Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rauner predicts out-migration will “get a lot worse” under Pritzker
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Rauner predicts out-migration will “get a lot worse” under Pritzker

Tuesday, Jan 8, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Rauner told reporters today he’s “scared” that out-migration from Illinois will “get a lot worse, the exodus is going to accelerate” under the Pritzker administration

There’s so much talk about raising taxes. Raise the income tax, raise the gas tax, raise the whatever. Goodness, if you’re a working family struggling to make ends meet and your company’s not growing, they’re not adding people, they’re not raising your salary very fast, but things are booming in Tennessee, or Georgia, or Florida or Texas, you say ‘Hey, spouse, maybe we ought to head out.

I’m very scared about this. This is a problem. The exodus could accelerate.

One of my strongest recommendations in the report you all have is stop the discussion about tax hikes. Don’t go to tax hikes. Get the reforms. We don’t have to cut. And this is where I’ve agreed with the Democrats. I’m a social services, human services guy. I don’t want to cut human services. Cut the cost of the government bureaucracy and grow the economy faster. Billions and billions of dollars can be made available for more human services, more education funding. That’s the answer.

* Rauner said he hopes the new administration will “see the light” and change positions on taxes and other things

I’ve blocked so many bills that would cause more bad regulations, and I’m worried that if I’m not there blocking them, boy, they’re going to pass a whole lot of bad regulations. That’ll push more employers out, and then you’ve got that death spiral going. And then with the corruption, self-dealing, and that’s what’s been hurting us, that’s what we’ve fought against. Again, we’ve made progress, but we’re encouraging the new administration to keep fighting.

* When asked what he thought about Gov.-elect JB Pritzker’s legislation to allow for a 15 percent increase in salaries for top agency administrators, Rauner said, “I do believe we underpay directors for the role they do,” adding that he tried to address the issue early on his term by attempting to create a foundation “where donors could contribute so taxpayers didn’t have to pay more,” but was rejected by the “powers that be” in the General Assembly.

However, he prefaced his remarks by saying, “I hope this isn’t the tip of the iceberg on new spending proposals,” and claimed later that Illinois has the “highest paid government employees… not at the director level, but up and down the levels of bureaucracy.” The governor said it would “fundamentally wrong” and send “absolutely the wrong message” to spend more on the government bureaucracy.

More on the governor’s presser in a bit.

…Adding… Raw audio from CMS is here.


  1. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:09 pm:

    I wonder if the Governor also thinks it’s fundamentally wrong to not pay his campaign employees for the last three weeks of the campaign, as promised under contract.

  2. - njt - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:09 pm:

    ===I’m a social services, human services guy. I don’t want to cut human services.===

    Cognitive dissonance is a heck of a thing.

  3. - Montrose - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:10 pm:

    “I’m a social services, human services guy.”

    With friends like that…

  4. - Not so silent majority - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:12 pm:

    Is it January 14 yet? Please.

  5. - Skeptic - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:13 pm:

    “I’m a social services, human services guy.”
    He sure has a funny way of showing it.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:14 pm:

    Rauner lost by 15 points. Thinking it will get worse is a loser mentality that Rauner still thinks he’s right while the voters rejected him at the most embarrassing level in a hundred years.

    If Rauner thinks it’s so bad, for others and Illinois, why is he staying in Illinois?

  7. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:15 pm:

    –I’m a social services, human services guy. I don’t want to cut human services.–

    A lying-liar-who-lies to the end.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:16 pm:

    ===I’m a social services, human services guy.===

    Only The Ounce really prospered under Rauner, via a Pritzker family bailout.

    Rauner can spare me his phony caring.

  9. - njt - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:17 pm:

    ===If Rauner thinks it’s so bad, for others and Illinois, why is he staying in Illinois?===

    To continue the Holy Crusade against Mike Madigan and the voters he controls /s

  10. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:19 pm:

    My God, he still won’t shut up?

    Lucky Pierre has more credibility than Rauner.

  11. - Keyrock - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:21 pm:

    Don’t let the door hit you on the way to Italy.

  12. - Anotheretiree - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:24 pm:

    Can we help him pack ? A suggestion for his next phase. Writing his memoir titled “Finding my G’s”

  13. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:25 pm:

    For his willful malice and misanthropy, Rauner really deserves something with the full fury of Cromwell’s address to the Long Parliament on his way out the door, but I’ll say “just go.”

  14. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:26 pm:

    Governor Rauner:

    Did that humiliating defeat not teach you anything? Apparently not because you’re still spouting the same talking points you’ve been spouting for 4 years.

    And it’s nice to see you’re still attacking state employees even as you’re on your way out of office. Classy.

  15. - LXB - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:28 pm:

    Good to see Bruce spending his last week as governor the same way he spent the other 207: complaining, lying, and doing nothing.

  16. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:28 pm:

    The exodus should start with him. Get lost, dude. The exodus was worse under him, much of it while his income skyrocketed. More phony tears, which are propaganda.

    “I don’t want to cut human services.”

    Says the guy who deliberately starved government and made many thousands if not a million or more vulnerable Illinoisans lose social services.

    Just.Leave. Please.

  17. - Huh? - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:37 pm:

    Gov. Rauner told reporters today that … the exodus is going to accelerate and I’m leading the parade. I’ve got the movers scheduled for the 15th and plane tickets for the 16th. I’m gone. Don’t blame me, it isn’t my fault. I had nothing to do with the mess.”

  18. - Earnest - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:42 pm:

    >We don’t have to cut. And this is where I’ve agreed with the Democrats. I’m a social services, human services guy. I don’t want to cut human services.

    Wow, the only thing he left out is how passionate he is to fund higher education. /s

  19. - A guy - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:43 pm:


  20. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:45 pm:

    Bruce may not have been right about a number of topics, but he is correct with this one. People are fleeing this state and with the increase in a number of taxes and a likely recession in a couple of years, bye bye to a number of taxpayers.

  21. - Cheryl44 - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:45 pm:

    Why won’t he just shut up and go away?

  22. - Wensicia - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:48 pm:

    “I’m a social services, human services guy.”

    He pro-union, too.

  23. - Fuel For the Fire - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:52 pm:

    Leaving with fewer friends and more enemies.

    Can’t wait for his book.

  24. - lake county democrat - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 2:58 pm:

    If George W. Bush can be respected and praised as much as he is by the establishment left these days, there’s hope for Rauner’s reputation yet. But predicting the sun is going to rise doesn’t mean you made the sun rise.

  25. - jimk849 - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 3:01 pm:

    This guy sounds great. He should run for office someday.

  26. - Langhorne - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 3:08 pm:

    “Give me just a bit more time, and i will have my messagin’ dialed in…”

  27. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 3:13 pm:

    I’m anything but a Rauner cheerleader, but what’s the point of hurling barbs at this point? Yes, he absolutely and utterly failed on this front, but it’s old news. I’m far more interested in hearing about the incoming administration’s plans to address this serious issue facing the state. Frankly, I don’t think the Governor-Elect’s party has viewed the outmigration issue with the urgency it deserves.

    We’ve all seen the numbers and anecdotally for me, the number of family members and friends leaving Illinois for what they believe to be greener pastures in other states has gone from a slow drip to a steady stream. Something is clearly wrong and business as usual isn’t an option.

  28. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 3:14 pm:

    Unfortunately, he’s right. I can’t see Pritzker and Madigan doing anything about spending. Taxes will likely skyrocket and the Exodus will get worse.

  29. - Steve - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 3:19 pm:

    He’s probably right on this one.

  30. - Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 3:29 pm:

    Nope. Lack of business investment due to governmental stability caused way more out-migration than taxes. Look at the states with the highest amount of in-migration. They are stable regardless of their tax situation. (Nothing we can do about this but, they are also warmer climates in general.)

  31. - Sue - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 3:30 pm:

    As one of the very few Rauner supporters on this blog- I would prefer the Governor go out with more grace then he is exhibiting. As for Oswego’s encouragement for Rauner to leave Illinois- that would be a lot of income tax to replace so kind of dumb on his part. We need more people with incomes like Rauner’s, not fewer

  32. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 3:34 pm:

    ===…encouragement for Rauner to leave Illinois- that would be a lot of income tax to replace so kind of dumb on his part.===

    What he purposely did to Illinois, I’ll go without his money thanks.

    It’s not always about money.

    I’m sad you think it’s always about money, but, to each it’s own.

  33. - Sue - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 3:42 pm:

    Is- why not donate your sentiments to the State pension systems and they can use them to pay beneficiaries. Illinois is essentially insolvent and assuming Rauner continues to have an income between 50 and 80 million- I think the State could benefit from 5 percent of that. You are one in a million but not good at the fisc

  34. - Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 3:42 pm:

    ===that would be a lot of income tax to replace so kind of dumb on his part. We need more people with incomes like Rauner’s, not fewer===

    I assume the vast majority of his business interests in the state wouldn’t be going with him.

  35. - njt - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 3:47 pm:

    ===We need more people with incomes like Rauner’s, not fewer===

    Probably worth investing in services and systems to produce more people like Rauner. Color me shocked that four years of trashing the state and two years without a budget did not create an environment conducive to economic growth.

  36. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 3:55 pm:

    –Illinois is essentially insolvent…–

    It is? No one’s getting paid?

    Because words have definitions agreed upon definitions.

  37. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 3:57 pm:

    You first, Bruce - you first.

  38. - California Guy - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 4:02 pm:

    Neither Governor seems to be able (or willing) to creatively address structural budget issues in the State. Honestly, if some one has the opportunity to leave, why wouldn’t they? Barring any deep generational family ties, who would want to stick around for more tax increases if they have other options? Rauner and Pritzker are trading political points. The fact remains: Illinois has a crushing debt whereby the only solutions that seem to materialize involve more revenue from residents.

  39. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 4:03 pm:

    We sincerely hope out-migration from the state increases by two. Permanently.

  40. - Sue - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 4:06 pm:

    Ducky - learn the facts- Rauner has investment income - what are you possibly talking about- if you have investment income if 50 million- you’d Illinois tax bill is 2.5 million- end of story.

  41. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 4:08 pm:

    ===you’d Illinois tax bill is 2.5 million===

    We can forgo it. The damage the RaunerS caused is measured in the billions…

  42. - Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 4:27 pm:

    ===Ducky - learn the facts- Rauner has investment income - what are you possibly talking about- if you have investment income if 50 million- you’d Illinois tax bill is 2.5 million- end of story.===

    If that business income is generated in Illinois, it will still be subjected to Illinois taxation regardless of where he lives. Are you saying that if he moves, he would completely divest from Illinois?

  43. - Jocko - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 4:34 pm:

    Jeez, Eeyore has more optimism than this guy. He conveniently overlooks the fact that taxes need to be raised to cover the actions of his administration

  44. - Illinois Resident - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 4:41 pm:

    Rauner is a joke. Cannabis legalization will provide jobs, industry, tax revenue, etc. Where were you on this Rauner? He let his personal views get in the way of progress for our state. Good riddance.

  45. - ChicagoVinny - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 4:41 pm:

    Good riddance

  46. - Honeybear - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 4:56 pm:

    California Guy, could you sit down please. Loving Jesus, Pritzker hasn’t even been inaugurated and you’re already saying he hasn’t or isn’t willing.
    Man, catch up or drop out now pal.

  47. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 5:03 pm:

    The Exodus accelerated with the huge tax increase last year. My guess is we will use more people in 2019 as the hurt sinks in.

  48. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 5:27 pm:

    Word, ask Moody’s how solvent Illinois is

  49. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 5:43 pm:

    –Word, ask Moody’s how solvent Illinois is–

    Moody’s said Illinois was “insolvent?” When was that?

    Consult Webster’s and educate yourself as to what the words “solvent” and “insolvent” mean. You don’t get to make up your own definitions.

  50. - Illinois Resident - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 5:46 pm:

    Anonymous - Are you in favor of more jobs and higher revenue from the new cannabis industry? Cause if not, then I guess you are not providing ways to actually help solve the state budget issue.

  51. - Sue - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 5:54 pm:

    Ducky- too bad AA isn’t here. I take it your not an accountant

  52. - Liandro - Tuesday, Jan 8, 19 @ 11:37 pm:

    Insolvent: “unable to pay debts as they come due”

    Hrm. To be clear, you’re arguing that that DOESN’T fit Illinois at all? I don’t think it’s exactly a stretch…

  53. - Union Thug Gramma - Wednesday, Jan 9, 19 @ 2:02 am:

    From the carpet bagger that caused some of the worst exodus from our very great universities…NOW A WARNING?????
    Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya Rauner Look I did this without swearing, I’m so proud of myself.

  54. - Pick a Name - Wednesday, Jan 9, 19 @ 7:37 am:

    Funny Union Thug, I just received my alum magazine from UIUC. Record enrollment, record freshman class, a large % of in-state kids attending, record number of diverse students, record overall enrollment. And, a glowing write-up from the chancellor.

  55. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 9, 19 @ 8:06 am:

    ===And, a glowing write-up from the chancellor.===

    Funny what a full year funding will do, but “you know”… lol

  56. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 9, 19 @ 8:07 am:

    Liandro, there’s a difference between “unable” and “unwilling” for whatever reasons.

  57. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 9, 19 @ 8:09 am:

    And Liandro, let me know the next time Illinois misses a payroll or a bond payment, or a pensioneer doesn’t get a check.

  58. - truthteller - Wednesday, Jan 9, 19 @ 8:23 am:

    again, rauner and GOP IGNORE the disparity Illinois has with receiving Federal program funds. We are 3rd from the bottom of all states on federal monies received.

  59. - windowless office guy - Wednesday, Jan 9, 19 @ 9:19 am:

    Poll of the day:

    When Rauner says out-migration will get worth, he himself may be considering leaving Illinois. Would you describe that as a negative or positive development for the state?

  60. - Pick a Name - Wednesday, Jan 9, 19 @ 9:30 am:

    Yep Willy, I do know. When the university puts out a report with facts, I pass them along. I’ve been passing them along for some time now, as they have set many records for the past 8 years.

    If you want to ignore or dispute the facts, that is up to you.

  61. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 9, 19 @ 9:39 am:

    ===When the university puts out a report with facts, I pass them along. I’ve been passing them along for some time now, as they have set many records for the past 8 years.===

    You’re such… a piece of work…


    ===If you want to ignore or dispute the facts, that is up to you.===

    Like you did with this?

    “Given the financial challenges facing higher education over the past 25 months, our focus has been on protecting our students’ Illinois experience and ensuring their success,” Urbana-Champaign Chancellor Robert Jones said in a statement. “We are proud that despite the state budget crisis, our graduation rate, freshman retention rate, admitted student quality and reputation among peers and high school counselors all held steady or improved. Our class sizes crept up, but only slightly.”===

    And UIUC ranking going down… and lowering admission standards… but, “you know”… even when you ignore…

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