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Tribune wants new Republican legislative leaders

Wednesday, Nov 7, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Tribune editorial board’s idea to rebuild the GOP going forward

Here’s the first step: Mend the fracture between establishment and conservative Republicans — Rauner supporters and those who backed his primary opponent, Rep. Jeanne Ives — and begin the rebuilding process. Find common ground and bury old grudges. Coalesce around new, fresh leadership in the House and Senate.

The talent is there. House and Senate members who managed to fend off challengers — Sens. Neil Anderson of Andalusia and John Curran of Downers Grove, along with Reps. Mark Batinick of Plainfield, Tom Morrison of Palatine, Tom Demmer of Dixon, Grant Wehrli of Naperville, to name a few — will have to retread this party. And they’ll have to do it without worrying about the next election. Don’t go weak. Go big — that is, as big as a minority party can go. Give the people of Illinois fresh ideas for fixing this state’s government and economy.

So, they want Rep. Batinick (who is up by 692 votes before all mail-in and provisional ballots are counted), Rep. Morrison (who is up by 482 votes before all mail-in and provisional ballots are counted) Rep. Wehrli (who defeated an opponent who had suspended her campaign and didn’t even live in the district and was allegedly sought by the FBI for a case in Texas by just 5 points) to take the lead in the House?

I’m thinking Leader Durkin will be fine.

…Adding… Also, I’m thinking Leader Brady will be fine. The Tribune has been cheerleading Bruce Rauner for more than four years. Maybe it’s time to sit down for a bit.


  1. - Not a Billionaire - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:54 am:

    There are so few they can all be leaders and Democrats need to ignore their yapping…..quiet d own or no more roads or universities for yoy.

  2. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:55 am:

    The problem with that is neither Rauner supporters nor those who backed Ives can get to a majority in this state. It’s the platform(s), not the people. They’ve got a lot more woodshedding to do.

  3. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:56 am:

    Putting anyone from plainfield in charge of anything is the quickest way to destroy it.

    Is that their goal?

    All the local larger-area races with competitors coming out of plainfield were roundly rejected by local voters. The locals know how terrible that would be for the region after seeing up-close what has been happening in plainfield.

  4. - Not a Billionaire - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:56 am:

    Anderson wasn’t exactly a landslide.

  5. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:57 am:

    “Give the people of Illinois fresh ideas”
    I look forward to seeing fresh ideas. That said, I’m highly skeptical that any will come from the Republicans.

  6. - A Jack - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:57 am:

    What the ILGOP needs to do first is drop the anti-Labor agenda of the Raunerites (and Walker of Wisconsin). They can be pro-business without attacking labor. When businesses grow, we all win.

  7. - Political Animal - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:58 am:

    Niel Anderson is the FURTHEST thing from someone who can heal divides in the ILGOP.

    We need someone with visionary leadership only policy, like Ives, but with more tact and less vitriol.

  8. - anon2 - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:01 am:

    I think the obvious choice for new leadership is Dave McSweeney. He has clear vision, has been a voice of principle, and knows how to work with the majority.

  9. - Wow - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:01 am:

    Like their boy Rauner, the Tribune is irrelevant.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:01 am:

    ===I’m thinking Leader Durkin will be fine.===

    Yes. Thankfully.

    Ya know how I said I’d know in like… 38 seconds… how serious a rebuild is? ‘Nember?

    ===Sens. Neil Anderson of Andalusia and John Curran of Downers Grove, along with Reps. Mark Batinick of Plainfield, Tom Morrison of Palatine, Tom Demmer of Dixon, Grant Wehrli of Naperville, to name a few — will have to retread this party.===

    … this will be 1,000% the wrong message and the wrong messengers in every imaginable way.

    They can help, play roles, fill nitches, maybe be divisive and trolling on twitter…

    … but if this is my “elevator pitch” to believe in a rebuild…

    Not great.

  11. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:02 am:

    Jeannie Ives is a visionary leader on policy????? I laughed out loud at that one.

  12. - Pundent - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:02 am:

    I think there’s a more compelling case to be made for new leaders at the Tribune Editorial Board. They clearly refused to acknowledge what their readers saw occurring in this state.

  13. - GA Watcher - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:03 am:

    The Tribune Editorial Board was all in with the Because Madigan strategy. That worked out so well, didn’t it. Whoever and whatever remains of the ILGOP should be leery about taking advice from Chicago’s largest newspaper.

  14. - Real - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:04 am:

    If the GOP wants a chance in IL then be more like Sam McCann. This GOP puts party and Rauner types over people.

  15. - Fax Machine - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:05 am:

    If Todd Ricketts wants it, ILGOP is his for the taking.

    Also, Thank the Lord that Proft had as bad a night as Rauner

  16. - Annon3 - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:06 am:

    The Tribune finally lost their collective mind? New ownership cannot happen soon enough.

  17. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:09 am:

    ===Maybe it’s time to sit down for a bit.===

    The last group of folks to give me advice how to see a rebuild is a group that wanted the 99th GA Raunerites to keep fighting.

    They have no idea how governing should work, or how to build a party with inclusion and principles where 80% agreement is the benchmark.

  18. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:10 am:

    Maybe the Tribune ought to get fresh members on its editorial board. Just sayin’.

  19. - Norseman - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:12 am:

    Someone needs to sue the Trib editorial board for political malpractice. Its about policy and the GOP eats those of its members who understand that, i.e. folks like Andersson and Harris. I’m not a fan of Durkin because he was an enabler in the impasse, but the Trib favs would be worse.

  20. - Dodger's Blue - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:14 am:

    The very people that Rauner ran off are the republican legislators needed to rebuild the party. Durkin and Brady are good people that should be given an opportunity to lead without threat and intimidation from Rauner.

  21. - Just Me - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:15 am:

    Durkin can run for U.S. Senate (again) in two years against Durbin (again).

  22. - LizPhairTax - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:15 am:

    But do they pass the deer stuck in a fence test?

  23. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:17 am:

    It’s like they don’t even read their own newspaper. They aren’t really tone deaf, they are simply living on some other planet. Reality has left the Tribune editorial board behind and it’s not coming back for them.

  24. - Radical Trolling - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:17 am:

    I don’t think Durkin is “fine” if GOP lawmakers are thinking ahead. But I also don’t think the next GOP leader can come from north of I-80.

    Elmhurst College is about to have a Democratic State Senator. The world has changed, the suburbs are changing, and after the remap, those seats the GOP is hanging onto by their teeth will not still be there. If they last that long.

    Proft is not going away because Uhlein’s money is not going away. And that means that he is going to keep pestering the GOP leader. Can Durkin fend off those attacks without Rauner bankrolling him? Can he put his members on a revenue plan for a capital bill with Proft and the IPI harrassing him from the right?

    Rich is right that the Tribune editorial board is every bit as guilty as Durkin of this calamity, but the reality is that they are not elected. No one punished them if their plan fails and government melts down as a result.

    Still, there is a good chance no one else really wants the job, atleast not bad enough to fight for it. And a very good chance they will all just hunker down in the bunker while Democrats pick them off a bit at a time. Frogs in a pot.

  25. - Lt Guv - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:18 am:

    Next they’ll be suggesting Skillkorn.

  26. - Real - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:19 am:

    Actually, it’s time for the GOP to follow it’s own campaign platform and term limit it’s own leaders who are always so concerned about Madigan, especially Durkin. It’s long past due for his leadership term limit. He enabled Rauner for 4 years and I hope the GOP elects new leadership. I’m thinking they will.

  27. - hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:21 am:

    Well looks like the Tribune readership may want new editorial board members more in step with their views. We’ll see who accepts accountability and moves on first.

  28. - Fax Machine - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:21 am:

    Is there a list anywhere of House members ranked by Seniority? My Rep asked me to find out what his new plate number will be in January.

  29. - a drop in - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:23 am:

    I’m afraid the Republican party is acting like a recovering alcoholic. They can “take the pledge”; let’s see what happens when Ricketts or Uihlein show up with bottles of gin.

  30. - lakeside - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:23 am:

    You know who would have been good to have around right now? Chris Radogno. Sadly, as someone mentioned above, she and others were driven off by Rauner - who went on to lose his absolute shirt yesterday.

    I am very much not a republican, but I do hope they get it together and have ideas to contribute. But repeating the national republican movement (2012 post-mortem followed by the trump train - if they’re looking to Ives to be a leader of this movement) - isn’t the way to do it.

    Maybe the ed board could recommend IL gop sit down for a minute and let dems see if we can fix the disaster of the Rauner experiment. Because they went all in on Rauner and he *blew it* in every possible way.

  31. - Midwestern - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:25 am:

    Disappointed in poor GOP legislative election performance. Several good people fell. Even those who didn’t, such as Batinick and Wherli, barely escaped opponents not nearly as experienced or capable.

    As a legislator, it is difficult not to be boxed in by what a President, Governor, Mayor of your own party says and does. We can only hope being freed from the burden of Rauner’s arrogance, short-sightedness and dogmatism will enable the Republican caucus to become open-minded and creative in developing and articulating their positions.

  32. - Jocko - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:25 am:

    After having the “Savior of Illinois” lose by 15%, you’d think the Trib could engage in some quiet self-reflection rather than asking the ILGOP to fire Coach Durkin.

  33. - The Doc - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:26 am:

    “Mend the fracture”
    “begin the rebuilding process”
    “Find common ground”
    “bury old grudges”

    Seems like the Trib editorial board needs to “coalesce around new, fresh leadership”.

  34. - Real - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:28 am:

    You know who would have been good to have around right now? Chris Radogno. Sadly, as someone mentioned above, she and others were driven off by Rauner - who went on to lose his absolute shirt yesterday.

    -Don’t blame Rauner for Radogno running away. She was elected just as Rauner was. She elected to be a leader in the legislative branch while Rauner was leader in the executive branch. She chose to run instead of stand up firmly against Rauner. Can’t place blame on Rauner for leaders that choose to run instead of standing up to Rauner. That does not make her a hero.

  35. - PP - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:29 am:

    Tribune should just fire Kass

  36. - Scott Fawell's Cellmate - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:29 am:

    Durkin and Brady determine Republican appointments to state boards and committees. At a time when Democrats control everything in the state, then this is a useful tool for member management.

  37. - Just Me - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:29 am:

    Real — Are you JB’s anonymous handle?

  38. - K3 W. - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:30 am:

    Bruce only became governor to try and turn Illinois red. To turn over the state to the Koch brothers organization. To turn Illinois into a Wis.,Ind.,MI.. It didn’t work and Illinoisans are better already. Let this be a message to the Koch brothers.

  39. - Real - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:31 am:

    Real — Are you JB’s anonymous handle?

    -So you support legislative leaders that run away instead of standing up to party bosses? Not sure what any of this has to do with JB.

  40. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:33 am:

    ===Don’t blame Rauner for Radogno running away. She was elected just as Rauner was. She elected to be a leader in the legislative branch while Rauner was leader in the executive branch. She chose to run instead of stand up firmly against Rauner===

    You must not have paid any attention during the Grand Bargain.

    This is an embarrassing rewrite to what did happen, and how Rauner first undercut the bargain, used leverage within the caucus to undermine Radogno, and how being pushed out by Rauner was what transpired making Radogno realize… she didn’t walk away, she had enough.

    ===Can’t place blame on Rauner for leaders that choose to run instead of standing up to Rauner. That does not make her a hero.===

    Your interpretation of how it went down is filled with anger… at the wrong person.

  41. - walker - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:35 am:

    One irony in thinking about effective leadership, is that those from very competitive districts and small margins of victory, are those most likely to appreciate opposing views and know how to work with them.

  42. - Real - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:39 am:

    OW can you cite one press release or newspaper article where Radogno stated what Rauner did?

    Since you can’t do that then she obviously did not stand up publicly against Rauner’s actions. Instead she retired. We don’t elect leaders or representatives that run from party bosses.

    When Dunkin went against Madigan we all heard about it. Can’t say the same for Radogno.

  43. - Perrid - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:40 am:

    @walker, maybe. They might be less likely to take risks if they barely won, they might toe the line as it were, and also be more focused on their own race than the party’s. Or you could be right and they would be less extreme, more compromising, it could go either way.

  44. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:41 am:


    Pretty important word.

    Rewriting history on public statements when the grand bargain, in of itself was a public “back room” deal is not the way to measure what happened.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:43 am:

    ===When Dunkin went against Madigan we all heard about it===

    Interparty political clashes are usually public. That’s the politics of the policy.

    Plus, Rauner paid for those clashes, orchestrated them, at times wrote Durkin’s “script” for them.

  46. - Real - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:44 am:

    OW can you cite one press release or newspaper article where Radogno stated what Rauner did?

    Show me where she stood against a party boss? All I see is press releases and articles on her retiring.

  47. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:46 am:

    We need a new Illinois Republican Party…

  48. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:48 am:

    The ILGOP can find relevance in working with legislatures across the isle. Cultivate relationships with their peers rather than name call and attack.

    The whole “Madigans’ favorite…” screed was an overwhelming failure and cast the ILGOP back into super minority status. If you want to actually do something beside cry and moan (twitter troll like a teenager in Wherli’s case) then make the effort to build partnerships. We teach kids the benefits of collaboration and how to do it. Have politics unwound to the extent that it has to be my way or nothing?

    True leaders can emerge and get things done beyond party, the ILGOP can emerge more relevant and not less if they can find people with skill rather than outsized ego.

  49. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:49 am:

    ===…can you cite one press release or newspaper article where Radogno stated what Rauner did?===

    You can read her statement upon retirement, for one.

    You can use the google here to Radogno’s role in the bargain.

    ===Show me where she stood against a party boss?===

    She worked with, traveled with, did editorial boards with… President Cullerton touting the grand bargain Rauner didn’t want.

    Oh, and that was in public.

    Anything else?

  50. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:51 am:

    ===When Dunkin went against Madigan we all heard about it. Can’t say the same for Radogno===

    That’s because one of those two made a cravenly political bargain while the other was and still is a total class act who was trying to forge a grand bargain.

  51. - Robert the Bruce - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:53 am:


    She clearly stood up to Rauner in private and had also successfully negotiated a deal that gave Rauner less than he wanted, but more than he ended up with.

    In public, she followed Reagan’s commandment on not speaking ill of fellow republicans.

    Following that commandment may be what the republican party needs. Yes, Rauner was a complete failure and would have lost big anyway. But McCann got 4%….and we’re not a red state. The next candidate will need that 4% back.

  52. - Real - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:54 am:

    McCann was one of the few that stood up to party bosses on the republican side and won. Republicans need more of that because Rauner caused 4 years of destruction and really no republican legislative leaders stood against it. This is why they lost big yesterday and why they need new leadership today.

  53. - JakeCP - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:59 am:

    The IL GOP can be rebuilt, but it still won’t win them any state-wide elections. It is very clear that the direction of Illinois is moving farther to the left. The best they can do is focus on local races in Central and Southern Illinois and continue to advocate for conservative principles.

  54. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:59 am:

    ===McCann was one of the few that stood up to party bosses on the republican side and won.===

    … and now is outside looking in.

    We don’t need kamikaze leaders willing to do things to hurt building or refuse to heal riffs.

    I cheered McCann, because Raunerism needed to end.

    That doesn’t mean McCann as a GOPer did anything at all heroic but give Raunerism its needed karma

  55. - Rutro - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 11:01 am:

    The r’s leadership needs to own this disaster and so does the trib, pink slips/resignations all around.

  56. - Real - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 11:05 am:

    It will be nice if JB appoints McCann to the ILRB. And maybe some other republicans in his administration.

  57. - Angry Republican - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 11:06 am:

    Both Durkin and Brady need to go; the IL-GOP continuously rewards failure, and they need new leadership. Doing nothing only guarantees there won’t be single Republican in Springfield by 2022 or 2024.

  58. - lakeside - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 11:06 am:

    Didn’t mean to start a brawl about Radogno.

    I was more focused on Mother Tribune’s “Now, let us tell you what need to do next, as we are very, very smart” directly after their champion couldn’t crack 40% yesterday. And after he spent years destroying (or contributing to the destruction of) the functioning IL Republican framework.

    Rather than the things that separate us, let’s focus on the thing that binds us together: mocking the trib ed board.

  59. - Chicagonk - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 11:11 am:

    The ILGOP needs to start building up infrastructure in Chicago if they want to have a chance in this state. They need to kick Chris Cleveland to the curb and build a Chicago infrastructure focused on local issues.

  60. - Jen - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 11:32 am:

    ===Still, there is a good chance no one else really wants the job, atleast not bad enough to fight for it.=== There will always be people who want to be the leader, regardless of how bad the current circumstances for Republicans. McSweeney for one. Not sure who might be interested in the Senate. But the desire for power is the one thing you can count on in Springfield.

  61. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 11:51 am:

    ==The ILGOP can find relevance in working with legislatures across the isle. Cultivate relationships with their peers rather than name call and attack.==

    These are all fine suggestions, but I don’t think it will happen. The Ives/Proft wing of the party will point to this wipeout as confirmation that moderate republicanism is no longer effective, and will try to go full trump. Wouldn’t be surprised if there is a big push to oust Durkin, maybe Brady too, as “too moderate”. Judging by recent history Ricketts seems to have no issue with the fringe elements being in charge of things, so they’ll have another funding source to back this effort along with Uihlein. Not sure what Griff will do.

  62. - Stumpy's bunker - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 11:53 am:

    I found the hateful messaging repulsive. No doubt polling and focus groups led to not only the demonizing of the leadership of the opposing party, logic was stretched beyond reason to associate others with them as co-conspirators. Voters caught on.

    Men in dresses and propaganda-driven, ad nauseam, disingenuous talking points obviously are not the formula for reaching the majority of voters.

  63. - Quizzical - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 11:55 am:

    I love the call for “fresh ideas” for fixing the State’s problems. ‘Fresh ideas’ are the magic beans of policy discusssions. If the Editorial Board has ideas on how to fix things, have at it. But positing the existence of unknown ‘fresh ideas’ capable of magically transforming Illinois politics and policy is a cop out, allowing them to claim that easy solutions are out there, without allowing them to moan and wail about the real pain of the real solutions that others have proposed.

  64. - PP - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 11:59 am:

    John Kass for political office lol

  65. - Hieronymus - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 12:05 pm:

    @Real “It will be nice if JB appoints McCann to the ILRB. And maybe some other republicans in his administration.”

    Absolutely (with non-banning emphasis). Show what bipartisanship is supposed to look like. Besides, it never hurts to have an extra pair of eyes, or several, looking on to help keep everyone on their toes and honest.

  66. - illinois manufacturer - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 12:06 pm:

    They should just shut down the editorial nonsense and add news reporters and news pages. That would get me to buy them again

  67. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 12:06 pm:

    So the troncs think the GOP should bury the hatchet — in Durkin’s and Brady’s backs.

    They’re part of the IPI/Proft dorm-room debate club that believes their political propaganda actually has some basis in reality, instead of just failed partisan talking points.

    Do “conservatives” really believe that state government can “fix the economy,” whatever that means.

    State governments can fix roads and mass transit and build schools and centers of higher education, which lay the foundations for economic growth.

  68. - Roman - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 12:12 pm:

    From the editorial : “But for a relative few (but populous) blue counties, Illinois would be a crimson state.”

    Huh? What’s the point? That’s like saying “But for his $3.5 billion of net worth, JB Pritzker would not be rich.”

  69. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 12:16 pm:

    ===But for a relative few (but populous) blue counties, Illinois would be a crimson state.===

    … like Oklahoma, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina….

    Illinois isn’t any of those states.

    Why would we want to be?

  70. - Jibba - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 12:27 pm:

    Those “few counties”, which JB won, contain more than half the population of the state. Just sayin’.

  71. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 12:56 pm:

    –”But for a relative few (but populous) blue counties, Illinois would be a crimson state.”–

    Hard to believe such meaningless dingbatism finds its way into a newspaper.

  72. - Pundent - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 1:14 pm:

    =“But for a relative few (but populous) blue counties, Illinois would be a crimson state.”=

    Well if it wasn’t for one of those big populous counties you might be the Cairo Tribune instead of the Chicago Tribune.

    Somebody needs to do a reality check at the Tribune Tower. Kind of hard to sell newspapers when you’ve purposely decided to insult the intelligence of most of the readers in your region.

    The reason that Rauner and the Republican party lost is that the people in those populous counties saw through the charade.

  73. - DeseDemDose - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 1:46 pm:

    I can’t believe Munger isn’t on the JB transition team.

  74. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 3:51 pm:

    =Seems like the Trib Edit Board needs to=

    Fire McQueary.

  75. - Jerry - Thursday, Nov 8, 18 @ 11:03 am:

    Of course the GOP hard-liners chased out the people who could have been REAL leaders, like Steve Andersson.

  76. - WillCtyMan - Thursday, Nov 8, 18 @ 3:10 pm:

    I’ve thought maybe McQuery and Dold were angling for Rauner to buy the paper and save their jobs. Hard to find another reason for the editorial pieces they write.

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