Stava-Murray roundup
Thursday, Jan 10, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Raquel Martin at WCIA TV…
All but one Democrat, Rep. Anne Stava-Murray (D-Naperville) voted for him.
Stava-Murray said she couldn’t vote for the Speaker because of a series of sexual harassment complaints in his office. The complaints became public last year, in the midst of a #MeToo fallout at the Capitol.
“I felt great, I was smiling before hand and it felt so empowering to do the thing that I promised,” said Stava-Murray.
Stava- Murray says Madigan apologized to her in private about the harassment complaints and promised to address the issue moving forward.
Much of her campaign was based on a promise to vote against Madigan and she kept her promise.
* Sam Dunklau at NPR Illinois…
Stava-Murray says voters in her district “factored into” her decision, since she campaigned on voting against Madigan. She says they did not support the longtime speaker’s leadership in the House, though some of her colleagues were “hard-selling” a Madigan vote.
But it was primarily Madigan’s stance on sexual harassment in the state legislature that drove Stava-Murray away. She says the Chicago Democrat hasn’t done enough to combat what she calls “a culture of sexual assault and violence.” She also claims she’s been harassed on several occasions by people working for Madigan since she was elected in November.
“When you have leaders who have to step down as a result of the “MeToo” movement, you’ve clearly been promoting people who display those aggressive behaviors,” she said. “Whether or not you know, you’ve chosen to know or not know.”
* Greg Bishop at Illinois News Network…
State Rep. Will Davis, D-Hazel Crest, said Stava-Murray should find ways to work with her colleagues.
“Don’t work to try to alienate yourself,” Davis said. “There are still things that you want to get done and you need 60 members in the House and 30 members in the Senate.” […]
Stava-Murray said she’s on the Democratic team, but that doesn’t mean staying silent when the leader isn’t doing enough to address harassment and intimidation at the statehouse.
“I think dissent is patriotic,” Stava-Murray said. “It makes us stronger to be able to say ‘that’s OK, I respect a difference of opinions. To me, only dictators get 100 percent of the vote.”
* Mark Maxwell at WCIA TV…
[Sen. Ann Gillespie, D-Arlington Heights] shrugged off concerns about the potential for witnessing harassment in a statehouse where so many stories of harassment had been reported.
“I came out of corporate America, so that didn’t scare me at all,” she said. She added that electing more women to office would be the only lasting solution to change the culture and cure the problem.
* Mike Riopell at the Tribune…
Even before Stava-Murray was sworn in to her first Illinois House term on Wednesday, she announced she’d challenge U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin in 2020. She has started referring to Durbin as “my opponent” on social media.
* She’s been advertising her US Senate campaign on Facebook. Here’s both of them…
In honor of Girl Scout cookie sales kicking off, I’m introducing a Couragous Cookie Contest:
This competition will be sponsored by my campaign and include 6 Prizes…
Grand Prize: $200 in sales (donated to the troops) and a pizza party for the winner’s troop
5 Runners-Up: 10 boxes each (donated to the troops)
If your IL Girl Scout is interested in participating, please have them create a 2 min video introducing themselves and sharing the most valuable lesson they learned in 2018.
Please email entries that include entrant first name, troop number, favorite badge she’s earned, age, school, and video to before ***midnight January 16th, 2019***
Winners will be announced 1/31/19.
Please tag a Girl Scout parent in the comments below to help spread the word!
Also, love the mission, my former Brownie days, and that they’ve accepted trans members since 2012 🌈.
“Our fundamental value is empowering girls to be leaders in their own lives. By helping them build the courage, confidence, and character to lift their voices, champion their views, and be advocates for the issues and ideas important to them, Girl Scouts supports girls as they become catalysts for change who strengthen their communities.”
Posted by Anne Stava-Murray for U.S. Senate on Wednesday, January 2, 2019
* Madigan on joy ride after ‘four long years’ of Rauner’s ‘my way or the highway’
- Montrose - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 11:33 am:
I am glad the vote is over and she was able to vote the way she promised she would. Now we will see how she actually operates in the legislature. Fingers crossed that she can figure out a way to stay true to her principals while being pragmatic.
- low level - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 11:38 am:
==she also said she’s been harrassed by people working for Madigan since being elected==
Im sorry- im just not buying it. After all the coverage and fall out last year and the premature ending of some careers, Madigan’s people would have to be stupid to engage in that behavior towards her.
Say what you will about Madigan or his staff (especially the Springfield ones)… hacks, minions, whatever.
One thing you cannot say is that he or his people are stupid.
- Honeybear - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 11:39 am:
I hate to do this…..but
She’s going to get a nickname.
This crap’s not helpful right now.
It’s got nothin’ to do with being silent
It’s got everything to do with maturity
and most importantly
not allowing the narrative of Madigan the evil
to remain as a weapon
Ad hominem is a logical fallacy
and has to stop
cool it
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 11:46 am:
–She also claims she’s been harassed on several occasions by people working for Madigan since she was elected in November.–
Now that she’s made that claim several times in the press, it is her duty to file formal complaints with the Legislative Inspector General.
You can’t do the first and not do the second and remain credible.
I look forward to Stava-Murray’s announcement that she has done so.
- Politix - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 11:48 am:
She’s got a tough campaign ahead of her if she thinks she has a chance against Sen. Durbin. She’s been a state rep for 5 mins. In contrast, Durbin has been a solid public secant for so long, nationally well-respected and by colleagues on both sides of the aisle. He has worked hard on women’s issues for decades.
- illini - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 11:59 am:
At the risk of sounding too much like the “old man” that I am, I have a few comments and suggestions for Stava-Murray.
I am a 69 year old liberal and progressive Democrat who lives in Deep Red Southern Illinois. I’ve been in the trenches of political campaigns for 50 years and have learned a few things.
Your new found prominence can be used in one of two ways - you can use it to develop relationships that will benefit you in the future or you can remain the bore that you are suddenly becoming. And if the later remains the case I fear that your political future will be short lived.
Prove to me that you are a person of substance with more than a one issue mantra and there could be a time when I could consider supporting you for a higher office in this state.
And if your challenge of Senator Durbin is anything more than an ego trip right now I fear your influence will be short lived.
- Norseman - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 12:15 pm:
Madigan’s task is to work with local Dems to get a quality candidate in place when Rep. Paycheck goes off on her egotistical quixotic run for the U.S. Senate.
In the meantime, she’ll be good at generating print from reporters eager for controversy to put in their stories, but she have almost no legislative impact.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 12:41 pm:
–She says the Chicago Democrat hasn’t done enough to combat what she calls “a culture of sexual assault and violence.”–
Have I missed the reports of “sexual assault and violence” in the GA?
If you’re going to throw those words out there, you really have to back them up with facts.
- Huh? - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 12:42 pm:
“Much of her campaign was based on a promise to vote against Madigan and she kept her promise.”
The news reports say she voted “present” which is different than voting no. So the vote for Speaker was 71(yes)-0(no)-1(present). Yes, she didn’t vote for Madigan, but she didn’t vote against.
- Jocko - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 12:43 pm:
==she couldn’t vote for the Speaker because of a series of sexual harassment complaints in his office.==
Is she privy to details surrounding the sexual harassment complaints or going on what the media reported?
As Lincoln once said, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 12:45 pm:
Jeanne Ives of another cloth.
- Stark - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 12:47 pm:
…Still got nothing on why running for the Senate against Dick Durbin of all people makes any sense.
- Pundent - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 12:51 pm:
So Stava-Murray gets elected, accomplishes her one objective (not voting for Madigan) and as an encore she will now run against Dick Durbin? Seems like this is more about her than the people of her district.
- Moe Berg - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 1:21 pm:
To Wordslinger’s point: if she’s going to make claims of a “culture of sexual harassment and violence” reporters need to press her on what specifically she means. Violence???
If she doesn’t have facts, the media should not give oxygen to a later day Joe McCarthy with a list of “members of the Communist Party and members of a spy ring.”
- NoUseForAName - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 2:11 pm:
- Huh? - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 12:42 pm:
“Much of her campaign was based on a promise to vote against Madigan and she kept her promise.”
The news reports say she voted “present” which is different than voting no. So the vote for Speaker was 71(yes)-0(no)-1(present). Yes, she didn’t vote for Madigan, but she didn’t vote against.
You can’t vote no, it’s not even an option. You can vote for a nominated individual, in this case Madigan or Durkin, or you can vote present.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 2:20 pm:
=You can’t vote no, it’s not even an option.=
If that’s true, why is there a tally of “no” votes (albeit -0-).
- Great Caesar's Ghost! - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 3:31 pm:
Having announced for the U.S. Senate she’s already a lame duck; and most probably will change her mind about that.
If she couldn’t handle being “lobbied” for her Speaker vote how in Gods green earth is she going to handle the pressure when she’s lobbied heavily on controversial issues? Filing harassment complaints against anyone who’s “mean” to her? Heaven help us!
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 3:41 pm:
===If that’s true===
It is true. The choices were Madigan, Durkin or “Present”
- NoGifts - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 3:45 pm:
“I felt great, I was smiling before hand and it felt so empowering to do the thing that I promised” Sorry to say this, but none of this is about your feelings.
- Anon324 - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 4:02 pm:
==why is there a tally of “no” votes (albeit -0-).==
That is a reflection of individuals who did not cast a vote, as in “no vote registered.” It was not an “aye” or “nay” vote.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 7:27 pm:
Thanks Rich and A324.
I get it now - No vote is not a “No” vote. ;-]
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 7:31 pm:
–To Wordslinger’s point: if she’s going to make claims of a “culture of sexual harassment and violence” reporters need to press her on what specifically she means. Violence???–
Moe, her quote in the NPR story is a “culture of sexual assault and violence.” Not sexual harassment, sexual assault.
Yeah, some J-101 follow-up questions are in order here. Words have meaning.
And Rep. Stava-Murray needs to file complaints with the Legislative Inspector General as to the harassment she has claimed in the press that she has been subjected to.
All of these are very serious charges and need to see the light of day.
- Mama - Thursday, Jan 10, 19 @ 8:16 pm:
“I came out of corporate America”.
Well that explains a lot…
- DuPage Bard - Friday, Jan 11, 19 @ 1:56 am:
Anne Stava-Murray your 15 minutes are about up.
You’ve accomplished what you said you would.
You feel very proud of yourself and have let all of us know how you feel about yourself and what you’ve done.
You’ve gotten your press.
Now it’s time to actually work. Let’s see what you do in the halls of the Capitol.
Seeing the way you dealt with people lobbying you for Madigan and called them all harasses and are filing complaints against, I’ve got a feeling not too many folks are going to coming to ask you about roll calls. Going to be fairly lonely for you very soon from what I can guess.
- BigDoggie - Friday, Jan 11, 19 @ 9:01 am:
Wow. One Dem dares to not vote for The King and pretty much EVERY SINGLE PERSON on this site rips her a new one. I knew the slant of the group that posts here, but I didn’t realize it was an all out assault team on anyone or anything that dares to oppose The King. Pretty clear why this state has and continues to head straight downhill.
- Norseman - Friday, Jan 11, 19 @ 10:44 am:
=== One Dem dares to not vote for The King and pretty much EVERY SINGLE PERSON on this site rips her a new one. ===
Wrong BigDoggie. I and most on this site don’t care that she didn’t vote for Madigan. It’s about her actions. She declared herself a duck before even taking the oath of office. In addition, she announced a run for U.S. Senate, again before taking office for the post for which she was just elected. In a tweet response to Rich and I, she discusses wanting to ensure that she gets a paycheck for her public service. Stava-Murray will have to work hard to repair the damage to her reputation her rhetoric has already wrought.