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“The harder you work, the luckier you get”

Monday, Nov 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

I had the pleasure of meeting several Democratic women candidates from Lake County during the Illinois State Fair last summer. State Sen. Melinda Bush, D-Grayslake, was showing them around town and brought them to a reception I was attending. We chatted for a while before they went on their merry way.

“Merry” is actually an understatement. Those candidates were positively joyful. They seemed genuinely thrilled to be running for office. Only one had ever run for something before. The rest felt compelled to get involved after the 2016 election.

Sen. Bush brought 10 women with her to Springfield and she said four of them went on to win their respective races. Well, maybe three, but Bush is optimistic that Mary Edly-Allen will wind up defeating appointed Rep. Helene Miller Walsh (R-Mundelein). Edly-Allen is ahead by two votes as I write this, with more to count.

Joyce Mason, the only candidate who’d run for office before and who defeated Rep. Sheri Jesiel by more than 1,000 votes, was also at the event, as were two county board candidates who appear to have won, Jessica Vealitzek and Julie Simpson. The county board flipped from Republican to Democratic control for the first time ever, and those two candidates were crucial to that effort. Two other women candidates who didn’t make the trip to Springfield both won countywide races, Robin O’Connor (clerk) and Holly Kim (treasurer).

Sen. Bush helped found an organization called the Lake County Democratic Independent Women on Oct. 30 of 2017. She said she sent out some e-mails and started a Facebook page.

Women came out of the woodwork after the 2016 election and Bush wanted to help them focus their enthusiasm on actually winning races and then holding on to those seats down the road.

The group has an office and a field director and members meet once a month. A “pink wave” garden party fund-raiser pulled in $15,000, and Bush said people told her at the event that it felt like “coming to a wedding, everyone is so happy.”

When Bush first won her own Senate seat in 2012, her district and both of its attached House districts were held by Republicans. Now, with Rep. Jesiel’s defeat, all three legislators are Democratic.

Things are definitely changing in Lake County, but they didn’t necessarily change on their own. The House Democrats did their part by pumping in tons of money and staff over the months, but Mason was also helped by that independent women’s group. The House Democrats got into the Miller Walsh race late, but Edly-Allen had taken the group’s training and had already been walking precincts for months. “These were areas where we weren’t supposed to win,” Bush said.

Sen. Bush said that while House Speaker Michael Madigan is likely pleased that he has two more Democratic seats, she cautioned that both women are independent Democrats. In other words, they’re not the usual ducklings who will quietly follow orders traditionally given to targeted members.

Bush said she doesn’t just want to help people win elections, “I want to help them be really good representatives.” She said her advice to all candidates is that they shouldn’t be thinking how their voting record in Springfield or on the county board would get them reelected. Hard work back in the district will pay greater dividends. “The harder you work, the luckier you get,” she said. “I want to see people work really hard and do what they think is right.”

Bush should know. I jokingly chided her during her freshman year in office for having such a liberal voting record while representing an area not known for its liberalism. But she won her last election by nine percentage points and is encouraging others to do what she does: Vote your conscience and work your tail off back home. So, even if you wind up losing, you can go out with no policy regrets.

That’s a refreshing attitude in the suburbs, where Democratic candidates are generally cautioned to steer a far more moderate, poll-tested course. But it’s not like the House Democrats need those two seats to retain their hold on Statehouse power. If nothing else, it could be an interesting experiment.

And Bush isn’t finished. She said 13 women have signed up for training in the upcoming municipal elections. “I’d like to see more of these in both parties,” she said of her organization.

I couldn’t agree more.

* Meanwhile, here’s Kass

What if Boss Madigan and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel got together and conceived a daughter. What would she look like?

Susana Mendoza.

* Laura Washington responds

To portray an accomplished, savvy woman with 20 years in politics as the Frankenstein monster love child of two men is as sexist as it gets. […]

Every woman in this race will be dogged by such tropes.

Women can’t get anywhere, or do anything, without the men, or so it goes. The men give the orders. The men tell them when to start and where to go.

Yes, Mendoza and all the other women in this race have been supported and aided by men. Men in politics, especially white men, still control the vast majority of power and institutions here and most everywhere else.

To get things done, women leaders must, and should, work with men. And then out-work them.


  1. - Dome Gnome - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 9:42 am:

    Kass out-Kassed himself this time.

  2. - Tom Threat - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 9:43 am:

    When did Kass go on John “Quarters” Boyle’s payroll?

  3. - thunderspirit - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 9:46 am:

    Kass gets points for consistency, I suppose.

  4. - Thomas Paine - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 9:55 am:

    Everybody in politics gets help from other people. Even Rauner needed help. Even Pritzker needed help. Sometimes that help comes in the form of money, sometimes volunteers, sometimes the sharing of knowledge or relationships. Sometimes the help is borne out of kinship, sometimes friendship, sometimes comraderie, or ideology or convenience.

    Those relationships are fair game, but there is a way to talk about them that is not so blatantly sexist — and homophobic.

    This is the second time in a month that Republicans have used the homophobic love child argument. Homophonic attacks on Rahm are not new, but this seems to be spreading, taking cues from President Trump. They are not helping their case.

  5. - Moby - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 9:57 am:

    Kass went full Roseanne.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 10:01 am:

    Take Kass seriously at your own peril. Words to live by.

    To the Post,

    Great long read, Rich. It’s a reminder that if one works hard, and decides to be themselves, vote as they vote, and face the voters, unapologetically, good legislators arise.

    The GOP in both chambers need to look at these candidates and ask tough questions;

    Why do they resonate?

    They aren’t cookie cutter, so why do people like them?

    Are we losing the gender gap because we don’t look beyond what we think we know?

    Was there something to the Beaubiens and Murphys being part of a majority caucus?

    What does the Reagan Rule of 80% really mean when we never practice the Reagan Rule?

    Are we willing to give up diversity to caucus so easily?

    Sometimes the district, the candidate, the incumbent, the voters, the issues… they all get lucky… by working hard to be good at being responsive to people, honest to themselves, and working harder to be themselves than something people think they should be.

    Great read, Rich. Thanks.

  7. - Gooner - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 10:06 am:

    I can’t stand Kass.
    I think he’s a terrible writer.
    He’s never had an original idea.
    He tries hard to play a role of some grizzled old Chicago reporter, but he lacks the skills to do so with even the slightest credibility. And don’t get me started on the damage he’s done to Chicago’s Greek community.

    Still, I’m having a tough time seeing how the comment in question was sexist, as opposed to merely ridiculous.

    His comment of “Person X seems like the illegitimate child of Person Y and Person Z” is the type of comment people on both sides of the aisle.

    The problem is not that it is sexist.
    The problem is that it is boring.

  8. - Stones - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 10:12 am:

    John Kass has become a charictature of himself. Sort of like Mike Ditka did with “da Bears”. Not to be taken seriously anymore - he says things to attempt to be humorous.

  9. - Anonymous - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 10:19 am:

    Mendoza can handle herself. Or will have to, for this very tough job.

  10. - wordslinger - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 10:22 am:

    Some back-of-the-envelope ciphering reveals a highly motivated electorate and lots of new faces showing up for a mid-term.

    Pritzker got 700K more votes than Quinn did in 2014, an increase of 41%.

    Conversely, Rauner’s peeps largely showed up, as his total of 1.723 million was just 100K off his 2014 vote.

    At 2.38 million, Pritzker got the most votes for governor since the switch to the mid-term in 1978. That’s 400K more than the next highest total, Edgar’s 1.98 million in 1994.

  11. - GOPgal - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 10:45 am:

    John Kass is a one trick pony and no one remembers what that trick was.

  12. - wordslinger - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 10:46 am:

    –To portray an accomplished, savvy woman with 20 years in politics as the Frankenstein monster love child of two men is as sexist as it gets. –

    Old news from that tiresome source.

    He spent years yammering on about “Princess Lisa” and how she’d been “installed” by her father as AG (I guess the electorate didn’t count).

    And, of course, he had the inside-dope from the unnamed sources that he makes up that it was all part of the plan to “install” Lisa as governor.

    It takes tremendous willful ignorance to get it wrong so consistently.

  13. - PublicServant - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 10:54 am:

    I think Kass’ last name is totally appropriate…give or take a letter.

  14. - low level - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 10:55 am:

    Laura Washington is now happy about Jane Byrne’s time as mayor?

  15. - Anonymous - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 10:59 am:

    “I think Kass’ last name is totally appropriate…give or take a letter.”
    Add an R or take away a K.

  16. - Cheryl44 - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 11:00 am:

    I agree with PublicServant.

  17. - Louis G. Atsaves - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 11:01 am:

    Lots of candidates for the election just concluded on November 6th were spawned in a similar or insulting fashion by both political parties, commentators, and op-ed types.

    All those Republican candidates who were spawned by the duo of Trump/Rauner? All those GOP female candidates who were vilified for being pro-choice? The list is endless. And the list of Democratic candidates who were also shabbily so treated is endless as well.

    Unfortunately, no matter how lazy or insulting the thought process is, it worked. And since it worked, we will see more of it.

  18. - Chicago_Downstater - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 11:02 am:

    Congrats to State Sen. Melinda Bush & the candidates she helped. It sounds like they really put in the effort. I’m excited to see how this grows.

    As to Kass, don’t pay him any attention. He’s just upset that Rauner got defeated & still no one is handing him the keys to the party. Poor lil fella.

  19. - cdog - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 11:02 am:

    I’d like to highlight the “harder you work the luckier you get.” These words are so true.

    I came across this 25 years ago and its one of my favorite aphorisms.

    The Art of Being Lucky.
    There are rules to luck, for to the wise not all is accident;
    try, therefore, to help luck along.
    Some are satisfied to stand politely before the portals of Fortuna
    and to await her bidding;
    better those who push forward,
    and who employee their enterprise,
    who on the wings of their worth and valor seek to embrace luck
    and effectively to gain her favor.

    And yet, properly reasoned, there is no other way to her but
    that of virtue and attentiveness:
    for none has more good luck,or more bad luck,
    than he has wisdom or unwisdom.

    I really like hearing about people that make luck happen.

  20. - WSJ Paywall - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 11:09 am:

    Connecting Mendoza to Rahm and Madigan is not sexist (though she will claim it is). What Kass wrote though certainly is and crosses the line.

  21. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 11:09 am:

    ==All those GOP female candidates who were vilified for being pro-choice?==

    Which statewide Republican women were vilified for being pro choice? Names?

  22. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 11:24 am:

    - Louis G Atsaves -

    You are a Raunerite, told “me” and those non Raunerites to “get in line”, to conform, to either be a Raunerite or leave.

    You, respectfully, have no standing in this “welcoming if new ideas” kind of thinking.

    Raunerism defines you now. Trying to think you can “come back” without a mea culpa is breathtakingly ridiculous.

    Your Raunerism helped implode the ILGOP.

    Own it, apologize for it, or double down on it.

    Yes, - Louis G Atsaves - I do have the receipts.

  23. - Anonymous - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 11:41 am:

    Whose bigotry is lazier, Kass’s or McQueary’s? Why a newspaper with the name “Chicago” in it would employ either while trying not to lose readers is a mystery.

  24. - Moe Berg - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 11:42 am:

    Some of these guys on the right have real issues they’re unsuccessfully trying to work out with their political activities and commentaries.

    Proft has sent mail pieces depicting the Speaker in drag. And, who can forget the noxious Ives primary ad that had Proft’s fingerprints all over it?

    A peek at their browser histories would be illuminating, I’m sure.

  25. - What's in a name? - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 11:57 am:

    I decided long ago to simply not read Kass. He’s not worth the bother and how many times do you say to yourself, “He’s an idiot” before you admit you’re not too bright for reading his crap. If enough people quit reading I have to believe he will go away. (Ditto on the damage to Greek community.)

  26. - Anonymous - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 12:34 pm:

    Bush is a rising star in the state senate, not because of her political ambitions, but because she is sincere, relates to her constituents and is respected by her peers and leaders in the legislature. I think she will stand out in the Spring session on the issue of factories emitting toxic air in Lake County/Willowbrook as well as pushing Madigan for more accountability on sexual harassment issues in the legislature.

  27. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 12:51 pm:

    Be easy on Kass, please. He’s suffered immensely in Madiganistan, with those low state income taxes for decades. In the face of every phony victim is Kass, eating out of the garbage cans of his mind.

  28. - Louis G. Atsaves - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 2:57 pm:

    ===You, respectfully, have no standing in this “welcoming if new ideas” kind of thinking.===

    Silly Willy. Wasting your time by purging those who disagree with you.

    Guess what? Next primary election I will appear before the election judges and request a Republican ballot, whether you like it or not. I know you demand a purge of Raunerites from the party, similar to the purges that the so-called conservatives demand. That by the way, is the same response I give to all those who demand GOP platform purity before being called a Republican.

    Live. With. It.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 2:59 pm:

    ===Guess what?==

    What. No. Tell me. What.

    You even type like Rauner, lol

  30. - Louis G. Atsaves - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 2:59 pm:

    ===Which statewide Republican women were vilified for being pro choice? Names?===

    Try Erika Harold. Talk about a softball question.

  31. - Rich Miller - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 3:01 pm:

    Louis, Erika Harold is 100 percent pro-life.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 3:03 pm:

    ===Next primary election I will appear before the election judges and request a Republican ballot, whether you like it or not. I know you demand a purge of Raunerites from the party, similar to the purges that the so-called conservatives demand===

    Raunerism was never a Republican thing.

    You got yours, but Illinois got taxpayer abortions, sanctuary state thoughts, a crippled higher education, the destruction of social services…

    …and you cheered

    … every step.

    I love you vote Republican.

    You remind me why Trump won, why the GOP fails, and your own happiness is easily measured by a financial cost.

    Please, keep voting Republican. I encourage it.

    You’re a Raunerite, a phony Republican, the Raunerite sham is real.

    I need to be reminded why the GOP is failing, so please…

  33. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 3:19 pm:

    ===Louis, Erika Harold is 100 percent pro-life.===

    The re-write of the failing of Raunerism begins…

  34. - Anonymous - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 3:28 pm:

    Louis will tell us why Trump is so great.

  35. - Stumpy's bunker - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 3:36 pm:

    ==…I will…request a Republican ballot==

    Not to pile on, but you will have two awful choices: GOP legislators who succumbed to the Rauner stick (or carrot), and the Ives flying-monkey right.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 3:46 pm:

    - Stumpy’s bunker -

    Yep. Raunerism imploded the ILGOP and Rauner, a stranger we in the ILGOP let in our house gave no reasonable counter to Slytherins.

    Rauner has no constituency.

    Raunerism, on its own, was a failure.

    Trump kept those who *may* think the GOP is that counter away.

    It’s those like - Louis G Atsaves - who welcomed Rauner, and now see no blame on their end for aiding and abetting Rauner.

    Until the mea culpa… I won’t forget.


  37. - Anon - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 4:22 pm:

    I ended up cancelling my Trib subscription because I couldn’t stand Kass’s articles anymore. Just skipping them over was still agitating me. I gave my phone a moutsa after hanging up with the accounts people.

  38. - Shevek - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 5:34 pm:

    @ Anon - I am with you on that.

  39. - Suburban Mom - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 7:50 pm:

    It’s a crime that Kass inherited Royko’s spot in the Trib.

  40. - wordslinger - Monday, Nov 19, 18 @ 10:58 pm:

    ===Which statewide Republican women were vilified for being pro choice? Names?===

    Try Erika Harold. Talk about a softball question.–

    Louis, flip the car keys to someone else, for everyone’s sake.

    Dude, sober up.

  41. - College Anon - Tuesday, Nov 20, 18 @ 9:21 am:

    Every time I see one of John Kass’s articles decrying Chicago/Illinois and pointing out how people want to/are leaving I can’t help but think why don’t you leave. You hate it here, don’t have legitimate solutions, and no one wants you here.

  42. - Chippy Dave - Tuesday, Nov 20, 18 @ 10:27 am:

    As the Roman philosopher Seneca (and former Northwestern Wildcat head football coach Gary Barnett) once said, luck is when preparation meets opportunity.

  43. - PP - Tuesday, Nov 20, 18 @ 1:52 pm:

    What if Boss Madigan and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel got together and conceived a daughter. What would she look like?

    Susana Mendoza.


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