Francis - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 2:21 pm:

    From the top banner of Attorney Allen’s website:

    “Protest beyond the law is not a departure from democracy it is absolutely essential to it.” - Howard Zinn

    “Protest beyond the law” seems odd for a lawyer to put on his calling card.

    And it says he studied at Perdue (sic) University

    The 2 lawyers on this case are in way over their heads.

    This complaint’s primary purpose is not justice for its plaintiffs.

  45. - Blue Dog Dem - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 2:22 pm:

    Where do you sign up for cultural sensitivity training? Has anyone here had this sort of training?

  46. - BenFolds5 - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 2:23 pm:

    Soccermom it’s nothing to gain but being heard. People are hung up on the money. Call it extortion or settlement. But when you file, it’s public. They want to be heard. Clearly, more may be coming. Not good for JB. Again, as OW said, his crew let him down. BIG.

  47. - Christopher - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 2:24 pm:

    —There is still almost 3 weeks until election day.—

    But hasn’t Rauner completely run out of constituencies to try to attract (and failed with all of them)?

  48. - Responsa - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 2:26 pm:

    So JB has discovered that Chicago politics ain’t beanbag. Who knew? Oh yeah, Finley Peter Dunne knew and pointed it out way back in 1895.

  49. - Henry Francis - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 2:29 pm:

    ==And it says he studied at Perdue (sic) University==

    I believe that is where Charlie Kelly got his degree in bird law.

  50. - Han's Solo Cup - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 2:31 pm:

    I think the plaintiffs wanting a letter of recommendation from Pritzker is one of the weirder parts. They’re basically saying we’re going to sue you to make you say you like us and we’re good at our jobs. None of them were fired. None were demoted. Some have only been there 90 days and they’re suing because they weren’t promoted? Promoted to what? They don’t provide one example of this. Strange all around.

  51. - A guy - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 2:32 pm:

    ==And - A Guy - was right…another piling on happened. Now I’ll watch with him and see if there’s more.

    I think now, for me, it will be interesting, solely to the politics, nothing more, to see how this is handled going forward.===

    egads Willy…this almost made me cry! lol.
    Human nature would predict more will come along. What made this disruptive is that it started with 10.

  52. - GOPgal - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 2:33 pm:

    The Dem Party has become so radical and so obsessed with identity politics over all else, no org will ever be fringy enough to satisfy.

  53. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 2:36 pm:

    ===How? Other than pay the plaintiffs, thereby admitting wrongdoing, which would certainly leak before the election, what could they have done to prevent a lawsuit?===

    It sounds like, as an example, the Peoria situation where staying in “the car, campaign office”… starting there… did anyone do follow up? How was communication? Did they feel isolated, “unloved”…

    … you have a campaign with $146 million being dropped and you’re sleeping in your car and you feel disconnected and not appreciated, and you find 9 others feeling that way…

    This suit, frivolous or not, sends a message of continued grievances where those on the front lines are saying they were ignored and made to go on the cheap as others seemed to not only worry about them, ignore them, but doing quite well, thanks.

    It’s not like all this happened over the weekend, they wrote a letter and in 8 days…

    Campaign armies need to have the “sergeants, corporals, and privates” know that the “Captains, Majors and Generals” care.

    It never shoulda came to a lawsuit to feel your grievances will finally be heard, then go thru with filing.

  54. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 2:49 pm:

    ==The Dem Party has become so radical and so obsessed with identity politics over all else,==

    Those exact words were spoken on The Five on Fox last night. Saw it when I was at the gym. At least try to be a little original instead of parroting talking points.

  55. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 2:50 pm:

    Of course I believe Rauner involvement.
    Not directly of course
    But I’ve been on the receiving of Rauners
    Sole destructive purpose
    The obliteration of Organized Labor
    I really believe there is nothing
    Rauner wouldn’t do to
    Continue that mission
    Given the Maze Jackson and Duncan stuff
    Handing out 100’s in church for tax relief
    I can totally imagine that.
    I can’t begin to tell you how horrific
    The last four years has been
    Over 15k illegally withheld
    That I earned
    You might cultivate neutrality
    But you can’t tell me what has been
    Done to me
    Or to the state is right.
    He purposefully causes suffering
    If that earns me a tinfoil hat
    For believing that Rauner orchestrated this
    I think that frankly enables
    Rauners perfidy
    AFSCME couldn’t imagine Declaring impasse
    Dems couldn’t imagine Dunkin’s betrayal
    We all couldn’t imagine the budget impasse
    The failure is in our inability
    To imagine
    The lengths to which Rauner
    IPI, the Koch’s, the free market people
    Will go
    A failure is still a failure
    I see the results of it every day.
    I’m not wrong

  56. - Pick a Name - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 3:00 pm:

    Word, thanks for noticing, I’m honored. And flattered!

  57. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 3:12 pm:

    This whole thing makes me feel old. Would these kids have survived the 70s 80s or 90s in politics. But hey, they get a living wage and health benefits which we didn’t. Smh. Wish we would have been able to drag handheld Atari or Nintendo games into our offices.

  58. - Real - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 3:16 pm:

    I think the plaintiffs wanting a letter of recommendation from Pritzker

    -Exactly. Why would I want a letter of recommendation from someone I feel is discriminating against me? Makes no sense.

  59. - Left Leaner - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 3:20 pm:

    Who’s his running mate? *snark

  60. - Chicago_Downstater - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 3:21 pm:

    @Former IL Field Organizer

    Thank you for your well said comment. I fall in with your way of thinking. I have no reason to doubt that these staffers went thru what they claim. Even though my knee-jerk reaction is to defend Pritzker–a fellow Dem–it isn’t fair to those workers to do so.

    I personally wish Pritzker hadn’t come out with such a strong denial. I know it’s conventional wisdom to do so, & it might even be the politically “right” move to make–though I doubt that.

    Instead I wish Pritzker had come out saying that he will support an investigation into these claims to get to the bottom of this, & that any staffers involved in discriminatory actions would be swiftly dealt with.

    I think that would’ve been a much more honest approach that would’ve been easier to swallow for folks like me who will either vote for him or stay home.

    And yes, Rauner & his base would’ve killed him for it, but these aren’t the folks Pritzker has to get to the polls.

  61. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 3:24 pm:

    GOPgal-when all else fails, blame the other side for what you’re guilty of.

  62. - Real - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 3:32 pm:

    Some say 10 is a lot of people?

    Well it could be the fear of missing out on a 6 figure settlement that motivated some of them to join the lawsuit.

  63. - west wing - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 3:42 pm:

    What does the campaign staff union have to say about all this?

    This sounds like legislative staff campaigns of yesteryear.

  64. - Soccermom - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 4:09 pm:

    BenFolds5 –

    In the suit, they specifically talk about being denied a fair chance at advancement. If that’s a goal, why take this action now?

  65. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 4:09 pm:

    Robert the Bruce. They could jointly hold a press conference to discuss their concerns. Heck, I rather have someone vent to a reporter than this. This course of action really is designed for a Rauner commercial with the title “JB’s own campaign worker accuse him of discrimination.” If they didn’t see that, they’re in the wrong business.

  66. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 4:24 pm:

    “If they didn’t see that, they’re in the wrong business.” Nah, they’d be a perfect fit for the BTIA™ /s

  67. - Anon0091 - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 4:35 pm:

    Soccermom, don’t you agree that “advancement” is the weirdest of their grievances. I mean they were hired three months ago for a four month gig. What advancement could they have expected?

  68. - @misterjayem - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 4:49 pm:

    This spring, Shay Allen was a judicial candidate for Cook County’s 5th subcircuit.

    The Chicago Bar Association, Illinois State Bar Association and the Chicago Council of Lawyers all gave Allen negative ratings.

    The CCL praised Allen’s ability but noted his short career and brief experience in complex litigation matters. The CBA said Allen “needs to address concerns about his punctuality and tardiness.”

    At the time of the election, Allen had a pending disciplinary case before the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission (ARDC). Allen was charged by the ARDC with making false statements to a court.

    Allen’s disciplinary case before the ARDC is In re Shay T. Allen, 17PR0074. The case is still pending.

    That said, it could all still be legit.

    – MrJM

  69. - West Side the Best Side - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 5:30 pm:

    Haven’t done anything in Federal court in ages, and, has been pointed out, federal and state standards for filing a lawsuit are different, I’ve never seen a federal lawsuit that begins more like a political hit piece than a serious lawsuit. Any Cap Fax readers with more experience in examining political ads perhaps recognize the writing style?

  70. - RNUG - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 5:32 pm:

    == What advancement could they have expected? ==

    Promise of a State job? Just like winning alderman used to expect …

  71. - Downstate Dem - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 6:55 pm:

    How you run a campaign is how you run a government. Mr. Pritzker discriminated against his campaign staff, and his campaign will pay for the defense. Just remember, the discrimination doesn’t stop once elected. By way of example, take our 45th president.

  72. - Nieva - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 7:00 pm:

    RNUG that was the job of the County Chairman took care of years ago..

  73. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 7:13 pm:

    ====Mr. Pritzker discriminated against his campaign staff===

    I don’t think that’s the case.

    I think some disgruntled Crew got ignored, and they dropped this to get the attention they sought.

    Where you should feel concern is… how they have gone about their business when faced with the challenges of governing.

  74. - burbanite - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 7:46 pm:

    What is the date of the demand letter? Its cut off on every copy i can find.

  75. - burbanite - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 7:50 pm:

    The other plaintiff’s counsel, Samuels and Assoc., is a “law firm” run by an atty licensed 5 years ago.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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