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Rate the closers: Londrigan and Davis

Tuesday, Oct 30, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Today, Betsy Dirksen Londrigan’s campaign released the second of its closing ads, titled “Learned.” The spot tells the story of the last 15 months of her campaign for Illinois’ 13th congressional district. It underscores the importance of health care in this race, and highlights the miles Betsy has traveled, and the stories that she has heard in the last year. The ad began airing across the district today.

* The ad

Her other closing ad, which started last week, is here.

* Script…

I’ve shared my story with you, about how we almost lost our son, Jack. And you’ve shared your stories with me. About premiums that are too high, prescription drugs that cost too much, and yes, politicians who just don’t care. I’ve put 60,000 miles on my car, meeting with neighbors, asking questions, and listening. And I hear you. You need good health care at a price you can afford. I’m Betsy Dirksen Londrigan and I approve this message, because you deserve leaders who listen to you, and fight all of us.

* Press release…

Today Rodney Davis released a new TV ad titled “Baseball.” The ad features Rodney and Shannon Davis speaking about the day a gunman shot at Republicans practicing for the Congressional Baseball Game and how it changed his life and job forever. Davis was up to bat when the gunman from Belleville, IL started firing.

* The ad

* Script…

Rodney: I never thought that my friends and I would have to dodge bullets from somebody who just disagreed with us politically. I made a decision that day to talk about what I’d seen.

TV clip of Rodney from day of shooting plays: “This hatefulness that we see in this country over policy differences has got to stop.”

Shannon: It’s so important to come forward and say enough. It’s going to take both parties to bring that level of rhetoric and hate-speech down.

Rodney: Let’s expect people to work together and find solutions.


  1. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 3:35 pm:

    Not even close - Davis for the win.
    Timely, perfect messaging about current events.

    Betsy does a rehash. Yeah, yeah, yeah - we’ve been hearing her same story repeatedly. It got her here, but it’ a one-note-Betsy campaign.

  2. - Perrid - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 3:36 pm:

    I agree with Rodney about rhetoric. However, I don’t see why that means I should vote for him…
    The Republicans are worse at it. They simply are, certainly with Donald Trump around and likely even ignoring him.

    So I’m going to have to give him a C-, certainly for a closing ad.

    Betsy offers something concrete, and details some of the lengths she’s gone to interface with her constituents, actually gives evidence of her hard work. I’m sure Rodney has run around as well, but he didn’t say so. So she gets a B+.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 3:40 pm:

    The Londrigan ad is more of a traditional closing argument, it lists the endorsements, it’s one issue, but doesn’t ask for “my” vote. It’s sharp, she looks likable, she ends trying to be relatable. It’s a “solid B”

    The Davis ad is a non-traditional closing argument, somber, and in that somber ad, attempts to come across as a unifier, and talks on the couch with his wife. No ask for my “vote” It’s a “B-“

    If these are your closing arguments, ask for “my” vote, make the argument, then make the ask.

  4. - Under Influenced.... - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 3:40 pm:

    Hmm odd closer for Davis. More of a PSA or call-to-action type ad as opposed to a “hey, this is why I’m a better choice than my opponent.”

    Healthcare is an important issue, but so far, it has been the only talking point for Betsy’s campaign.

    Davis wins by 9.

  5. - ILPundit - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 3:41 pm:

    Changing your message abruptly during the final week is the sign of a badly undisciplined campaign.

    You can say Londrigan is “one-note”, but at least people know why she’s running, and it happens to be for the reason that polls the highest.

    Not to mention, her ad ends with a positive, hopeful tone. Whereas Rodney just sounds like he’s whining.

  6. - Can - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 3:42 pm:


    It’s called driving a message… and she’s been doing it well all campaign long. Great closer for Betsy Dirksen Londrigan. She’ll represent the 13th CD well in Congress.

  7. - Joey twoshoes - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 3:44 pm:

    Davis would come across as a lot less phoney and “very fine people on both sides” if he actually had it in him to call out people in his own caucus. *Cough* Steve king *cough* Trump *cough*

  8. - Jibba - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 3:51 pm:

    Davis would be more convincing if he could give examples of major bipartisan ideas he helped implement. I’ll wait.

  9. - ItsMillerTime - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 3:59 pm:

    Betsy get’s a B for staying on point about a topic that everyone is concerned about.

    I give Davis a D for his, what happened to him was horrible but he seems like he is using it to fuel the “whataboutism” that is so hot right now with the Republicans. Furthermore his Field Director got arrested for assault after harassing Betsy at her fundraiser, so I don’t how he is going to have help solve the division we are experiencing right now.

  10. - Hysteria - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 4:00 pm:

    I literally cannot believe some people. Davis was on the baseball field when someone started shooting at people, and the comments on here are that he’s whining and phony. Wow. But, if it were a democrat who’d been shot at by a republican, you’d be saying, wow, what a horrible experience he had, let’s thank him for his service.

  11. - Montrose - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 4:00 pm:

    Davis’ ad is weird. He made a nice speech after a terrible event. That’s fine. I don’t know how that translates to him be an effective congressman and deserving of a vote.

    Londigran’s speaks directly to people’s concerns. It is much more effective.

  12. - d.p.gumby - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 4:04 pm:

    Hard to see how Davis’ attempt to make himself a victim provides a reason for someone other than supporters to vote for him. Betsy has been solid, if not very colorful. Election will be w/in 5 and could go either way.

  13. - Texas Red - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 4:05 pm:

    Davis ad by a mile. To see someone directly impacted by politically inspired violence speaking about coming together is reassuring to voters.

  14. - Southfarmllama - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 4:05 pm:

    Londrigan’s ad is weak sauce/boring and Davis’s ad is crocodile tears, especially with what the leader of his party says.

  15. - olddog - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 4:10 pm:

    == But, if it were a democrat who’d been shot at by a republican, you’d be saying, wow, what a horrible experience he had, let’s thank him for his service. ==

    And if it were Thomas Jefferson, we’d be saying, wow, what a great job you did writing the Declaration of Independence. But Davis is who he is; he said what he said; and it’s fair game to comment on it, pro and con. Same with Londrigan, whose closing ad was in fact more substantive and issue-oriented than Davis’.

  16. - Perrid - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 4:10 pm:

    @Hysteria, his party calls for violence regularly and he say nothing. How is that not being a phony? He had a very traumatic experience. I feel sorry for him. Why should I think he will do anything to make it better?

  17. - Maximus - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 4:12 pm:

    Davis has received lots of money from the NRA. This seems odd that he is using a shooting event where he was almost a victim and then claiming he is against hate speech? Shouldnt he say something about more gun control? I suppose then he loses that NRA money.

  18. - Impressions - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 4:12 pm:

    Davis comes across as naturally genuine B+

    Londrigan somewhat rigid when trying improv C-

  19. - Pundent - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 4:16 pm:

    =But, if it were a democrat who’d been shot at by a republican, you’d be saying, wow, what a horrible experience he had, let’s thank him for his service.=

    I consider myself an independent so your comments don’t resonate with me. But it’s clear to me that the “hatefulness” that Davis speaks to can be traced to one man and his obsession with the former presidents birth certificate and a party which is unable to separate itself from his rhetoric. Was the shooting on that baseball field a horrific tragedy, of course. But let’s not pretend to be blind to what’s going on within this country, where it started and how it continues to be perpetuated. Whether or not Davis wins or loses I certainly hope he’s sincere in his message. I just haven’t seen or heard enough of that from his party.

  20. - Stark - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 4:18 pm:

    Davis doesn’t seem to have much to say about all the people right wing terrorists have murdered in this country over the last 18 months now does he.

  21. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 4:34 pm:

    Davis has never found a consistent message, and it’s too late to cobble one together. And frankly, this year, “Let’s all come together” just won’t sell.

  22. - UISer - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 4:35 pm:

    The Davis ad must be a mistake. It stopped before he spoke about how he introduced gun reform legislation… oh, wait.

  23. - Rep. Davis - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 4:46 pm:

    ” I never thought that my friends and I would have to dodge bullets from somebody who just disagreed with us politically. So I’m working to make sure people like him have access to all the firepower they want to make further attacks a certainty.”

  24. - Mr. Smith - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 4:55 pm:

    The only thing that Davis is sincere about is his desire to continue being a Representative. To anyone who votes for him, and agrees with him. He lives on the “aw, shucks, nice guy” appeal. But if you don’t support him, he has not time for you.For someone who claims to be bipartisan, he doesn’t walk the walk, when it comes to representing ALL of the residents of his district. He would deserve thanks for his service, if he actually gave any.

    As far as Betsy Londrigan being a one-issue candidate, that issue affects ALL of the people of the district. And Rep. Davis sold the interests of most of us. Not once, repeatedly. Has he ever presented a clear, cogent plan of his own or spoken in favor of one that actually did what it said it would? No.

    He wants to play on the shooting for sympathy - but he touts his NRA endorsement, reinforcing his image as being pro-gun while crying about his experience as a victim. Hypocrite much?

    And he stands with President Trump. I rest my case.

  25. - AlfondoGonz - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 5:02 pm:

    To people who know anything about Rodney Davis, this ad will be either laughable or insulting. That said, I’m not sure this one brings it home for Londrigan.

  26. - A Jack - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 5:17 pm:

    Davis talking about an incident that happened quite a while ago isn’t compelling. It seems to be about him and not the people he represents.

  27. - One of Three Puppets - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 5:30 pm:

    Yeah, getting shot at a year ago and talking about it is not compelling….. -A Jack- why don’t you just tell him to get over it. Tell that to kids and soldiers that have been shot at and suffer from PTSD. Tell them to get over it because it was a year ago.

    We need to remember that central Illinois is comprised of a large number of NRA members and talking about their support of certain candidates as being bad is just goofy. They support many legislators on both sides of the aisle in our area and it is because these legislators represent their districts. Which clearly includes a ton of gun owners.

  28. - TooManyJens - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 5:33 pm:

    Davis doesn’t want to bring people together; he wants Democrats to stop criticizing him and the harmful policies he votes for.

  29. - Nick - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 5:35 pm:

    I like the Betsy ad. Still keeps the focus on healthcare, but also segues into talking and listening with constituents which is a contrast she’s been trying to highlight versus Davis. A positive tone is probably for the best at the moment.

    The Davis ad I’m unsure about. The incident itself is powerful, but happened awhile ago. It almost feels more like a PSA about civility than a final pitch. Though civility is a pretty big topic right now, so the timing could work for him?

  30. - Nick - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 5:40 pm:

    Which, thinking about it more, the ad was certainly filmed before recent events. Definitely seems designed to fit well with the Republican narrative of a violent uncivil left-wing mob.

    I guess the question becomes have events since, especially with Pittsburgh and the pipebombs, made his message more or less effective. More perhaps because civility is even a bigger topic, but potentially less because its not linked to Trump and to right-wing violence.

  31. - filmmaker prof - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 5:40 pm:

    If I were part of Betsy’s campaign, I would take pictures or footage of Rodney appearance with Trump the other day and just edit them on top of his script. When pictures and words disagree, pictures always win.

  32. - lollinois - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 5:44 pm:

    Davis’ pitch wins him no undecided votes. Anyone paying attention sees his calls for civility alongside his refusal to criticize anyone in his party or oppose any policies from the Trump administration, even when they’re harmful to his district.

    Betsy should have focused more on her approachability and listening tours and town halls. Draw a bigger contrast between herself and Davis, who did none of that and whose rhetoric doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.

    On the ads: Londrigan gets a B. Davis a C-.

    Londrigan pulls off the upset by a point.

  33. - One of Three Puppets - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 5:49 pm:

    I doubt anyone on the blog has actually been shot at. I have not. If he wants to talk about that experience, he should be able to without anyone hating on him. Let’s be real here. Violence from the child in school to the police officer on the street is real, unfortunate, and traumatic. We need to be compassionate and recognize that even our political adversaries are human too and have dealt with very traumatizing issues.

    My honest guess is Davis by 6. I give Londrigan’s ad a B and the same goes for Rodney’s.

  34. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 6:38 pm:

    Both spots are strong. Both candidates come across as decent, civil and likeable. I don’t know if that sells these days, but I’m all for it.

    Rep. Davis, I must ask: as you are one who survived a terrorist attack by a demented zealot, is there nothing Congress can do to mitigate this national shame of lunatics with weapons of war and unlimited load?

    And when you went down to Murphysboro to stand next to Pres. Trump and accept his endorsement, did you speak truth to power about “hate speech?”

    Specifically, about his calling journalists “enemy of the people” and Democrats “evil?”

    That was your chance, mister. I hope you took advantage of it. If you did not, then I think you are an insincere cynic of the worst kind.

  35. - Cheryl44 - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 7:12 pm:

    David seems to think he gets the seat because he’s the guy running for it.

  36. - Stumpy's bunker - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 7:32 pm:

    Positive message from Ms. Londrigan about a subject very important to those who can’t comfortably pay for good health care/insurance out of pocket.

    Davis’ message is darker, bordering on being a victim. The national-level messaging from his side of the fence, even beyond healthcare, can be dismissive and provocative.

  37. - Jibba - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 7:58 pm:

    It is not uncivil to call Rodney Davis on his hypocrisy. He won’t hold town meetings or meet with groups of people who he believes disagree with him. That is his official policy, not my assessment. He acts as if I don’t exist. I can agree that political opponents should not be demonized or shot at, and at the same time say strongly that he should not be my representative anymore. Nothing wrong or uncivil about that.

  38. - cc - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 8:07 pm:

    Going for Davis this time around

  39. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 30, 18 @ 9:29 pm:

    Davis voted with his party to make it easier for mentally disturbed people to get guns… then is shocked when one shows up at his baseball game. And blames incivility? Londrigan can’t be as bad as that.

  40. - Lynn S. - Wednesday, Oct 31, 18 @ 12:52 am:

    I live in “Where’s Rodney”s district, and toomanyJens nailed it.

    My county will go strongly for Betsy. Hope she can get enough votes to knock Mr. “Refuses to hold a town hall” out.

  41. - Pick a Name - Wednesday, Oct 31, 18 @ 6:40 am:

    Both around a B to B-.

    Still staying with Rodney by 5

  42. - truthteller - Wednesday, Oct 31, 18 @ 7:54 am:

    Rodney Davis is the perfect ” professional politician”, has NO problem staring into the camera or speaking before people and utter complete lies. Many reasons he won’t do town halls. mostly because he can not stand his constituents…Betsy has my vote and most of my friends and neighbors for good reasons.

  43. - Get It Solved - Wednesday, Oct 31, 18 @ 9:04 am:

    Both adds get a solid B. Betsey continues to drive home her message, but I don’t think it will be enough to win the seat. Davis by 5.

  44. - Handle Bar Mustache - Wednesday, Oct 31, 18 @ 9:07 am:

    Betsy is going to win. Drive through the district. Talk to people. Rodney has always been a favorite of political insiders (in both parties). But he has a knack for avoiding regular folks like the plague. Betsy has won over many insiders and wisely hammered out dozens of town halls while Rep. Davis mingled with elites.

  45. - Handle Bar Mustache - Wednesday, Oct 31, 18 @ 9:08 am:

    A- on Betsy’s ad, C for Rodney. She’s focused on securing decent health care, not empty rhetoric.

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