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The governor in his own words

Wednesday, Oct 24, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* ABC7’s Craig Wall interviewed Gov. Rauner this week

Wall: The polls show he’s down, but the governor remains upbeat, but he may politically need to do something this Saturday that he didn’t do in August - go Downstate and stand with President Trump. What do you have to do to overcome the polls that show you trailing?

Rauner: Well first of all, the polls I think, are very wrong. They’ve been wrong the last few election cycles. I don’t know if I’m trailing or leading right now, but I think I’m trailing a bit.

According to his expenditure reports, he spends a bunch of money on polls. So, he knows.

* Back to Craig’s interview

Wall: Would you be more relieved if you lose the election and go back to being a businessman?

Rauner: The quality of my life would increase dramatically. That’s just true. But you know what? I just love Illinois too much. I’ll never give up.

No comment.

* From his appearance yesterday on a St. Louis radio talk show

Rauner: We are not a sanctuary. I have blocked sanctuary status for the state of Illinois, and I’m strongly against illegal immigration. And I have fought to elect good conservatives like Mike Babcock, like Dwight Kay, and this guy McCann, he’s a phony. Nobody should vote for him. A vote for him is a vote for Mike Madigan and Pritzker. And Pritzker is a nightmare for the state. Nightmare. Turn out the lights. Job losses. Taxes. Corruption. We’ve gotta stay strong. […]

Host: What the heck is Sam McCann doing?

RAUNER: He’s pure baloney, he’s a fraud, he’s a phony. He’s a plant by Madigan. Madigan does this all the time, he does this so many elections, he did it in his own election two years ago. He brings in phony people who are just there to confuse voters and try to divert votes from the real candidates. McCann – all you need to know about McCann is that his supporters and McCann are sending out mailers attacking good conservative legislators like Dwight Kay, like Sen. Connelly in the western ‘burbs and around the state. They’re working for Madigan and Madigan’s cronies – a handful of union bosses – that’s all they’re doing. McCann is not a true conservative, he’s a Madigan loyalist who’s planted there to confuse voters and try to divert votes.



  1. - Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 9:53 am:

    Doesn’t anyone on his staff tell him how insane he sounds?

  2. - @misterjayem - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 9:56 am:

    “I just love Illinois too much. I’ll never give up.”

    Oh… like OJ’s hunt for the real killer.

    – MrJM

  3. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 9:56 am:

    Rauner supports Dwight Kay?

    Huh. That’s… interesting.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 9:57 am:

    =“…But you know what?…”

    What. You’re a failure? Yeah, people are catching on.

  5. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 9:58 am:

    Rauner: The quality of my life would increase dramatically. That’s just true. But you know what? I just love Illinois too much. I’ll never give up.

    You know Ben Franklin’s saying about guests and fish, well one term is too much under Rauner for Illinois. The State is not his “blankie” to “love” to pieces. One more term, and there may not be enough thread left to even sew up the scraps.

  6. - Big Joe - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 9:58 am:

    Rauner just can’t say a coherent statement. He continues to ramble on with the same talking points, whether they are on topic or not. Doesn’t he have anyone replaying his statements or answers back to him with advice? Nobody from the BTIA? I can’t wait to see the results of this election and the look on his face when he admits defeat.

  7. - LXB - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 9:59 am:

    “Much like recent high-profile polling errors, the polls in this race are very wrong by a couple of points. I’m only going to lose by 14.”

  8. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 10:00 am:

    I only beat you because I love you so much. This guy needs a therapist.

  9. - Ed Higher - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 10:01 am:

    ” the polls I think, are very wrong.” - A perfect epitaph to his political career.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 10:02 am:

    Guess Rauner likes Dwight Kay “lots”… and all Kay is…

    Confusing when we’re here in the primary;


    ===“Dwight is a friend. We’ve supported him in the past, but the fact is on Nov. 8, 2016 … he fell short where we picked up five other seats, so we’re going to go in a new direction for the 112th and we feel the voters have spoken,” said Joe Woodward, political director for the House Republican Organization. […]

    “The Illinois Republican Party is not funding me and the governor is not funding me,” said Kay, of Glen Carbon. “If money dictates who we send to the capital, maybe I lose. … The fact that they’re not outwardly supporting me in a primary doesn’t concern me.” […]

    “Voters come first, and organizations come second,” Woodward said. “But we feel, and my job as a caucus person is, to protect our incumbents and add seats, and Wendy is in the column of adding seats.” […]

    “I really respect Dwight’s years of service in the legislature, (but) I think it’s important we get new voices in Springfield,” Erhart said. “We’ve got to look forward, not backward. If we’re going to get Mike Madigan out as speaker of the House, we have to defeat Katie Stuart. Unfortunately Dwight has shown a unique ability to not be able to do that.”===

    Thus is one crazy cycle.

  11. - Generic Drone - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 10:03 am:

    Because McCann. Uhm I mean Madigan.

  12. - Maestro - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 10:04 am:

    With everything that has gone on, why doesn’t Ipsos or the Simon institute or one of the credible sources release more current polling?

  13. - Retired Educator - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 10:06 am:

    If you want loyalty, you have to give loyalty. Remember a couple years ago when you thought to teach McCann a lesson by running someone against him. That wasn’t a Madigan idea, it was yours Governor. Sometimes in life you have to be taught a lesson. McCann is teaching you about respect, and loyalty. Pay Attention.

  14. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 10:10 am:

    – just love Illinois too much.–

    And too courageous, as well.

    As far as McCann goes, Rauner didn’t have to be a bully-boy and spend millions to run him out of office over one meaningless vote. McCann voted Rauner’s way the great majority of the time.

    But once that failed, Rauner had a year-and-a-half to bury the hatchet and head off a third-party attempt.

    It was no secret that it was coming. Republicans on the state committee talked about doing their own Progressive Party candidate, but couldn’t pull it off.

    If McCann is a factor in his defeat, Rauner’s thin-skinned, thick-headed arrogance will be solely to blame.

  15. - RNUG - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 10:11 am:

    == McCann is not a true conservative, he’s a Madigan loyalist who’s planted there to confuse voters and try to divert votes. ==

    No, Gov, McCann is just paying you back for your takeout attempt last election cycle … and he’s not being picky about where the help comes from.

    To paraphrase you, Gov, Sam is using your own playbook and giving you a f (no g) problem.

  16. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 10:11 am:

    “That’s just true.” Adorable.

  17. - AlfondoGonz - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 10:12 am:

    There once was a man named Sam McMadigan, a vote for him would make Illinois bad again, I love Illinois wanna make is rad again, if the polls aren’t wrong I’ll be very sad again, please don;t vote vote Sam McMadigan.

  18. - Give Me A Break - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 10:21 am:

    ” I can’t wait to see the results of this election and the look on his face when he admits defeat.”

    If he loses can we trust him if he says he called JB to concede? His track record of making calls on election night is somewhat sketchy.

  19. - Fixer - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 10:22 am:

    Bruce, heal thyself.

  20. - Roman - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 10:24 am:

    McCann is not a Madigan lacky, but he is extremely anti-Rauner. (Remember, Bruce, you tried to take him out in a GOP primary?) So McCann and Madigan’s interest intersect. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

  21. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 10:25 am:

    The harm he’s caused to this state since taking office, that’s love?

  22. - Streator Curmudgeon - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 10:27 am:

    “He’s pure baloney, he’s a fraud, he’s a phony.”

    Kinda catchy.

  23. - MickJ - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 10:31 am:

    If it were not for all the harm he has caused, I would feel sorry for Gov Junk.

  24. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 10:34 am:

    Didn’t some of your (at the time) friend’s fund Ken Dunkin?

    Rauner for Governor
    A Failure AND Hypocrite

  25. - Annonin' - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 10:35 am:

    Another step on the ExitInterviewTour and a final anchor on the Dwight Kay Komeback

  26. - vole - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 10:43 am:

    Destructing the IL State Museum was a strange way of showing your love for Illinois.

    Do not meet expectations.

    Happy Harley Trails to el rancho de montana.

  27. - Stumpy's bunker - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 11:07 am:

    In response to the question about the prospect of leaving the governor’s office, Rauner responds that that the quality of his life would increase dramatically.

    In that the sectors of Illinois residents he marginalized have diminished quality of life, logic would dictate it would be best for all concerned that he best just go away, and promise never to pick up the reins of government again.

  28. - Blue Dog Dem - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 11:35 am:

    Well. I guess i voted for Madigan. Darn. I knew the guy i was voting for had a last name that started with M.

  29. - Chicago 20 - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 11:54 am:

    In the very near future Mr. Rauner will be pronouncing as his new neighbors say “bologna”.

  30. - Jocko - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 12:26 pm:

    == I just love Illinois too much. I’ll never give up.==

    Bruce Rauner, the Ike Turner of state governors.

  31. - Harvest76 - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 1:00 pm:

    I’m guessing he has a house we haven’t heard about somewhere in Fantasyland, and he appears to be spending a lot of time there these days.

  32. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 1:25 pm:

    ===A vote for him is a vote for Mike Madigan and Pritzker.===

    Um, no. A vote for McCann is literally the opposite of a vote for Pritzker.

  33. - Boone's is Back - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 2:39 pm:

    === The polls show he’s down, but the governor remains upbeat===

    It’s an up day!

  34. - Tmac1991 - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 3:18 pm:

    Gov. Rauner is a Republican In Name Only. Remember HB 40 (taxpayer funded abortions), HB 1785 (transgender birth certificates) and SB 31 (sanctuary state bill). Gov. Rauner, you are a RINO. Sen. McCann voted against everyone one of those bills, you signed them.

  35. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 3:29 pm:

    This article proves that Ives, Brady, Durkin & company have taken money from the 150 PAC. The article also fact checked Rauner claim that Ives was a Madigan plant… The ad was rated FALSE. Rauner is using the same line of attack on Sen. McCann.

  36. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 3:39 pm:

    Yes! About the mailers, McCann is trying to make the Reps declare themselves. Why don’t they just publicly disavow Rauner? McCann has said that he will send mailers thanking them. I guess they are hiding out because they are playing both sides of the fence. Why would anyone want to defend a RINO? Unless they r one.

  37. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 3:48 pm:

    The mailers are trying to make the Reps publicly state their position on Rauner. Why can’t they do that? If they are conservatives, they should be able to publicly stated that they disavowal the governor. How hard is that? As stated earlier by tmac1991, Rauner signed HB 40, HB 1785 & SB 31. By not publicly stating their position on Rauner, it indicates they are supporting him even if they don’t.

  38. - 37B - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 5:40 pm:

    “He’s pure baloney, he’s a fraud, he’s a phony.”

    Kinda catchy.

    “Ya got trouble
    right here in River City”

    Sorry Mr. Rauner, I’m not buying any more children’s band instruments.

  39. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Oct 24, 18 @ 8:45 pm:

    –No, Gov, McCann is just paying you back for your takeout attempt last election cycle … and he’s not being picky about where the help comes from.–

    Yikes, karma politics being played in Illinois? Oh, the humanity.

    It should be remembered that Rauner went so hard at McCann over nothing to show other GOP GA members what he’d do if they stepped out of line.

    That was Superstar, not BTIA(TM) strategery - how’s it lookin’ now.

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