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That was some party last night

Tuesday, Jan 15, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I have no idea what the future will bring, but here’s the one thing of which I am certain: JB and MK Pritzker know how to throw a party. This, my friends, is the Expo Building on the state fairgrounds…

Yeah. The Expo Building. You know that place. It’s the one with all the little commercial booths. Unrecognizable last night.

…Adding… If you’ve never been to the Expo Building, here it is in its “natural state”…

* SJ-R

A large crowd of Pritzker supporters and others mingled, took selfies and danced to various bands, including a surprise appearance from Maroon 5, an internationally known, three-time Grammy Award-winning band usually seen playing large arenas and stadiums.

In fact, just a day earlier, the NFL announced Maroon 5, fronted by Adam Levine, will be the main act of the Super Bowl halftime show on Feb. 3. But there they were on the stage in the Expo Building Monday night, playing hits such as “Payphone,” “One More Night,” “Sunday Morning” and “Harder to Breathe.”

Speculation over the identity of Monday’s headlining act circulated around town all day. Inauguration officials remained tight-lipped about who it was.

Just before Maroon 5 came out, the new governor and his wife, M.K. Pritzker, came out on stage for their first dance as the first couple. They danced to “How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You).”

I had to Google Maroon 5 to see who they were. I told people I’d done that and almost all of them said, “Dude, they’re playing at the Super Bowl.” My response was, “Yeah, I realized that during my Google search.” Turns out, I knew several of their songs.

* The crowd went crazy…

* I don’t know how much the Pritzkers spent on last night’s shindig, but they also did some good

“This is amazing. It is for the people, all the proceeds are being donated to charity from what I understand, so we are all here just to have a great time,” said Sanovia Reynolds Parks, campaign volunteer.

One of the charities is the Illinois State Fair Foundation; the other is Cabrini Green Legal Aid, which helps low income Chicagoans maneuver the legal system. The executive director of the organization was a colleague of Lieutenant Governor Julianna Stratton.

“Being the recipient of this award was quite a surprise um Juliana called me during the week at like 10 o’clock at night and gave us the big news and so I was like ‘What is going on!’ Um, this is so exciting,” said Esther Franco-Payne, executive director CGLA.

With over 1,000 people in attendance, the ball raised at least $250,000 for those charities.

* The one thing I didn’t expect to see was a ton of Republicans. I think I’d been at the ball five or ten minutes before I finally talked to a Democrat.

Both Republican legislative leaders were also there and they didn’t just make a quick appearance and leave. They stuck around and partied. I talked to them and they were clearly having a good time and were both very hopeful about the future.

So, I wouldn’t put much stock into this analysis

And while [JB Pritzker’s inauguration] speech was imbued with the bipartisanship that’s been running throughout inauguration weekend, the GOP didn’t buy it. Before Pritzker had left the building, Illinois GOP Chairman Tim Schneider released a scathing statement.

He said Pritzker delivered “the same agenda that has dragged our state down for decades—borrow, tax, spend, repeat.” And he accused Pritzker of failing to mention “promised” support of legislative leadership term limits and an independent redistricting commission. Both initiatives are supported by the Illinois GOP. “We didn’t hear anything about them today. Why? Because they were only a ploy to win votes,” Schneider said.

The honeymoon seemed over with Republicans, but Dems were swooning.

Um, what?

It’s going to take a whole lot more than one silly press release from the state party to poison the well. People on both sides appear to be legitimately hungry for peace and progress. I don’t know how long this will last, but party hacks are gonna party hack. The real work is being done in Springfield, not GOP headquarters in Chicago.


  1. - Perrid - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:10 am:

    “I had to Google Maroon 5″… generational gaps always surprise me. I first heard about Maroon 5 when I was in Junior High when She Will Be Loved was released.

    And you evidently don’t watch The Voice, where Adam Levine has been a judge since 2011…

  2. - Precinct Captain - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:11 am:

    Sounds like the IL GOP is just upset that their billionaire was known for cash bars.

  3. - NIU Grad - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:13 am:

    Holy Moly! It didn’t hit me until now that the pictures I was seeing last night were from the Expo building.

  4. - Just Me 2 - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:14 am:

    Don’t forget that the IL GOP Party HQ is still part of the Rauner-funded machine.

  5. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:14 am:

    It would be political malpratice for ILGOP to NOT put out a press release dinging the Dems. As Willy would say, they’re laying out a marker. If JB is successful, it won’t matter anyway, he’ll be re-elected. If he struggles, ILGOP will be able to say “We saw it coming, and here’s the receipts.”

    But Schneider and the ILGOP Central Committee are probably the most diminished of all the arms of the Republican Party in the state, and that’s saying something. They aren’t indicative of what legislators are going to do.

  6. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:16 am:

    I really don’t get the point of Tim Schneider saying anything yesterday. Who’s paying attention?

    Given the FUBAR of the ILGOP efforts and results last November, I don’t get why he’s saying anything at all, or why he even still has the gig.

  7. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:16 am:

    ===evidently don’t watch The Voice===

    I tried and it was horrible.

  8. - Roman - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:16 am:

    His clout (Bruce Rauner) is gone and he got tossed from his county board seat. Tim Schneider is beyond irrelevant.

  9. - illini - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:19 am:

    Don’t worry Rich. I’m older than you and could not name a song the recorded, but I did know the name of the band.

    Only wishing I could have been there - sounds like a great celebration and perhaps a move to some bi-partisan cooperation.

  10. - Duopoly - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:20 am:

    I also saw quite a few republicans there too, and yes it was a first-rate operation: well organized, comfortable for the type of venue / party and you could go to the less crowded 2nd floor to visit. I remember what a contrast it was to the Quinn inauguration party where they couldn’t even run a proper coat check.

  11. - City Zen - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:21 am:

    Smart choice. Non-controversial, adult-contemporary friendly, throw-away doctor’s waiting room music. If this were 2009, it would’ve been the Black Eyed Peas.

    I’m a bit disappointed, what with the resurgence of Yacht Rock and the obvious tie-in.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:24 am:

    ===Both Republican legislative leaders were also there and they didn’t just make a quick appearance and leave. They stuck around and partied. I talked to them and they were clearly having a good time and were both very hopeful about the future.===

    The ILGOP is trying to make the partisan party arm relevant, albeit with losing stale talking points, but…

    As a Republican and not a Raunerite and someone pleased with the new tone and tenor… to the governing… that’s the rub the partisan Raunerites and Profts and Ives ignore… in the governing… that goodwill, I hope has serious legs through tough discussions on a budget, revenue, a capital plan, higher education… a “party” here is symbolic to the releasing of Rauner’s last hostage, the GA Raunerites who can claim the mantle again… as Republicans, if they so choose.

    I’m more than excited and thrilled at the possibilities, while understanding the “Thompson Pivot” is coming and hard work is following that too.

    The ILGOP, to exist post-RaunerS, will need to be seen as tough partners wanting to engage in governing. I’m hopeful all will engage in process, all get some wins, and this state has more parties like last night celebrating successes, not just the end of a terror reign.

  13. - curtis - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:25 am:

    No wonder why #twill twitter is awfully quiet this morning…

  14. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:25 am:

    Agree Maroon 5 was a safe choice with broad appeal. Probably cost mid six figures.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:27 am:

    ===…would say, they’re laying out a marker.===

    (Tips cap to - Arsenal - )

    Yeah, i thought about that, and your solid points.

    The problem is their stale, losing angle misses the mark and highlights why the ILGOP is now a super-minority entity.

  16. - Pundent - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:36 am:

    There’s obviously a path back to relevance for the ILGOP. Unfortunately Schneider seems to think that it follows the talking points of Ives and Proft. It does not. He needs to take stock in what’s happening nationally and at the state level within the party and how that resonates with Illinois voters. Otherwise it’s going to be a long winter.

  17. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:38 am:

    Republican positions are so stale. This is what they keep trotting out. They’re not change people. They want to keep the tired, old status quo or even go backward. Many others want changes, like a progressive income tax and tax fairness, marijuana legalization, labor protections, minimum wage hike, LGBTQ protections and other positions.

    Go ahead, ILGOP, keep shrinking your party.

  18. - lakeside - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:40 am:

    Didn’t get a chance to comment on the post yesterday, but my favorite part of Pritzker’s speech was about being foolish enough to believe we could get big things accomplished.

    I can’t believe how decynic-ed I’ve been the last few weeks. I am absolutely feeling foolish and on board with similar fools (i.e., not Schneider).

  19. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:41 am:

    ==The problem is their stale, losing angle misses the mark and highlights why the ILGOP is now a super-minority entity.==

    Yeah, it’s obviously not the best version of this kind of press release.

  20. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:42 am:

    –Tim Schneider is beyond irrelevant.–

    In the annals of the ILGOP, his place in history is firmly established.

    –Shut out of all state offices.

    – Loss of two gerrymandered-GOP congressional seats, plus suburban GOP GA seats.

    – Nazi and 9/11 truther GOP nominees.

    – Incumbent GOP governor allegedly tried to bail and he didn’t know it.

    – Lost his own county board seat.

    – Sugar Daddy gone to New Zealand.

    Given that list of accomplishments, you trot out the same old boiler-plate talking points on inauguration day — when your failure is presented to the world in stark reality?

  21. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:44 am:

    ===Yeah, it’s obviously not the best version of this kind of press release.===

    The problem, again, and you see it, is there are far better angles and partisan takes to make a point but choosing as they did, and on the Inauguration Day, it highlights why Raunerites got beat, why Rauner was rejected, and why the national wave hit here to help in Illinois too

    There are angles to choose. They chose poorly.

  22. - TinyDancer(FKASue) - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:51 am:

    =I had to Google Maroon 5 to see who they were.=

    This is what happens when you’re old enough to have been present at the Sly concert. (Petrillo Music Shell - predates Pritzker Pavilion)
    Startin’ to feel old.

  23. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:56 am:

    Republicans are not change people?

    Completely ludicrous misdirection. Speaker Madigan admits to not being a change person.

    He won’t fix the reliance on property taxes in Illinois because he is a property tax lawyer who makes 7 figures a year.

    The results speak for themselves, record out migration and huge unfunded liabilities.

    He wins elections by promising freebies and then fails at balanced budgets and governing.

    It will be fascinating to see who will be the scapegoat for continued dysfunction in Springfield?

  24. - LakeCo - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 10:59 am:

    To quote South Pacific, “I know what you are against…what are you for?”
    It’s perfectly clear that the ILGOP (and the national GOP) are against the Democratic party and their ideas. But what are their own ideas? What’s the vision? What’s the plan forward? Until they can articulate a positive vision and stop being the party of opposition (even when they’re in power!) the GOP has nothing to offer this state or country.

  25. - Louis G. Atsaves - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 11:09 am:

    I believe both parties are walking on eggs when it comes to bipartisanship. It goes against the grain of modern politics these days. Let’s see how the Speaker handles it.

    Pritzker keeps stressing bipartisanship yet threw some red meat at Democrats during his inauguration speech, while Rauner was still sitting there. Not the best form, but I got the reason why he did it.

    Republicans in office keep stressing working together in a bipartisan fashion, while the ILGOP itself is engaged in a fierce civil war, thus the red meat tossed out by Schneider.

    I am cutting both sides some slack at this point.

    Let the party chairmen do their jobs and let the elected officials do their jobs.

    And don’t sweat not knowing who Maroon 5 were, Rich. I had to Google and download some Toby Keith music on my I-Phone four years ago, as I was basically clueless about him. Heard the Red Solo Cup song for the first time at the Rauner inauguration ball and felt like I was the only one there who didn’t know it. I’m still clueless about Maroon 5, but the music downloads on my phone basically end around 1978, so you are way, way ahead of me on that front.

  26. - Skeptic - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 11:20 am:

    “This is what happens when you’re old enough to have been present at the Sly concert.” Was I at Woodstock? I don’t remember…

  27. - Soccermom - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 11:24 am:

    I wasn’t there. I had a previous engagement with Sir Paul

  28. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 11:33 am:

    ==He wins elections==

    That’s the ballgame. How did all of that whining and victimhood work out for you this last election?

  29. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 11:41 am:

    Oh - Louis G Atsaves -, LOL

    ===Let’s see how the Speaker handles it.===

    With his super majority, thanks to Rauner, he’ll handle it fine. Let’s not forget, having a super majority has curses as well as advantages. Peeling off targets for bipartisan roll calls, for gives, Madigan has done that. It was your governor, Rauner, who couldn’t take a 90% win… but please, tell me about the Speaker, lol

    ===The results speak for themselves…===

    Yep. Rauner lost by a margin not seen for a Republican incumbent governor in a century. That’s 100 years.

    Republicans, not Raunerites like you and - Louis G Atsaves - need to come to grips… Rauner failed, the Dems have control of all 8… two senators too… statewide offices, 114 seats in the GA, won all the suburban congressional seats, less Kinzinger whom they didn’t target… you need to recalibrate.

  30. - Honeybear - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 11:54 am:

    Full disclosure- I’m struggling to be self-differentiated (in the Bowen sense)
    I just don’t feel celebratory.
    I was kind of turned off by the tuxedos, evening gowns, Maroon 5, laser lights, open bars, selfie culture, bougieness of it all.
    I pressed “like” a lot
    But really, it made me feel strange.
    Some might say I was jealous.
    But I absolutely wasn’t. I wouldn’t have wanted to go even if I had been invited.
    I recently watch The Great Gatsby movie
    I was thinking about it a lot
    And about a literary critique of the work.
    Why I Despise The Great Gatsby, By Kathryn Schulz
    As I looked at those pictures of the Ball, I felt like I was witnessing Schulz “Third Person Sanctimonious”
    I was also reminded of the book by Anand Giridharadas “Winners take All”
    Regardless, I very strongly felt, this is not my victory party.
    A side has won.
    A victory is exalted.
    But disconcertingly
    and confusingly
    I feel
    It wasn’t mine.

  31. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 11:58 am:

    =People on both sides appear to be legitimately hungry for peace and progress.=

    Man I hope that it stays that way for a long time. As much as I have become very cynical over the years I do know that negative attitudes never get much done. People want to work with positive people.

    Fingers crossed.

  32. - Pundent - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 12:16 pm:

    =Republicans are not change people?=

    It’s not that Republicans aren’t change people, it’s that the people rejected their idea of change. And instead thinking about how a rejected message failed with the voters, Schneider is merely turning up his volume.

  33. - Annonin' - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 12:57 pm:

    We know of Maroon 5. Probably can’t hum one of their ditties. Saw they got the Super Bowl gig. That confirm they a generally a B Team act, but a B is great for the Expo and SPI. Hopefully they are signed for the fair — opener for the Beach Boys (Edgar request)

  34. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 1:23 pm:

    Durkin is partying at Pritzkers inauguration while Rauner sleeps, Schneider throws spitballs, Ives whines, and Lucky Pierre throws a CapFax comment tantrum.

    That’s the state of the ILGOP.

    Have hope, Oswego Willy.

  35. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 1:32 pm:

    ===Durkin is partying at Pritzkers inauguration===

    Dude knows how to dance.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 1:38 pm:

    ===Have hope===

    I have that hope…

    … now waiting for Chick Gandil to “show me sumptin’” in the party and the governing. Hope is there.

  37. - Amalia - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 1:38 pm:

    Maroon 5? Next time get a band from Illinois. And, yes, like Rich, no on The Voice.

  38. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 1:58 pm:

    –Saw they got the Super Bowl gig. That confirm they a generally a B Team act,—

    Maroon 5 ain’t my bag, baby, but you’re way wrong on recent Super Bowl halftime acts. It’s been a long time since “Up With People” had the gig.

    Recent acts have been U2, Tony Bennett, Springsteen, McCartney (there he is, Maryann), The Who, Tom Petty, Rollings Stones, Beyonce, Lady Gaga……

  39. - Liandro - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 1:59 pm:

    “A side has won.
    A victory is exalted.
    But disconcertingly
    and confusingly
    I feel
    It wasn’t mine.”

    A billionaire beat a multi-millionaire, but the lives and cultures of either are foreign to us, Honeybear. Priztger may (or may not) be an ally for you, but he isn’t one of you.

    I know the feeling.

  40. - Honeybear - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 2:19 pm:

    We’ll see how it turns out. The big one for me was the steps issue. Pritzker just fulfilled his promise to place us on our steps. That’s a huge relief. But it’s still true that income inequality is still an issue for me and for the 78% of Americans who live paycheck to paycheck.

  41. - A 400lb. Guy on a bed - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 4:46 pm:

    =Republicans aren’t change people=

    You’ll get change, just not the kind you want.

  42. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 5:27 pm:

    –He wins elections by promising freebies…–

    I missed that. Got to get me some of those. What were the promised freebies that swung the election?

    Be specific on those promised freebies, comrade. Otherwise, people might start to think that you’re from some low-rent Bot farm.

  43. - @misterjayem - Tuesday, Jan 15, 19 @ 6:00 pm:

    Maroon 5?

    JB really is the guy from those “Up Close and Personal” ads, isn’t he?

    – MrJM

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