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Barickman’s path forward

Wednesday, Jan 16, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the end of Sen. Jason Barickman’s (R-Bloomington) op-ed

Illinois Republicans looking for a fresh start can take a reasoned stand against the liberal Democrats’ agenda. Doing so will help us rehabilitate our image with voters and make our candidates more electable than we were in 2018. However, we must do more than voice opposition. Republicans must make sound policy arguments and truly listen to voters who will be turned off by Democrats’ sharp turn to the left.

Meanwhile, Republicans must broaden our base without alienating core Republicans. We can do this by paying special attention to suburban and micro-urban voters who are center-right on economics but turned against Republicans candidates in November. We’ll need to champion quality of life issues by becoming vocal advocates for education, workforce, public safety and voters’ pocketbooks. Engaging in a two-way dialogue with women, minorities and young people will help us clarify our vision and communicate our policies in a manner that attracts voters turned off by partisanship and negativity. Republicans are committed to freedom and opportunity, but we must demonstrate these principals in a manner that resonates with today’s voter.

As a political party, Republicans across every region of the state must rebuild and unite from the ground up. This effort won’t be easy and comes in many forms. Precincts must be filled with activists who are motivated by a smaller, more functional government. Candidates willing to be champions for their communities must be recruited for local offices, including in the city of Chicago where Illinois Republicans have long surrendered to Democrats. We must offer these local candidates and their volunteers the training and resources they need as we rebuild.

Now that Gov. Pritzker has taken his oath of office, we’ll soon see the type of governor he’ll be. Let’s hope he’s the leader Illinois needs. He can start by operating in a bipartisan manner, inviting Republicans to participate in solving Illinois’ problems collaboratively with him, and pushing back on liberal Democrats who feel they’ve been given the keys to the bank and don’t need to compromise. If he demonstrates an openness to Republican ideas, we should work with him and find common ground. On the other hand, when Gov. Pritzker attempts to appease his liberal base and overreaches, we must vocally stand for approaches more in line with voters who will be turned off by a hard left turn. I and other Republicans are willing to work toward those goals.

Notably, the word “Madigan” appears nowhere in that piece.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:26 am:

    It should be noted when Illinois State University, and all state universities were starving, Mr. Barickman continually voted to hurt the economic engines for central Illinois, and when answering questions about school funding, it was Mr. Barickman who would defer to the past Governor for talking points and ignored all reasonable avenues to make Illinois better the past 4 years by being a vote the past governor owned, controlled, and spoke for at any time.

    Mr. Barickman is exactly what is wrong with the ILGOP now, and is not the type of person to lead it out of this darkness.

    Mr. Barickman, I have the receipts. Say what you want to seem what you’re not, but, I have the receipts.

  2. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:28 am:

    ” a manner that attracts voters turned off by partisanship and negativity.” So…why is Schneider in charge?

  3. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:29 am:

    If I was a power broker in the Republican Party, I would be doing my best to make Sen. Barickman the communications and policy leader in the party. His way both increases the power of existing Republican legislators to influence policy and increases the possibility of DuPage and Lake County voters to consider voting for Republicans in the future.

  4. - Ryan - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:29 am:

    “Democrat Party’s total control of Illinois…” Do better, Jason.

  5. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:32 am:

    –Meanwhile, Republicans must broaden our base without alienating core Republicans. –

    Good luck with that.

    The natural state of the Ives/Proft crowd is self-alienation. It keeps them pure. Engagement and compromise ain’t in their natures.

    When you’re ideologically pure, you never have to be accountable or responsible for the messy heavy-lifting of governing in a democracy.

    But you do get to throw awesome tantrums, all the time.

  6. - Ryan - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:33 am:

    …and a good start would be to completely, and publicly, disavow Trump.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:34 am:

    ===“Democrat Party’s total control of Illinois…” Do better, Jason.===

    Mr. Barickman has learned nothing. Mr. Barickman is not the answer, as his past performances have indicated.

    ===If I was a power broker in the Republican Party, I would be doing my best to make Sen. Barickman the communications and policy leader in the party.===

    Would you like me to link you to where Mr. Barickman was messaging on school funding, but magically changed course to the past governor’s thoughts, a mere talking head and rented switch to both messaging and policy?

    We can look at the receipts together.

    Until Mr. Barickman decides to admit publicly the past was the wrong way and he was complicit, the receipts I have can be a reminder.

  8. - Montrose - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:36 am:

    Barickman is doing his best Paul Ryan impression. Sound like the caring, reasonable unifer. I didn’t trust Ryan and I don’t trust Barickman.

  9. - We'll See - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:42 am:

    Willy, Barickman was the only GOP senator to vote for civil unions so he hasn’t fully “… ignored all reasonable avenues to make Illinois better”

  10. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:43 am:

    That seems like a lot of platitudes. But it’s difficult for a minority party to look like they got a plan, especially the week the other side gets sworn in. In January 2015, we certainly didn’t think IL Dems had their crap together.

    The central challenge for ILGOP is that national Republicans have a bad habit of intentionally alienating anyone even slightly left-of-center. That appears to be enough to barely win the White House and hold onto the Senate (at least depending on which seats are up). But it is hell for blue state Republicans. And it doesn’t look like it’s going to get better in 2020.

  11. - The Captain - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:44 am:

    We can do this by paying special attention to suburban and micro-urban voters who are center-right on economics but turned against Republicans candidates in November. We’ll need to champion quality of life issues by becoming vocal advocates for education, workforce, public safety and voters’ pocketbooks. Engaging in a two-way dialogue with women, minorities and young people will help us clarify our vision and communicate our policies in a manner that attracts voters turned off by partisanship and negativity.

    The massive Republican attrition in the suburbs is largely due to suburban women moving from the Republican column to the Democrat column. Barickman’s suggested remedy here largely glosses over the factors that contributed to such a dramatic shift. If Republicans are going to counter this suburban free-fall they’re going to need to give themselves a hard look in the mirror and this isn’t a hard look in the mirror.

  12. - G'Kar - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:44 am:

    I asked this w/o snark: What is a “hard left turn” to Republicans like Barickman? Is it anything that they don’t agree with in terms of policy?

  13. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:47 am:

    ===Barickman was the only GOP senator to vote for civil unions so he hasn’t fully “… ignored all reasonable avenues to make Illinois better===

    Tell that to EIU that almost closed and couldn’t mow it’s lawn on its campus. Tell that to central Illinois social services that either closed, laid people off, or removed programs.

    Mr. Barickman is not only the wrong person for this ridiculous statement that is easily refuted by his past 4 years, Mr. Barickman is not the future of any ILGOP resurgence. When Mr. Barickman decides to own his poor choices, I’ll see what others tell Mr. Barickman to say. His own thoughts aren’t his thing.

  14. - Retired Educator - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:47 am:

    He is what we thought he was, and he won’t change. Giving lip service to being reasonable in the future, does not change the past. He was a taker, and a tool. I have zero confidence in this individual, to make the future better in any way.

  15. - Fixer - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:48 am:

    The “if” and “when” usage in the final paragraph here tells the entire story. Jason, do better.

  16. - RNUG - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:49 am:

    Words vs actions

    He talks a good game, but can he play that same game plan?

  17. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:51 am:

    ===The massive Republican attrition in the suburbs is largely due to suburban women moving from the Republican column to the Democrat column. Barickman’s suggested remedy here largely glosses over the factors that contributed to such a dramatic shift.===

    How did Barickman vote on HB40?

  18. - steve - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:51 am:

    There’s nothing wrong with Jason Barickman presenting a different political position than the Illinois Democratic party. If he didn’t , there’d be no reason for Illinois to have anything other than 1 major party. A party has to stand for something. The problem the Republicans have is Illinois is now an overwhelmingly Blue state. That means a solid majority want big activist government and higher taxes. Now if in the future enough voters are sick of the status quo in Illinois the Republicans might have a chance to win elections. Will Chicago and Cook County be able to continue on their current fiscal path given all its’ public pension problems? Who knows. We will get another recession. Recessions do happen. Can Illinois ask for higher taxes during the next national recession with a declining population?

  19. - Colin O'Scopy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:52 am:

    Party politics have become so politically divided, it has morphed into a “if you aren’t with me, you’re against me” mentality.

    I offer this pearl of wisdom: “the other party is not my enemy.”

    Similar to how I align my beliefs, the members of the opposing party align themselves with a group of people whose philosophies and ideology, by and large, mesh with each other. I may not agree with that party’s philosophy or ideology and have a different vision and opinion on how my party to move the state forward. But the other party is not my enemy. They make a person do their job better so that they can improve the lives of others.

    If an elected person is in the “game” for any other reason, they should find another line of work.

  20. - A Jack - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:54 am:

    He at least recognized that negativity turns off voters. You can stand against higher taxes without calling your opponents corrupt.

  21. - Andrew - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:55 am:

    I supported Jason as he first ran for his seat. Wrote him a check, knocked on doors, etc. while he has taken some positions on issues where the GOP needs to grow and unlearn, he has done far more harm over the last four years. I won’t be fooled again.

    Like Willy said…I have receipts. I don’t seek revenge, but I have a long memory. The Jason Barickmans, Tom Crosses, and Bill Bradys of the world will be held accountable.

    Mene mene tekel upharsin.

  22. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:56 am:

    ===Giving lip service to being reasonable in the future, does not change the past.===

    Exactly. That.

  23. - ItsMillerTime - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:57 am:

    All I see him suggesting is empty dialogue and vague promises to support popular issues. Not exactly a well fleshed out plan.

    I would not be surprised if Illinois Republicans are hoping to survive till a Republican wave happens or the Democrats shoot themselves in the foot so they can regain some strength without actually changing.

    Wordlsinger has the right of it, the Ives crowd will not tolerate any budging on the issues they hold sacred. They do that and they can expect the same thing Rauner did, except they don’t have his money to fight it off.

  24. - Thomas Paine - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:58 am:

    It’s all good advice.

    Except it’ll be next to impossible for Republicans to shed the coils of the National GOP brand that is constricting them.

    Take for example clean air and clean water. How exactly do Republicans appeal to suburban voters who have strong environmental values when the national party is chocked full of global warming deniers and coal cheerleaders?

    “Next to impossible,” not impossible. But they are not gonna be able to straddle this divide, as Rauner proved. You can’t claim to be a moderate in Chicago and pop up at a Trump rally the next.

    I think the best that the GOP can shoot for in 2018 is to hold onto the seats they have. And that means Durkin and Brady are going to have to cooperate and cut a deal on taxes, the budget, minimum wage, cannabis, and a capital bill to provide structured rollcalls on these issues.

    It would be nice if the GOP admitted that signing on to the crew of the SS Rauner was a colossal mistake. But Pritzker, Cullerton and Madigan seem ready to move forward without such a public prostration. So Let’s all put that all in the rear view and move forward.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:00 am:


    === I don’t seek revenge===

    I don’t seek revenge, but i won’t let a phony like Mr. Barickman think “I’m the future” when it was Mr. Barickman who was wholly complicit these past four years with the past governor and the purposeful pain Mr. Barickman cheered, hurting his district and the region.

    I don’t seek revenge. I know that Mr. Barickman is exactly what’s wrong with the ILGOP right now and is not the person to lead us out of it.


    Also, it’s the “Democratic Party”.

    Another easily seen item to understand why Mr. Barickman is so very wrong, and not the right person with a vision.

  26. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:00 am:

    The Civil Union legislation was passed in 2011 under Pat Quinn. That was before the Rauner takeover of the ILGOP. I was pleased with Barickman’s vote there, Bloomington-Normal isn’t quite as conservative as the rest of his district so he was pretty safe.

    I was once a big supporter of Barickman but was very disappointed by his change of direction during the Rauner years. Now he is posturing to be the guy in the ILGOP. They need new blood.

    I also think this is interesting-

    =He can start by operating in a bipartisan manner, inviting Republicans to participate in solving Illinois’ problems collaboratively with him, and pushing back on liberal Democrats who feel they’ve been given the keys to the bank and don’t need to compromise. If he demonstrates an openness to Republican ideas, we should work with him and find common ground. On the other hand, when Gov. Pritzker attempts to appease his liberal base and overreaches, we must vocally stand for approaches more in line with voters who will be turned off by a hard left turn. I and other Republicans are willing to work toward those goals.=

    I think it says a lot about the ILGOP attitude. Pritzker has offered an olive branch and made bipartisan overtures. It is now on the ILGOP to take the next step , not the other way around. Rauner didn’t get that and neither does Barickman.

  27. - theCardinal - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:02 am:

    At least he has the nerve to say what lots of young GOPers have felt for a good long time. They are not intersted in the platform of old…they are fiscally conservative and have moved well to the center on social issues. The old gaurd needs embrace the younger generation and find ways to tap into that 18-40 demographic, if not they the ILGOP is set for a long disappointing road and the deck is already stacked against them.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:02 am:

    ===It would be nice if the GOP admitted that signing on to the crew of the SS Rauner was a colossal mistake.===

    Until those like Mr. Barickman do so… nope… I’ll keep my receipts and remind, “do not be fooled by… they purposely hurt Illinois and thinking of it even today.

    ======Giving lip service to being reasonable in the future, does not change the past.===


    This is … “right, exactly right”

    I’m sure Mr. Barickman remembers that tag line.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:06 am:

    ===The old gaurd needs embrace the younger generation and find ways to tap into that 18-40 demographic, if not they the ILGOP is set for a long disappointing road and the deck is already stacked against them.===

    … and yet, Mr. Barickman purposely hurt that demographic time and time again, with his four years with Rauner, including MAP, funding higher education, refusing to help pass a budget for a whole General Assembly, the 18-40 year olds feeling pain as students, parents, children of possibly seniors.

    Again, thinking Mr. Barickman is the voice of anything ignores the easily found receipts of the damage Mr. Barickman cheered.

  30. - zatoichi - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:08 am:

    ==We’ll need to champion quality of life issues by becoming vocal advocates for education, workforce, public safety and voters’ pocketbooks. ==

    ‘By becoming’? What has stopped you from doing that before?

  31. - @misterjayem - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:12 am:

    “But tonight I say, we must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling — twirling towards freedom‼”

    – MrJM

  32. - Andrew - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:13 am:

    I’m with you, Willy. Was only stating that I don’t seek revenge. I’m in his district, and I look forward to the opportunities that will certainly be presented to ensure he’s not the future of the GOP.

    I’m completely with you, Willy.

  33. - Streator Curmudgeon - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:14 am:

    == “micro-urban” ==


  34. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:15 am:

    LOL this Oswego guy needs to relax. Why you get so worked up all the time?

  35. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:16 am:

    –He at least recognized that negativity turns off voters.–

    Not that core GOP base, in the age of Trump, that he’s worrying about alienating. Negativity is the bread-and-butter play when appealing to ardent Trump Republicans.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:17 am:

    ===needs to relax. Why you get so worked up all the time?===

    Don’t make it about me, make a point.

    Pick a name while you’re at it.

    - Andrew -, we’re all good, and in concurrence. The ILGOP will be sending the wrong signal having Mr. Barickman thinking he’s the future. The record of the past four years says its so.

  37. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:22 am:

    ===Mr. Barickman is exactly what is wrong with the ILGOP now, and is not the type of person to lead it out of this darkness.===

    My take is different. I thought Mr. Barickman’s piece was well written and measured. It was an honest appraisal of the state of the ILGOP and its failure to discuss issues with voters while rebuilding a new infrastructure on the road to becoming relevant again. Lecturing voters that they are wrong didn’t work. Doing the same old thing over and over again while the world changes around you is an invitation for failure.

    I’ve got a whole pocketful of “receipts” in my back pocket as well as it concerns the ILGOP. Pulling them out now solves nothing. The house has been burned down by multiple culprits within the GOP. I think back to the arsonist who spent time writing an anti-Rauner book rather than working to find candidates to run for office as Republicans in Chicago, or pushing for a get out the vote program. I think back to the arsonists who chose to fight a civil war that erupted after the primary concerning the ILGOP chairmanship. The list is endless.

    The Byzantine Empire, the last remnant of the Roman Empire, fought civil wars with each other while thousands of Ottoman Turks amassed outside the walls of Constantinople and planned to attack. They thought those thick walls, which had repelled multiple invaders over many centuries, would still save them. The Turks added a new wrinkle to warfare and brought a few cannons and what was left of the Roman Empire collapsed when some of those walls crumbled after repeatedly being hit by cannon balls.

    Time to clean out wreckage and begin rebuilding for the future.

    Mr. Barickman’s ideas should be taken more seriously by the ILGOP. But until the factionalism ends my party will remain mostly irrelevant.

  38. - Matt Vernau - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:24 am:

    Like theCardinal @ 10:02.
    If I were a wheel in the Republican party I would be shouting out “Parade Left” cause the votes you need are over there. Start earning them.

  39. - LakeCo - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:24 am:

    principles, not principals

  40. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:29 am:

    Oh boy…

    ===I’ve got a whole pocketful of “receipts” in my back pocket as well as it concerns the ILGOP. Pulling them out now solves nothing.===

    Raunerites like yourself that told others “get in line” can neither have this position, nor can they ignore the damage Rauner, who is in no way a Republican, did by forcing out GOP members who caused Rauner and Raunerites “$&@#% problems”

    I know you want it to be forgotten - Louis G Atsaves -, but you got yours so let’s just “move on”.


    ===Time to clean out wreckage and begin rebuilding for the future.===

    Mr. Barickman *is* that wreckage, hurting his district, and the state, for the past governor. As a party, arsonists who thought Raunerism was worth the cash and sold out the districts and state, and now want us to “move on”, they are the ones not ready to lead any rebirth.

    ===Mr. Barickman’s ideas should be taken more seriously by the ILGOP…===

    … but ignore how he voted, who he was beholden to, and how he hurt the state which led to a shrinking party.

    No thanks.

  41. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:30 am:

    ===We’ll need to champion quality of life issues by becoming vocal advocates for education, workforce, public safety and voters’ pocketbooks.===

    Louis, those aren’t ideas, that’s cotton candy. Tastes good but no actual substance.

    This essay is more evidence that not only is the ILGOP devoid of ideas, it lacks self-awareness. How Barickman can balance his voting record over the last four years with the excerpt above and still keep a straight face is as enlightening as it is frightening.

    It’s going to be a long exile for the Illinois Republicans with guys like Senator Barickman leading the charge.

  42. - @misterjayem - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:33 am:

    “Pick a name while you’re at it.”

    Yesterday marked the three-year anniversary of my decision to ignore anonymous commenters.

    And I haven’t regretted it. Not even for a moment.

    – MrJM

  43. - Otown Beatdown - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:36 am:

    Oswego Willy you have fair points on higher ed and hb40 but I would argue Jason Barickman is closer to the mold of what the gop in IL needs to become than anything we have now in the ga. Jason voted for lgbt history education in schools; he was the only republican senator to cosponsor sb316 - Stearn’s cannabis bill. He realizes that the younger generation of the gop isnt as hardline on social issues. The gop absolutely has to move towards the center on social issues if it will survive and attract anyone younger than 40.

  44. - Illinois Resident - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:38 am:

    Typical politician. Essentially said nothing. How about talking about actual policies that you believe in that will help our state Jason.

  45. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:40 am:

    =I would argue Jason Barickman is closer to the mold of what the gop in IL needs to become than anything we have now in the ga. Jason voted for lgbt history education in schools; he was the only republican senator to cosponsor sb316 - Stearn’s cannabis bill. =

    And yet he was steadfast in support of Rauner.

  46. - Otown Beatdown - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:43 am:

    =And yet he was steadfast in support of Rauner.

    He was assistant republican leader - he had to be in step to an extent. I think many of those who would criticize him for supporting his party’s gov are the same who would call Reagan’s 11th if he went too far against.

    Let’s also not forget the years of work and leadership he put in to revamp the k-12 funding formula - though he will not be credited for it.

  47. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:44 am:

    ===…is closer to the mold of what the gop in IL needs to become than anything we have now in the ga.===

    In no way or measure is Mr. Barickman the future of the ILGOP when “Democrat Party” is in writings thinking his past willful damage to his district and this state… nope… Mr. Barickman is trying to be a fresh coat of paint on a rusted frame of the past four years.

    ===He realizes that the younger generation of the gop isnt as hardline on social issues.===

    … and yet, issues like higher education, MAP, Mr. Barickman chose to hurt the younger voters and families with those younger voters too. The receipts say Mr. Barickman is as phony as the phrase “Democrat Party”.

    ===The gop absolutely has to move towards the center on social issues if it will survive and attract anyone younger than 40.===

    Tell that to the Ives/Proft/Uihlein group.

    Mr. Barickman is not the person to bring these factions together or have a vision that leads to policy to build a party.

  48. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:49 am:

    One thing I didn’t read was that the new ILGOP
    Will pay their bills
    ILGOP lead by Rauner
    racked up a Billion in late fees and interest charges
    They stiffed contractors
    They willfully violated legal contracts
    including employment contracts with state employees

    Simple question
    Do we pay our bills now or not?
    Simple question
    Do we honor contracts now or not?
    Simple question
    Do we follow the law now or not?
    Rauner did not
    Pay our bills
    Honor our contracts
    or Follow the law.

    Private citizens have to do all those things
    Republican and Democrats
    Rauner and Reps like Barrickman
    felt they were above that
    I have the receipts too
    I didn’t get an IOU for my stolen wages
    Now it’s up to
    This Legislature
    To make a choice
    I’m not about to let Barrickman get away with it again.

  49. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:51 am:

    ===Let’s also not forget the years of work and leadership he put in to revamp the k-12 funding formula - though he will not be credited for it.===


    From the link…

    “Well that didn’t take long. And look how he’s blaming the coverage of his exact words…”

    Yeah, that Mr. Barickman, walking back things to appease a governor who couldn’t take a 90% win.

    I have the receipts.

  50. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 10:54 am:

    ===He was assistant republican leader - he had to be in step to an extent. I think many of those who would criticize him for supporting his party’s gov are the same who would call Reagan’s 11th if he went too far against.===

    Tell that to former House Floor Leader Rep. Andersson.

    What ever happened to him? You know? - Louis G Atsaves -, you know what ever happened to Rep. Anderrson?

    What else ya got?

  51. - i - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 11:05 am:

    @MrJM - “Pick a name while you’re at it.”

    My sentiments and rules exactly. If commenters do not have enough respect for the rules of this site they will get no response from me either and have not been acknowledged by me for several years.

  52. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 11:06 am:

    Willy -

    I can’t fight you on higher ed and map - I agree. My hope is that isbe gets their 16% increase. Public ed, even public higher ed (thanks to map) should be the great equalizer. We have failed that promise on many fronts. Personally I hope the universities hammer the population loss piece and show what that means for universities and the business community.

    I would say that bringing up Rep Andersson says more about Rauner than Barickman, though - and I think actually furthers my point. Same with the walking back on funding. Just because Rauner threw him under the bus and made him walk it back does not take away the mass amount of research he did and work with communities and superintendents. We all know the formula that was passed, and has been found successful at least this early on, was heavily influenced by Jason’s work.

  53. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 11:07 am:

    –Engaging in a two-way dialogue with women, minorities and young people will help us clarify our vision and communicate our policies in a manner that attracts voters turned off by partisanship and negativity. Republicans are committed to freedom and opportunity, but we must demonstrate these principals in a manner that resonates with today’s voter.–

    That’s a Big Word Salad.

    I’m sure Barickman knows what he wants to say here, but to do so in a clear, straight-forward manner would rile up that core Trump base.

    Quite a pickle, the ILGOP is in. The national GOP brand is skewing rural and no-college. But the balance of power in Illinois remains suburban and college-educated.

    You can’t bounce both ways at the same time.

  54. - Otown Beatdown - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 11:07 am:

    Sorry this was me - not a regular commenter and missed the nickname box on this one

    Willy -

    I can’t fight you on higher ed and map - I agree. My hope is that isbe gets their 16% increase. Public ed, even public higher ed (thanks to map) should be the great equalizer. We have failed that promise on many fronts. Personally I hope the universities hammer the population loss piece and show what that means for universities and the business community.

    I would say that bringing up Rep Andersson says more about Rauner than Barickman, though - and I think actually furthers my point. Same with the walking back on funding. Just because Rauner threw him under the bus and made him walk it back does not take away the mass amount of research he did and work with communities and superintendents. We all know the formula that was passed, and has been found successful at least this early on, was heavily influenced by Jason’s work.

  55. - illini - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 11:08 am:

    Sorry @11:05 was me.

  56. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 11:09 am:

    @Oswego Willy, I suggest you simmer down on this issue. The man laid out a process towards uniting the ILGOP that differs from yours. If you have an alternative suggestion or two, propose it. Enough of your shouting.

    You can shout Rauner, Receipts, Votes, What happened to who, what, where and when, but the ILGOP right now is burned to the ground. It is difficult having a discussion when shouters try to dominate and hijack it.

    Put your receipts back in your pocket and concentrate on the future. If your idea of rebuilding the ILGOP is to throw anyone out over any infraction or difference of opinion or policy, then you’ve official joined the ranks of those who want it dead.

    Your choice. Your fork in the road. Take a path or step aside, stop shrieking and allow for some intelligent discussion to take place on Barickman’s proposals.

  57. - Jocko - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 11:10 am:

    ==becoming vocal advocates for education, workforce, public safety and voters’ pocketbooks==

    Never mind the fact that he (and the ILGOP) have ignored the first three items in that sentence for years.

  58. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 11:13 am:

    ===I would say that bringing up Rep Andersson says more about Rauner than Barickman, though===


    Rep. Andersson did what was right for the state and his district, and showed bipartisanship was most important to save the state from the past administration.

    Mr. Barickman was wholly complicit with the past leader of the party. A choice made, purposely.

    No, it speaks to who decided a state and party was more important than a man trying to ruin both.

    === Just because Rauner threw him under the bus and made him walk it back does not take away the mass amount of research he did and work with communities and superintendents.===

    … and yet with *all* that research and *all* those meetings, it was the past governor and yielding instead of holding feet to fire is the walking back to the person who owned the caucuses. Very telling.

    Did you forget about the AV?

    Would you like that receipt too? I can pull up thstctoo if you’d like…


  59. - Otown Beatdown - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 11:15 am:

    Last one to sum up my thoughts - I agree Jason Barickman is not perfect, but show me one in Springfield that is. I do think he has much more to be positive about than you give him credit for.

    In my mind, a young, energetic, smart lawyer lawmaker who is willing to try to reach across the aisle and at least try to better the course for the future of his party is one I would take over most - especially the, as you pointed out Ives/Proft/Uihlein group

  60. - anon2 - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 11:19 am:

    Obviously the GOP needs to rebuild. That won’t be easy with Trump as the head of the national GOP, and with Proft controlling a pot of money to challenge any GOP legislators who deviate from conservative orthodoxy. Yet strict conservatives have no future on the statewide level, even if they win some downstate legislative districts.

  61. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 11:22 am:

    === I suggest you simmer down on this issue. The man laid out a process towards uniting the ILGOP that differs from yours. ===

    No, - Louis G Atsaves -, that’s how we got the past governor, and while that worked out great for you, the party burned down.

    ===If you have an alternative suggestion or two, propose it. Enough of your shouting.===

    I have. You told me to “get in line”… should you too be reminded?

    ===You can shout Rauner, Receipts, Votes, What happened to who, what, where and when, but the ILGOP right now is burned to the ground. It is difficult having a discussion when shouters try to dominate and hijack it.===

    … and here you are telling me “meh, we need to move on, forget how we got here”

    No, no more strangers in our house, no more hijacjing a party, which you’re worried about me hijavjing a discussion but want forgotten “no $&@-%^ problems” and what happened to Rep. Andersson… no, you’re guy imploded the party.

    ===Put your receipts back in your pocket and concentrate on the future. If your idea of rebuilding the ILGOP is to throw anyone out over any infraction or difference of opinion or policy, then you’ve official joined the ranks of those who want it dead.===

    Oh counselor…

    Allowing those who were wholly complicit with this past governor in a discussion about rebuilding wothout a complete mea culpa and understanding how they helped… that’s more than fair as the purge of those who gave “$&@#% problems” were shown the door… shrinking the party.

    ===Your choice. Your fork in the road. Take a path or step aside, stop shrieking and allow for some intelligent discussion to take place on Barickman’s proposals.===

    Until Mr. Barickman owns his own wholly complicit role in hurting his district, the party, and Illinois, Mr. Barickman is in no way ready or in any position to tell anyone how to build again.


  62. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 11:26 am:

    ===who is willing to try to reach across the aisle and at least try to better the course for the future of his party is one I would take over most - especially the, as you pointed out Ives/Proft/Uihlein group===

    When it mattered most, Mr. Barickman sided with Proft/Uihlein/Rauner/Ives and for a whole General Assembly, Illinois has no budget, state universities starved, social services closed.

    Youth, energy, a “winning smile” won’t change the willful damage Mr. Barickman did.

    He can apologize and show he learned something besides typing “Democrat Party” and thinking all is forgotten. It’s not.

  63. - AlfondoGonz - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 11:32 am:

    No more room under the Republican tent while Trump is the face, voice, and name of the party.

  64. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 11:33 am:

    @Oswego Willy, Still shouting. Some of us tried to prevent the party from burning down. Others kept pulling out “receipts” and screamed.

  65. - A 400lb. Guy on a bed - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 11:34 am:

    The IlGOP will have to become something like the Progressive Conservative Party in Canada to be relevant. The PC’s support universal healthcare by the way.

  66. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 11:37 am:

    ===Some of us tried to prevent the party from burning down. Others kept pulling out “receipts” and screamed.===


    Siding with Rauner, who was never a Republican, and forced numerous General Assembly members out is not trying to prevent the party from burning down.

    Your willful ignorance I get, man the past 4 years was nice for you, but the reason we’re here is Raunerites like yourself that want the past transgressions Raunerites did forgotten.

    Yeah, no… No.

    You helped burn down the party. You told me and others to “get in line”… nope, you aren’t going to be able to dictate new terms after the willful destruction without atoning.


  67. - Ned Nederlander - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 11:46 am:

    To his statement, blaming “partisanship and negativity” is not the same as calling out bigotry, racism, and misogyny. Having a more inclusive party is more than messaging low taxes to women and minorities.

    Just to correct the record here, Barickman was the only GOP Senator to vote for marriage equality in 2013. He wasn’t in Springfield to vote on civil unions. That bill passed in December 2010. Barickman wasn’t sworn into the House until 2011. SB1716:

  68. - wondering - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 12:05 pm:

    Barickman represents his district well. He is reflective of district opinions and values. He is downstate thinking personified. He, as downstaters in general,has maginilized himself. Ignore him, he is irrelvant. I only hope Pritzker doesn’t needlessly contort himself over this subset of a distinct subset, the downstate Republicans.

  69. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 12:17 pm:

    ===Barickman represents his district well. He is reflective of district opinions and values.===

    That is purposefully inaccurate to his voting record, beginning with the 99th General Assembly and never voting for a full years funding of higher education, as an example, a major economic engine for the region.

    You vote against your district for a greater good? Yeah, i can see that. You vote against your district to hold a state hostage for an agenda, hurting most in need in social services… no, Mr. Barickman might *think* it’s good, but those purposely hurt, held hostage, that’s not representing any district well.

    Now, the rest is quite true, but in the context here, which is why I responded, we’re discussing the ILGOP, and building a party, not to the governing, and his governing choices make his role in rebuilding the party a non-starter.

    When Mr. Barickman can learn to spell “Democratic Party” and give a mea culpa like, ironically Mr. Breen (who then took it all back, but I digress, lol) then Mr. Barickman can talk like someone who has something to bring to rebuilding the ILGOP and not a moment before.

    His irrelevancy centers on ignoring his district and party for a man and an agenda. That’s on Mr. Barickman.

  70. - Joe blow - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 12:23 pm:

    I wouldn’t worry too much about Mr. Barackman because after the new map is drawn he will be assured to be in the minority for another decade.

  71. - Nacho - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 12:30 pm:

    Right now there’s a bit of a feedback loop where the party becomes more Trumpian, which drives away moderates in the collars, resulting in a base that’s on average more supportive of Trumpism, and so on. It’ll be hard to break this cycle as long as primary voters tell themselves that Trumpism will be a winning formula statewide any day now.

  72. - steve - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 12:34 pm:

    A big problem is having a declining population. Those left behind have to pay higher taxes unless spending is cut. Illinois probably doesn’t need as many public universities with a declining population. But, what politician wants to talk about consolidation ?

  73. - Generic Drone - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 12:34 pm:

    Basically, Barickman is saying as long as JB works with republicans, we will get things done. But, the moment he goes left, all bets are off. How is that any different from the last 4 years?

  74. - Pundent - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 12:49 pm:

    =but the ILGOP right now is burned to the ground. It is difficult having a discussion when shouters try to dominate and hijack it.=

    Maybe choosing an arsonist to lead that discussion isn’t the best strategy either. I might have started with a guy like McSweeney but that’s just me.

  75. - walker - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 12:50 pm:

    Early in the thread I thought “I ‘d like to hear what Louis A. has to say.” I was right.

    Look forward. We need a strong Republican Party in this state.

  76. - Illinois Resident - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 12:58 pm:

    Agree with Generic Drone. Hey Jason, we elected JB Pritzker for a reason. We want progressive policy. If you want a seat at the table, you will have to warm up to our vision not the other way around.

  77. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 1:03 pm:

    =He was assistant republican leader - he had to be in step to an extent. I think many of those who would criticize him for supporting his party’s gov are the same who would call Reagan’s 11th if he went too far against.=

    He didn’t have to, he chose to. He wasn’t elected to represent Rauner, he was elected to represent his district.

    The criticism is fair since his votes hurt his district and the state.

    =Let’s also not forget the years of work and leadership he put in to revamp the k-12 funding formula - though he will not be credited for it.=

    He started and then stopped. Then purposefully disengaged. There is his credit.

  78. - Flapdoodle - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 1:23 pm:

    Word at 9:32: “When you’re ideologically pure, you never have to be accountable or responsible for the messy heavy-lifting of governing in a democracy.”

    Yes yes yes 360 degrees 365/24/7 yes [assume exclamation points]

  79. - Otown Beatdown - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 1:36 pm:

    JS Mill (and others who think Jason did not do most of the heavy lifting on evidence based funding)

    = He started and then stopped. Then purposefully disengaged. There is his credit.

    This is simply incorrect.

    Take a look at Jason’s bill sb 1124 (100 ga). This is where most of the work was done, and if gop held majority - the bill that would have created evidence based funding - which again, all early signs point to success.

    Then, it was a part of the grand bargain dealings and sb 1 (100 ga), which we remember fell apart.

    It was finally passed through sb 1947 (100 ga) and became pa 100-0465 - where Jason was a cosponsor, but - being in the minority, he would not and will not be given significant credit.

  80. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 1:49 pm:

    ===, and if gop held majority===

    If, buts candies, nuts.

    What if the sky was green?

    ===It was finally passed through sb 1947 (100 ga) and became pa 100-0465 - where Jason was a cosponsor, but - being in the minority, he would not and will not be given significant credit.===

    … and the AV… how was that snafu… SB444?

  81. - wondering - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 2:42 pm:

    OW, and you know I love ya, have to disagree….he is Streator born and bred, bastion of Raunerism. He didn’t represent Bloomingtons values but he sure as heck was in sync with the podunk segment of his district.

  82. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 2:52 pm:

    ===…have to disagree….he is Streator born and bred, bastion of Raunerism. He didn’t represent Bloomingtons values but he sure as heck was in sync with the podunk segment of his district.===

    We’re all good. A discussion like this 100% needs to happen.

    To that above,

    That kind of thinking of member can’t lead a GOP party in Illinois, as the collars and Cook need those less ”Trumpian-Rural” to understand how to build a party.

    Now, others keep pointing me to his moderate thoughts, moderate votes too, but being an “all-in” member of the former governor’s party thoughts, unless Mr. Barickman acknowledges and atones for his hurting of Illinois, Mr. Barickman might just be only what you describe and nothing else.

    This wanting to forget the complicit way one worked with the former governor will NOT make them appealing to me or the voters who rejected that former governor too.

  83. - Truth Squad - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 4:36 pm:

    The Civil Union legislation was passed in 2011 under Pat Quinn. That was before the Rauner takeover of the ILGOP. I was pleased with Barickman’s vote there, Bloomington-Normal isn’t quite as conservative as the rest of his district so he was pretty safe.

    He voted for gay marriage in 2013 shortly after joining the Senate. And it was a big deal in that district and he handled it perfectly.

    Secondly, I’m shocked…SHOCKED!..that the CapFax commenter armada doesn’t like a downstate Republican.

  84. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 16, 19 @ 9:34 pm:

    ===doesn’t like a downstate Republican.===


    Another history revisionist.

    Mr. Barickman was wholly committed to Raunerism, and hurting the ILGOP and/or the state, whichever the former governor needed hurt.

    Sen. Righter is a downstater, a Republican, and I like him, can agree with him 80% of the time..

    Not everything is about victimhood to “commenters”

  85. - Froganon - Thursday, Jan 17, 19 @ 9:21 am:

    As a Recovering Republican, GOP candidates won’t have my vote, my cash or my support until they embrace policies that work. If you want to reduce abortion, make birth control available to every woman who wants it, as a part of every insurance package. Want to grow jobs and our economy, support education, from pre-school through college or trade schools and rebuild our infrastructure. Want to lead the nation in job creation (California and Minnesota), support public services and a tax level to adequately pay for them. The GOP formula for governance is low taxes for high earners, no/low services for everyone else, starve education, and avoid any regulation of anything except for women’s reproductive and health choices. Lastly, pay twice as much for the worst health care outcomes in the industrialized world under the banner of the sacred Free Market. All of the GOP’s positions not only fail to deliver for the majority of citizens, they make many if not most peoples’ lives hard and miserable. If the Il GOP wants to be relevant, their voters/leadership will have to deal with reality on the ground…policies that benefit the majority.

  86. - Truth Squad - Thursday, Jan 17, 19 @ 1:43 pm:

    Mr. Barickman was wholly committed to Raunerism, and hurting the ILGOP and/or the state, whichever the former governor needed hurt.

    Barickman was one of the only Republicans who could walk into a room and get Rauner to back off of some of his stupidest ideas. It was thankless, but required trying to stay on Rauner’s “good side.” He did a lot more behind the scenes and every single GOP Senator would tell you that.

    But, don’t let the truth get in the way of your narrative.

  87. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 17, 19 @ 1:50 pm:

    ===Barickman was one of the only Republicans who could walk into a room and get Rauner to back off of some of his stupidest ideas. It was thankless, but required trying to stay on Rauner’s “good side.” He did a lot more behind the scenes and every single GOP Senator would tell you that.===

    … and yet, continued, time after time, a whole 99th GA worked to hurt Illinois purposely, including Illinois State University where Mr. Barickman loves to tout that he teaches there.

    ===But, don’t let the truth get in the way of your narrative.===

    Yeah, that whole 99th GA, that’s not a narrative, it’s a voting record.

    Keep up.

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