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The governor talks about the election and the future of the ILGOP

Friday, Nov 30, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* We already talked about this a bit yesterday

Rauner was asked why he was handily dispatched by Pritzker after one term in office. Instead of answering that question, he issued a warning over Democratic control of state government.

“I am very scared for the people of Illinois. I believe that the folks who put Illinois into a financial quagmire are now back in complete control of the government,” he said. “The policies that have created the financial mess for the state of Illinois are now the policies that will be dominating completely without any resistance whatsoever.”

* We didn’t talk about this

Contrasting with his call for unity in his postelection concession speech, Rauner on Thursday predicted a future of “deficit spending, tax increasing, overregulating, self-dealing” by Democrats with “no voice pushing back.”

* Or this

“I will be commenting more about the president in the future, not today,” Rauner said.

* Or this

Rauner said Thursday was not the day to discuss whether it was a mistake to have made opposition to House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago, a key component of his campaign and that of other Republican candidates. Rauner said simply, “We worked hard and ran the best campaign that we could and we did not prevail.”

* Or this

Though he criticized Democrats, Rauner also said his own party needs to take a look at itself post-election. When asked who should lead the Illinois Republican Party, Rauner did not give a direct answer.

“Well, we have a chairman, Tim Schneider and a co-chairman,” Rauner said, referring to the newly ousted Cook County Commissioner, whom he handpicked to lead the party, and conservative Lake County GOP Chairman Mark Shaw, who led a quasi-coup of the party leadership in May.

“We have some wonderful elected officials who are Republicans,” the governor continued. “We have major donors and funders who are proud Republicans and I think it’s going to be an appropriate process for the Republican party to do some reflection and some discussion about where we go as a party and where we go as a state and lay out a vision for the future. Clearly, changes are needed. Clearly, improvements are needed.”


  1. - wordslinger - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 9:54 am:

    –”a future of deficit spending….”–

    So, Rauner is against that sort of thing now? When did he have that epiphany?

    Because $10 billion in deficit spending — and massive, wasteful juice payments — were the foundation of his political strategy during his tenure.

  2. - JoanP - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 9:55 am:

    =Rauner also said his own party needs to take a look at itself post-election=

    And Rauner needs to look in the mirror.

  3. - Downstate - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 9:57 am:

    I’m certain Bruce Rauner will show more class than his predecessor, Pat Quinn, by showing up at the inauguration ceremonies of the new incoming governor.

  4. - Ole' Nelson - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 9:58 am:


    Such a high bar you set.

  5. - Illinois Resident - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 9:59 am:

    What did Rauner accomplish again? Did he strongly advocate for cannabis legalization during his 4 years that will create much needed jobs and revenue for our state? Oh yea, that is JB Pritzker that is for freedom and common sense policies.

  6. - brickle - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 10:02 am:

    “why did you fail so spectacularly at every aspect of being governor?”

    “DEMOCRATS BAD! Madigan Madigan Madigan”

  7. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 10:03 am:

    Here’s what real.

    This is as real as it gets.

    Rauner is not, and never was, a Republican.

    Rauner is the worst Republican governor in America in large part that Rauner was never a Republican by any measure.

    Raunerism is a fungus ruining the ILGOP.

    The budget passed, making Rauner irrelevant, the overrides aided by GOP votes… the ILGOP needs a severe purge of Raunerites and Raunerism to come back from the occupation of Bruce and Diana Rauner.

    The first and most important step for the ILGOP to regroup is ridding itself of Raunerism, and it’s practitioners.

    The GOP GA are already showing that thinking too. Thankfully.

  8. - Anon - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 10:04 am:

    For all of the fighting and money spent, Rauner has destroyed the IL GOP. What a waste.

  9. - Chris P. Bacon - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 10:11 am:

    Rauner threw record amount of money at IL GOP and today IL GOP is in worst shape in history. Rauner & his minions don’t deserve the time of day.

  10. - zatoichi - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 10:13 am:

    GOP did itself in every time they cashed a Rauner check then defended his ideas, kept quiet, and followed along.

  11. - 47th Ward - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 10:16 am:

    ===“Well, we have a chairman, Tim Schneider and a co-chairman,” Rauner said, referring to the newly ousted Cook County Commissioner, whom he handpicked to lead the party, and conservative Lake County GOP Chairman Mark Shaw, who led a quasi-coup of the party leadership in May.===

    I remember when I was a little kid and I went with my mom to a fancy store that was filled with crystal, glass and china, very expensive stuff and very fragile. There was a small sign that read: “If you break it, you buy it.” My mom pointed to the sign and told me not to move or touch anything.

    Rauner sort of turned that on its head. He bought the Illinois Republican Party, then he broke it. You could argue that it was seriously damaged when he bought it, but it’s hard to dispute that it is completely broken now.

    And he’s going to wash his hands of the whole mess and let somebody else try to repair it. Nice legacy he’s leaving.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 10:18 am:

    Bruce and Diana, Raunerism, and they imploding the ILGOP for their own brand, holding a party hostage, then, discarding the party, as there is no use for “it” now…

    “They were careless people, Bruce and Diana - they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”

    Diana is Bruce’s best friend, engineered the social agenda of Raunerism, and did the best she could to keep her brand and Bruce’s brand shiny.

    The ILGOP is moving on, the Rauners should move on too.

  13. - My New Handle - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 10:26 am:

    I would posit that the Republican Party has a vision of a state (Rauner/Illinois) and nation divided by economic and educational castes. Since Rauner was elected in Illinois, and Trump in the nation, we have seen the Republicans become a “me first” organization of economic thugs. Whether Democrats can redirect this journey into chaos and division remains to be seen. Neither Madigan nor Pelosi articulate a vision of unity or the common good very well, if at all.

  14. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 10:26 am:

    Rauner blew opportunities to do his job right and help the ILGOP when he refused deals on nonbudget items from Democrats and wouldn’t negotiate for reasonable concessions from state workers. Those were golden opportunities for success. A Republican governor who got deals and things done should have done much better politically.

    But that Rauner didn’t take the offers was very telling and said he had another agenda, to break opponents. Instead he and the ILGOP got broken.

  15. - Now What? - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 10:27 am:

    Nice Great Gatsby reference, OW. Well played and well timed. Those Buchanans . . .

  16. - slow down - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 10:31 am:

    In his mind, Rauner will never be at fault or ever take responsibility for anything. This is who he is at his core.

    He is incapable of self reflection. If you thought his trouncing at the polls was going to change that, you were mistaken.

  17. - Wensicia - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 10:33 am:

    When will the governor acknowledge the massive deficit spending during his term? His failure to provide a balanced budget? The failure of state Republicans to provide resistance, until the last budget he attempted to sabotage finally encouraged their action?

  18. - El Conquistador - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 10:37 am:

    The ILGOP hand puppet is once again lifeless. That is until another wealthy Dr. Evil type purchases the party for a song and sticks their hand up its backside to once again animate it…

  19. - Anonymous - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 10:44 am:

    The sole reason for the R loss and the condition of the R party in Illinois lies with Bruce Rauner.

    He has done decades of damage thru out Illinois & the Midwest.

  20. - A Jack - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 10:46 am:

    “No voice pushing back….”. Bruce is being pretty dismissive of all the other tax opposing voices out there such as the Tribune editorial board, the IPI, Proft, the IMA, and the Republican members of the GA, just to name a few. Hopefully the future ILGOP will focus on the correct Illinois problems and offer alternative solutions to the Democrats. But if the ILGOP continues to snipe from the sidelines, they will continue to be on the outside.

  21. - GOPgal - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 10:47 am:

    The State GOP’s central committee has its quarterly meeting tomorrow in Bolingbrook. My guess is they’ll all just sit around and pretend they’re doing fine, just like they’ve always done. Then we all just wait for the next enormous embarrassing trainwreck.

  22. - West Sider - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 10:52 am:

    To believe that “fools rush in, where angels fear to tread”, is to be a classical Republican, and so in that sense, the Rauners are not Republicans. But, to shelter behind wealth and power while indifferent to the harm caused by their own actions- is the MOST Republican thing imaginable.
    The Rauners are very much Republicans.

  23. - @misterjayem - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 10:53 am:

    We have major donors and funders who are proud Republicans and I think it’s going to be an appropriate process for the Republican party to do some reflection and some discussion about where we go as a party and where we go as a state and lay out a vision for the future.

    Don’t you worry rank and file Republicans — your donor class will have a vision for the future laid out for you shortly.

    – MrJM

  24. - Anonymous - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 10:58 am:

    The financial problems of the State are real. Rauner’s leadership has failed and arguably made the situation worse. Therefore he is no longer the spokesman for this issue. We move on. And the financial problems follow us.

  25. - NoGifts - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 11:02 am:

    He should remember and appreciate that a lot of democrats gave him a chance by voting for him. He didn’t know how to work with people. Politics takes a lot of people skills.

  26. - Not so silent majority - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 11:06 am:

    OW, I would respectfully disagree what Rauner is not a Republican. He may not be the Jim Thompson/Jim Edgar style ILGOP of old. But his adoption of Proft’s IPI into his administration and his total lack of desire to actually govern coupled with his ’scorched earth’ mentality puts him square in the middle of the NEW GOP. It’s not just Bruce who needs reflection. It’s the GOP donor class, as well.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 11:10 am:

    ===I would respectfully disagree===

    The social agenda and the Rauner signed legislation on social issues beg to differ with you.

    If the premise is 80%, and the social agenda alone is not even in the ball park of 80%… by the Reagan Rule definition, Rauner isn’t a Republican, Rauner is a Raunerite.

  28. - Louis G Atsaves - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 11:16 am:

    === The ILGOP is moving on ===

    Moving on where? Notwithstanding such a delusional comment, the party is stuck in the mud at this moment. Perhaps they will create an infrastructure that goes after early voting and mail balloting at 5 consecutive failures in those categories? Get their Precinct Committeemen to walk precincts and finally start up an absent ground game? Take a look at their messaging? Run more substantive candidates who will at least crowd out the crazies, kooks, idiots and even one Nazi from representing the party during elections? Study why we got swamped in the collar counties and Chicago suburbs? Do something in Chicago other than spending hours authoring a stupid anti-Rauner book? The list is endless. And if those large and in charge of the party, from Precinct Committeemen, Township Chairs, County Central Committeemen and Chairmen, State Central Committeemen and Chairmen (Chairman and co-chair) and GOP elected officials, the vanishing breed in Illinois, don’t want to put in the heavy work to fix or replace what is shattered, then step aside, quit, resign and accept personal responsibility (in our platform by the way) and let others willing to step up and try.

    Stuck in the mud is not movement. Do your autopsy, ask why we got slaughtered in Illinois, and come up with a solution.

    I was at an event mostly attended by ILGOPers and they are as angry as I am. It wasn’t Rauner by himself, or Trump. It goes a lot deeper. And the silence of our party both statewide and in my Lake County and other counties is just raising the anger quotient by another thousand degrees.
    Get to work, propose some real fixes, execute them or resign and get out of the way. Starting Now.

    Louis G Atsaves. Die-hard Republican.

  29. - Jibba - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 11:17 am:

    Politicians often use these curtain calls to impart political wisdom. Sadly, Rauner has none, so this is worthless, like his 4 years in office.

  30. - Blue Dogs are Blind, Deaf, and Dumb - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 11:35 am:

    Rauner not compromising on the budget was his greatest downfall. A close second was this overall theme of talking Illinois down instead of focusing on Illinois’ positives. Yes, the state has fiscal challenges but this Governor did not make it easier to overcome those challenges and deserved his big loss.

  31. - Matts - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 11:57 am:

    This Rauner…….after his disastrous ‘public service stint’, he is not only the most unlikeable, the the most unwanted voice to be heard from currently. Nobody care what you have to say. You are not keeping anyone in suspense as to what you have to say about Trump. Don’t care. Just leave. Go.

  32. - JS Mill - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 12:03 pm:

    =I’m certain Bruce Rauner will show more class than his predecessor,+

    LOL, you slay me man. Rauner has NEVER been classy he is a name caller and finger pointer.

    As he exits he is throwing shade on the future and, at a level of hypocrisy only he alone can achieve, saying that lawyers are going to benefit.

    Really? I would guess they are pretty upset at their financial prospects now that Rauner is on his way out.

    Classy? Not even by accident.

  33. - wordslinger - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 12:05 pm:

    –Moving on where? Notwithstanding such a delusional comment, the party is stuck in the mud at this moment. –

    Gee, Louis, maybe you should have shared your list of grievances sometime in the last four years with the dude who ran the show on the IL GOP side when it came to policy, politics and finance.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 12:23 pm:

    Where o where o where to begin, lol

    ===Moving on where?===

    From the embarrassment of Bruce Rauner.

    With that last budget Rauner was all but forced to sign or face a bipartisan override of a ridiculous number.

    And to overrides, great to see so many rebuking Raunerism and the Raunerite vetoes, with bipartisan votes.

    ===the party is stuck in the mud at this moment.===

    At the moment, the chairs of the party were orchestrated by… Bruce Rauner. Yet another Rauner failure, but, we’ll get there, let’s slow this *way* down…

    ===Perhaps they will create an infrastructure that goes after early voting and mail balloting at 5 consecutive failures in those categories?===

    Rauner had unknown and poorly funded statewides on his ticket, less Erika Harold who’s then turned on Rauner and his money messaging about Pritzker all but winning.

    The goal was to suppress turnout, never to gin it up. That’s why you get a ticket so obscure few could name those on it. You’re concerned about ginning up turnout, that’s a joke. The plan was to try to suppress it, thus… no real efforts to gin it up, and vote it, VBM or GOTV.

    Hmm… what else…

    ===Run more substantive candidates who will at least crowd out the crazies, kooks, idiots and even one Nazi from representing the party during elections?===

    Yeah, that’s on Schneider and the state party that Rauner installed, allowing that to happen and having no one ready to run in that primary.

    Kooks? Tough to recruit when Raunerism was about eliminating all who could give Bruce “a $&@#% problem”… now you’re concerned about recruiting, lol

    Hmm… what else…

    Oh… love this… Raunerite worries…

    ===Study why we got swamped in the collar counties and Chicago suburbs? Do something in Chicago other than spending hours authoring a stupid anti-Rauner book?===

    Rauner was never a Republican. Good on those standing up to Raunerism and not “getting in line” as a Raunerite demands.

    Collars? Cook? Chicago?

    Rauner was under water, was seen as a phony, a failure, a “misleading speaker”, but it can’t be on Rauner, it’s on those who couldn’t sell the message. Cripes, that’s Diana Rauner thinking. Messaging.

    ===And if those large and in charge of the party, from Precinct Committeemen, Township Chairs, County Central Committeemen and Chairmen, State Central Committeemen and Chairmen (Chairman and co-chair) and GOP elected officials, the vanishing breed in Illinois, don’t want to put in the heavy work to fix or replace what is shattered, then step aside, quit, resign and accept personal responsibility (in our platform by the way) and let others willing to step up and try.===

    Let’s be very crystal clear, like pristine crystal, looking though it without flaw:

    Unless these “new” folks, and even the “old folks” stay, understand what a party of Murphys and Beaubiens, Pedersens and Mulligans means, they won’t be the answer to anything. The Rauner way of “get in line, this is the way” is as bad, if not worse than Slytherin thinking to purity.


    ===Stuck in the mud is not movement. Do your autopsy, ask why we got slaughtered in Illinois, and come up with a solution.===

    I comment here, I give solutions, I give thoughts, I even give unsolicited advice.

    No one is looking for me to do more. Further, until I see how the rebirth after Rauner unfolds, I’ll hold my powder, thanks, but be a huge cheerleader to Brady and Durkin. I want them to succeed, to be the loyal opposition, and be the bipartisan leaders of Illinois.

    ===Die-hard Republican===

    Die-hard Raunerite, but trying to seem like a Republican without leaving Raunerism completely.

  35. - JIbba - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 12:25 pm:

    Dear Louis: I am not one of those people who totally write off a party after a thrashing. The Rs were called extinct after 2010, but in 2016 they called the Dems extinct. Your party will come back, but clearly there are issues like you say.

    Becoming something other than the “party of no” in Illinois will help citizens understand and trust your party and its politicians. Hopefully, Dems will allow and encourage bipartisanship in the next 4 years, which will help us all.

    To a certain extent it is the message not the messenger, but your thoughts about improving the messenger are valid. To be fair, I had the same thoughts about the Dems in 2016, so I am being even handed. Too bad the Rs at the federal level have governed like they are the only ones in Washington.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 12:27 pm:

    Oh… - Louis G Atsaves -…

    The message was “Madigan”

    Madigan now will have more seats than at any time since his time as Speaker.

    That’s great messaging.

    “Thanks, Bruce Rauner”

  37. - just an fyi - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 12:40 pm:

    Rauner blows zillions on campaign & state GOP, and best they could come up with was pressers with toilets. Incompetence is too kind.

  38. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 12:57 pm:

    The last election I think helped put issues in focus, after what Rauner and Trump unleashed. At this point we’re saying we support unions, a progressive state income tax, expanding and protecting health insurance, welcoming immigants and treating undocumented people humanely, gun control, LGBT rights, legalizing marijuana, etc. The majority said if it ain’t your uterus, stay out of it.

    It was hoped by some or many that Rauner would have been the pragmatic problem-solver we needed so badly (I don’t know why), but he’s a destructive anti-union zealot and hater, as was seen by some/many when he first ran for governor.

    We saw in the GOP gubernatorial primary what the party is about today, anti-unionism/austerity and unacceptable social positions toward undocumented immigrants, LGBTQ and women’s right to control their own bodies.

  39. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 1:01 pm:

    ===Gee, Louis, maybe you should have shared your list of grievances sometime in the last four years with the dude who ran the show on the IL GOP side when it came to policy, politics and finance.===

    @wordslinger, my list of grievances predate Rauner by many years and those who know me well will recall how vocal I was (and still am) on those issues.

    Your welcome.

  40. - Juvenal - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 1:03 pm:

    Ogilvie: State before Party.
    Thompson: Party before State.
    Rauner: Bruce before Party before State.

  41. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 1:06 pm:

    @OswegoWIlly, all we need to do is brand Rauner a non-Republican, ride him out of town on a rail, and everything in the ILGOP will be just peachy in the future with landslide victories galore?

    Nope. Rauner as sole scapegoat clashes with the factual problems at hand. Love him or hate him, the problems run far, far deeper in the ILGOP.

  42. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 1:18 pm:

    ===all we need to do is brand Rauner a non-Republican, ride him out of town on a rail, and everything in the ILGOP will be just peachy in the future with landslide victories galore?===


    Argue like an adult.

    Republicans let a stranger in our house, some aided and abetted Rauner, and Diana too, and they ran out good *actual* Republicans who were going to give Raunerism “a $&@#% problem”…

    Some said nothing, others like you cheered.

    I stood up. I wasn’t going to say nothing.

    Now that Raunerism failed the state, destroyed a state party, I have the receipts, I know who let the strangers take the party and treated it like the Tom and Daisy Buchanan.

    So, I have no time for Raunerites, who destroyed the party and wanted to destroy Illinois. No free passes until some mea culpas, like massive veto override votes, and publicly acknowledging some mistakes.

    That’s how the ILGOP can come back, not pretending a 39% incumbent failure wasn’t “all” the problems.

    ===Rauner as sole scapegoat clashes with the factual problems at hand.===

    Tell that to the SGOP… who got “nothing” from Rauner, or tell that to the statewides Rauner recruited, few if any can name outside Bruce and Harold.

    Rauner broke this party, made it a shell of itself, refused to recruit to have voter suppression, and ran out, and bragged about it, - Louis G Atsaves - those who crossed Bruce Rauner.

    You glossing over Rauner, nope, I have the receipts.

    ===Love him or hate him, the problems run far, far deeper in the ILGOP.===

    “Love him or hate him, the problems run far, far deeper in the Illinois”

    That’s Rauner’s theme, ain’t it?

    It was bad, Rauner made it far, far worse.

    Nope. Raunerites are on notice.

    You ran out great Republican leaders, those who were to Bruce’s eye “a $&@#% problem”… karma, Raunerites, karma.

  43. - NeverPoliticallyCorrect - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 1:48 pm:

    Time for some feedback groups from around the state. I live in a very Dem. area. No one, and I mean no one, I talk to likes Madigan but they vote for politicians who prop him up. Repubs really need to understand who Illinois is. They can’t count on a remap coming through that will help them. If anything, after 2020, the Dems will further gerrymander Illinois. Personally I also think you let the Dems implode. They will go to far to the left and begin to chase voters away.

  44. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 1:52 pm:

    @OswegoWilly, remember, in this state, all one has to do to declare himself a member of a political party is to show up during a primary election, request a ballot of one of the political parties, and then vote. That’s it. Vote by mail. Early vote. Same deal. Or sign someone’s petitions to run for office during an election cycle. Or do nothing but consider yourself a Republican.

    Those who want the parties to purge themselves of alleged outsiders, conservatives, liberals, moderates, independents, whateverites, like yourself, always forget how easy it is to declare a party affiliation in this state. Or even to not declare and simply vote in a general election for a Republican if they wish.

    So as you can gather, there are no Pope or Cardinal OswegoWilly types to decide who is a real or fake Republican or RINO or Raunerite or even a Democrat.

    Hope that clarifies things for you.

    So stop trying to be heroic with your scapegoating. Put a cork in your attempts at ridicule. I’m tempted to send over a chiropractor to straighten out that spine you’ve twisted into a pretzel over this topic.

  45. - Lake County Commiteeman Said... - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 1:58 pm:

    I’ve heard Lou Atsaves advocate the need for a ground game for many years. No one has ever headed his advice in Lake County.

    Now is the time for Lake County GOP Chairman Mark Shaw to resign.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 2:02 pm:

    ===remember, in this state, all one has to do to declare himself a member of a political party is to show up during a primary election, request a ballot of one of the political parties, and then vote. That’s it. Vote by mail. Early vote. Same deal. Or sign someone’s petitions to run for office during an election cycle. Or do nothing but consider yourself a Republican.

    Those who want the parties to purge themselves of alleged outsiders, conservatives, liberals, moderates, independents, whateverites, like yourself, always forget how easy it is to declare a party affiliation in this state. Or even to not declare and simply vote in a general election for a Republican if they wish.===

    So. There it is. You agree.

    Rauner isn’t close to being a Republican, Rauner was one of those folks who woke up one day, had $117 million to waste and “decided” to be a Republican.

    Rauner himself admitted voting in Dem primaries when he had the phony Chicago address for his denied Winnetka-living daughter to go to Payton Prep… so you’re right… even you and Bruce can parade and masquerade as Republicans. Makes perfect sense.

    ===types to decide who is a real or fake Republican or RINO or Raunerite or even a Democrat.===

    80% of my friend is not 20% of my enemy.

    Rauner was never a Republican, heck Rauner is the worst Republican governor in America because… well… he was never a Republican to begin with, lol

    ===So stop trying to be heroic with your scapegoating.===

    This comes from the man who’s mantra was “get in line, Rauner is in charge”

    If that’s true, you own the failures. I’ll email you the receipts… and your blindly following Rauner.

    ===I’m tempted to send over a chiropractor to straighten out that spine you’ve twisted into a pretzel over this topic.===

    Pretty straightforward counselor…

    Raunerism ain’t Republicanism, and it was wholly rejected by the voters.

    Republicans need to shed ourselves, not unlike the Dems with Blagojevich, to rebuild.

  47. - Demoralized - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 2:06 pm:

    It’s almost the end of his term and the Governor still doesn’t get it. The voters rejected him for a reason and that reason is that he is incompetent at governing.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 2:19 pm:

    ===Those who want the parties to purge themselves of alleged outsiders, conservatives, liberals, moderates, independents, whateverites, like yourself, always forget how easy it is to declare a party affiliation in this state. Or even to not declare and simply vote in a general election for a Republican if they wish.===

    “We have a Nazi as our congressional candidate. Whadda gonna do?”

    Is that how it works… counselor?

    Can’t purge those for any reason, even a Nazi?

    Building a party is about building a tent of those like minded souls willing to agree 80% of the time.

    You cheered as Rauner purged member after member of the GA that could give Rauner “a $&@%^# problem”

    You remember… “get in line”

    Welp, Raunerism ain’t Republicanism, and if you think those a party can’t find agreement with 80% of the time as its leader (Rauner) then it must be the money.

    It must be the money, as the RGA liked Rauner’s money too.

    Nope. I’m fine. You are being called out. Raunerites are. They are the “$&@-#% problem” when they won’t admit Raunerism was a colossal mistake.

  49. - 47th Ward - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 2:22 pm:

    Not to get in the way of a good pie fight, but from my perspective, the ILGOP is going to need to wrestle with reality if it hopes to return to electoral relevance. Based on recent elections, here is where I see divergence between so-called bedrock conservative positions and how far these are from what Illinois voters apparently prefer:

    ILGOP Position Voters’ Position

    Pro-Life Pro-Choice
    Anti-LGBTQ Support LGBTQ
    Anti-immigrant Pro-immigrant
    Anti-tax Fair tax
    Cut spending Invest in people
    Cut pensions Keep promises
    Anti-Labor Pro-Labor
    Status quo Progress

    You can argue about candidates and personalities, but unless and until you find some ideas that appeal to the voters, it’s going to be a long walk in the wilderness for the Party of Lincoln.

  50. - GOPgal - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 2:26 pm:

    Oswego Willy is right. Louis Atsaves has been one of the biggest enablers of failed GOP officials and failed status quo.

  51. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 2:27 pm:

    - 47th Ward -

    You’re on it.

    Also, no diversity within ALL those positions, with upstate, downstate, urban, rural, educated, less educated… the party of where in 1994 had diversity, and majority, in Illinois… we are long past that and need to be inclusive to the evolving world, and welcoming to bedrock Republican ideals… and it is a heavy lift no one seems to want to make.

    Raunerism ain’t the level or the fulcrum, that I do know.

  52. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 2:33 pm:

    @OswegoWilly, you didn’t read my initial posting about the Nazi.

    This is specifically what I said: “Run more substantive candidates who will at least crowd out the crazies, kooks, idiots and even one Nazi from representing the party during elections?”

    Pay attention, man.

  53. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 2:47 pm:

    ===This is specifically what I said: “Run more substantive candidates who will at least crowd out the crazies, kooks, idiots and even one Nazi from representing the party during elections?”===

    Counselor, you just told me…

    ===always forget how easy it is to declare a party affiliation in this state. Or even to not declare and simply vote in a general election for a Republican if they wish.===

    Which is it, we can’t stop those wanting to be a part of the GOP or we can purge those from the GOP who aren’t what we feel the GOP should stand for?

    “If you gave an order that Santiago wasn’t to be touched, and your orders are always followed, then why would Santiago be in danger? Why would it be necessary to transfer him off the base?”

    If we can’t help who declares as a Republican, and we can’t purge them, how can you decide a purge can happen at all?

  54. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 2:50 pm:


    I’m walking you somewhere… you’ll figure it out.

  55. - don the legend - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 2:59 pm:

    Louis G. Atsaves. Stay down, stay down.

  56. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 3:22 pm:

    @OswegoWilly, purge? Where did I say purge? You are doing all the purging around here.

  57. - Trapped in the 'burbs - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 3:30 pm:

    Rauner believed any elected official or public employee that preceded his election was corrupt, incompetent, lazy and greedy. Over time as his failures mounted, he doubled down by blaming everybody else for his inability to accomplish anything. As bad as he was for the state, he was even worse for the GOP. He ran off good people. The real question is whether it will take the state or the GOP longer to recover from the Rauner debacle.

  58. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 3:33 pm:

    ===Where did I say purge? You are doing all the purging around here.===

    So you’re cool with Nazi types voting Republican, just not running as a Republican?

    Or no purge at all…

  59. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 30, 18 @ 3:38 pm:

    ===So you’re cool with Nazi types voting Republican, just not running as a Republican?===

    I guess there are a criteria of Republicans?

    You know, outside just a hapless voting universe… strangers in houses and all…

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