Open thread
Monday, Nov 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I have some errands to run that couldn’t be accomplished over the weekend. Judging from the large number of subscriber e-mail bounce-backs this morning and the texts (with photos) I’ve received from southern Florida, Puerto Rico and an undisclosed location on a beach somewhere in the Caribbean, I’m guessing that not a lot of you really care one way or the other.
Here are some stories that could help fuel the thread. Or you could just talk about the Bears. I’ll be back in the early afternoon…
* Downtown jobs keep soaring as mayoral race closes in: Downtown Chicago has added the jobs equivalent of almost three Amazon HQ2s in just eight years, even as growth in other neighborhoods and some suburbs turns negative
* Number of Illinois ‘gun sanctuary’ counties has increased though new gun laws haven’t advanced: The 39 counties that have passed resolutions in one form or another are: Brown, Calhoun, Christian, Clark, Clay, Clinton, Cumberland, Douglas, Edgar, Effingham, Fayette, Ford, Greene, Hamilton, Hardin, Henderson, Henry, Iroquois, Jasper, Jefferson, Lawrence, Livingston, Macon, Madison, Marion, McDonough, Mercer, Monroe, Montgomery, Perry, Pope, Saline, Shelby, Stark, Tazewell, Washington, Wayne, White and Woodford.
* No Guns For Teachers: Illinois Association Of School Boards
* With Pritzker and Madigan on board, Dems push again for pot legalization: While many details are still being hashed out, the plan would legalize the sale and use of cannabis for people over 21 years old and include a six-month period for officials to create rules and issue licenses should it be passed into law.
* State Rep. Bryant Says Fully Legalizing Marijuana Takes It Too Far: Bryant says she sees recreational marijuana as a gateway drug that leads to more severe drug use and bigger crimes down the road for some users.
* Illinois marijuana legalization push gets huge boost with Pritzker win: “To me that is not the way we should deal with problems, to rely upon weed to be the guiding light to fix all the problems we are experiencing in Springfield,” said State Rep. Jim Durkin, House Republican Leader.
* Mayor Rahm Emanuel cautions Gov.-elect J.B. Pritzker about big Democratic majorities in Springfield
* Infrastructure Investment In The Works: Illinois Lawmakers Consider A Capital Bill
* Conditions right for banner duck season in Southern Illinois
* Tribune…
Attorneys for Democratic Gov.-elect J.B. Pritzker on Friday called a federal lawsuit alleging racial discrimination in his campaign “long on accusations and short on factual allegations” and asked a judge to dismiss it. […]
The governor-elect’s attorneys made note of the lawsuit’s timing in their request for it be dismissed.
“Plaintiffs filed this suit on the eve of a hotly contested election and provided it to the press before serving it on the campaign,” the attorneys wrote. “Indeed, plaintiffs have still not served the campaign.”
Pritzker’s lawyers argued that the suit included “mischaracterizations, distortions, and outright falsehoods.”
* Sun-Times…
“Everyone has the right to file a lawsuit, but everyone must plead plausible claims for relief. The Complaint is notably full of sweeping legal conclusions, overheated rhetoric, and rank speculation,” lawyers for Pritzker’s campaign wrote in the U.S. District Court filing.
“But what is most notable is what the Complaint does not contain — factual allegations demonstrating that Plaintiffs’ claims for relief are plausible,” the filing says.
The filing calls the accusations “baseless,” saying there are no facts to back up allegations of an adverse employment action because of race; being fired, demoted or paid less because of race; having a race-based hostile work environment; or anyone being subjected to “severe or pervasive harassment because of his or her race.” […]
The filing goes piece by piece in dissecting some of the allegations, while calling them “bald conclusions” and “a hodgepodge of irrelevant or vague statements.”
* Remember the staffer who claimed she’d been placed in a hotel in an “unsafe” part of Peoria? The campaign produced receipts showing they’d tried to accommodate her with other rooms. From the recent campaign filing…
In any event, Ms. Calhoun’s claim appears to be premised on her view that the hotel the Campaign paid for was not in a sufficiently swanky neighborhood.
* Another bit…
Just because they are “unhappy” with their jobs does not mean they have pleaded an “actionable adverse action.”
* One more…
With regard to Celia Colón, Plaintiffs allege that during a “mandatory cultural sensitivity training on September 12, 2018,” … “[w]hen Celia tried to ask a question, the training director instructed the person with the microphone not to give it to her.” No further details are provided. Plaintiffs do not allege that this had anything to do with Ms. Colón’s race as opposed to, by way of example, that the presentation had already been extended by an hour and it was necessary to move to the next training session.
“The harder you work, the luckier you get”
Monday, Nov 19, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller
* My weekly syndicated newspaper column…
I had the pleasure of meeting several Democratic women candidates from Lake County during the Illinois State Fair last summer. State Sen. Melinda Bush, D-Grayslake, was showing them around town and brought them to a reception I was attending. We chatted for a while before they went on their merry way.
“Merry” is actually an understatement. Those candidates were positively joyful. They seemed genuinely thrilled to be running for office. Only one had ever run for something before. The rest felt compelled to get involved after the 2016 election.
Sen. Bush brought 10 women with her to Springfield and she said four of them went on to win their respective races. Well, maybe three, but Bush is optimistic that Mary Edly-Allen will wind up defeating appointed Rep. Helene Miller Walsh (R-Mundelein). Edly-Allen is ahead by two votes as I write this, with more to count.
Joyce Mason, the only candidate who’d run for office before and who defeated Rep. Sheri Jesiel by more than 1,000 votes, was also at the event, as were two county board candidates who appear to have won, Jessica Vealitzek and Julie Simpson. The county board flipped from Republican to Democratic control for the first time ever, and those two candidates were crucial to that effort. Two other women candidates who didn’t make the trip to Springfield both won countywide races, Robin O’Connor (clerk) and Holly Kim (treasurer).
Sen. Bush helped found an organization called the Lake County Democratic Independent Women on Oct. 30 of 2017. She said she sent out some e-mails and started a Facebook page.
Women came out of the woodwork after the 2016 election and Bush wanted to help them focus their enthusiasm on actually winning races and then holding on to those seats down the road.
The group has an office and a field director and members meet once a month. A “pink wave” garden party fund-raiser pulled in $15,000, and Bush said people told her at the event that it felt like “coming to a wedding, everyone is so happy.”
When Bush first won her own Senate seat in 2012, her district and both of its attached House districts were held by Republicans. Now, with Rep. Jesiel’s defeat, all three legislators are Democratic.
Things are definitely changing in Lake County, but they didn’t necessarily change on their own. The House Democrats did their part by pumping in tons of money and staff over the months, but Mason was also helped by that independent women’s group. The House Democrats got into the Miller Walsh race late, but Edly-Allen had taken the group’s training and had already been walking precincts for months. “These were areas where we weren’t supposed to win,” Bush said.
Sen. Bush said that while House Speaker Michael Madigan is likely pleased that he has two more Democratic seats, she cautioned that both women are independent Democrats. In other words, they’re not the usual ducklings who will quietly follow orders traditionally given to targeted members.
Bush said she doesn’t just want to help people win elections, “I want to help them be really good representatives.” She said her advice to all candidates is that they shouldn’t be thinking how their voting record in Springfield or on the county board would get them reelected. Hard work back in the district will pay greater dividends. “The harder you work, the luckier you get,” she said. “I want to see people work really hard and do what they think is right.”
Bush should know. I jokingly chided her during her freshman year in office for having such a liberal voting record while representing an area not known for its liberalism. But she won her last election by nine percentage points and is encouraging others to do what she does: Vote your conscience and work your tail off back home. So, even if you wind up losing, you can go out with no policy regrets.
That’s a refreshing attitude in the suburbs, where Democratic candidates are generally cautioned to steer a far more moderate, poll-tested course. But it’s not like the House Democrats need those two seats to retain their hold on Statehouse power. If nothing else, it could be an interesting experiment.
And Bush isn’t finished. She said 13 women have signed up for training in the upcoming municipal elections. “I’d like to see more of these in both parties,” she said of her organization.
I couldn’t agree more.
* Meanwhile, here’s Kass…
What if Boss Madigan and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel got together and conceived a daughter. What would she look like?
Susana Mendoza.
* Laura Washington responds…
To portray an accomplished, savvy woman with 20 years in politics as the Frankenstein monster love child of two men is as sexist as it gets. […]
Every woman in this race will be dogged by such tropes.
Women can’t get anywhere, or do anything, without the men, or so it goes. The men give the orders. The men tell them when to start and where to go.
Yes, Mendoza and all the other women in this race have been supported and aided by men. Men in politics, especially white men, still control the vast majority of power and institutions here and most everywhere else.
To get things done, women leaders must, and should, work with men. And then out-work them.
* A Pritzker transition spokesperson says the governor-elect was in attendance…
Several of the nation’s newly elected governors, including Colorado’s Jared Polis, were gathered over the weekend at The Broadmoor hotel in Colorado Springs at a National Governors Association meeting.
The “Seminar for New Governors” was off-limits to the press and public. […]
The weekend-long gathering was intended to be a “boot camp” to help incoming state chief executives to prepare for their new jobs.
“This is an attempt to give them a little bit more … practical exposure to some of the challenges and opportunities that past governors have dealt with as they’ve taken office,” James Nash, a spokesman for the NGA, told KRCC.
Pritzker attended Friday through Sunday, I’m told.
Our last few governors tended to avoid these sorts of seminars, so I take this as a decent sign.
* On Point Consultant appears to be his own firm. And I don’t think he was at the Statehouse proper last week. He was around town, however…
Tim Mapes, who was ousted as Speaker Mike Madigan’s Chief of Staff earlier this year, has landed a new job in the state capital. […]
NBC 5 has learned Mapes has been hired as a Principal Consultant for On Point Consultants, and he was spotted this week at the State Capitol during the veto session.
While he was removed from his powerful positions tied to Speaker Madigan, political observers note Mapes will now be allowed to use those same connections and resources that he acquired after years of experience to help get things done in Springfield for his clients.
Mapes told NBC 5 he was not commenting on his new position.
* Press release…
In response to reports that Tim Mapes, former chief of staff to House Speaker Michael J. Madigan and executive director of the Democratic Party of Illinois, has returned to work as a consultant in Springfield, Sherri Garrett, the statehouse employee who in June came forward with sexual harassment allegations against Mr. Mapes, issued the following statement on Friday:
“I was alarmed to learn that Mr. Mapes is apparently mounting a comeback in Springfield. Men who have been serially abusive in the workplace should not be able to simply take on a new job–in this case, ‘consulting’–and reenter that same workplace. Now, no longer a government employee, Mr. Mapes has even less accountability than he did before. He answers to no one.
“Unfortunately, Mr. Mapes isn’t the only harasser who has attempted to salvage his career by returning to Springfield as a ‘consultant,’ in some cases making even more money with even less recourse for bad behavior than before. We’re seeing a pattern emerge where these men are, in effect, rewarded for their abuse with lucrative contracts and little oversight. Victims of sexual misconduct everywhere should find this pattern alarming.
“We should all take issue with anyone who, even in this midst of the #MeToo movement, still happily hires known harassers or abusers as ‘consultants’ for their businesses in Springfield.”
Your thoughts?
VOTE NO on the SB 2641 override
Monday, Nov 19, 2018 - Posted by Advertising Department
[The following is a paid advertisement.]
With transportation expenses on the rise, Illinoisans are looking to car sharing to help them earn extra income and save costs on transportation.
Yet, legislation that lawmakers are considering, SB 2641, would deny Illinoisans from an opportunity to make money while their cars sit idle and unfairly double tax car owners.
Car sharing is not the same as car rental, and the two industries cannot be treated the same. With car sharing, car owners can benefit financially while they aren’t using their cars. When regular Illinoisans buy a car, they pay sales tax. Rental car companies don’t because they have a sales tax waiver. But, this bill would force a car owner who has already paid sales tax to pay twice if they want to earn extra money sharing their car.
Legislators should VOTE NO on the SB 2641 override.
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* Press release…
Today, Governor-elect JB Pritzker and Lieutenant Governor-elect Juliana Stratton announced the formation and members of the transition’s Committee on Equality, Equity, and Opportunity.
The committee is the fourth of several working groups of the transition made up of subject-matter experts who will advise and guide the incoming Pritzker-Stratton administration. The Committee on Equality, Equity, and Opportunity will be chaired by Access Living President and CEO Marca Bristo, Casa Central interim President and CEO Marty Castro, and Pride Action Tank Executive Director Kim Hunt and consist of 25 members.
“JB and I are committed to building an inclusive administration that’s representative of the state we serve, and our transition team will start by listening to the communities across Illinois who haven’t been heard or who’ve experienced systemic disinvestment,” said Lieutenant Governor-elect Juliana Stratton. “The Committee on Equality, Equity, and Opportunity will tackle civil rights issues in our state and work to ensure Illinois can protect children and families from dangerous policies from the federal government. Illinois is a welcoming state for all, and JB and I are committed to making sure every resident has access to opportunity and the tools they need to thrive.”
Marca Bristo co-chairs the transition’s Committee on Equality, Equity, and Opportunity and is president and CEO of Access Living, one of the first 10 federally-funded centers for independent living in the United States. As the former president of the National Council on Independent Living, she worked with the broader civil rights community on the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Bristo served as the Presidentially-appointed chairperson of the National Council on Disability from 1994-2002. She is the most recent emeritus President of the United States International Council on Disabilities and is a member of Human Rights Watch Disability Advisory Committee and Obama Foundation Inclusion Council. Bristo serves on the Boards of Rush University Medical Center, Forefront, and the RIC Foundation.
Marty Castro co-chairs the transition’s Committee on Equality, Equity, and Opportunity and is the interim CEO of Casa Central, one of the largest Latino social service agencies in the Midwest, and CEO of Castro Synergies, a social impact consulting firm. Castro was appointed chair of the United States Commission on Civil Rights by President Barack Obama and was the first Latino in U.S. history to hold that post. He also served as Chairperson of the Illinois Human Rights Commission during the Quinn Administration. Castro is active locally and globally on issues of social justice and is on the Board of Directors of the National Museum of Mexican Art, the Chicago Latino Theater Alliance and the Global Diplomacy Lab, and he is a member of the BMW Foundation’s Responsible Leaders Network.
Kim Hunt co-chairs the transition’s Committee on Equality, Equity, and Opportunity and is the executive director of the Pride Action Tank, a project of the AIDS Foundation of Chicago, where she also serves as the senior director of Policy and Advocacy Operations. Hunt’s career spans the public, private, and nonprofit sectors with a focus on advocacy, community and organizational development, and leadership. She is the former executive director of Affinity Community Services, a social justice organization that works with and on behalf of Black LGBTQ people and queer youth. Prior to Affinity, she co-founded and served as managing partner of O-H Community Partners, a management and strategy consulting firm. Hunt has been inducted into the Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame.
Jaquie Algee, Board Member, Women’s March Chicago
Tom Balanoff, President, SEIU Local 1
Lawrence Benito, CEO, Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
John Bouman, President, National Sargeant Shriver Center on Poverty Law
Terry Cosgrove, President and CEO, Personal PAC
Ami Ghandi, Director of Voting Rights and Civic Empowerment, Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for
Civil Rights
Teresa Haley, President, Illinois State Conference NAACP
Chris Harris, Senior Pastor, Bright Star Church
Brian Johnson, CEO, Equality Illinois
Andy Kang, Executive Director, Asian Americans Advancing Justice
Theresa Mah, State Representative, Illinois General Assembly
T. Ray McJunkins, Senior Pastor, Union Baptist Church
William McNary, Co-Executive Director, Citizen Action
Ronald E. Powell, President, UFCW Local 881
Jan Schakowsky, Congresswoman, U.S. House of Representatives
Rebecca Shi, Executive Director, Illinois Business Immigration Coalition
Rabbi Michael Siegel, Senior Rabbi, Anshe Emet Synagogue
K. Sujata, President and CEO, Chicago Foundation for Women
Griselda Vega Samuel, Midwest Regional Counsel, MALDEF
Bishop E.L. Warren, Founder, Cathedral of Worship
Rev. Janette Wilson, Esq., National Director of PUSH Excel, Rainbow Push
Tom Yates, Executive Director, Legal Council for Health Justice
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