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Under the bus he goes

Wednesday, Nov 7, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* And rightfully so. Tribune

House Republican leader Jim Durkin of Western Springs said Tuesday’s results showed a gain for Democrats. “We got hit pretty hard, and statewide it was really difficult for the Republicans,” he said. “The governor underperformed in areas that were important to us.”

Durkin also said antipathy toward Trump in the suburbs hurt his party, as evidenced by losses of Republican U.S. Reps. Peter Roskam and Randy Hultgren, even though the president helped Downstate Republicans.

* Related…

* Mark Brown: Bruce Rauner wore out his welcome long ago


  1. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 3:34 am:

    In Illinois, Republicans can’t point blame at Trump…. Rauner holds sole responsibility for the Republican slaughter.

  2. - Huh? - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 4:41 am:

    1.4% had nothing to run on except blaming Madigan, is untrustworthy, and unlikable.

  3. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 4:55 am:

    Madigan won, Bruce. All around great job by you losing million$, losing race, losing dignity. Was it worth it?

  4. - The Dude - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 5:27 am:

    Maybe Republicans will now see just how awful Rauner actually is now that they are not blinded by his money. He weakened them more than anyone elselse could have.

  5. - Keyrock - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 6:14 am:

    It took a while, but the entire state saw he isn’t a phony. Phonies lose elections.

  6. - DuPage Moderate - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 6:40 am:

    This is the work of Proft and his cronies.

  7. - theCardinal - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 6:55 am:

    Durkin understated it and is spot on. The blame lies at the feet of Rauner. Trump impact not helpful either but much of the suburban house debacle for the GOP is Ruaners to wear.

  8. - Ed Higher - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 6:56 am:

    “The governor underperformed in areas that were important to us.” - a fitting epitaph from the whole state.

  9. - Molly Maguire - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 6:57 am:

    Dan Proft–has so much money ever been spent for so little in Illinois. How long will Uhlein continue to play the fool.

  10. - Stumpy's bunker - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 7:37 am:

    Great news from our neighbor to the north: Scott Walker is out.

    Overall, not so great a day for the I’ve-got-mine-and-I’m-coming-after-yours crowd.

  11. - Stumpy's bunker - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 7:44 am:

    “The governor underperformed…”
    “…antipathy toward Trump…”

    What a difference a day makes.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 7:51 am:

    Leader Durkin,

    I’ve always liked you, still do.

    You let a stranger in our house, you welcomed him, listened to him, did what he asked, took his money, and were purposely “held hostage” by him to be obedient.

    Rauner was unlikable and a poor governor, and you stood by him.

    It’s not “because Rauner”… the stranger in OUR house destroyed it. You welcomed him. This is that result.

    Let me know how you want to rebuild.

    The conversation will be quick. I’ll know right off if it’s real.

    I hope it is.


  13. - PDJT - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 8:01 am:

    Rauner accomplished one thing.
    He proved that term limits are not necessary.

    When faced with a truly bad candidate, in spite of his power of incumbency, the voters threw him out.

  14. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 8:09 am:

    Rauner is gone. He was a horrible governor. He set back Illinois by 10 years and the GOP by 25 years. All he had to do is not be a cold-hearted Scrooge, but he not only failed at being human, he didn’t try.

    Illinois is now in very bad shape. One party rule has been disasterous every time. Thanks Bruce for destroying any bipartisanship in this state by revealing to all that the GOP is filled with incompetents.

  15. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 8:10 am:

    You gonna give the money back, partner.

  16. - Hysteria - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 8:16 am:

    Pat Brady was on WGN last night also claiming that the congressional seats were lost because of Trump, not Rauner. I was wondering what Rauner has on him to make him continue to stand up for Rauner.

  17. - Practical Politics - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 8:16 am:

    Rauner’s half-hearted appearance at a rally for Congressman Mike Bost was positively ridiculous. You either appear on the stage with the President or you stay far away. The Mark Kirk approach failed again.

  18. - Milk Was A Bad Choice - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 8:30 am:

    Maybe shouldn’t have built your strategy around him?

    *Durkin says House Republicans coordinating with Rauner: Illinois House Republican leader Jim Durkin said Sunday his campaign organization is coordinating message strategy with Rauner.

    But Durkin couldn’t say if individual House GOP campaigns are dependent upon a successful Rauner re-election bid.

    “I think (Rauner) plays well in the suburbs. I really do. I think the positions he has been strong on, his position on business reform, is what people want to hear about, that he’s taking on Mike Madigan. People realize it and they respect that,” Durkin, of Western Springs, said on WGN-AM 720.

    “I can’t say right now whether or not our success is going to be guided by the governor’s success, but we’re rowing in the same direction,” he said. “Our approach towards these elections has been we go through this on a weekly basis with the governor’s staff. We have messages that we are unified on, other messages which members have to do based on their districts. But we’re very well coordinated, and I can’t make that decision at this moment, but I feel we’re in a good position to pick up seats against Mike Madigan.”

  19. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 8:40 am:

    Rauner’s concession speech sounded like it could have also been his victory speech. A lot of the same “see and say” lines he has become infamous for repeating.

    Just curious… how will this affect the Quincy lawsuits going forward? Does anyone think Rauner may face a deposition?

  20. - Stumpy's bunker - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 8:41 am:

    At least Durkin still has his position.

    I wonder how Christine Rodogno, Raymond Poe, Rich Brauer and Wayne Rosenthal feel today.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 8:44 am:

    ===I wonder how Christine Rodogno, Raymond Poe, Rich Brauer and Wayne Rosenthal feel today.===

    Radogno may feel vindicated.

    Poe might retire after having his dream job.

    Brauer and Rosenthal? Dunno. Maybe glad the Rauner nightmare is over? Maybe bummed for a new beginning.

    ‘Tween us, they are probably very low on my “worry for” list.., after social services closed, state university workers were laid off, the universities themselves starved…

    … I hope Leader Radogno feels great today.

  22. - The Dude Abides - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 8:45 am:

    OW pretty much nailed it. Durkin stood with Rauner during the impasse. When some GOP members broke with him and helped Democrats finally give Illinois a budget that they desperately needed Durkin punished them. All the damage from the budget impasse for nothing and Durkin had a hand in it. Durkin as well as about every other GOP member in the Legislature allowed themselves to be bought by Rauner. A heavy price was paid last night for what OW accurately described as “letting a stranger into your house”.

  23. - People Over Parties - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:03 am:

    Trump cost Rauner and ILGOP dearly. He was the greatest factor at the end of the day, end of story.

  24. - Stumpy's bunker - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:04 am:

    ILGOP may have to deal with the “Rauner taint” for some time. They say voters have short memories and that may largely be true, but voting records can be wheeled out at a moment’s notice when campaign hostilities resume.

  25. - JudgeSmails - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:05 am:

    The ILGOP ‘underperformed’ in a most incompetent and tone deaf way. They should consider just disbanding and starting completely over from scratch with new people.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:06 am:

    ===Trump cost Rauner and ILGOP dearly===


    Rauner was the most vulnerable and worst Republican governor in America, polling, himself, under water on approval… Trump or no Trump.


    Rauner sought Trump’s actual “support”, in a costume no less… and was rebuffed… so… lol

  27. - Ric Flair Woo Chop - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:15 am:

    “Under The Bus He Goes” sounds like a Raffi song used to explain politics to kids.

  28. - I Miss Bentohs - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:15 am:

    “I wonder how Christine Rodogno, Raymond Poe, Rich Brauer and Wayne Rosenthal feel today.”

    Content (for at least 3 of them). They are ready to retire and were happy to serve Illinois in the (final) capacity that they did.

  29. - RNUG - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:16 am:

    == The governor underperformed … ==

    Rauner’s epitaph.

  30. - Stumpy's bunker - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:18 am:

    The time between now and January 14 will be a further test of character for Rauner.

    Public sector workers, union members, those whom must rely on social services: the all-clear has not sounded…best to remain sheltered in place.

  31. - big red - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:23 am:

    As a Committeeman in DuPage I can tell you that my neighbors complained about Trump not about Rauner. The comment I got most often about the Governor’s race was I can’t identify with either of these billionaires. Rauner won my precinct; so did Casten.

  32. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:27 am:

    –In Illinois, Republicans can’t point blame at Trump…. Rauner holds sole responsibility for the Republican slaughter.–

    Why does it have to be so simple-minded? Someone’s fee-fees might get hurt.

    You don’t think Trump had a role in Roskam and Hultgren’s defeats, and hundreds of thousands of new Dem voters coming out for mid-terms? That’s silly.

  33. - big red - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:34 am:

    And spending time with the Democratic Committeewoman poll watching she couldn’t stop talking about how she got involved because of Trump as did all the other Democrats this cycle. Not one word about Rauner. In DuPage it was Trump Trump Trump and Trump.

  34. - John Deere Green - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:39 am:

    Speaking of Durkin and going under the bus, I couldn’t help but notice this tidbit from the Tronc board.

    “What’s an Illinois Republican Party to do? Recoil and tremble? Or unite and rebuild?”

    Among other pearls of wisdom from the genius of Katrina and her merry band, including thinking that Grant Wehrli possesses anything resembling leadership qualities … “Coalesce around new, fresh leadership in the House and Senate.”

    Sounds like a call to oust Durkin and Brady to me. If not, horribly worded.

  35. - John Deere Green - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:40 am:

  36. - Henry Francis - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:43 am:

    ==Rauner’s concession speech sounded like it could have also been his victory speech. A lot of the same “see and say” lines he has become infamous for repeating.

    Just curious… how will this affect the Quincy lawsuits going forward? Does anyone think Rauner may face a deposition?==

    But 221, didn’t you listen to his speech? Who were the first folks he thanked? Effusively?

    The veterans.

  37. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:46 am:

    ===Grant Wehrli===

    This is 100% the worst direction to choose.

    Wehrli isn’t a builder.

    Wehrli will force the GOP further backwards, and further into irrelevancy. It’s who Wehrli is, will be, and Wehrli can’t help but be divisive.

    Durkin. All day. Just get his “stuff” together, show me that leadership. Build, with Leader Brady… then the GA GOP can begin again.

    Wehrli would be a colossal mistake.

  38. - Radical Trolling - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:51 am:

    With all due respect, Leader Durkin:

    No one forced you to hitch your wagon to that horse.

    Maybe Fortner and Harris would have lost anyhow…but open seat races are always easier to pick up. Maybe, just maybe you could have stood up for your members. Forcefully.

    Given how “downstate” the GOP caucus has become, we might see a push for new leadership. The Operating Engineers and other building trades are likely to fund someone who wants to pick up that mantle and help pass a capital bill. It seems unlikely Durkin is going to start being a cooperative partner.

  39. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 9:57 am:

    ===we might see a push for new leadership. The Operating Engineers and other building trades are likely to fund someone who wants to pick up that mantle and help pass a capital bill.===

    Ok. As someone here who gets dinged quite a bit for sticking up for the trades and berating the GOP for lacking with trades, but…

    We ALL need to work together to build together.

    The last thing, after Rauner, we ALL need is ultimatums.

    All pull the same way. Durkin included.

    Mend fences first, before threatening scorched earth.


  40. - Rauner - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:02 am:

    The problem is that most voters are uninformed. Like the woman handing out Casten flyers at the train station two nights ago. When I asked her how Casten could support abortion up until 9 months and taxpayer funding of abortions, she said with surprise, he doesn’t. He’s Catholic. This woman didn’t even know his positions on that. And the Republican candidates failed miserably in responding to all the cries about Republicans not wanting insurance to cover pre-existing conditions. That’s not true at all. But Roskam and Hultgren just took the hits and didn’t even fight. They used Rauner’s playbook and just kept screaming, but Madigan.

  41. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:03 am:

    ===The problem is that most voters are uninformed===

    “There needs to be better messaging”?

    Is this Diana and not Bruce?

  42. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:10 am:

    =Grant Wehrli=

    The only thing this good leads in is hypocritical Twitter trolling and a lack of understanding of the Illinois constitution.

  43. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:10 am:

    Goof not “good”

  44. - ste_wit a v_en - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:12 am:

    Rauner had about a 7% drop in votes from 2014, but JB had a 42% increase from Quinn. Trump being in office at 39% only made it worse. There are far more Democrats and when they show up, we lose. yet I’m sure some people (proft/ives) will insist that if only a true conservative reformer was on the ballot.
    We need a better product.

  45. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:32 am:

    Henry Francis- True… so true. I doubt he even realizes the irony of that.

  46. - Chicagonk - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 10:58 am:

    It was always going to be tough for the Illinois Republican Party, but these results are embarrassing. Turnout is going to be high again in 2020. I honestly do not know where the ILGOP goes from here.

  47. - Huh? - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 11:33 am:

    “The governor underperformed”

    That is being polite, giving credit where none is due, and grading on a monster curve.

  48. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 11:44 am:

    I give Rauner credit for picking up seats in 2016. He went all Don Quixote on the Madigan angle because he is a rich dude and doesn’t have to deal with the consequences. He can just go back to being filthy rich. The rest of the Republicans followed him because they don’t have better ideas.

  49. - RNUG - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 6:41 pm:

    == The rest of the Republicans followed him because they don’t have better ideas. ==

    No, they wanted / needed Rauner’s money.

  50. - Huh? - Wednesday, Nov 7, 18 @ 7:13 pm:

    Dear 1.4%

    Sayonara, Auf Wiedersehen, hastla nunca, good bye.

    Leave the keys to the mansion under the welcome mat. Get in the trash can van and head to one of your many houses.

    The only part of the State that you have left in better shape is the remodeled mansion. The rest of the state is tattered and frayed.

    It’ll be good to see you leave the governor’s office at Noon on 1/14/19.

    Thanks for the laughs and lies,


  51. - Olmsted - Thursday, Nov 8, 18 @ 11:00 pm:

    Trump created a RED WAVE in the Southern Counties…All republican House and Senate candidates were elected…Even pick up a Republican seat in the 118 HD….Franklin County elected all Republicans….in the past it was the strongest Democrat county outside Cook Co….times are changing in the south.

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