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Question of the day: Golden Horseshoe Awards

Friday, Dec 7, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2018 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best State House Staffer - Non Political goes to Sherri Garrett

No question. To go from someone very few folks were familiar with to the greatest change agent this place has seen in ages is stunning. To do all of that with grace, humility and humor makes it all the more worthy of recognition.


Sherri Garrett stood up, spoke out and changed the culture immediately and permanently. That took enormous courage and it gave every non-political staffer protection from what had become a toxic work environment. Her action put powerful men on notice that this (stuff) will no longer be tolerated.

This is her year. Bravo.

* The 2018 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best State Senate Staffer - Non Political goes to Aaron Holmes

I have to echo an above comment. Aaron is the most valuable asset that President Cullerton has. His knowledge of the legislative process is quite impressive. Aaron helps review every bill that comes through the chamber. He constantly has to help new members of staff and is potentially the nicest person under the dome. It should be obvious that Aaron is the best.

Congrats to both recipients.

* OK, on to today’s categories…

* Best campaign staffer - Senate Democrats

* Best campaign staffer - Senate Republicans

Make sure to explain your responses or they won’t count and please try to nominate in both categories if you can. I will understand if you work with only one party and can’t, however.


  1. - Seth Lewis - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 1:59 pm:

    Senate Democrats - Natalie Benner on the Tom Cullerton campaign - She beat me twice! Enough said.

    Senate Republicans - Jon Nelson - He learned what he needed to do while working as a deputy in 2016, then as a campaign manager in 2018 for Curran he helps get the W

  2. - Anonymous - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 2:24 pm:

    Senate Republicans - Rachel Bold.

    In a year where incumbent Republicans in previously “safe” seats dropped like flies, Rachel managed to get Neal Anderson safely re-elected in a decidedly un-safe seat.

    There is no competition.

  3. - Anonymous - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 2:48 pm:

    Senate Democrats-Catie Witt with Andy Manar. New comer with great work ethic, great ability to work with the other side, and worked hard in red downstate IL.

    Senate Republicans-Brent Ellis. Hard working campaign manager for Jason Plummer who didn’t take the district for granted leading to a big win for the GOP.

  4. - Mr. Suburbs - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 2:54 pm:

    Senate Republicans- Jon Nelson
    There are very few stars on Senate GOP campaign staff. Jon is the hardest working guy in the caucus. He has taken TC to the brink and beat Bridget Fitzgerald with a low name ID incumbent. Senate GOP would be stupid to lose this guy!

  5. - Freecake - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 3:01 pm:

    Senate Dems- Natalie Benner. In a seat that had been closely contested in ‘12 and ‘16, she led the charge in a double-digit win. Yes, some of this can be attributed to the climate, but the field numbers the Cullerton campaign were the highest in any of the legislative races. Very impressive.

    Unable to comment on Senate Rs.

  6. - Random - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 3:07 pm:

    Senate Democrats - Kayla Sorenson - She worked tirelessly with Andy Manar’s campaign while balancing another job and graduate level studies. Despite all her responsibilities, she never lost her work ethic, enthusiasm, or positive attitude.

  7. - Abe Land - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 3:15 pm:

    Natalie Benner (Senate Dems): She worked tirelessly and executed a solid field plan that helped Tom Cullerton win by the largest margin he ever has. This would have been impossible without Natalie’s dedication, tenacity and insight. Tom is lucky to have this fearless warrior in his corner.

    Rachel Bold (Senate Republicans): She made sure Neil Anderson held on to a Democrat seat in a Blue Wave election year. She is a rockstar and deserves the recognition for this big win.

  8. - blue-collar39 - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 3:18 pm:

    Senate Dems - Catie Witt. She worked on Andy Manar’s campaign and worked tirelessly in a district that Trump won in 2016. She always had a positive attitude and kept her smile through the stress and long hours of the campaign. A new comer that really knocked it out of the park.

    I don’t know enough about anyone on the Senate Republican staff to comment.

  9. - Lavender - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 3:18 pm:

    Senate Dems: Dan Fristrom with Andy Manar’s campaign. Dan has a history of being a Field Organizer in previous campaigns, but stepped into the Field Director position for Senator Manar’s. Dan always had the most positive attitude even when facing the most difficult situations. He worked many late nights and traveled to several counties to ensure Senator Manar’s campaign was a success. In such a short period of time, he has not only shown that he is able to handle any challenge that is thrown at him, but that he is also an extraordinary leader. I know he will do fantastic in the future.

  10. - Heat Check - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 3:18 pm:

    Senate R’s - Rachel Bold did an outstanding job getting Senator Anderson back to Springfield. Held off a strong opponent during an otherwise blue victory party. Strong TV and mail ads. I hope we will get to see her in the quad cities again.

    H/t to the Senator’s field guy - they ran a clean, organized program that may have won them the race. Everywhere I saw the Senator, he was alongside working the room. Very savvy kid with a bright future.

    Cannot comment on Senate Dems.

  11. - Wally Nelson - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 3:27 pm:

    Senate Dems: Donald Finch III- Donald is one of the most top notch field workers in the game. He stepped into the thunder dome and took on Senator Connelly. Yes, the timing and climate was there. But, without a field director like Donald, Laura Ellman may not have pulled this off. Donald is an absolute wizard at a door and has an incredible understanding of how to run a field program. No doubt in my mind that he is the best.

  12. - LincolnLawyer - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 3:34 pm:

    Senate Democrats- Meghan Hassett, campaign manager for Laura Ellman

    Winning a race with a first time candidate against a ten year incumbent who was supposed to be in a “safe” republican district is already impressive enough. But when you add in the fact this was her first time working a campaign in Illinois, it’s an automatic pick from me for this award. All of that says a lot about her campaign skill.

  13. - Friday - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 3:39 pm:

    Senate Democrats - Kayla Sorenson with Andy Manar - Kayla was always upbeat and positive throughout the entire campaign. She, on top of working for the campaign, juggled another job and graduate level classes. Kayla worked many long nights and certainly deserves to be recognized for all of her hard work.

  14. - DoorKnocking - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 3:43 pm:

    Senate Dems - Ben Donovan, campaign manager for Suzy Glowiak. Ben is a hard worker, fast learner, and super nice guy. He will out work the competition and he treats everyone on the campaign with respect. Ben was a major part of turning a district that went for Nybo by 20% in ‘14 to winning the rematch by 1.6%.

    Senate Republicans - Rachel Bold, with Neil Anderson’s campaign. Holding onto Anderson’s seat was one of the only highlights the Senate Republicans had in ‘18.

  15. - Metro East Transplant - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 3:44 pm:

    Senate Dems: Andy Manar put together a solid team this go around. I can’t pick just one. Dan Fristrom, Keenan Irish & Catie Witt all worked countless hours. Never complained and always completed each task with professionalism, energy and a positive outlook. Looking forward to watching each of these young professionals grow, as i know all three will go far! Aplogies, I won’t be able to nominate for the R’s.

  16. - ABCD - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 3:48 pm:

    Senate Democrats: Miles Sodowski. While it’s always competitive down in the Metro-East races, it’s much more difficult to run a new face in a district that adored retiring Senator Haine. Miles was down in the district a week after session ended and made sure that Sen-elect Crowe was prepared and ready to go day in and day out. Him and team worked their tails off and ended with a +15% margin.

  17. - queen6 - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 3:48 pm:

    Senate Dems - Keenan Irish on Manar’s campaign. Keenan was a Field Organizer in the Springfield office and really stepped up. He went above and beyond and took on more responsibility than the average Field Organizer would normally do. His work truly showed in the success of the campaign.

  18. - Shawnee Sean - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 3:54 pm:

    Senate Dems: Dan Fristrom with Andy Manar’s campaign. Dan proved to be a strong and effective Field Director for the campaign. His positive attitude and strong work ethic were crucial to the success of the race. Dan has a bright future ahead of him.

  19. - Shadow Campaign - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 3:55 pm:

    Senate Dem- Miles Sodowski (Rachelle Aud Crowe)- Miles started off the summer completely alone in a race where everyone thought Patton would get kicked off the ballot. After Patton filed as a 3rd party candidate Miles checked every single signature basically by himself. Once it was determined that Patton had enough signatures Miles had to quickly hire an entire staff once the race went from an uncontested to a tier 1 race over night. He assembled an amazing team that was driven to work hard for an fairly unknown candidate running in a district that Trump handily won. It is also worth noting that this was Miles first win after some heart breaking loses in the past. He is a tactical force of nature for reasons I can not divulge on the blog.

    Chris Lowery- (Bristow)- He ran an incredible Get Out the Vote operation to bring Bristow across the finish line in a very tight race

  20. - Anonymous - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 3:57 pm:

    Bristow isn’t a senator. Try again.

  21. - McHenryCounty - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 4:12 pm:

    Senate Dems- Zach Elvove, with Nancy Zettler. Zach was not only the campaign manager and field director for the Zettler campaign, he also was put in charge of a house campaign that overlapped with the district he was working. They may not have won, but Zach did the work to get them closer than any of the pollsters thought!

  22. - Shadow Campaign - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 4:14 pm:

    Sorry, didn’t take time to read the question….

    Senate GOP- Jon Nelson- One of the few bright spots for the Republican caucus was hanging on to Curran’s seat while the other “safe” suburban GOP seats went under.

  23. - Anonymous - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 4:23 pm:

    Senate Dems: Keenan Irish was an excellent campaign staffer. His knowledge is second to none. He showed up, worked hard, and became a key leader during the campaign.

  24. - I-74 - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 4:32 pm:

    Senate GOP: Rachel Bold and Jake Ford - Neil Anderson Campaign.

    Both worked tirelessly to get Anderson across the finish line. Didn’t take their opponent lightly, and ran a race they should be proud of. Small team that covered a lot of ground and got the job done. Well executed campaign.

  25. - Wild Cat - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 5:20 pm:

    Senate Dem- Keenan Irish- A field organizer for Senator Manar- This was Keenan’s first race and he showed serious skills in his ability to organize and lead. He was able to make the Springfield operation so self-sufficient that he was able to spend most days helping FOs in Manar’s rural counties.

    Plus, with the name Keenan Irish he could have a bright future working in the 13th ward.

  26. - Anon - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 5:24 pm:

    Senate Dems- Nolan Drea on Rachelle Crowe’s race. Nolan put together an impressive organization and ran a stellar campaign in an area that is politically changing and could not count on the benefit of the Blue Wave that helped suburbs up North. He’s also a hard worker and all-around a good guy.

  27. - Gentlemen, behold! - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 5:40 pm:

    Another vote for Natalie Benner, Senate Dem campaign staffer. It’s nice to see women in the Senate Dem campaign apparatus start playing a more sustained, significant role on the managerial front and even more wonderful when it is someone like Natalie. Just being in the Tom Cullerton office for a short while, you can tell that Natalie’s hard work yielded a strong operation. And she even camped out at DuPage County Election Authority when her race was in the bag. Watch out for Natalie. She’s going places.

  28. - Anon - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 6:02 pm:

    Dan Fristrom with Andy Manar hands down. Manar is well liked but in a district that Trump won by double digit points he wasn’t taking any chances. He even won rural Montgomery County which is basically Trump country if you’ve never had the pleasure of visiting. Fristrom handled that with a constant smile on his face no matter who he was talking too. If you’ve met the guy you know what I mean. Whether it’s at the statehouse during session or on the trail or at Boone’s around 6pm, Dan is always down to bs and he knows what he’s talking about.

  29. - 618Route14 - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 6:44 pm:

    Senate Dems – Miles Sodowski with Rachelle Aud Crowe. Miles was on the ground before anyone else and managed to build a huge field presence and team. He had great relationships with locals and helped run a very effective field program in a Trump district. You could find Miles all over the district every day in a race that could have been closer if it weren’t for the work by Rachelle’s team. Miles is super easy to work with and has a great sense of humor on top of it.

  30. - Towsen Proctor - Friday, Dec 7, 18 @ 9:15 pm:

    Jon Nelson from the Senate Reps. Guy really had to work hard up in the South-Western Suburbs to get that W.

  31. - Anonymous - Saturday, Dec 8, 18 @ 3:36 pm:

    Senate Democrats: Nolan Drea- He was Rachelle Aud Crowe’s campaign manager and was thrown into a competitive race in August. Not only did he connect with all the appropriate political contacts in the area- he created and executed the campaign plan without being distracted by outside forces or other campaigns in the area. His keen knowledge of the district, candidate, and political climate allowed him to run a solid race. He hired great staff who helped carry out the campaign plan. Under his leadership, the campaign team had an outstanding victory.

  32. - Left of the Lake - Monday, Dec 10, 18 @ 10:58 am:

    Senate Democrats: Dan Fristrom - Dan served as Field Director for Sen. Manar. Manar’s team was running on all cylinders and I know it was in part to Dan’s leadership of the field team. This young man is extremely professional and efficient when it comes to running a field program and interacting with local activists.

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