Chicago Sun-Times Editorial: Butt out, Springfield, and let people rent out their own cars
Wednesday, Nov 28, 2018 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] The Chicago Sun-Times voiced their opposition to SB2641, a bill that was “designed to limit the growth of peer-to-peer car sharing” in Illinois. With transportation expenses on the rise, Illinoisans are looking to car sharing to help them earn extra income and save costs on transportation. We should be encouraging innovation, not pushing the brakes on it. As the Sun-Times says, “We see no good reason to stifle innovation that helps cash-strapped college students, retirees on a fixed income or anyone else rent out a vehicle that would otherwise just sit in a driveway or out in the street.” Legislators should take these words into consideration and VOTE NO on the SB 2641 override.