Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Sam McCann jumps into House races against “Raunerite” Republicans
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Sam McCann jumps into House races against “Raunerite” Republicans

Wednesday, Oct 17, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This kinda piqued my curiosity…

* I didn’t get very far with McCann’s spokesman and Ives’ person didn’t respond. Maxwell fished out some deets…

…Adding… The IFI statement is here.

* The mailers are paid for by the Conservative Party of Illinois, but Local 150 of the Operating Engineers Union is behind this, of course. And those guys have a lot more money than the Illinois Family Institute, which had $383.12 in its PAC at the end of the quarter. Plus, the “Conservative Party” is about to do pro-life mailers for McCann slamming Rauner.

And Rep. Morrison isn’t the only Republican who will be getting hit with these mailers, I’m told. Any conservative House Republicans who endorsed Gov. Rauner and are in tough reelection battles could get the treatment. That’s a target-rich environment.

Never mess with the trade unions.

* Meanwhile, I tipped subscribers about this earlier today…


  1. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 4:32 pm:

    A Raunerite is a Raunerite.

    I have little sympathy for the Raunerites. My hope is if they win, they disavow Raunerism and sin no more.

  2. - Texas Red - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 4:43 pm:

    Just a little reminder from local 150 not to get too excited about JB’s bad news.

  3. - ste_wit a v_en - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 4:44 pm:

    Apparently the IFI rescinded their endorsement

  4. - ste_wit a v_en - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 4:44 pm:

  5. - Nagidam - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 4:45 pm:

    Oh the irony of the IFI and Ives crowd pushing the McCann candidacy because they hate Rauner only to be played by the unions supporting McCann. This is straight up McCann doing the dirty work of the Unions to suppress the republican base in tight elections. Brilliant I say…Brilliant.

  6. - Nagidam - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 4:49 pm:

    The question now is will Ives and the Pro-life go all in to help Rauner to punish McCann and the Unions. If I were Rauner I would cut some six figure checks to any Republican that got whacked by this obvious union play.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 4:52 pm:

    ===If I were Rauner I would cut some six figure checks to any Republican that got whacked by this obvious union play.===

    Quite cavalier with other’s money are you?

    McCann needs a mere 5% to be relevant.

  8. - Texas Red - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 4:53 pm:

    will Ives and the Pro-life go all in to help Rauner ?

    Pro-life voters will never support “HB40″ Bruce Rauner. They will skip the top of the ballot.

  9. - Nagidam - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 4:57 pm:


    Point being that Morrison seems to be in the fight of his life. Rauner doesn’t have good will with that crowd but he does have money. He helps Morrison and the Pro-life crowd is appreciative.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 4:59 pm:

    ===He helps Morrison and the Pro-life crowd is appreciative.===

    Does that include Blase Cardinal Cupich?

    Yeah, that pro-life thingy isn’t transactional, except for Mr. Breen.

    Rauner signed the most liberal pro-abortion bill, arguably, that any state has. Supporting Morrison doesn’t change that.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 5:00 pm:

    ===Pro-life voters will never support “HB40″ Bruce Rauner. They will skip the top of the ballot.===

    … which helps Pritzker.

    More than one way to skin a cat.

  12. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 5:00 pm:

    ===IFI rescinded their endorsement ===

    I’m not sure they actually endorsed him to begin with. He did well on their scorecard, but I haven’t seen an actual endorsement from them.

    Either way, like I said above, they basically have lunch money in their PAC account.

  13. - Nagidam - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 5:06 pm:


    Please, the pro-life crowd supports a three time divorced gambling magnet that cheated on his wife with a porn star for President. Transactional you say?

  14. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 5:10 pm:

    “This is straight up McCann doing the dirty work of the Unions to suppress the republican base in tight elections. Brilliant I say…Brilliant.”

    Bruce Rauner did the dirty work on himself by fully expanding Medicaid abortions and lying about it. That can’t please social conservatives, who are paying for abortions.

  15. - Ike - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 5:13 pm:

    Nagidam - the pro-life crowd supports Trump because they believe that his supreme court picks will lead to the overturn of roe vs wade. Abortion is not a transactional issue for them.

  16. - Nagidam - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 5:15 pm:

    G of M,

    I don’t disagree with you. Signing HB40 was a huge mistake from a political perspective with the republican base. But the discussion today is how to take advantage of what I believe was a tactical mistake by the unions. First toilet gate, then the lawsuit and now this. unforced errors. It may not be enough in the end.

  17. - Nagidam - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 5:18 pm:


    Yes we know, the pro-life/pro-family crowd is willing to look away from the moral issues to get something of value i,e, SCOTUS picks. What were we talking about…transactional.

  18. - Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 5:21 pm:

    ===Nagidam - the pro-life crowd supports Trump because they believe that his supreme court picks will lead to the overturn of roe vs wade. Abortion is not a transactional issue for them.===

    Actually, that statement proves they’re transactional - just not in the cash-trading-hands sense. They’ll sell out their own ideology and support someone who violates most of their moral tenets in order to get their ideology on SCOTUS. That’s about as transactional as it gets. Also tells me their “morals” ain’t really *that* important.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 5:22 pm:

    ===the pro-life crowd supports a three time divorced gambling magnet that cheated on his wife with a porn star for President. Transactional you say?===

    Gorsuch and Kennedy.




  20. - Pick a Name - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 5:25 pm:

    Sam, just lay low for a few weeks and that plum state job will be yours.

  21. - Nagidam - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 5:32 pm:


    I assume you meant Gorsuch and Kavanaugh?

    If that is the case you just proved that the pro-life/pro-family crowd is indeed transactional. They will overlook the massive moral failings of this president so they can get those two SCOTUS picks. I have no idea if they will come back to Rauner because of HB40. What I do know is that they luvs themselves some Rep. Morrison and he is in trouble.

    Thanks for playing

  22. - Ike - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 5:37 pm:

    Joe - but abortion is like a “third rail” of politics for pro-life conservatives. I do not believe there is any way they would be willing to vote for a republican, like Rauner, who is vocally pro-choice and signed tax payer funded abortion into state law.

  23. - I don't get it - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 5:38 pm:

    What does or who is (2 of 3) Jeanne Ives?

  24. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 5:49 pm:

    ===I have no idea if they will come back to Rauner because of HB40. What I do know is that they luvs themselves some Rep. Morrison and he is in trouble.

    Thanks for playing===


    No, once Rauner signed HB40, the transaction became a “no sale”

    Saving Morrison means little when taxpayer funded abortions are still possible.

    Thanks for playing?

    It was the pro-lifers that got played… by Diana Rauner.

  25. - DuPage Bard - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 5:55 pm:

    Ives and the IFI switching now is like AFSCME switching gears a month prior to 2014. It didn’t matter how many action alerts were sent. Didn’t matter how much mail was pushed forward. 2 out of 5 Union households voted for Rauner.
    That pro-life crew has been hammering Rauner since HB40 was signed. Telling folks 20 days out, oh it’s all ok we’re cool with tax payer funded abortions may make your own crowd revolt against you now.
    Don’t do it.
    Rescinding the McCann endorsement means that HB40 meant nothing to you, he is the only pro-life candidate. You rescind his endorsement means you have, for the second time, violated your base. First time was in ‘14 when you told your brand you were cool with Bruce being Pro-Choice.

    Oops too late. Don’t ever tell folks you’re Pro-life. you are pro-politics nothing more nothing less. You are no better the Governor of this state. Your convictions are worthless and mean nothing now.

  26. - Retired Educator - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 5:58 pm:

    Ives your 15 minutes are way over. Is this your attempt to remain relevant? Just a heads up, it isn’t working. Don’t go away mad, just go away.

  27. - DuPage Bard - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 6:04 pm:

    You all are not real Pro-life conservatives.

  28. - low level - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 6:50 pm:

    “You cant be pro life and be against Tom Morrisson”

    If it were up to Morrisson and other Raunerites, we still wouldn’t have a state budget and even more agencies that help poor kids would be going under. Thats not a true pro life position.

  29. - Gringo Loco - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 11:33 pm:

    Shady Sam will be DNR Director in a few months for Pritzker admin.

  30. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 17, 18 @ 11:40 pm:

    –As previously reported (by @capitolfax maybe?) Leader Durkin has received $5 million from Ken Griffin–

    Bill Brady says what?

    Over the years, I’ve wished I could be a fly-on-the-wall when super-rich dude Rauner begs super-duber-rich-dude Griff for money.

    I can’t imagine how that conversation goes.

    Just for kicks, anyone want to explain how Griff made his billions, what he’s produced?

    I await the hilarity of the nonsense talk about how it’s not just a non-productive, algorithmic rape, like figuring out the patterns to abuse Pac Man, screen after screen.

  31. - JS Mill - Thursday, Oct 18, 18 @ 8:02 am:

    Ives the power broker, with all of $400 behind her. LOL.

  32. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Oct 18, 18 @ 8:25 am:

    If we want a better state and country we should be glad McCann has been “doing the dirty work of Unions.” Wealth disparity has been skyrocketing, with the wealthiest gaining even more through the Republican federal tax cuts.

    We should at least thank Sen. McCann for standing up to Rauner and fighting for the working woman and man. Enough is enough with austerity economics, where workers have to make big sacrifices for the “job creators” to prosper and “enrich us all.”

  33. - Evanstonian - Thursday, Oct 18, 18 @ 8:28 am:

    We should thank Sen. McCann? For fighting for the working woman and man?

    Maybe he’s fighting for the men, but fighting against making sure poor women have access to healthcare is literally doing the opposite of fighting for working women.

  34. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Oct 18, 18 @ 8:42 am:

    “Maybe he’s fighting for the men, but fighting against making sure poor women have access to healthcare is literally doing the opposite of fighting for working women.”

    Since this thread is about HB 40, there are working women who do not support taxpayer-funded abortions, and Rauner lied to them.

    Rauner wouldn’t have expanded Medicaid and criticized expansion. Rauner wants to double women state employees’ healthcare costs, take away their layoff protections, put them on a scam merit pay system, privatize so corporations could compensate them less, etc. He made all government jobs RTWFL. That’s not even considering his support local RTWFL for private sector jobs and stripping collective bargaining rights.

    On top of that, because Rauner couldn’t get his local government anti-union demands and held budgets hostage, many of the most vulnearable women suffered.

  35. - Evanstonian - Thursday, Oct 18, 18 @ 8:56 am:

    Rauner is no friend to the working woman (or man) either. But you have to have an insanely conservative worldview to think McCann is.

  36. - Robert the 1st - Thursday, Oct 18, 18 @ 9:11 am:

    “Rauner Rino” from the Fake Marine running with Democrat support?

  37. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Oct 18, 18 @ 9:24 am:

    But you have to have an insanely conservative worldview to think McCann is.==

    That’s your own incorrect opinion, right?

    As a conservative, I can assure you that your statement is wrong.

  38. - City Zen - Thursday, Oct 18, 18 @ 10:56 am:

    ==“Raunerite” Republicans==

    Is there a term yet for JB’s acolytes? JBros? JBists? Progsters?

    I enjoyed the term Raunerite. Made me think of Mennonites.

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