Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 - Kifowit apologizes *** Tone it down, please
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*** UPDATED x1 - Kifowit apologizes *** Tone it down, please

Wednesday, Nov 28, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This controversy was tailor-made for an otherwise routine veto session day with a packed press box. Here’s the Tribune

A Democratic state lawmaker said she wanted to pump a lethal “broth of Legionella” bacteria into the water system of a Republican colleague’s family, during heated remarks on the Illinois House floor over a bill aimed at helping families of more than a dozen residents at the Downstate Quincy veterans home who died of Legionnaires’.

The bill would raise limits on damages in some state Court of Claims cases from $100,000 to $2 million, which could affect the victims’ families, who allege the state was negligent in the deaths that resulted from outbreaks at the veterans home over the past three years. Gov. Bruce Rauner rewrote the proposal over the summer to reduce such caps on damage awards to $300,000, but lawmakers voted Tuesday to override him.

During the House floor debate over the proposal, Republican state Rep. Peter Breen of Lombard questioned some of the plan’s details, contending the state doesn’t know how much it will cost. Breen, the outgoing House GOP floor leader, noted that multiple tort claims could be paid out for the same incident.

“And, yes, we know the personal injury lawyers are going to make out like bandits, which they tend to do anytime they come to the General Assembly,” Breen said.

The “broth of Legionella” reference is explained here.

* Dave Dahl

State Rep. Stephanie Kifowit (D-Oswego), referring to Breen, said, “I’d like to make him a broth of legionella and pump it into the water system of his loved one, so that they can be infected, they can be mistreated, they can sit and suffer by getting aspirin instead of being properly treated, and ultimately die.”

Breen’s mic was not on when he shouted something about “my f—in’ family.”

Kifowit later said her remarks were misinterpreted and that she was making a hypothetical statement: “Imagine if it were your family.”

* Sun-Times

After Kifowit’s remarks, state Rep. Jeanne Ives, R-Wheaton, quickly came to Breen’s defense saying the Oswego Democrat “essentially wished a death on a Republican floor speaker.”

“How dare you. How dare you concoct up some sort of story about brewing up some batch of Legionella and having him feed it to his family. How dare you take the discussion and the debate about a very serious bill that has a huge cost consequence on both sides, both for the victim and the state taxpayers. How dare you take an honest debate about an issue and then wish death on my colleague Peter Breen, his wife and his two adopted kids,” Ives said. […]

Kifowit, herself, sought to clarify her comments — saying she “quite clearly” wanted him to imagine “if it was your family, hypothetically speaking.”

“For the fact of it being misrepresented, I’m going to say that what was said earlier is a mischaracterization of what my words were,” Kifowit said on the House floor. “And for that, for it being misinterpreted, I will apologize. But I will not apologize for what happened to those families. And I will clearly say to all of us, imagine if it was your family.”

* The former Marine just about killed the override with her remarks

Three Republican lawmakers who had voted in favor of the bill in May — including Breen — switched their votes from yes to no. Four other Republicans who voted yes were either absent for Tuesday’s vote or chose not to vote.

The motion received the bare minimum of 71 votes.

* With thanks to Dave Dahl, here’s the full audio of her remarks

Rep. Kifowit told me last night that she was “trying to paint a picture” with her words and that she didn’t intend to wish actual harm on Rep. Breen’s family.

Leave the painting to painters.

There’s just no excuse for stuff like this. She should own up to her remarks and fully retract what she said, which is different than what she claims to have said or meant.

* Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider…

Today, Illinois Democrats sunk to a new low, when Democratic State Rep. Stephanie Kifowit wished death upon family members/loved ones of her Republican colleague, State Rep. Peter Breen. Kifowit should be ashamed of her remarks. Since Rep. Kifowit has refused to apologize to Rep. Breen, she should resign from office, as these remarks are unfit for someone serving public office.

Governor-elect J.B. Pritzker appointed Rep. Kifowit to his “Serving Illinois’ Heroes Committee” earlier this month. Does the Governor-elect condone Kifowit’s rhetoric? Will he keep her on his committee?

As leading Illinois Democrats, both Governor-elect Pritzker and Speaker Michael Madigan have a duty to speak out against Rep. Kifowit’s extreme rhetoric and tone down out-of-control public discourse. They should do so immediately.

*** UPDATE *** Rep. Kifowit…

“I offer my sincere apology to Representative Peter Breen, his family, and all of my House colleagues for my poor choice of words during a serious discussion on our Veterans’ health and safety. I would never wish any harm or mortality on anyone’s family, including the Breen family. As a Marine Corps Veteran, I feel very passionate about what happened in our Quincy Veterans home, which resulted in 13 Veterans and 1 spouse’s deaths, in addition to over 70 individuals being ill. The truth is this did happen to our heroes, and my attempt to illustrate empathy for the families that were affected by the loss of their loved ones was not conveyed properly.

“Lost in my comments yesterday was our obligation to work together on behalf of our Veterans to ensure that the situation in Quincy never happens again. As legislators, we are fallible people, but we are tasked with the tremendous responsibility of caring for the Veteran men and women who have never let us down. We owe them so much more.

“I look forward to working with my colleagues to expand access to health care and mental health resources for our Veterans.”

…Adding… Sun-Times

A Pritzker spokeswoman issued a statement Wednesday saying it was “clear that during the course of an emotional debate over the Legionnaires’ crisis in Quincy Representative Kifowit’s rhetoric went too far and she rightfully apologized.”

The statement continued that Pritzker wanted to “keep the focus on protecting” veterans, and that Pritzker “looks forward to working with” the Serving Illinois’ Heroes Committee “to ensure the administration is ready to serve Veterans on day one in office.”


  1. - A guy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:34 am:

    Seeing the tape, there’s nothing “hypothetical” about what she spewed. She’s unfit. And even unbalanced to even go down that kind of road. That some clapped is even more disgusting. Really makes you sick.

  2. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:35 am:

    She should have said imagine it was your family then.
    People get all wound up in the heat of an argument. A little self control goes a long way.

  3. - My New Handle - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:36 am:

    Another tempest in a teapot. I would think that Breen’s vote says more about his sense of justice than Kifowit’s remarks. A vote is where the rubber meets the road. Kifowit’s remarks will be forgotten by Friday.

  4. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:37 am:

    I agree, it should be toned down immediately, and the statement should be retracted. What Kifowit said is totally unacceptable, and the denial makes it worse.

  5. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:39 am:

    Breen shouldn’t be dropping the F bomb, especially when he portrays himself as a family values guy. Sore loser just like Nybo.

  6. - Dome Gnome - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:42 am:

    1. I did it.
    2. I’m sorry.
    3. It won’t happen again.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:44 am:

    “I did it. I was wrong. I am sorry.”

    That’s what Ms. Kifowit should’ve done, immediately, and moved on. Yet, she continued the path of failure, blaming misinterpretation and “poetic” painting.

    Stop. You’re a member of the Illinois General Assembly, not a commentator of note whose words shape thoughts as sculptors use clay. Make the points without the language you can’t grasp or use correctly.


    Those like Grant Wehrli who ask questions like… and of course on Twitter….

    “Where is the outcry from the Democrats”…

    Wehrli is about divisiveness and pettiness.

    If you’re a member of the body and you are upset, as you have every right to be, don’t be “that person” making it about party or politics. Small minded folks do the that. Leave politics out of the distain you rightly feel about her language.

    As with those like Ms. Chapa LaVia, Ms. Monique Davis… the list goes on, with varying degree, but there is a need here to own it.

    “It did it. I was wrong. I am sorry.”

    It’s up to Ms. Kifowit, but this stain will stay with her. Always.

    How she is handling it, is only making it worse.

  8. - Anon - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:45 am:

    Man those republican snowflakes are fragile.

  9. - Jibba - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:50 am:

    When I heard the Ives clip first, I thought she was overreacting as usual with her righteous anger. Then I heard the Kifowit clip and understood, although Ives still might have been a little overwrought. Dems better not be like this in the next session or they will lose some of that majority, as well as any bipartisanship they will need.

  10. - Perrid - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:51 am:

    She should apologize for what she said. I’m not going to call for her to resign, I’ll give her a benefit of a doubt that she really meant to couch is as a hypothetical (which she failed to do) instead of a threat, but she needs to at least admit she misspoke, apologize and agree that threats have no place in public discourse. No one is mischaracterizing her remarks except her.

  11. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:51 am:

    As much as I think Kifowit is wrong, there should also be care to not clutch pearls too tighly. We have a president who purposely, constantly and dangerously inflames hatred.

  12. - A guy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:52 am:

    == Kifowit’s remarks will be forgotten by Friday.==

    Um…they’ll never be forgotten, let alone by Friday. Anyone have an example of something more repugnant said on the floor, ever?
    I’ll wait for the answer

  13. - low level - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:52 am:

    Yes of course she’d rather have said it a different way.

    That said, again we have the scene of these always “tough” Repubs all worked up and snowflakey and needing their “safe zones” apparently.

  14. - Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:53 am:

    I don’t see any mischaracterization or misrepresentation here. The words are on the record and on tape. You can’t in what is supposed to be civil discourse say whatever nasty and vile things you want about a person or their family by couching it in a hypothetical. An actual, honest apology (not like the no-pology given) is in order, as well as a reminder to all members on how to conduct themselves in debate, but the calls for her job are just partisan posturing.

  15. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:53 am:

    Ms. Kifowit, it was an inappropriate remark. You should apologize, first to Mr Breen personally, and then publicly as well.

    The Righteous Indignation ought to be toned down as well.

    As for the veto override; yay justice. The families of those veterans whose loved ones died because of the Rauner Administration’s politically-motivated delay in the dissemination of life-saving information, deserve appropriate compensation for their loss. The price tag of lifting the onerous $100,000 ceiling is a distant second in terms of consideration.

  16. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:55 am:

    ===Anyone have an example of something more repugnant said on the floor, ever?

    I’ll wait for the answer===

    Your institutional knowledge is either weak or you are using righteous indignation.

    Only half-thinking, Ms. Chapa-LaVia.

    Also, measuring distain is as bad as making it partisan.

    Hows about be rightly upset and angered without a measuring matrix?

  17. - Wylie Coyote - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:57 am:

    Kifowit is the first lame duck of the 2020 election.

  18. - A guy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:57 am:

    ==there should also be care to not clutch pearls too tighly==
    You must have missed the part where a woman wished death on a person’s family. Willing to bet there was plenty of cringing in the Leadership office at this. These remarks were not contemporaneous which makes it even worse. Her impulses were sickening. Her explanation afterwards even more sickening. Apologizing in real time may not have been enough. After rationalizing it, there might likely not be a back bench back enough for this disgusting person. Not fit. Stephanie Kifo’lack of’ wit.

  19. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:58 am:

    ===We have a president who purposely, constantly and dangerously inflames===

    And unless you want to normalize his behavior, you need to speak up about this.

  20. - A guy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:00 am:

    ==Only half-thinking, Ms. Chapa-LaVia.==
    Repectfully (honest) OW, Who did Linda wish dead?
    My institutional knowledge remembers “halfie”. Bad enough to be sure, but not “death”.

  21. - Almost the weekend - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:01 am:

    Kifowit should travel south of I-80, and visit the facility and apologize for making this a political issue. I’ll give her directions travel West on Interstate 80, to 74 through Galesburg then through Monmouth, Macomb until you arrive in Quincy.

    It be ideal for Pritzker to take Chicagoland legislators to central and southern Illinois showing them how big this stage is and vice-versa. I think that gets lost on all of us.

  22. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:01 am:

    In case you wondered why the Illinois House has never been called the World’s Greatest Deliberative Body.

    Such a big heaping bowl of wrong to go around for Reps. Moe, Larry and Curly.

    Rep. Moe (Kilowits): If you want to say, “what if it was your family member,” say just that. Don’t concoct detailed, murderous scenarios, and then make the ridiculous claim that you were “misinterpreted.” You weren’t. Apologize to Breen and the House in no uncertain terms, without qualifications. You started this FUBAR.

    Rep. Larry (Ives): Why did you say Breen’s “two adopted kids?” They’re his children, period. We’ve seen that nasty “she’s not his real daughter” stuff for years from small warped minds trying to take cheap shots at the Madigans.

    Rep. Curly (Breen): Are you the “family values guy,” or the “f—— family values guy?” You realize you said that out loud, correct? What would Sir Thomas More say?

  23. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:03 am:

    ===Kifowit is the first lame duck of the 2020 election.==

    “We’ll see”

    - Fake Rep. Chapa LaVia

    “As a veteran myself, these issues hit me hard. I said something to my colleague from Lombard. I was wrong to say what I said. It was wrong and I am sorry. I hope to learn that my words on the floor of this chamber need to be chosen better, and the feelings of anger towards my words I hear. I said them. I was wrong saying them, and I’m sorry to Rep. Breen, and his family, and I will do better, and know and hope I will be held accountable to this learning going forward.”

    No one misinterpreted, misheard, or twisted.

  24. - Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:03 am:

    ======We have a president who purposely, constantly and dangerously inflames===

    And unless you want to normalize his behavior, you need to speak up about this.===

    yes, but the righteously indignant Republicans upset over this need to speak up about 45…and they don’t…so their outrage rings hollow.

  25. - ChicagoVinny - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:04 am:

    I don’t clutch my pearls at incivility. In today’s climate, advocating terrible and immoral policies civilly does not make them less terrible and immoral. Fighting the good fight sometimes means being uncivil.

    That said I draw the line at violent rhetoric like above. She should own up and apologize for real.

  26. - Responsa - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:06 am:

    She is scary. Her passion for the subject simply cannot excuse her language and her targeted personal attack against a fellow legislator. Her inability to deal honestly with her actions post-rant has compounded the foul. Since she apparently can’t manage it herself, she must be officially reprimanded by leadership and held accountable for her lack of ethics with respect to all this.

  27. - Chris P. Bacon - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:06 am:

    Par for the course with today’s Democratic Party, so much hate and crazy. Beyond disgraceful. OF COURSE she must resign.

  28. - JoanP - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:06 am:

    I was appalled. “What if it was your family that was exposed . . .? is one thing. “I’d like to . . . ” is something else entirely.

    Next words should be “I’m sorry.”

  29. - Anon E Moose - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:07 am:

    Get over it. No one really believes that she wanted Breen’s family to die.

  30. - Henry Francis - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:07 am:

    It was obviously wrong. And it was totally unnecessary. Breen and his ilk are on the wrong side of this issue. And the GOP is the party that more often inflames with irresponsible hyperbole, so why sink to that level.

    I get it, Breen focusing on greedy trial lawyers instead of the families of the veterans - heroes as the Guv always calls them - being killed by the negligence or reckless indifference of the Guv and his administration, it’s reprehensible. It gets my blood boiling. But a rep on the floor has to do better.

  31. - Big Bill Thompson - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:08 am:

    Where is Christian Mitchell in all of this?

  32. - Jake From Elwood - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:09 am:

    Wordslinger beat me to it. Why would Ms. Ives need to point out that the kids are adopted?
    Children are children. That is what caught my attention most.
    Her constituents are used to hearing Rep. Kifowit say foolish things. This time it was on the House floor.

  33. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:09 am:

    As a veteran I too am enraged by the treatment of veterans by the Rauner Administration and the inaction/cover up facilitated by Republican legislators.
    Did she lose self discipline and inappropriately let Breen have it. Yep, she clearly did.
    But frankly I am more endeared to her Marine close and engage aggressiveness then to
    Breen and Ives victim pearl clutching.
    Rauners administration caused those deaths in my opinion. Republican legislators like Breen and Ives tacitly stood by.
    I get that we’ve got to get the tone down.
    but not at the expense of dealing with the problem
    Republicans want to sweep this under the rug.
    As a Marine, Kifowit is not about let that happen.
    As a Navy Chaplain, I face palmed upon hearing it on the radio and rolled my eyes. But I’ve served with Marines. I trained with Marines. This behavior although shocking to some, is what Marines are known for. Close and engage. (Think about that old movie “You can’t handle the truth”)
    Look, veterans died that did not have too.
    That’s offensive
    A Marine mouthing off, disrespecting a peer, yeah, okay…… Knock it off Marine.
    But let’s not clutch our pearls and make moral equivalencies here.
    Breens and Ives ego seem more than capable of surviving the insult.
    Our vulnerable veterans weren’t capable of fending off the mistreatment, incompetence and hubris that killed them.

  34. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:12 am:

    ===Anyone have an example of something more repugnant said on the floor, ever?

    I’ll wait for the answer===

    Anytime the public aid budget is discussed. Or contraception and abortion. Whenever reps. of a certain leaning play crackpot sociologist and lecture on “those people.”

    Rep. Ives knows what I’m talking about.

  35. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:13 am:

    Kifowits’ remarks were wrong

    The Rauner administrations actions(inaction) were even more wrong.

    The faux outrage is shameful. The comments by Kifowit are shameful.

    What tremendous leadership./s

  36. - jim - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:14 am:

    while her comments were strong, Kifowit was just saying what she believes and what most of her D colleagues would like to say themselves. kudos to her for her radical candor.

  37. - West Side the Best Side - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:14 am:

    Par for the “coarse” for too many politicians from all sides of the political spectrum today. Rep. Kifowit needs to apologize and everyone needs to put a couple second pause on what their mind is thinking before their mouth says it.

  38. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:17 am:

    Everyone sticks their foot in their mouth every so often. This one was pretty bad. Own it, apologize sincerely, move on.

  39. - Fuel For the Fire - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:18 am:

    Nothing is going to happen to Kifowit except a bunch of high fives and backslaps at the House Democratic Caucus meeting.

  40. - A guy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:18 am:

    Sling, I follow you here, but haven’t even heard in those inappropriate remarks anything that rises to this level. I would also add that I don’t think for a minute this is a partisan thing and blame the party. I’m pretty certain the House Leadership was as stunned as everyone else.
    She really should leave. These weren’t “heat of battle”. These remarks were composed. It was really ugly.

  41. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:19 am:

    Never let a crisis go to waste.

    You do realize the 2 million dollar cap will apply to all lawsuits against the state, not just the Veterans. The Trial lawyers will continue to do very well with a Democratic Governor and super majority democratic legislature.

    Of course no one has any idea how much this will cost the state but there is a whole lot of moral superiority on display

  42. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:20 am:

    ===except a bunch of high fives and backslaps at the House Democratic Caucus meeting.===

    Making this a partisan thing misses the whole point of the anger.

  43. - OneMan - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:20 am:

    ===Kifowit is the first lame duck of the 2020 election.==

    No, she isn’t. There hasn’t been much success for folks running against her for the seat.

    I have known her a long time (since she was an Aurora alderman) and as soon as I saw the headline I figured it was her who said this.

    Can’t say I am surprised by her inability (or lack of desire) to apologize for what she said and her desire to label it a mischaracterization. It wouldn’t have been hard and she has shown significant passion and interest on this issue, but I guess she figured it was easier to just tell everyone not to believe their lying ears.

    I would say that considering the Oswego SD is getting ready to eliminate a period for HS Freshmen next year (so you can’t take a fine art and a language anymore) is really a more pressing issue in her district and it might be nice if she showed this kind of rage about that and the state funding that led to that.

    On the plus side of all of this, it gives me an example to use with my scouts when working on the citizenship merit badges on how not to treat those whom you disagree with.

  44. - OneMan - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:23 am:

    Also is the bill specific to the outbreak or is it for Court of Claims, claims in general?

  45. - A guy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:24 am:

    Honeybear, you know I have a fondness for you, and always have. But I know and am related to plenty of marines. Marines would be more mortified by this than most. They’re about respect, and control and not vicious hyperbole. This isn’t pearl clutching. Someone wished death on your family…and said they’d like to be the one to inflict it. No room for that anywhere in society, let alone on the floor of a place people continually say it’s an honor and privilege to serve.

    Thank you for your service by the way. I did not know of it until today. More to admire.

  46. - A Jack - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:24 am:

    What she said was over the top and she should apologize. But she clearly has a passion for veterans and their families. Had her colleagues displayed such passion during the Quincy Veteran’s Home crisis, perhaps less lives would have been lost. But I think the GA needs more Reps that are looking out for constituents instead of what the Raunerites have been handing us these past four years.

  47. - Leigh John-Ella - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:25 am:

    I didn’t think it was possible to make Peter Breen seem sympathetic.

  48. - Norseman - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:26 am:

    Shame on Kifowit and double shame for not apologizing.

    Speaking of resignations, Schneider. Perhaps you should consider that since you failed the party so miserably.

  49. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:27 am:

    ===Marines would be more mortified by this than most.===

    Please stop speaking for people or thinking one group would have more distain than another. What, someone who served in the Air Force would think less of it? Army?

    Speak for yourself.

  50. - Soccermom - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:28 am:

    Ugh. She shouldn’t have said it like this, but I don’t think we should forget the real issue — the lives of Illinois veterans were lost because Rauner’s office couldn’t deal swiftly and honestly in a crisis. The question that was being “debated” yesterday was whether an elderly veteran’s life is worth more than $100,000. Anybody who doesn’t think the families of those dead veterans deserve more than $100,000 should not be serving in that chamber.

  51. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:30 am:

    ===The Trial lawyers will continue to do very well with a Democratic Governor and super majority democratic legislature.===

    It got 79 votes for passage, 71 for override.

    The Democrats have fewer than both numbers.

    Republicans voted for override too.

    Keep up.

  52. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:30 am:

    –Today, Illinois Democrats sunk to a new low,–

    Might want to check the scoreboard, chief.

    To my ears, arguing that a dead vet is worth only $100K is a “new low” and “repugnant,” given the demonstrated incompetence, stonewalling and cover up involved.

  53. - Stark - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:41 am:

    Kifowit’s comments were wrong, but absolutely no one should be feeling a lick of sadness for someone like Breen with everything he’s said defending “pro-family” policies.

  54. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:43 am:

    McQueary wished Katrina-like destruction on a majority minority city and she still has her job.

  55. - A guy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:46 am:

    Thank you for pointing it out Willy. I figured it would go without saying. But any military person or Veteran would be equally offended by remarks like this. People who serve in uniform are a cut above in the ranks of service. That’s me speaking for myself saying that.
    Also me saying every decent person should have disdain for these remarks. Remarks that were not “off the cuff”, but planned. Planned so poorly that she neglected to say “Imagine if..” because she never planned to say those words. Even in retrospect, she defending her painting. So judge away pal.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:50 am:

    ===Who did Linda wish dead?
    My institutional knowledge remembers “halfie”. Bad enough to be sure, but not “death”.===

    Racist remarks are fine… but… wish death…

    When you complete that matrix of what can be said, you show that list.

    “You can speak with racist tones, sure, but…”

    My feeling is this;

    It’s inexcusably wrong.

    The partisan responses from Schneider, Wehrli, those whose words must include “party”… how upset are you? Are you looking to political posturing or really upset at the language?

  57. - A guy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:51 am:

    ==Anybody who doesn’t think the families of those dead veterans deserve more than $100,000 should not be serving in that chamber.==

    Mom, I think if I heard it right, the defense yesterday was for $300K. Still not enough, but nor is $2M when you’re talking about anyone’s loved ones. It seemed to be a claims court issue and not the Veteran’s home itself. That’s indefensible for anyone I would hope. But, in a state with the financial challenges this one has, what promises can we make that would be kept? Veteran’s families are only one category of people standing in that line. It’s all so unfortunate.

  58. - Generic Drone - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 10:55 am:

    The sooner we get back to civility, the sooner we can get back to fixing the state.

  59. - DeseDemDose - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 11:12 am:

    Honey Bear. The truth is Perfect.

  60. - crazybleedingheart - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 11:13 am:

    comment filtered

  61. - crazybleedingheart - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 11:22 am:

    Where I come from, “I’d like to see” more frequently precedes a derisive hypothetical statement than an actual wish. I definitely wouldn’t like to see someone try to do most things I’ve said it about.

    In this context it’s rude and graphic, I guess, but the outrage is not only out of proportion to relative silence about actual deaths, it misrepresents the most common meaning of Kifowit’s frame. Sure, she absolutely did not say “if” … but I understand why she might have honestly thought she had.

  62. - OneMan - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 11:29 am:

    Was that so hard?

  63. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 11:32 am:

    To the update,

    It’s passable. It touches the bases.

    It won’t be forgotten, but it’s far better than her first attempt.

  64. - Norseman - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 11:34 am:

    She should have cut it off after the 1st paragraph.

  65. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 11:34 am:

    What she was inartfully trying to ask was would your position be the same if your family member was in the shoes of the deceased veterans. That is a common question to ask.

  66. - TaylorvilleTornado - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 11:36 am:

    If the GOP reps clutched their pearls any harder, they’d asphyxiate.

  67. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 11:40 am:

    Poor choice of words?
    Nah - she exposed herself as someone with such an absolute moral authority for herself, she believed she was right to say it.

    I don’t like where she was coming from more than what she said.

    If I were Breen I’d bring my kids to her and ask her to apologize to them.

  68. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 11:43 am:

    –If I were Breen I’d bring my kids to her and ask her to apologize to them.–

    Would you, really? That would be the grown man thing to do?

  69. - crazybleedingheart - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 11:45 am:

    ==Nah - she exposed herself as someone with such an absolute moral authority for herself, she believed she was right to say it.

    I don’t like where she was coming from more than what she said.==

    I think it’s proper to speak with absolute moral authority concerning the state’s responsibility to pay full freight for people it’s killed through negligence.

  70. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 11:55 am:

    Considering that “crazy” is part of your name, I’m not surprised by your take on this.

    She should realize the reality of what she said my meeting the kids she so carelessly ran over to make her point.

  71. - Jibba - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 11:56 am:

    Good on her to apologize, if belated. Now the third part of the apology is to not repeat the behavior. Start now and teach Jeanne Ives that lesson.

  72. - Last Bull Moose - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 12:00 pm:

    Were I in the GA, I would move to censure her for her remarks.

    As to the substance of the argument, I would set the award at the same level that the Feds pay for those killed in action. That is less than $2 million.

  73. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 12:01 pm:

    A state responsibility never grants a legislator absolute moral authority regardless of their personal and political interpretation. Your faith in government morality is displaced based on realities and histories.

  74. - crazybleedingheart - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 12:15 pm:

    ==Were I in the GA, I would move to censure her for her remarks.

    As to the substance of the argument, I would set the award at the same level that the Feds pay for those killed in action. ==

    It’s interesting that people who most want Kifowit to be held to account are least willing to accept the principle of damages for negligence.

  75. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 12:17 pm:

    A Guy- I respect and admire you as well. Let me explain myself a bit more and give a bit more personal insight. Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, Airman, they are all human beings. They have special training. They are held to different standards. They are given experiences that should give them self discipline and control. Yet, Marines have an additional aspect. It’s found in their motto Semper Fidelis, always faithful. I suspect what got triggered was her Semper Fi. Nothing and I mean nothing A Guy will set an enlisted Marine off like violating this. Veterans dying because of Rauner administration incompetence, hubris, neglect with facilitation by the tacit compliance of Republican legislators is not being “faithful” to those who served.
    I fully understand Rep. Kifowits rage. I reflexively, as a former officer, wanted to bark at her to stand down, but her quote does not offend me. It was extremely inappropriate.
    What similarly enrages me and is what was done to those vulnerable veterans. That to me is inexcusable and those involved should be held accountable.
    Veterans have a naturally deep bond with each other. Thus, I don’t care about someone’s fee fees being hurt. I’m more appalled at Ives. She should know better. As a fellow officer, as someone who has been responsible for lives, I would expect her to act differently than she has. She has not been silent about Quincy but she should understand the rage of Kifowit and be more controlled and self disciplined in her response to Kifowits outburst. She was an Army officer. It does maybe prove that each service handles things differently. In the Navy there would have been public silence but a private “quarterdecking” of epic proportions. But passions are high right now. As a person of tremendous passion, I just have to roll my eyes and work towards doing better.

  76. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 12:19 pm:

    A good rule to follow is that the business of politics should never be personal and that families should never be part of the discussion.

  77. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 12:21 pm:

    “Love means never having to say you’re sorry” Erich Segal

    For everyone else, just say you’re sorry.

  78. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 12:23 pm:

    –She should realize the reality of what she said my meeting the kids she so carelessly ran over to make her point.–

    Maybe keep the infants and toddlers out of the grown-ups problems, big fella.

  79. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 12:27 pm:

    OK, today’s drama is over. Let’s go to Lunch.

  80. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 12:43 pm:

    ===keep the infants and toddlers out of the grown-ups problems===

    Exactly this. The owner of this blog needs to install a “like” button for comments.

  81. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 12:51 pm:

    My younger brother in middle school got to be an honorary guest yesterday as a page and this was a terrible light for him to see Illinois politicians in. I guess we all have to grow up eventually though..

  82. - Fixer - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 12:55 pm:

    Hell has frozen over. I’ve finally found something to agree with Lucky Pierre on. There wasn’t any good way to try to spin this, and it was foolish of her trying to do so. Glad to see the apology.

  83. - NoGifts - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 12:56 pm:

    My only comment is to put this statement into the mouths of respected leaders. Would it sound shocking coming from Rahm, Barack, Durban, or … name your character? That’s some immoderate speech and reflects a lack of self discipline.

  84. - Soccermom - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 1:12 pm:

    Vman, I don’t see where she mentioned his children. “Loved ones” casts a pretty wide net…

  85. - GOPgal - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 1:13 pm:

    Trying to hide her behavior behind her past military service just makes the whole thing more vile. How was this not hate speech?

  86. - Last Bull Moose - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 1:21 pm:

    CBH. I accept the concept of damages for negligence. Just not sure why the life of an 80 year old veteran is worth more than the life of a 20 year old active duty service member.

    There are added costs of proving negligence, and that would increase the awards.

  87. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 1:31 pm:

    Tim Schneider: pot meet kettle.

  88. - Jen - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 1:44 pm:

    When someone shows you who they are, believe them. Rep. Kifowit again showed us who she is.

  89. - Mod Dem - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:23 pm:

    I tend to always believe the first apology of a person is the true sense of their position. When you apologize again with an entirely different meaning, it lacks credibility. She had a chance to apologize yesterday…she chose to keep on swinging instead. her choice, her consequences…but sadly this is what she will be known for now.

  90. - Nearly Normal - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 3:58 pm:


  91. - jim - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 4:20 pm:

    falsifying the record — it never happened — that’s Speaker Madigan’s most excellent solution to a pr problem.

  92. - Soccermom - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 4:38 pm:

    Did you hear Breen’s response to Kifowit’s apology? Sigh.

  93. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 5:06 pm:

    ==I tend to always believe the first apology of a person is the true sense of their position.==

    I tend to believe that the truest apology is the one where a person has cooled off and has had time to reflect. Numerical order has nothing to do with it. Too bad I can’t read people’s minds.

  94. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 5:31 pm:

    ==Did you hear Breen’s response to Kifowit’s apology? Sigh.==

    Because everyone knows the best antidote to one overreaction is another overreaction./s

  95. - JFK - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 8:36 pm:

    To me, it doesn’t matter who is a Democrat or Republican on this.

    Kifowit clearly hit way below what is acceptable for any discourse and she is unfit to be in a position of public trust.

    People like that don’t just make a massive “mistake” like this all of a sudden. From what I’ve read, she’s got a history of issues.

    Everyone should be unified to demand her resignation.

  96. - Glengarry - Wednesday, Nov 28, 18 @ 9:05 pm:

    I’m glad she went there. Someone needed to say it like that. There’s no need to apologize when even Rauner won’t .

  97. - John Deere Green - Thursday, Nov 29, 18 @ 8:04 am:

    ==that’s Speaker Madigan’s most excellent solution to a pr problem.==

    Oh please. It’s obviously lost on you that the motion passed unanimously. Get over yourself.

  98. - wordslinger - Thursday, Nov 29, 18 @ 1:29 pm:

    –Everyone should be unified to demand her resignation.–

    For crying out loud, what is this juvenile insecurity among some that “everyone” agree with them, or that they “speak” for everyone? If you have that need, maybe you lack confidence in your own opinion.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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