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Question of the day: Golden Horseshoe Awards

Thursday, Dec 6, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2018 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best House Secretary/Admin. Assistant/District Office Director goes to Mika Baugher

I don’t know how she stays on top of everything but she does. There’s no way I could ever do what she does!

Agreed. Joann Sullivan had been with Speaker Madigan for several decades. Stepping into that job couldn’t have been easy, but she makes it look that way.

* The 2018 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Senate Secretary/Admin. Assistant/District Office Director goes to India Hammons

There are all kinds of great people doing great work behind the scenes in this category.

I’d like to honor India Hammons for her outstanding work during her tenure in Senator Lightford’s Capitol Office.

She juggled a lot of responsibilities in deftly managing everything that came her way.

India recently moved on to a different job, but she is missed.

She really was great at her job.

* OK, let’s move on to our next category…

* Best State Senate Staffer - Non Political

* Best State House Staffer - Non Political

As a reminder, this category also includes folks who work for the Clerk of the House and the Secretary of the Senate. Please try to nominate in both categories, but I’ll give you a pass if you mostly deal with one chamber. Also, please make sure to explain your votes or they won’t count. Thanks!


  1. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 11:02 am:

    Well, on the House side, this should be no contest. Sherri Garrett stood up, spoke out and changed the culture immediately and permanently. That took enormous courage and it gave every non-political staffer protection from what had become a toxic work environment. Her action put powerful men on notice that this (stuff) will no longer be tolerated.

    This is her year. Bravo.

  2. - Leigh John-Ella - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 11:12 am:

    Having read 47th Ward, I hereby second and move the nominations be closed.

    If anything an award should be named after Ms Garrett.

  3. - Les Nessman - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 11:14 am:

    Senate- Kurtis Smith. Kurtis always does a great job especially with a caucus that has many different political views. On one hand he’s dealing with moderates like John Curran and the other people like Jim Oberweis. He understands and the issues and always takes the time to get all sides positions into his briefings.

    House- Michael Morthland. Mike is on the speakers tech review staff and I don’t think I have ever seen a staffer like him completely dive into the work like he does. He really has a passion for his job and it really shows by how excited he gets when talking about the issues. He works hard, he’s bright and he has a big future under the dome. He’s also one of the most friendly people in the building and has a wicked beard.

  4. - BlueWave - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 11:20 am:

    Senate: Reena Tandon- Ms. Tandon is assigned to some of the most active members in the Senate. She is easily the hardest working member of the communications staff and is a delight to work with. No question, Reena is the best.

    House: Michael Morthland- Mr. Morthland is one of the most brilliant members of Tech Review. He always has the right answer and is always ready to help.

  5. - Boy Blunder - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 11:50 am:

    Best House staffer non political - without a doubt is the great Mark Jarmer. He has been around a long time and has worked his way up to become the Speaker’s Research & Appropriations Director, and I cannot think of a more knowledgeable, curious, and good-hearted person to take that job.

    On the Senate side Elizabeth Nelson on the Senate Democratic staff. She has taken over the Medicaid portfolio and done an amazing job with it the last few years, is always helpful and willing to listen to all perspectives.

  6. - Yep - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 11:57 am:

    Senate: Agreed, Reena Tandon. Reena is a consistent positive and intelligent personality regardless of pressure or workload.

    House: Mike Stieren, for the same exact reasons stated for Reena. Both are wonderful to work with and both will go far in life.

  7. - Shoe made of horse - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 12:01 pm:

    It would be great to see Reena recognized on behalf of the less visible but hard working senate dems communications staff. She knows her stuff.

  8. - Annonin' - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 12:02 pm:

    Jarmer great but we should recognize John Hillman who keeps the clerk’s office humming. best senate staffer…has to be Proft

  9. - The Dark Lord Descents - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 12:07 pm:

    Senate: Mitch Remmert. He’s a very bright young man, and whenever I saw him in committee, he was hustling. Not too mention he took on a wide spectrum of bills last year, which is never an easy task. I can’t say enough good things about him!

    I second the nomination for John Hillman. I he’s incredibly hard working and on top over everything.

  10. - Annonin' - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 12:16 pm:

    Opps John Hollman …auto correct changed it

  11. - Ha Ha Ha Haaaaaa - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 12:31 pm:

    House - Heather Rassmusen. She does so much behind the scenes and is always so kind and helpful. She deserves an true shout-out.

    Senate - A long-time hard D now working for the Senate Republicans, Jenny Grady Paswater. They way she talks about and treats people says it all.

  12. - Insert clever nickname here - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 12:33 pm:

    Ozie Goodwin for Senate Staffer. He very intelligent and staffs some tough subjects. He’s a very hardworking individual and will have a very long future ahead of him in state government.

    John Hollman for House Staffer. He does not have an easy job, but you couldn’t tell that by the way he runs things.

  13. - Bartlett for President - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 12:44 pm:

    I’m surprised Aaron Holmes hasn’t been mentioned yet for Senate Staffer. He’s a smart lad who is very hard working. I don’t know how he stays on top of everything, but he does, and he has staffed some major legislation. I don’t know what the Senate would do without him.

    Sherri Garrett for the House. She is incredibly brave and stood up for fellow coworkers even though she could have lost it all. She should be very proud of how she handled herself and made a huge change in the House.

  14. - OfCourse - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 12:47 pm:

    House Staffer- Michael Morthland. He is on House Tech Review and is really sharp. He is quick to respond and genuinely cares about the bills he handles and the legislators and lobbyists that work with him. He always in in a good mood, ready to help, and is incredibly knowledgeable. I also second that he has a pretty stellar beard.

  15. - Anon - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 12:51 pm:

    Liza Roberson-Young - She is extremely talented and intelligent. She deals with difficult issues and members with a pro’s touch. She gave up a great private sector firm job because of her commitment to public service. She has an extreme bright future and I am sure we will hear about her for years to come.

  16. - Anon - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 1:04 pm:

    Senate Staffer: Mitchell Remmert. Intelligent, hard working, willing to help out anyone and everyone. Brings a lot cheer and laughs to other staffers and lobbyists alike, which is much needed when under the dome.

    House Staffer:Sherri Garrett for all of the aforementioned reasons.

  17. - Gov Junk - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 1:06 pm:

    House - Mark Jarmer. Mark is always calm and composed. He appears to go above and beyond with anybody who reaches out to him about issues he is handling. He is really exceptionally professional and a pleasure to work with. I think he was also a military guy, so bonus points for that.

    Senate - Giovanni Randazzo. There hasn’t been a complex piece of legislation that Giovanni hasn’t handled in the last 15 years. It seems like his name comes up during any major negotiation in the Capitol. Having worked with him on elections, I can attest that he is a walking encyclopedia of knowledge. The Senate is in great hands with such a chief lawyer.

  18. - mocking jay - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 1:13 pm:

    Best House Staff has to be Joe Miller. That kid has oodles of energy as evidenced by his numerous awards for long distance running. But mostly he is a hardworking, dedicated staffer that is always willing to help and explain complex issues like pensions or gaming. And he is eternally positive which just brightens your day.

    Best Senate staff is Molly Kershaw. Member management starts with her from all the calls she gets from districts about the numerous bills they have to pay at a time when the state’s bills are stacking back up. There isn’t anyone more capable for that job.

  19. - Abe Lincoln’s Hat - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 1:33 pm:

    Senate. Aaron Holmes (Senate Dems): I have to echo an above comment. Aaron is the most valuable asset that President Cullerton has. His knowledge of the legislative process is quite impressive. Aaron helps review every bill that comes through the chamber. He constantly has to help new members of staff and is potentially the nicest person under the dome. It should be obvious that Aaron is the best.

  20. - Centennial - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 1:34 pm:

    House Staff: Michael Morthand. He’s just one of those staffers that truly loves their job. It shows in his work, his attitude, and his dedication. I’m sure he will be scooped up soon for bigger and better things, but the Office has been lucky to have him as long as they have.

    Senate Staff: Liza Roberson-Young. I have found her to be a thoughtful, hard-working lawyer. Her attention to detail and passion for her job makes her a real pleasure to work with!

  21. - FreeCake - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 1:46 pm:

    Senate-Reena Tandon. As mentioned by others, she is assigned to some of the most active members of the Senate Dems. She works tirelessly for her members making sure their message is getting heard in disrict. She has been an awesome indvidual to work with!

  22. - Babe Lincoln - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 1:53 pm:

    Senate: Reena Tandon is brilliant, friendly, helpful and fantastic to work with. She gets my vote.

    House: Joe Miller is intelligent, hard-working and dominates in 100 mile races.

  23. - Stones - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 1:58 pm:

    Senate-Jo Johnson. Always loyal, knowledgable and respectful of the institution. She is respected by Senators and staffers from both sides of the aisle.

    Sorry not familiar enough with the House side to nominate in that category.

  24. - Local - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 2:06 pm:

    House - Sherri Garrett, it takes guts to stand up for what is right.

    Senate - Aaron Holmes, he is given a lot of responsibility and executes well.

  25. - charles in charge - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 2:34 pm:

    House: Marishonta Wilkerson from the House Dems’ tech review staff is brilliant, hardworking, and a real pleasure to work with. If someone doesn’t get along with Shona, there’s probably something wrong with them.

    Senate: Ashley Jenkins from the Senate Dems’ legal staff is a consummate professional. Ashley doesn’t call a lot of attention to herself, but those who have worked with her know she’s one of the most competent people working in the Capitol.

  26. - Ciao Rauner! - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 2:35 pm:

    Drew Hill is on the Senate Communication staff and he is one hard worker! He is so nice, too! Always a joy to be around.

    I don’t know the House staff well enough to nominate anyone.

  27. - Hermosa - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 2:49 pm:

    Senate - Elizabeth Nelson hands down. She always makes time to talk to you. Look, we all have ridiculous bills we’ve pushed at one point. She actually works with you on them (or at least pretends really well :) She genuinely wants to understand every in-and-out of Medicaid policy. She went above and beyond the call with the Medicaid Working Group for the hospital assessment redesign and her work on the budget was awesome. I know there are so many staffers deserving of this but this should go to Nelson.

    House - Sherri Garrett for like, duh?

  28. - kids not politics - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 3:11 pm:

    House - Mark Jarmer. He is a tireless worker who leaves no stone unturned in his work product. Mark recently became director of HDem research staff and has not disappointed. In addition the being very good at his job, he is always willing to take the extra time to help younger staff or just to talk to you and make sure you are doing well. This is his year.

    Senate - Mike Hoffmann. Mike is an expert on education policy and worked his tail off on last year’s successful school funding reform. Members look to Mike for guidance and with good reason. Best of the best.

  29. - WonderWoman - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 3:12 pm:

    Senate Staff - Drew Hill. He’s an underrated asset to the communications staff. He’s helped message on some of the biggest issues that’s come through the Senate and handles the pressure with grace. He’s also just an extremely nice guy. A real pleasure to work with.

    House Staff - Not familiar enough with House staff to nominate anyone.

  30. - Wenger Forever - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 3:22 pm:

    Senate - Drew Hill is a valuable member of the communications staff. He handles tough assignments with ease, and is always willing to help colleagues.

    House - John Hollman works hard and has a job that often goes unrecognized. He has done a lot of good work throughout his time in the Clerk’s Office.

  31. - NotMe - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 3:22 pm:

    Sherri Garrett. No question. To go from someone very few folks were familiar with to the greatest change agent this place has seen in ages is stunning. To do all of that with grace, humility and humor makes it all the more worthy of recognition.

    Senate: Aaron Holmes for all the reasons mentioned plus a dry quiet wit.

  32. - Gettysburgaddress - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 3:24 pm:

    Giovanni Randazzo is definitely the best Senate staffer. He is smart, accessible and provides solid information. If you want to get something important done in Springfield, you better speak with Giovanni.

  33. - Daisy - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 3:29 pm:

    House Dems - Mark Jarmer - Highly intelligent and extremely dedicated - works round the clock!
    Senate Dems - Ozie Goodwin - Very sharp

    Senate GOP - Kyle Foutch - Independent thinker and very thorough

  34. - Jack or Rose? - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 3:33 pm:

    Senate - Carrie Ramsden has suffered through 8 years of Quinn/Rauner DHS budgets and is still smiling. She should win this hands down. The Senate will have a gaping hole if she ever leaves.

    House - Joe Miller has suffered through numerous attempts at pension “reform”, trying to free up money to plug other budget holes. He knows his subject matter inside and out and never complains. Honorable mention to Don Mark Jarmer who inherits the sizeable task of balancing the budget books and also keeps his JCAR members from tilting at windmills.

  35. - 47thWard Dame - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 3:43 pm:

    Senate- Reena
    House- Sherri

    for all the reasons already listed. These two are strong fierce women that do the hard work

  36. - Miss Marie - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 3:44 pm:

    Liza Roberson-Young should win for her work during Veto Session alone, not to mention her whole year. She is so smart and so kind. And she tackles such hard and complicated bills. She’s amazing!

    Joe Miler for House. He’s a good guy and I would never want to staff what he staffs.

  37. - SaulGoodman - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 3:46 pm:

    House - Sherri Garrett - without question. It’s one thing to anonymously report something. Its another thing officially file a complaint against a legislator. But it is a WHOLE different thing to come out and publicly confront Tim Mapes. The bravery and courage was amazing. Few people will ever be able to say that they had such an impact on changing Springfield as Garrett had.

    Senate - Ashley Jenkins is amazing. Smart and talented, very professional, and always willing to be helpful. There are few staffers in the building with the all-around talent and great personality as Ashley.

  38. - Dekalb Dave - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 3:48 pm:

    Senate staff- Drew Hill consistently gets tough assignments and handles them with ease. He’s a proven leader in the Senate Dems shop that stands literally and figuratively head and shoulders above his peers. As an added plus, he’s genuinely one of the nicest guys in the Capitol.

    House staff- Simply put, Joe Miller is a workhorse. He has proven time and time again the ability to tackle the most difficult issues in the Capitol.

  39. - 312 - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 3:55 pm:

    I love Drew Hill on the Senate side! Drew is always working hard, so helpful, and agreed, one of the most genuine and nicest guys at the Capitol.

    On the House side, I would have to say Mike Stieren. Strong on his subject matters, stays in contact, works very hard, and is always pleasant to work with.

  40. - strawman - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 4:02 pm:

    House Staff- Joe Miller is the man and works on some of the more complex issues to be in front of the legislature.

    I don’t interact enough with Senate staff to have an opinion.

  41. - Starburns - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 4:19 pm:

    House - Mike Wasielewski (Waz) on House Dems issues staff is easily one of the most dedicated, hardest working people at the Capitol. He helps staff tough members he isn’t even assigned to and will literally give the shirt off his back to someone in need. Seriously. When Chad Hays fell off the stage and cut his arm at Bar None during a Boat Drink Caucus show, Waz took off his shirt and used it as a tourniquet for Hays’ arm.

    Senate - Drew Hill from Senate Dems communications staff. Drew staffs ambitious members and he always does the job with a smile. He truly is one of the kindest people under the dome and he is a leader on that staff. A lot of Capitol staffers try to consolidate power and knowledge to one up their colleagues, but not Drew. He mentors new staff and is a team player who will help his fellow staffers (and also senators) with anything they need.

  42. - Way South of I-80 - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 4:20 pm:

    House - John Hollman - he is hard working and always patient and kind. So glad he finally got the title to go along with the job he has done for years.
    Senate - Drew Hill - can’t say enough about Drew. He is always kind, hard working, he quickly responds to requests, and he is just an all around very nice guy.

  43. - downstate_guy - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 4:26 pm:

    House - Madeline McCune - Madeline’s knowledge on Speaker’s staff is second to none

    Senate - Drew Hill - Drew staffs some of the most energetic Senators with poise and a positive attitude. He also helps keep the mood light among his colleagues and can always be counted on to listen

  44. - CaptainAmerica - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 4:32 pm:

    Senate - Hands down, Drew Hill. He is not only intelligent, but is genuinely a nice person. He treats the people he works with as equals and does an amazing job with his work.
    House - Mark Jarmer. He knows what he is doing and works hard.

  45. - Bucky - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 4:32 pm:

    Senate - Drew Hill - He works incredibly hard and is always friendly and willing to help out. He’s a good guy not just to work with, but to be around in general.

  46. - Anon E Mouse - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 5:26 pm:

    Senate Staffer - Hands down it’s Drew Hill - He’s the friendliest most dynamic guy working the Senate. Responsible and just an incredibly hard worker.

    House Staffer - Sherri Garrett for the aforementioned reasons.

  47. - Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 6:44 pm:

    Senate- Drew Hill He’s patient, efficient and treats everyone with respect.

    House- Chris Lowery He is dedicated, flexible and reliable. He’s easy to work with and gets results.

  48. - Pop It Off - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 7:06 pm:

    House - Two of the hardest working guys on HDem staff are Erik Lowder and Ryan Trevor. Fun to talk to, knowledgeable, and run their committees well. A joy to work with.

    Senate - don’t know it well enough

  49. - Capitol Idea - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 7:32 pm:

    House-Sherri Garrett

    Senate-Aaron Holmes, does not get enough credit for everything he does for the Senate.

  50. - AlfondoGonz - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 7:33 pm:

    House: Michael Morthland. Smart, earnest, hardworking, good-natured, and, yes, a fine beard. His wife, Kate, is also a wonderful person. Have to give a shout out to Erik Lowder as well, and his apparently underappreciated beard.

    Senate: Drew Hill sounds like a near-consensus

  51. - Mjolnir - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 9:11 pm:

    Senate Staffer- While the entire Senate Legal Staff is top notch (kudos to Giovanni), Liza Roberson-Young stands out. Liza works on immigration, labor, and election law issues. She has played a vital role in grand bargain workers’ compensation reform, automatic voter registration, the Illinois TRUST Act, VOICES Act, Crosscheck, and more. Liza is brilliant, professional, and truly a pleasure to work with.

    House Staffer: I don’t have much involvement with the House but every time I have worked with Marishonta Wilkerson, I have been impressed! She manages tough issues for tough members, yet always has a smile on her face!

  52. - Cletus Purcell - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 9:23 pm:

    Best Senate Staffer, Non-Political Giovanni Randazzo
    John was a silent but prominent figure in the impeach conviction of Governor Blagojevich. He didn’t write books, or sound off. He put his head down and went to work. He is a tireless worker who can’t tell a lie.

    Best House Staffer, Non-Political, Sherri Garrett
    Because this is what happens when you put a non-political staffer in a political position.

  53. - Brews Rauner - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 9:29 pm:

    House: Joe Miller, hands down. He handles some of the most difficult subject areas on staff in pensions, labor and gaming. He is responsive to questions, no matter how elementary, and proposes pensions savings ideas every budget cycle that allow the state to stretch much-needed revenue during difficult budgeting years.

    Senate: Elizabeth Nelson is the one-stop shop. Whether your issue is Medicaid or animal protection, she provides expert knowledge of difficult subject matter in a truly humble manner that is not always present in top-staff.

  54. - The Shadow - Thursday, Dec 6, 18 @ 11:24 pm:

    Senate - Aaron Holmes is asked to do more than perhaps any non-management staffer in recent memory. Assignments, Revenue, BIMPin’ and more. Way under appreciated for all of his contributions.

  55. - theCardinal - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 6:51 am:

    Scott Foils in te Senate the guy is dogged in helping folks understand complex utility issues.
    Garret in the House takes guts to do what she did

  56. - Stateville Steve - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 8:08 am:

    Senate- Dan Fristrom… He is one of the hidden champions on Senate staff. He brings his lunch pail in everyday and is always ready to get down in the mud to move forward his members many causes.

  57. - Suburbanite - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 8:29 am:

    House: Tyler Hunt. He’s been around a long time and knows all the ins and outs. He makes work around here fun.

    Senate: Mike Hoffman. He is wicked sharp and does his work impeccably.

  58. - Land of Lincoln - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 8:54 am:

    House: Mike “Waz” Wasielewski. Waz is one of the hardest working staffers I’ve encountered. He’s prepared for any situation, and will give you the shirt off his back if you need it.

    Senate: Drew Hill is positive, hardworking, and gets results. He will go far.

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