Question of the day
Wednesday, Nov 28, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller * I’ve known Patty Schuh for something like 28 years. She’s not like a lot of other spokespeople. She doesn’t get up in your grill if she disagrees with you. Instead, she uses reason, even sometimes kindness to make her points. I respect the way she does her job and I also happen to like her as a person. Patty has worked in this business for something like 33 years and today is her birthday. So, if you see her, wish her well. Here she is back in the day with her former boss Pate Philip… ![]() I love that pic. But we’re not doing a caption contest. I wouldn’t subject her to that on her birthday. * The Question: Who are some of your own favorite people in Illinois government? Explain.
- jwk - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 2:56 pm:
Glen Poshard a great man with a vision
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 2:56 pm:
Governor Altgeld for an NIU alumnus
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:02 pm:
To the two deleted commenters, stick to the question.
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:04 pm:
Most of my favorite people have retired, some voluntarily, others the result of an election. It’s not the same place for me now, but back in the day, I was fortunate enough to have some very good mentors.
There are still a lot of good and decent people working for us in state government and Patty is one of them.
- Nearly Normal - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:06 pm:
Paul Simon was one of the best. Gotta love that bow tie.
- Nuclear Bozo - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:06 pm:
Jesse White. Met him about 20 years ago in Springfield. Based on hearing by last name, he starts speaking fluent Polish with me. I was duly impressed.
- Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:09 pm:
As far as electeds, I’ve met relatively few, but my favorite is Rep. Greg Harris. He was accessible when he didn’t have to be (I’m not his constituent). We met with him once in his office, and some time after that he returned my phone call and spoke with me about whatever concerns I had at the time.
- PublicServant - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:10 pm:
The everyday state employees who do their job quietly. The politicians, not so much.
- Res Melius - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:11 pm:
Bob Kustra. He is a visionary and got things done in Springfield e.g. as Lt. Gov. leading to transition Sangamon State Univ. to part of the University of Illinois system which has been a success. Went on to a successful career in academia after losing the Senate primary. I was fortunate to have him as a teacher in a Political Science class at Lincolnland CC a long time ago. He was high energy, integrated Illinois politics and always presented all sides. I remember his high respect for Paul Simon.
- Saluki - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:21 pm:
I miss David Luechtefeld. He was a conservative voice that was respected across the aisle and someone people could trust.
Seeing Pate Phillip reminds me of the great story Obama told when he came back to speak to the G.A. in 2016.
“(Pate Phillip) came by and he slapped me on the back, he said, “Kid, that was a pretty good speech. In fact, I think you changed a lot of minds. But you didn’t change any votes.”
- Lt Guv - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:22 pm:
Zeke Giorgi. A gem and the best argument against term limits.
- Anony1 - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:22 pm:
Patty is a class act with a depth of knowledge and experience. She deserves the respect she gets from people on both sides of the aisle. She is one of my favorites along with President Cullerton, Senator Raoul, and Jessie White.
Bottoms up, Patty! Have a great birthday.
- Thinka Topinka - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:24 pm:
Late Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka. She always stood for what she believed not to mention that she was a unique an irreplaceable character. Her accordion and polka skills were as flamboyant as she can only knew to be. I really miss her in office.
- Cheswick - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:25 pm:
People in the back offices who keep the thing running. We never see never see them and don’t know their names.
- Stanley Arthur Reginald - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:27 pm:
Carter Hendren - the best legislative chief of staff of all time. Incredibly smart, politically savvy beyond description, unquestionably hard working, always fun. He was completely devoted to his members, his staff, the Senate, and the State.
- Steve Rogers - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:30 pm:
Rep. David Harris. I’m not an (R), but I always liked him for his intelligence and knowledge and for doing the right things.
- Generic Drone - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:37 pm:
Paul Simon and Karen Hassara. Two class acts.
- The Real Captain - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:41 pm:
We lost one of the best this year in Mary Shaw.
Patty is always friendly and nice even though we are never on the same side.
- Bourbon Street - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:44 pm:
Aaron Jaffe and Alan Grieman. I lived in Skokie when they were state reps. They are highly intelligent gentlemen who could explain their positions in a thoughtful way. Both went on to very successful careers in the judiciary where they were well respected.
- Down South - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:54 pm:
Rich Miller He is the gold standard of Illinois. I do not go a day without checking his site. It is the melting pot for all sane voices. While he is not on the state payroll he is the fourth branch of Illinois Government. Thank You Rich.
- Harry Lime - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:55 pm:
Eric Madiar, a highly intelligent, hard working believer in public service and that government can have a positive impact on the lives of all citizens. He’s now a principled, effective lobbyist…I hope he becomes a major player within the new Pritzker Administration. Illinois needs public servants like him.
- Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 4:01 pm:
Doug Scott was (and is) always a class act.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 4:01 pm:
Kevin Donahue
- Huh? - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 4:04 pm:
Honeybear. Know her only through Capfax. Seems passionate and dedicated to her work.
- Derek Murphy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 4:08 pm:
Hands down two people: Matt Butcher and Anthony Sarros. Brilliant minds who transformed Dept of Agriculture
- Lost In Chicago - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 4:09 pm:
Mike Zalewski. Honest. Intelligent. Pragmatic. Realistic. Down to earth. Reasonable. Able to see all sides of an issue.
- Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 4:13 pm:
Scott Kaiser is dedicated, smart, hilarious and knows where most of the bodies are buried.
…and we should always pour one out for Schnorf.
- 007 - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 4:20 pm:
Devastatingly handsome. Intelligent. Hilarious. Winner of all carnival games. Loyal friend. Frank Speek. Esquire.
- whatnowbrowncow - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 4:23 pm:
Somewhat along the lines of Patti…Carter Hendren - much institutional knowledge, many connections, and always takes the time to ask how you’re doing with a big smile on his face that leaves you feeling a bit better about your day.
- Turner - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 4:25 pm:
Oswego Willy. There is no other Springfield commentator that I disagree with more but respect for political insight. I also like his OCD like qualities. Just like Jimmy Two Times from Goodfellas.
- OldIllini - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 4:35 pm:
I was always a fan of Adlai Stevenson.
- Former DuPage Mayor - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 4:41 pm:
Kirk Dillard-a very much bi-partisan person who if he had been elected Governor we would not have the disfunctional government we have today.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 4:43 pm:
- Turner -
I’ll “take the compliment, take the compliment.”
I’ll also go with Rich Miller.
You can trust his word. You can rely on his friendship, you can count on his loyalty to all, and you never have to worry about getting it straight, even when you don’t want to hear it.
Now, yeah, that’s all great, and I’m not diminishing any of it, when I couldn’t mean it any more…
… what makes Rich special?
Easy. Rich can disagree, but he likes people for themselves, way outside the policy and politics and boy I wish more people would be like that right now, in Springfield and DC, but to Springfield, Rich Miller is old school, and is like to think I am old school, and people are people, and we can quibble, argue, “fight”, but we can all be friends when thevday is done.
So, yeah, Rich Miller.
For still being what “was”, it’s a people business, and he’s good people.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 4:44 pm:
Yeah, I know Rich isn’t in government, but I can’t tip off too much, lol
So i took some latitude.
- perry noya - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 4:48 pm:
Considering his successors, Jim Edgar looks better in hindsight every year.
- Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 4:49 pm:
I used to live in Ravenswood Manor, roughly halfway between the Cullertons and the Blagojeviches. I much prefer the Cullertons.
- tchotchkes - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 4:51 pm:
The most apolitical legislative liaison, Meghan Kolassa. Meghan has been given specific shout-outs, twice, by Senator Hastings at appropriations hearings. Her extensive knowledge of IDFPR’s vast professions makes her irreplaceable. It takes a long time to learn the regulations and professions of such a large agency. Meghan has earned respect from both parties. Her constituent work is second to none.
- Because I Said So.... - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 4:59 pm:
Patty is the BEST! Also need to say and thank the hardworking, behind the scenes staff. Tough job.
- Honeybear - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 5:03 pm:
I am biased towards HSC’s. Human Services Caseworkers slog it out on the front line every day. At my office it’s a 812 to 1 customer to caseworker ratio. The work is never done. But I listen all day to my coworkers treating our fellow Illinoisans with respect, dignity, love and humor! It can be tiring and frustrating but it’s all worth it when you know that food got on a table, a new mom got medical care, or that a person who feels worthless felt cared for. How many people can say they discovered and helped a person who was being trafficked to escape? I love caseworkers.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 5:07 pm:
Happy Birthday, Patti Schuh
You are the real deal, as good as they come, well-rounded in a business where everyone wants others easy to square away.
All the best. Be well.
Oswego Willy
- Nitemayor - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 5:37 pm:
Past and present, Vince DeMuzio and his most worthy successor Andy Manar. 2 class acts who didn’t forget their roots.
- Leave a light on George - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 5:38 pm:
- Central Guy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 6:14 pm:
Happy birthday!!!
May you be blessed by God with many more.
YOU are a class act. Springfield needs many more like you.
Hope your wisdom, decency, skill, and experience will continue to serve our State after the transition of administrations.
Your work ethic, and warm personality are exemplary.
Keep on making Illinois a better place amidst its many challenges!!!
- Just Me - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 6:26 pm:
Totally unappreciated quiet staffer: Frank Straus with the House Republicans. The guy knows everything and is just a guy happy to help turns the wheels of government in stoic public service.
- Just Me - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 6:30 pm:
Rep. Greg Harris. Not afraid to take the time to do hard work. He’s a great sponsor for difficult bills that require work.
- Johninchicago - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 7:21 pm:
Carter Hendren As a prospective intern from EIU which was his Alma Mater also he opened his then trailer outside Springfield for me to spend the night before my interview for the Legislative Internship Program. I was selected for the internship with Kirk Dillard, Jeff Radcliffe and Charlen Coon. Carter Hendren was an incredible boss under then Chief of Staff Tim Campbell. Learned so much about the Legislative process from Carter Hendren. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to thank Carter Hendren publically.
- Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:11 pm:
Auditor Gen. Frank Mautino. He took some serious hits over the past couple of years and has remained professional through the whole thing. He knows state government inside and out and has always done his best to make it work for people. He still helps a lot of folks (legislators and regular people) navigate the minutia.
- filmmaker prof - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:27 pm:
Senator Scott Bennett. Very intelligent, thoughtful, kind. A good human being.
- NorthsideNoMore - Thursday, Nov 29, 18 @ 4:04 am:
JBT always had time to say hello
- A guy - Thursday, Nov 29, 18 @ 8:31 am:
==Really liked Patty until she joined Rauners staff. Lost any respect I had for her at that point==
…says a putz named Anonymous. Ugh.
Love her.
- DMAN - Thursday, Nov 29, 18 @ 8:33 am:
Senator Frank Watson
- Anonymous - Thursday, Nov 29, 18 @ 8:53 am:
Jim Sacia
- someonehastosayit - Thursday, Nov 29, 18 @ 9:07 am:
former State Rep and Ag Director, Chuck Hartke … the guy knew how to ride the middle for the benefit of us all.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Nov 29, 18 @ 3:25 pm:
There are many, but Mike Lawrence - Jim Edgar’s Press Secretary and Chief Advisor - will always top my list.