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Preckwinkle pushing new tax hike

Tuesday, Dec 11, 2018 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Shia Kapos

The Cook County Board is considering hiking a tax that it established two months ago on apps like SpotHero and ParkWhiz, which allow drivers to find parking spots.

In October, then-Commissioner John Fritchey proposed creating a baseline 1.75 percent tax rate for parking-reservation apps, which is in line with the sales tax. The measure was approved by a 12-4 vote and would take effect Jan. 1. Chicago-based SpotHero and other apps supported that measure, saying a 1.75 tax rate was fair given they don’t operate the parking lots—whose owners pay a 6 percent tax rate. Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle opposed it.

With Fritchey no longer on the board, Preckwinkle has moved to ramp up the tax to 6 percent—or, as Preckwinkle sees it, the board would return it to 6 percent. She says SpotHero should have been paying that all along. “Despite the administration’s objections, the board approved an amendment to the existing tax that passed with the help of a number of outgoing members of the County Board,” Preckwinkle’s team said in a statement. […]

How the current tax works: Say a driver reserved a spot costing $20 total with one of the apps. The parking spot owner typically pays a 6 percent tax to the county. The apps pay 1.75 percent on the portion of the transaction it receives for its services—it’s less because they don’t control the parking facility.

SpotHero opposes the new measure, saying it “incorrectly and unfairly” characterizes apps as parking garage owners.

* Meanwhile, from the Sun-Times

Toni Preckwinkle just added $1 million to her mayoral campaign treasure chest.

The cash infusion Monday came from the Service Employees International Union state council.

In 2015, the group — the political arm of SEIU in Illinois, comprised of SEIU Local 1, SEIU Local 73, and Healthcare Illinois Indiana — backed Jesus “Chuy” Garcia with $3 million mainly in the form of direct contributions, in kind contributions and television ads in an unsuccessful bid to unseat Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

* NBC 5

As the crowded race for Chicago mayor heats up – and with 21 candidates who hope to be on the ballot – those campaigns are hiring field staff for the work ahead. A political consultant firm working with Toni Preckwinkle’s campaign is recommending the current Cook County Board president hire workers from out of town.

An internal email was forwarded to NBC 5 from Democracy Partners Recruiting Services. It provides advice for interviewing field staff including going over job requirements, the possible seven-day workload and recommends:

“It will be so much better for the campaign if we can get out-of-towners instead of Locals, who have distractions, family, friends. If we need to fire someone for being trump-y with the ladies, or missing numbers, it’d be far better if they leave town than hang around to try to make trouble.”

A spokesman for the Preckwinkle campaign says “this is not our position, the majority of our staff is from right here; this does not represent our position.”

One of the firm’s partners is Bob Creamer, the husband of Jan Schakowsky, who has endorsed Preckwinkle.

* Press release…

Renowned Chicago broadcast journalist, Charles Thomas, whose stellar career has spanned four decades, is joining Amara Enyia’s mayoral campaign as a senior advisor. He started his career as a Midwest Correspondent for ABC News and then spent more than 25 years at ABC Eyewitness News in Chicago. In a new video being released today and on social media, Thomas talks about why he is endorsing Amara Enyia, what he loves most about Chicago, and what Chicago needs in a future Mayor.

“I remember my first interview with Amara. I was impressed at how she listened to the questions. Because a lot of politicians – you ask them questions - and they immediately go to their talking points. Amara didn’t do that, said Thomas. “She is a good listener. And she will listen to all sections of the city: the downtown businesses and the neighborhoods too. But she will listen to everyone,” he added.

In the video, Thomas underscored the fact that this is the first time that he has publicly endorsed any political candidate adding that “Amara is the future of Chicago”. He went on to acknowledge that Amara is a bright and dynamic generational bridge builder. Since she announced her run for Mayor, Enyia has been running a people-powered campaign with the slogan: All People. All Voices. One City. Thomas acknowledges her platform in the video saying “Amara has based her whole campaign around people, and her goal is to return control of the city government to the people. No other candidate is doing that”.

During his career in journalism, Thomas has interviewed everyone from Mayors to Governors to Senators and even Presidents. His impressive and dynamic career began in 1973. After working at various stations across the country, he eventually landed a job in 2009 as a political reporter at ABC Eyewitness News in Chicago. Looking back at this transition in his career, his main recollection is that his first full day on the job happened to coincide with President Obama’s first full day in the Oval Office.

“As a trained journalist, it is such an honor to receive the support of Charles Thomas – someone I’ve always admired in the profession, said Enyia. “He is proof that it is possible to reach all people across all generations and have a message that resonates and energizes people of all ages. Charles Thomas’ endorsement means a lot to me, and I appreciate and fully embrace his support as we move forward on to the next phase of our campaign.”

The video is here.

* Sun-Times

Furious about Willie Wilson’s attempt to knock him off the ballot, Ja’Mal Green is fighting back—by attacking Wilson as a Republican and tying Wilson to outgoing Gov. Bruce Rauner and President Donald Trump.

On Monday, Green released an attack ad that will be posted on YouTube and other social media sites.

It opens with the words, “Willie Wilson, a Republican for mayor?” That’s followed by a clip of Wilson at a podium declaring that he voted for Rauner, who was overwhelmingly defeated by Democrat J.B. Pritzker.

As the background music plays the song “Thank You For Being a Friend,” the ad shows two still photos of Rauner and Wilson yukking it up.

The video is here.

* Other stuff…

* Hearings on ballot petition challenges for mayoral candidates to begin Tuesday: The first challenge to be reviewed was filed by mayoral candidate Paul Vallas against Bill Daley. It’s up at 9:30 a.m. Reviewing Preckwinkle’s challenge to Mendoza begins at 1 p.m. Early voting is scheduled to begin next month, January 17th. But election officials warn it’s possible the ballot won’t be finalized until early February.

* Wilson has a long way to go to win LGBTQA vote

* Former Obama adviser, political reporter David Axelrod handicaps race for mayor


  1. - Jan - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 11:45 am:

    I thought the Preckwinkle video of Jan Schakowsky talking about what Chicago needs was extra rich - she doesn’t live in Chicago and never has (to my knowledge).

  2. - AnneBancrupt - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 11:46 am:

    How this woman could ever get elected Mayor is beyond me. It’s almost like she’s trying to tax herself out of becoming the next Mayor. Oh wait, she’s got several thousand employees under her watch who have families that vote.

  3. - City Zen - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 11:46 am:

    So Creamer’s toxicity has returned to an acceptable level?

  4. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 11:51 am:

    ===she doesn’t live in Chicago===

    Her district includes parts of 8 or 9 city wards.

  5. - andjusticeforall - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 11:58 am:

    Whether you pull directly into a garage or book a spot through a mobile application, you are paying for parking. The tax levied for that parking should be the same for the app as it is for the lot. This is not a tax increase. It is closing a loophole that unfairly rewards web based businesses while punishing the brick and mortar businesses.

  6. - Sonny - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 11:59 am:

    So who on the Preckwinkle campaign or which consultant made the comment and what are they doing about it?

  7. - Anonchalant - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 12:02 pm:

    AndJustice… that’s interesting thinking. An app that markets the spots for the parking garages should be taxed at the same rate as the garages themselves? Either Chicago and Cook County figure out that the world is changing and adapt, or the tech community is going to wise up and move somewhere more friendly.

  8. - Sue - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 12:03 pm:

    😆 LOL- Preckwinkle is losing her mind. First the proposed tax will raise a really insignificant amount of revenue. More importantly- Chicago residents thanks to the infamous Daley meter deal pay already obscene amounts for short term street parking. Preckwinkle can kiss her mayoral bid goodbye with dump suggestions like this

  9. - Shytown - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 12:05 pm:

    Another Toni tax? Shocking. Tone deaf. She is toast.

    Color me skeptical, but Schakowsky endorses Preckwinkle and her husband’s political firm gets all this work from the campaign? Sounds more machine and less progressive to me.

  10. - Homer Simpson's Brain - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 12:06 pm:

    If you are too lazy to park your own car, you should pay tax for that service. But 6 percent? The sales tax on goods is 10.25 percent in Chicago. Why not have parity and tax services at the same rate for goods like clothes, shoes, shampoo, etc?

  11. - MJL22 - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 12:06 pm:

    Hey Rich. Off topic but cant comment on the Xmas with Rich Miller. I just did the buy now on one of the single tickets. I will not be attending so please re-auction/donate/or whatever you would prefer my ticket.

  12. - OneMan - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 12:22 pm:

    A MJ22, saw that someone did a buy it now on one… Glad it wasn’t the one I am bidding on :-)

    I was always under the impression that the lots (parkers) we paying the tax via the lot.

    I guess I can see her point it you are paying to use someone’s spot at an apartment complex or something. But still…

  13. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 12:25 pm:

    MJL22, thanks! Could you please e-mail me at to confirm?

  14. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 12:26 pm:

    Clip and save this headline Rich. If she’s elected Mayor, you’ll be using it a lot.

  15. - phocion - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 12:29 pm:

    Someone should tell Preckwinkle the parking tax will go straight to the transportation lockbox.

  16. - MJL22 - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 12:37 pm:

    Happy to help. Email sent

  17. - JakeCP - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 12:49 pm:

    ==It is closing a loophole that unfairly rewards web based businesses while punishing the brick and mortar businesses.==

    Can we talk about how this tax punishes web-based AND brick and mortar businesses?

    And also, Re: Willie Wilson, that ad will have little impact on his campaign. Willie’s base is pretty devoted to him….

  18. - Anon-I-Guess - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 1:03 pm:

    Remember that Simpsons episode where Mayor Quimby comes up with a tax for everything a film crew needed to film in Springfield, and then the joke pays off when they only have $1000 left and are informed there is a $1000 Leaving Town Tax? I used to think that was satire.

  19. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 1:04 pm:

    Interesting move by Thomas. Between him and Chance, Amara Enyia can point to a wide generational appeal.

  20. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 1:19 pm:

    Upset about a tax? Well maybe if we had Medicare for all, people wouldn’t need to use Stroger hospital. Right now we are paying for all the suburban and city people with the junk insurance plans, dumped from other hospitals.

  21. - Roman - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 2:08 pm:

    I always thought Preckwinkle was very politically savvy…I don’t anymore. She’s giving her mayoral opponents a gift in exchange for a relatively small revenue boost to the county coffers. Of course this will be tied to both her pop tax and Daley’s parking deal in hit pieces. The ad copy writes itself.

  22. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 2:37 pm:

    Axelrod makes some an interesting about the decline of the black population over the last eight years.

    According to the census, the black share of the city’s population has declined from 32.9% in 2010 to 30.5% in July 2017.

  23. - Phone back - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 2:56 pm:

    Clerk of the Circuit Court Dorothy Cook is poised to win it all.

  24. - NoGifts - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 3:39 pm:

    Do they charge the online restaurant reservation app a sales tax? How is reserving a parking space different from reserving a table?

  25. - Amalia - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 3:41 pm:

    somebody please find Andy Shaw and get his reaction to the Charles Thomas news. please.

  26. - Chippy Dave - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 3:51 pm:

    NoGifts: with the parking app you actually pay the fee through the app when you reserve the space. With an online restaurant reservation, they just hold a table for you and you pay at the restaurant.

  27. - Steve - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 5:13 pm:

    Anyone can mock Toni’s new tax but she’s the front runner for Mayor whether you like her or not.

  28. - Tina - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 6:15 pm:

    Fritchey fought for Spot hero to get a tax cut - spot hero brought in high paid lobbyists to push it through just in time for Fritcheys last meeting - (let’s see where he ends up working) She is not raising taxes it’s actually staying the same. The tax cut that was passed has yet to go into effect. I don’t know about you all but I firmly do not support tax cuts for big businesses - I rather regular people themselves get a tax cut. For the many not for the few.

  29. - Raphael - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 6:19 pm:

    Right she’s closing a loophole- we don’t need another sweetheart parking deal. She’s blocking a tax cut championed by a Commissioner who lost his election- probably because he did things like this that were not in the best interest of all of us .

  30. - LilLebowskiUrbanAchiever - Tuesday, Dec 11, 18 @ 10:34 pm:

    Nice of Toni’s team to wait to join the conversation until after they got off work. The ordinance passed 12-4… and Toni could have vetoed it. She didn’t. She choose to lean on new board members who didn’t understand the issue.

    Seriously though, after the soda tax, why would she pick this fight and put the new commissioners in this position? Check our the press coverage and tell me again how this going to viewed.

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