* I watched the first two episodes of this series and it was a nauseating, shocking experience. Sun-Times editorial…
If there’s a radio station in Chicago still playing R. Kelly’s music, shame on them.
If there’s a concert venue still willing to book him, shame on them, too.
They are turning a blind eye to the abundant evidence of Kelly’s sexual pursuit and abuse of underage girls.
“Surviving R. Kelly,” the 3-part documentary seen last week by an estimated 1.9 million viewers, laid it all out in explicit, harrowing details recounted by some of the survivors of Kelly’s abuse, including his ex-wife.
* Today…
Chicago’s 95.1 FM Clubsteppin station will no longer play any music by R.Kelly because of the controversy that resurfaced after Lifetime’s “Surviving R. Kelly” documentary series.
* Other stories if you’re not up to speed…
* Eye-opening R. Kelly documentary on Lifetime an ‘uneasy’ must-watch: “I want my story to be heard so people can take the situation seriously,” says Lisa Van Allen, one of Kelly’s former love interests, who first hooked up with him when she was 17. The series does just that, presenting credible, firsthand accounts of years of alleged abuse against young girls and women by Kelly, a Chicago native. According to several subjects, the singer and his entourage purposefully scoped out Kenwood Academy High School girls at a Hyde Park McDonald’s.
* The timeline of the R. Kelly child pornography case
* At least 2 women contact Cook County prosecutors with new R. Kelly allegations: One woman, who’s originally from Georgia, said that Kelly engaged in inappropriate conduct with her at his rented warehouse/studio space in 2002. She said she ran away from home in Georgia, met Kelly in Florida and eventually came back to Chicago with him.
* R. Kelly ordered to allow inspectors inside rented warehouse
* After ‘Surviving R Kelly,’ the #MuteRKelly movement gains momentum
* Lady Gaga apologizes for ‘poor judgment’ over R. Kelly song; stands with victims
* Chance the Rapper apologizes for ‘taking this long to speak out’ about R. Kelly
* Georgia prosecutor seeking info about R. Kelly, lawyer says
* Instagram post linked to R. Kelly’s daughter blasts performer: In the IG post, Buku Abi says she is “devastated” over “everything that is going on right now” and offered support to alleged victims. “I pray for all the families … that have been affected by my father’s actions.”
* ‘Surviving R. Kelly’ leads to spike in sales, streams for the singer
* And now this from WICS TV…
An organizer is selling tickets for Springfield Spring Break Jam, hosted by R. Kelly at the expo center on April 6, 2019.
But after allegations have come up against the R&B singer R. Kelly, it is unclear if the concert will go on as planned.
The Department of Agriculture confirmed organizers submitted an application for the Springfield Spring Break Jam, but said the application is still under review.
Officials said there are 13 factors they consider when reviewing an application for a concert.
That is the same State Fair Exposition Center where JB Pritzker’s inaugural ball will be held.
The Illinois Department of Agriculture needs to find a way to cancel this show. Period.
*** UPDATE 1 *** The person who runs Kity Promotions, which is putting on the show just told me via Facebook messenger that R Kelly “will not be performing,” at the concert.
*** UPDATE 2 *** From the Department of Ag…
Hey Rich! Just want to make a couple clarifications on the R. Kelly story – the event organizers submitted an application to lease space on the Illinois State Fairgrounds to host a concert featuring R. Kelly. However, that application was under review until yesterday, at which point IDOA staff contacted the organizer to let them know their application would not be approved. IDOA’s Administrative Code outlines 13 criteria that applicants must meet to lease space (ftp://www.ilga.gov/JCAR/AdminCode/008/008002700J04950R.html) and in this case, the event did not meet criteria C, E, and G.
Unfortunately, we cannot control when organizers start promoting an event – in this case, there was never a signed agreement to host the event at the Illinois State Fairgrounds, only an application.
- OneMan - Friday, Jan 11, 19 @ 1:34 pm:
Jim DeRegoatis has been writing about this for a long time.
- City Zen - Friday, Jan 11, 19 @ 1:50 pm:
“If there’s a radio station in Chicago still playing R. Kelly’s music, shame on them.”
TVOne still airs The Cosby Show multiple times per day. Someone though including an R Kelly song in the Pitch Perfect franchise was a good idea too.
I wouldn’t mind not hearing another R Kelly song on terrestrial waves ever again.
- 47th Ward - Friday, Jan 11, 19 @ 1:52 pm:
The state should simply cancel the contract. If Kelly sues, ask for a jury trial and take your chances.
- Real - Friday, Jan 11, 19 @ 1:54 pm:
First of all even if he is guilty why try to get his music banned? His music has nothing to do with this. Even still someone should not be judged guilty baaed upon a tv show. He hasn’t even told his side of the story yet. But overall leave his music out of this.
- Because I said so... - Friday, Jan 11, 19 @ 2:04 pm:
His music has nothing to do with this? His music has EVERYTHING to do with this. He used his music to lure KIDS into his sick and twisted world. Come on…
- OneMan - Friday, Jan 11, 19 @ 2:14 pm:
== First of all even if he is guilty why try to get his music banned ==
Should it be banned? No.
Should pressure be placed upon entities who distribute it and profit from it? Sure.
If wants to sell it himself via a website he can go right ahead.
But if he wants to perform at the Paramount in Aurora which my tax dollars support I am going to work to stop that from happening.
Not that hard.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jan 11, 19 @ 2:26 pm:
After this and Cosby and MeToo, why does Michael Jackson continue to get a pass?
- Moby - Friday, Jan 11, 19 @ 2:28 pm:
===But overall leave his music out of this.===
Um, no.
- 47th Ward - Friday, Jan 11, 19 @ 2:36 pm:
===why does Michael Jackson continue to get a pass?===
Hopefully Kelly will be able to ask Michael Jackson about that soon.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jan 11, 19 @ 2:38 pm:
State Fair needs to re-think the sale of admission
(R-Kelly) Got protests from the women
- Soccermom - Friday, Jan 11, 19 @ 2:47 pm:
47th you are bad. Funny, but bad.
- ChrisB - Friday, Jan 11, 19 @ 2:55 pm:
Growing up in the South Suburbs, it’s fascinating to see what my AA friends have to say about their experiences with Mr. Kelly. It was pretty much an open secret at the roller rinks and malls. He preyed on poor black girls by offering them a dream. He was allowed to do this because he was rich man who had a ton of support because of his music. No one was going to speak out against him. Therefore, his music has everything to do with this. He gets royalties every time it’s played. After the documentary, people don’t want to give him money, so they stop supporting him with their ears. It’s simple, really.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jan 11, 19 @ 2:56 pm:
“Real” - No. Robert Kelly belongs in prison, not on the airwaves.
- lakeside - Friday, Jan 11, 19 @ 3:02 pm:
Why does someone always do the “but what about x person?” thing? We are talking about R. Kelly, who is alleged to be a monster who has preyed on young black women for *decades*. And who, until this came out despite decades of evidence, had a show planned at a venue related to our state government. This is the conversation we’re having right now.
- lakeside - Friday, Jan 11, 19 @ 3:03 pm:
Adding: Young women and girls. Very young girls. For decades.
- Nearly Normal - Friday, Jan 11, 19 @ 3:38 pm:
Rich–Your contact for the concert states he will not be “performing.” But the info states he would be “hosting”–not quite the same thing. He should not be there period, his name should not appear connected to this in any way. The man is a predator.
- getreal2019 - Friday, Jan 11, 19 @ 4:17 pm:
If you ban R Kelly music, be sure to ban Elvis and shut down Graceland. He was also a pedophile. He was 25 and Priscilla 14. Hugh Heffner posted nude photos of 8yr old Brook Shields. Ban Playboy from the newsstands. And the list goes on.. let’s be equal in our bashing