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Question of the day

Friday, Nov 16, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This isn’t really “new” news because he said it during the campaign on several occasions

Billionaire Gov.-elect J.B. Pritzker — who pumped a record $171.5 million of his personal fortune into his winning campaign for Illinois governor — will forgo his state salary, his staff said.

Considering state government’s annual spending is nearly $38.5 billion, the $177,412 annual salary Illinois pays its governor is a drop in the bucket. But the Hyatt hotel heir takes office next year facing steep financial challenges — the state’s sitting on at least $7.5 billion in unpaid bills — and refusing a salary sends a message to lawmakers and voters as he starts addressing them. […]

To forgo their salary, governors just fill out paperwork through the state comptroller’s office, which is in charge of the state’s checkbook.

“That’s the way it works with Gov. Rauner, he just doesn’t get a check,” said Jamey Dunn, a spokeswoman for the comptroller’s office.

* The Question: What other symbolic gestures should the incoming governor make? And since it’s Friday, I’ve decided that snark should be strongly encouraged.


  1. - South of Sherman - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:38 am:

    A Carhartt would make him appear like a man of the people.

  2. - Anonymous - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:38 am:

    pledge to keep the toilets in the governor’s mansion

  3. - Tom B. - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:40 am:

    Capitol Fax subscriptions for the masses

  4. - Flat Bed Ford - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:40 am:

    Stroke a single check to Illinois.
    Just like that the bills backlog is gone.

  5. - The Captain - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:41 am:

    The first Tuesday after the first Monday of every November should be Operat … uh … Sam McCann Day!

  6. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:42 am:

    ===Capitol Fax subscriptions for the masses===

    An Illinois Policy Institute Facebook commenter once demanded that very thing. lol

  7. - wordslinger - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:43 am:

    An executive order restorin’ the letter “G” to the alphabet.

  8. - John Amdor - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:44 am:

    Better coffee in the Stratton cafeteria.

  9. - Langhorne - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:44 am:

    As a gesture of goodwill, rauner should leave JB the following: a $10,000 bottle of wine, a vest full of patches and pins, and his motorcycle.

  10. - Anonymous - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:45 am:

    He will forgo use of the state gym.

  11. - Anonymous - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:46 am:

    Free Doritos for all agencies as he works to pass the legal weed bill.

  12. - Liandro - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:47 am:

    If he really wanted to grab everyone’s attention, instead of dropping his g’s he could steal a page from the Republican playbook and cut the pork:

  13. - You could say that, I couldn't - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:47 am:

    He will feed the first quarter in the parking meter when the state car is parked.

  14. - El Conquistador - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:48 am:

    Wear a suit to all official functions.

  15. - Annonin' - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:49 am:

    An Executive Order requiring 1,000 folks from every downstate county and 1,000 folks from every ward and township to live in each others spot for at least a week to learn that neither spot is the dark side of the moon. The learning experience would be immense.

  16. - NoGifts - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:49 am:

    Just reducing his tax liability. His accountant probably told him to do it. :)

  17. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:51 am:

    He can spark up a fatty right after he signs the marijuana legalization bill.

  18. - Cubs in '16 - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:51 am:

    Give every member of the GA a pedometer and joke they will be used to institute a carpet/tile tax.

  19. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:52 am:

    He could voluntarily pay the 13.3% top state income tax rate wealthy Californians pay because he feels strongly the wealthy should pay their fair share.

    He could also sell 4 or 5 of his multi million dollar homes and donate the money to the state because having a wealthy Governor with multiple homes was such a problem the past 4 years.

  20. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:54 am:

    Come fly with me come fly let’s fly away. Bring back the state plane.

  21. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:55 am:

    Donate a car to the state to be used as his official limo

  22. - Anonymous - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:55 am:

    Commute between Chicago and Springfield via train.

  23. - Not It - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:55 am:

    I had a great comment ready to type about his facial skin regime, but then thought better.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:56 am:

    Have a formal ceremony, by the Illinois museum, accepting former Governor Bruce Rauner’s biker vest, along with Governor Pritzker’s blue vest, entities the exhibit.

    “Vested Interests: The 2018 Campaign”

  25. - Anonymous - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:57 am:

    Start telling the press to “be nice.”

  26. - Radical Trolling - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:57 am:

    Invite Diana Rauner to serve on transition committee for Education.

    Invite Springfield press corps to Nassau for Spring Break to tour his businesses.

  27. - Matts - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:58 am:

    I say make them take the paycheck. The Super Rich make the empty gesture of not taking one, there is a little insidious thought that sits in their mind (or like the little devil on their shoulder) whispering, “Hey, what are they b- - - -ing about, I’m doing this for FREE”. No, take the paycheck and all the responsibilities it assumes. No wiggle room on accountability.

  28. - Ike - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 11:59 am:

    Buy an old van and drive it around the state, so we know that a rich billionaire like him is really an average guy like the rest of us. /s

  29. - Dodger's Blue - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:01 pm:

    A party at the mansion like Thompson and Ryan used to throw.

  30. - NATTY BOY - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:02 pm:

    No Anonymous, he should take all the toilets out of the Governor’s mansion, declare it uninhabitable and save the State a ton of money on Springfield property taxes.

  31. - stl boy - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:02 pm:

    Buy two one way tickets to Italy for a friend.

  32. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:04 pm:

    ===Bring back the state plane===

    And make them super cool

  33. - rutro - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:04 pm:

    Issue a pardon for any potheads in idoc.
    Issue a pardon for any illegal bookmakers.
    Issue a pardon for any illegal card/dice games. (symbolic)
    Then propose legislation on all three.
    1/3 to pensions.
    1/3 to schools.
    1/3 to infrastructure.

  34. - Anonymous - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:08 pm:

    After Pritzker spent $12 million last week buying a horse farm in Florida, the Governor’s salary is just pocket change.

  35. - Leigh John-Ella - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:10 pm:

    Restore the Rathskeller as a public wine cellar.

  36. - historic66 - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:10 pm:

    —- NATTY BOY - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:02 pm:

    No Anonymous, he should take all the toilets out of the Governor’s mansion, declare it uninhabitable and save the State a ton of money on Springfield property taxes.—-

    Since when does the state pay property taxes?

  37. - Earnest - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:10 pm:

    Auction off the gubernatorial power point projector and apply the proceeds towards back pay due to state employees.

  38. - Gohawks123 - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:12 pm:

    Invest into the space force….. I hear it’s a good idea for the state

  39. - Tom Threat - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:13 pm:

    Take the Lincoln-Douglas debate painting out of the governor’s office and put it back on public display, undoing former Gov. Jim Edgar’s power grab.

    He’s going to ask you to keep it in the gov’s office. Don’t listen to him.

  40. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:14 pm:

    Enshrine “Dad’s Home State” episodes at the Illinois Museum,

  41. - RNUG - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:17 pm:

    Cater open parties on the empty Y block every weekend.

  42. - Quizzical - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:21 pm:

    He should commission an enormous gaudy statue of Mike Madigan so large and well-placed that Rauner can’t help but see it from the private plane he uses to leave Illinois.

  43. - peteypablo - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:25 pm:

    To honor the former Governor any state statute referring to business will now be legally changed to read bid’ness…. in the name of unity & bi-partisanship

  44. - Anonymous - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:31 pm:

    Buy Amanda a magnifying glass…

    Restore the state plane daily shuttle.

    Finish the Veteran’s Home near Chicago

    Skip Obed’s; designate tables at Saputo’s, Norb’s and Old Lux.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:32 pm:

    Invite the entire GA over to the mansion to a party hosted by the governor… for all… called the..

    “No more $&@#% Problems”

    … party.

    That would be one fun party.

  46. - Give Me A Break - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:34 pm:

    Issue an EO naming a new popcorn machine for the House Floor, “Tim Mapes Memorial Popcorn Machine”.

  47. - RNUG - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:37 pm:

    Definitely not snark …

    Declare an annual State Employees Appreciation Day … and personally pay to have a simple lunch (box, subs, pizza?) delivered to all employees to agencies under the Governor.

    Probably wouldn’t cost more than $7M and, after the verbal abuse from the previous Governor, the amount of goodwill would be priceless.

  48. - RNUG - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:38 pm:

    Get rid of his official state car and take a cab everywhere.

  49. - OneMan - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:41 pm:

    Hand out vests like Rockefeller handed out dimes.

  50. - Keyrock - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:44 pm:

    Build a replacement for the Thompson Buildkng and donate it to the state.

  51. - OneMan - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:44 pm:

    Lay down a rap track about how he spent 171 million to be governor and all he has is problems.

  52. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:45 pm:

    Will sponsor a building on the state fairgrounds, called…

    “The Other Pritzker Pavillion”

  53. - OneMan - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:45 pm:

    Start a superpac and have it push Lauzen for comptroller.

  54. - Gallactic Cupcake - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:50 pm:

    Hold Rauner’s official portrait hostage for two years while demanding that the former Gov become a member of AFSCME.

  55. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:52 pm:

    Pritzker should buy a farm adjacent to Rauner’s new Illinois farm, but it would be twice as big and unionized…

  56. - Union thug - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:54 pm:

    Rename the Thompson center the Rauner center. Just like Rauner admin the building has been messed up from the start

  57. - AlfondoGonz - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:58 pm:

    Put Rauner’s biker vest on the statue of Lincoln outside the capitol building.

  58. - Henry Francis - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:58 pm:

    Have Pritzker Plumbing go to every household in the state and help them lower their property taxes by removing their toilets.

  59. - AlfondoGonz - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 12:58 pm:

    Proposed future question of the day: What outfit will Rauner wear for his gubernatorial portrait?

  60. - NATTY BOY - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 1:01 pm:

    Historic66: highlight silliness by being silly.

  61. - Les Nessman - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 1:04 pm:

    Blame everybody else and insist you are really not in charge.

  62. - Anonimity - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 1:04 pm:

    A moratorium on the hiring of expensive consultants from places like McKinsey or BCG during his tenure as Governor.

  63. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 1:08 pm:

    Wear a tie when it would make sense for a governor to do so, not wear one where it would look silly for a governor to do so.

    That would be some serious symbolism; taking the job seriously.

  64. - A Jack - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 1:09 pm:

    Purchase and tear down Trump tower in Chicago. Put a park dedicated to Obama in its place.

  65. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 1:10 pm:

    This should happen. No snark.

    Gov. Elect Pritzker should attend the Northwestern-Illinois football game, and after taking office, attend every year, and make it something important to celebrate higher education, public and private, in Illinois.

    It should be a “big thing deal”

  66. - Iggy - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 1:21 pm:

    buy spotify, play JB ads for the next 4 years. I never wanna stop hearing about how JB thinks big.

  67. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 1:22 pm:

    Provide for a “concierge counter” at every state agency…

  68. - Wensicia - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 1:56 pm:

    Buy Abe Lincoln’s hat.

  69. - I Miss Bentohs - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 2:02 pm:

    Must “donate” money to a State Fair building …. while cutting money to the State Fair capital spending.

  70. - 47th Ward - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 2:04 pm:

    Governor Pritzker should move quickly to get computers for all of the state departments that Governor Rauner said don’t have any.

    Then Governor Pritzker should order the economic development team to disclose the names of all of the companies that promised Governor Rauner they’d move to Illinois.

  71. - logic not emotion - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 2:04 pm:

    Pledge to not participate in any schemes to reduce his personal taxes.

    Pledge to personally donate an additional $171.5 million to the causes he claims to care about.

  72. - dbk - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 2:05 pm:

    (1) Re-institute sthg along the lines of Roosevelt’s “Fireside Chats,” say once a month.
    (2) Regularly visit struggling rural and urban communities to host “Governor’s Town Halls.”
    (3) Rumor has it the Abraham Lincoln Museum is looking for a donor to invest about the same sum a horse farm in Florida would cost…

  73. - Anonymous - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 2:05 pm:

    He can say, “Springfield is 80 square miles surrounded by reality.”

  74. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 2:07 pm:

    ===donor to invest===

    Not sure you’re clear on the concept of “invest.”

  75. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 2:14 pm:

    Buy Speaker Madigan a prepaid cell phone, big buttons, no texts, no saved numbers, and it even flips open.

  76. - Montrose - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 2:31 pm:

    Horse farms for everyone!

  77. - Chunga - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 2:39 pm:

    Publicly tear up the Deloitte Consulting contract that has ruined the computer systems for so many agencies.

  78. - A Jack - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 2:43 pm:

    Declare Bruce Rauner’s birthday as a holiday for all union state employees. Non-union state employees get to exercise their free speech and work that day.

  79. - Jc19pd2 - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 3:06 pm:

    Will JB get ride of the personal chief of staff position that Rauner created for his wife? First ever time I’ve heard of that. Salary paid $100,000. The original receipt was Rep. Sarah Jimenez before she was named representative. Rich, please correct me if I’m wrong here.

  80. - Jc19pd2 - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 3:08 pm:

    Will JB get rid of the personal chief of staff position that Rauner created for his wife? First ever time I’ve heard of that. Salary paid $100,000. The original recipient was Rep. Sarah Jimenez before she was named representative. Rich, please correct me if I’m wrong here.

  81. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 3:10 pm:

    ===First ever time I’ve heard of that.===

    Doesn’t mean it never existed.

    It did.

  82. - Jake From Elwood - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 3:10 pm:

    Pony up the funds to get Jimmy Buffett to play the Illinois State Fair. It’s five o’clock somewhere!

  83. - A guy - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 3:20 pm:

    Well, since you asked….How about:
    =Billionaire Gov.-elect J.B. Pritzker — who pumped a record $171.5 million of his personal fortune into=…the state treasury and ask his predecessor to do the same?

    Then, 3 more of these types of governors and we’ll be making a dent.

  84. - Jc19pd2 - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 3:26 pm:

    Interesting to note. Thank you Willy. My point then, can JB eliminate that drop in the bucket also? $100,000 and $177,000 are drops in the bucket, but that adds up.

  85. - Ed Equity - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 3:30 pm:

    Still laughing at Oswego Willy’s comment about “Vested Interests: The 2018 Campaign”. LOL.

  86. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 16, 18 @ 3:39 pm:

    (Tips cap to - Ed Equity -)

    Also, dunno if you would want to get rid of the position, or make it cheaper.

    Helping the first family of Illinois navigate, schedule, etc, that’s not easy work.

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