Question of the day
Tuesday, Jan 8, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller * Gov. Rauner was asked today what he would do differently if he could turn the clock back four years. “That’s such a long topic,” the governor said after sighing, “I’ll go have a beer with you one of these nights and we’ll talk about it,” he said to the reporter. * The Question: What should he have said? …Adding… Raw audio from CMS is here.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:12 pm:
“I shoulda took small victories, done some horse tradin’ on things that had 60 and 30 and probably went after public sector unions only and went to the wall to support the trade unions and first responder unions too.”
- Not so silent majority - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:12 pm:
I should have just backed someone else and never run in the first place.
- Christopher - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:13 pm:
He might have said, “I should have turned down the suggestion that I run for Governor in the first place. I was just not the right person for what Illinois wanted or needed.”
- Gooner - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:13 pm:
I should have focused on incremental change rather than consistently drawing a line in the sand, only to see the legislature ignore it. Incremental change adds up.
- Montrose - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:15 pm:
“I would have stopped and recognized that running a business and running a state are two different things and need two different approaches. I would have realized I lead best through finding the areas we can work together and listening to the ideas of the experienced people around me. I would have put aside my focus on Speaker Madigan so that we could avoid a budget impasse and make sure our state’s infrastructure remained strong. I would have been Illinois’ number one cheerleader, focused on talking up our assets, instead of focusing on the negatives.
Also, I would have focused more on messaging.”
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:17 pm:
he didn’t get it walking in…
…and doesn’t get it walking out
- OneMan - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:17 pm:
I actually like his answer…
I suspect it would be
‘ A lot of things’
- Keyrock - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:17 pm:
I should have worn a tie more, skipped the costumes, and not dropped all those G’s.
Also, trying to be an HBO star was a mistake.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:20 pm:
He would have had more Brewskies with Bruce, apparently.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:21 pm:
===Also, trying to be an HBO star was a mistake.===
“Bruce” and “Diana” are still under contract until 2021…
Rauner was a natural, wore costumes well, knew his lines, his cues, probably one of the easiest actors we worked with thru the whole production.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:21 pm:
According to the twitters, he actually said the following:
–Amanda Vinicky@AmandaVinicky
At another question, Rauner follows up on the future of the Illinois GOP: Says he hopes Republicans remember Reagan’s advice of considering those who agree 80% of the time allies, not 20% enemies. –
Gov. 100%-Or-Nothing actually said that?
The only thing nearly as astounding as his constant lying is total lack of self-awareness.
- dbk - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:22 pm:
“I would have moved to Italy in 2014 and saved myself $100 million.”
Sorry, I couldn’t help it. But the point remains: he just didn’t have it in him to be governor.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:25 pm:
===–Amanda Vinicky@AmandaVinicky
At another question, Rauner follows up on the future of the Illinois GOP: Says he hopes Republicans remember Reagan’s advice of considering those who agree 80% of the time allies, not 20% enemies. –===
… says the “I want no $&@#% problems” leader of the ILGOP…
What. A. Phony.
- treefiddy - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:26 pm:
Did he just confirm future episodes of “Brewskis with Bruce”? I’ve been on the edge of my seat since the cliffhanger in episode 2
- Demoralized - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:29 pm:
Is it a long topic because he wants to explain why he wouldn’t do anything differently or is it a long topic because he wants to explain that he would do everything differently? I think his answer should be the latter.
- Just Me 2 - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:30 pm:
First he should apologize for all the pain he caused so many people.
Then he should have admitted that when you want to enact massive reforms you start small and build. If he done that he would have a long list of achievements by now to be proud of.
- Dozer - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:30 pm:
Accepted that he’s a Republican elected Governor in a blue state and that meant some of the big ticket, economic ideas weren’t going to fly. Second, forge the best possible relationship he could with Ds and I mean individual D House and Senate members. Madigan gonna be Madigan; but what if Rauner had real, interpersonal relationships with individual GA members who were willing to listen and perhaps help the Gov. incorporate some of his ideas or at least identify the ideas which might have legs vs. those hat were never going to take off, i.e. right to work, term limits, ect..
- Michelle Flaherty - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:32 pm:
- SOIL M - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:34 pm:
Should have learned how to eat an elephant. You just have to take one small bite at a time and after a while you will get it down. Trying to force a whole elephant down someones throat all at once just makes them choke and spit it back out at you.
- Huh? - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:42 pm:
I should have learned how to govern, learned that the legislature is a co-equal branch of government, and learned how to work with the Speaker.
- Wensicia - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:42 pm:
“Nothing” would be the honest answer.
- A guy - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:45 pm:
“I’ll go have 3 cases of beer with you one over the course of 12 nights and we’ll talk about it,”
- Quizzical - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:47 pm:
Rauner appears not to have any capacity for introspection, but if he did, he should say
1. I would have hired people with Illinois state government experience,
2. I would have realized that the IPI folks were only milking me for cash and for the good of the state I would have let their calls go to vioicemail,
3. I would have crawled before running, and spent the first months of my tenure racking up easy wins, making allies, establishing working relationships with Madigan and the other three tops and learning about what was possible from inside Illinois government,
4. I would have used my control of agencies to gradually develop realistic policy changes and research that I could use to springboard to a progressively more effective legislative agenda.
- Earnest - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:48 pm:
He should have said: Focus, Amanda, Focus.
- Stumpy's bunker - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:57 pm:
“If I had developed more empathy, I wouldn’t have tried to disenfranchise so many Illinoisans.”
- Annonin' - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:59 pm:
Hmm how about I could have read up on what I won so I would have known the most of the government would have been funded when I started the impasse.
There is more but we have to use up all the gift cards I got from Obed’s so let’s head out…Rich bring Oscar too.
- Steve Rogers - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 3:29 pm:
Hmmm, maybe try working with the other branches instead of demonizing them and labeling them corrupt.
- Bigtwich - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 3:29 pm:
“I don’t know why I did the things I did I don’t know why I said the things I said
Pride’s like a knife it can cut deep inside ”
- Annonin' - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 3:38 pm:
anyone else notice they also release the old TurnAround Agenda which included a reprise of the only time the GA laughed out loud at the GovJunk or anyone else —his plan to raise the minimum wage to #10 over 7 years. Thanks for the memories
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 3:40 pm:
I should have realized that when I won with deception, I didn’t win a mandate to do what I deceptively hid.
- Excessively Rabid - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 3:51 pm:
I should have realized that when the other party has veto proof majorities in both houses, you probably have to negotiate instead of demanding unconditional surrender.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 3:52 pm:
“I shoulda told Ken Griffin ‘you’re it,” and hightailed to Italy.”
- Annonin' - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 4:38 pm:
Anyone else notice GovJunk DID NOT issue a report?
Only a 2.5 page letter and the TA report. Another failure. TTFN
- Jocko - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 4:39 pm:
Being an executive and being elected to the executive branch are two very different things.
- Huh? - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 5:54 pm:
You don’t understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum.
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 8:06 pm:
Rauner should have said:
“You can’t make this up. I feel terrible. I let the state down. It’s on me. I have to own it. I have to be a man. Unfortunately, that’s the way it went these last four years.”
But Cody Parkey has more class and guts than Rauner will ever know.
- Rabid - Wednesday, Jan 9, 19 @ 7:04 am:
You have to be inebriated to comprehend the turnaround agenda
- ajjacksson - Wednesday, Jan 9, 19 @ 12:20 pm:
Well said, 47th
- Olmsted - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 11:51 pm:
He could have worked closer with the Republican Party downstate….the votes he got can be credited to Trump