Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » 13th Ward candidate files suit against Speaker Madigan, Ald. Quinn and their political operations
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13th Ward candidate files suit against Speaker Madigan, Ald. Quinn and their political operations

Monday, Jan 28, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the federal lawsuit of David Krupa v. Marty Quinn, Michael Madigan, et al

This action is the one of David Krupa, a very brave, serious young man who has dared to challenge the Chicago Machine to end the rapacious reign of a corrupt power, only to see just how shockingly corrupt that power can be in defending its ill-gotten power. It also exposes for the public yet another example the vicious conduct that underlies and supports machine politics in Chicago. Those politics must end, and will end if Chicagoans are willing to follow the lead of David Krupa.

No hyperbole there.

* The initial conspiracy

On information and belief, based upon the actual misconduct of Defendants, once Defendants became aware that DAVID intended to run for Alderman in the 13th Ward the Defendants entered into an agreement to engage in a campaign of intimidation, harassment and illegal tactics against DAVID to cause him to withdraw from running for Alderman or else hinder his campaign to the point where he could not get sufficient signatures to obtain ballot access in the municipal election of February 26, 2019.

Defendants through their agents and operatives attempted to engage in personal intimidation of DAVID with an intent to cause his termination of his campaign, including but not limited to:

    a.Pairs of large male operatives and/ or agents of Defendants, which on Plaintiff’s information and belief included Precinct Captains or other agents of 13THE WARD, routinely followed DAVID as he went door to door for signatures, entering the yards and stoops of voters after him and literally standing right behind DAVID in a hostile manner as he asked for signatures, thereby intimidating the voters talking to DAVID;

    b.On one occasion when DAVID campaigned with voters in front a house, an operative and/or agents of Defendants who had been tailing him emerged from a truck, approached the group and instructed the voters “Don’t talk to him!” The operative then stated to DAVID “You’re a nice kid, but I’d hate to see something bad happen to you.” When DAVID asked for clarification, the operative stated “I’d hate to see you get hurt,” plainly implying that DAVID should abandon his campaign or risk violence against his person;

    c.Attempts were made to blackmail DAVID, with false threats being made that QUINN and MADIGAN had embarrassing pictures of DAVID and would release them if he continued his campaign;

    d.Harassment of DAVID occurred on social media, with persons using fake accounts and identities while making threats against DAVID’s life and his family;

* Alleged expanded conspiracy

In reaction to DAVID’s candidacy, Defendants expanded their conspiracy from a campaign of intimidation and harassment against DAVID to a campaign of intimidation, harassment against voters in the 13th Ward as well as fraud against the BOARD, all to eliminate DAVID as an opponent to QUINN for Alderman of the 13th Ward in the City of Chicago. […]

    a.sending operatives and agents of Defendants to the homes of voters in the 13rth Ward who signed Nomination Petitions for DAVID to demand and extort execution against the will of the said voters documents which revoked their signatures on Nomination Petitions of DAVID;

    b.having operatives and agents engage in repeated entry to the yards and doorways of voters in the 13th Ward who signed Nomination Petitions for DAVID to further demand and extort execution of documents which signatures on Nomination Petitions of DAVID, even after the first request was refused, so to harass and intimidate said voters into signing documents revoking their signatures on Nomination Petitions of DAVID;

    c.having operatives and agents block in a physically threatening manner the path to the doorways of the homes of voters in the 13th Ward who signed Nomination Petitions for DAVID even after the first request was refused, and thereafter deny the voters entry to their own homes unless and until the voters agreed to sign statements revoking their signatures on Nomination Petitions of DAVID;

    d.having operatives and agents threaten a cutoff of Ward services to voters in the 13th Ward who signed Nomination Petitions for DAVID if they would not sign documents revoking their signatures on Nomination Petitions of DAVID;

    e.having operatives and agents engage in misrepresentations to voters in the 13th Ward who signed Nomination Petitions for DAVID concerning the legal effect of documents revoking their signatures on Nomination Petitions of DAVID in order to prevent the voters from realizing that the documents would revoke their signatures on said Nomination Petitions;

    f.having operatives and agents affirmatively identify themselves as “from the Alderman’s Office” while showing identification as same, while asking for signatures on documents revoking signatures on Nomination Petitions of DAVID with the false explanation that the signature was only to verify the voter signature for election records; and,

    g.having operatives and agents state to voters in the 13th Ward who signed Nomination Petitions for DAVID that their signature on Petitions for DAVID were “illegal” making mandatory the execution of statements revoking said signatures.

He’s alleging violations of his First Amendment rights and violations to the Equal Protection Clause. He’s also alleging a civil conspiracy. He’s asking for “substantial compensatory and punitive damages, plus attorneys’ fees, costs, and for such other and further relief as this Honorable Court deems just and proper, including temporary and permanent injunctions from further engaging in the foregoing conduct.”

* React…

Ald. Quinn…

    This lawsuit is just an effort to distract voters from my opponent’s extreme right-wing agenda. My opponent is a day-one Trump supporter who surrounds himself with people who share the same dangerous views of the world. What we should be discussing is how to continue building opportunity for the residents of the 13th Ward, how to support and promote the best schools and teachers, where to find new economic investment for the neighborhood and how to keep our residents safe. I believe my record demonstrates my commitment to those goals.

Speaker Madigan…

    This lawsuit is blatant defamation of me and Ald. Quinn. But we’ve seen this highly political tactic before. Distracting voters with ludicrous claims is pulled directly from the ultra-right-wing playbook. The residents of the 13th Ward deserve better. This election should and will be decided at the ballot box and not in the courtroom.

* Related…

* DePaul freshman accuses Madigan, Quinn of using fraud and intimidation: “We have notarized statements from people saying … they were visited like three or four times-a-day for a week by their precinct captain saying that they had to sign it and they wouldn’t stop coming back until they signed. When they caught people outside their house, they wouldn’t let people go into the house until they signed,” Krupa said Monday. “They operate as a criminal enterprise. They harass, blackmail, intimidate and strong-arm people. They use their public government services to further their own political agenda.”

* There’s a rare contest for alderman in Michael Madigan’s southwest-side stronghold: “I do have my own graffiti blaster,” [Ald. Quinn] said, explaining he bought it with his aldermanic expense account usually reserved for office supplies. “Yesterday alone we blasted 11 different spots down 63rd Street. I subscribe to the broken window theory, and removing the graffiti is very, very important.”


  1. - JoanP - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 1:52 pm:

    “by and through his attorneys, Anthony J. Peraica & Associates, Ltd”

    Nothing else need be said.

  2. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 1:53 pm:

    Convict Peraica. Will Krupa wear his MAGA hat to court?

  3. - PJ - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 1:55 pm:

    ==”false threats being made that QUINN and MADIGAN had embarrassing pictures of DAVID and would release them if he continued his campaign”==

    Uh… he was threatened with embarrassing pictures that he claims don’t exist? What exactly is the threat, then?

  4. - anon2 - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 1:56 pm:

    Another lawsuit designed to capture a few headlines that will ultimately go nowhere.

  5. - Not a Superstar - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:01 pm:

    Compared to this nonsense, Ken Dunkin’s backpack speech is the Gettysburg Address.

  6. - Roman - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:03 pm:

    == Another lawsuit designed to capture a few headlines that will ultimately go nowhere. ==

    It seems ridiculous, but I wouldn’t laugh this away considering how far Judge Kennelly has allowed Peraica’s other suite against Madigan to go in federal court.

  7. - lake county democrat - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:08 pm:

    It’s possible for Krupa to be a right wing troll –and– Madigan/Quinn to have illegally and immorally attacked his candidacy. One might even believe both are probable.

  8. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:10 pm:

    Having an issue with sock puppetry in comments on this post. Somebody’s already been banned. Don’t join them. Pick a name and then stick to it. Otherwise, go crawl back under a Facebook rock.

  9. - Anon - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:11 pm:

    I’m wonder how many people commenting here are on the Madigan payroll 😂🙄

  10. - Joe Biden Was Here - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:11 pm:

    I know nothing about the plaintiff or the lawsuit but the behavior he describes is what those guys do. It’s what they have done for years.

  11. - Joe Bidenopolous - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:15 pm:

    To be fair, a pic of the candidate in a MAGA hat would be pretty embarrassing for him in that ward.

  12. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:16 pm:

    Weak (and pandering) move to slander the accusation with the “conspiracy” label before the court even rules.

    The smoke continues to billow around Madigan and it’s a “conspiracy” to act like there is no fire?? Give me a break.

  13. - ILPundit - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:17 pm:

    Although it is very hard to make a case for such as a public figure, I thought Madigan’s use of the word “defamation” was very interesting.

  14. - Roadrager - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:17 pm:

    ==This action is the one of David Krupa, a very brave, serious young man who has dared to challenge the Chicago Machine to end the rapacious reign of a corrupt power, only to see just how shockingly corrupt that power can be in defending its ill-gotten power.==

    “Sir, I’m sorry, but we’re just not interested in your book. Have you considered self-publishing on Amazon?”

  15. - Man with a Plan - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:18 pm:

    He uses the word “power” three times in the first (run-on) sentence…

  16. - Anon - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:18 pm:

    What next…Krupa’s tires being slashed or a brick thrown through his HQ window.

  17. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:19 pm:

    I still find it stunning that the 13th Warders are so worried about Quinn facing a challenge from a DePaul freshman that they pull out all of the stops like this.

    And I say that realizing they’d pull out all of the stops regardless because that’s what they do. They have one setting on the dial: crush.

    Someday Peraica will find a more likeable stooge. Jason Gonzalez was pretty good. Krupa? Not so much.

    But watching the 13th Ward guys sweat it out over this guy is very telling about how they see themselves and their Alderman.

  18. - Water is Wet - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:25 pm:

    It is bizarre to be so dismissive of Krupa’s claims especially given that Quinn clearly took significant steps to snuff out Krupa’s campaign ala the signature revocation affidavits they gathered and filled. I don’t care if Krupa is a right wing zealot, I wouldn’t vote for him and wouldn’t want other people to either, but there is at least some basis to think his claims are true. Had it just been signature shenanigans, maybe you could dismiss it as typical Chicago politics, but having people follow and intimidate him, and flat out threatening him, if true, is indefensible.

  19. - Boone's is Back - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:26 pm:

    Must have been an incredibly easy brief for Peraica to write. CTRL + F “Gonzalez” and replace all with “Krupa.”

    Hope you’re paying him on contingency kid…

  20. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:29 pm:

    –As a direct result of his longtime tenure of powerful governmental and political offices, his control of political funds, his ability to virtually dictate the nomination of Democratic Party candidates for public office and the longstanding electoral majority of the Democratic Party in Illinois, MADIGAN is the unquestioned governmental and political “boss” of Illinois.–

    If you assume this is true, then why sue anybody else? If Big Bad Madigan is the baddest man in the whole damn town, then he’s the only defendant you need.

    But he’s not all powerful, and their hyperbole gets in the way of their argument.

  21. - West Side the Best Side - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:33 pm:

    Must be something about filing politically related lawsuits, e.g. the Pritzker campaign suit, in Federal court that causes lawyers to think they are writing The Great American Novel.

  22. - Anon324 - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:35 pm:

    ==Weak (and pandering) move to slander the accusation with the “conspiracy” label before the court even rules.==

    He refers to it as a conspiracy in his own filing: “In reaction to DAVID’s candidacy, Defendants expanded their conspiracy…”

    Describing it as a conspiracy is accurate reporting, not slandering the accusation. Accusing accurate reporting of bias merely outs the bias you have. Is that you, John Tillman?

  23. - cdog - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:37 pm:

    The beautiful thing about this case is that the kid is entitled to his day in court, regardless of the codes which seem to demand this not go forward. I admire is courage and persistence.

    Maybe the whole ward will flip red once the chains are broken. /ha

  24. - steve - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:52 pm:

    You can laugh it off but what if certain people are trying to get certain information in court filings .

  25. - Annonin' - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 3:01 pm:

    “What next…Krupa’s tires being slashed or a brick thrown through his HQ window”
    this is the tires & windows of the 2000’s. next FastTony will kidnap himself and Blair to really make some noise.

  26. - Shark Sandwich - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 3:02 pm:

    “.. who has dared to challenge the Chicago Machine to end the rapacious reign of a corrupt power, only to see how shockingly corrupt that power can be in defending its ill-gotten power.”

    Good to see Jo Galloway found work after her time in the Navy.

  27. - Fax Machine - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 3:17 pm:

    I want to know who’s idea it was to go get all the fraudulent retraction affidavits. The fact that he is a Trump supporter with an Order of Protection makes it all the more galling. Why would you subject yourself to this civil and perhaps criminal liability when you know you can beat this guy by burying him with negative mailers?

    Additionally, he is now a sympathetic figure and may in fact outperform and get 40% instead of 20% which will mean there will be blood in the water for more credible candidates next time.

  28. - steve - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 3:18 pm:

    Will the plaintiff be introducing audio or video tape in federal court?

  29. - Northsider - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 3:22 pm:

    So, just how does a 19-year-old college freshman afford a federal lawsuit?

  30. - steve - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 3:29 pm:

    - Northsider -

    You bring up an excellent point. Which makes me think maybe Tony Peraica might think that several aldermen are leery of walking into 219 S. Dearborn right now.

  31. - Uncle Ernie - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 3:38 pm:

    Is DAVID a MAGA person? I really do not know…

  32. - FairPlay - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 3:50 pm:

    Maybe the young lady should file a federal lawsuit against the high school graduate that harassed her.

  33. - steve - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 3:50 pm:

    - Uncle Ernie -

    I’ll make a prediction. 2019 will be Capital Fax’s best year in volume by far. MAGA hats will not drive the volume, Illinois politics will .

  34. - Alice - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 4:31 pm:

    Uncle Ernie - :)

    I nominate your post for the best in the topic.

  35. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 4:48 pm:

    This is all a little redundant, and tiresome. The kids grasping at straws here.

  36. - Max Rice - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 5:05 pm:

    Let’s dismiss Madigan’s blatant corruption because I work in Illinois state government and David Krupa is a Republican.

  37. - Roadrager - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 5:13 pm:

    ==So, just how does a 19-year-old college freshman afford a federal lawsuit?==

    This is what I’ve said since John Kass got all hot-to-trot for our little democracy-lover - there’s probably a nice little story in uncovering who sent David Krupa, and it probably wouldn’t take too much looking to find out.

  38. - steve - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 5:14 pm:

    I’ll bet Tony Peraica is probably interested in filing a discovery motion so he can find out if Marty Quinn has Alderman Ed Burke phone number or Danny Solis’ phone number.

  39. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 5:32 pm:

    Wait, I’m still waiting for Madigan’s office measurements for Gonzales, and to see if Pritzker’s campaign got served yet. I can’t keep up.

  40. - Anon324 - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 6:15 pm:

    After having a chance to go through the complaint, two things: 1) the Section 1983 stuff is going nowhere; the theory they lay out fits better under a civil RICO action than it does a Section 1983; 2) Jason for Illinois is mentioned in the closing, odds are the PAC is paying the bill on this.

  41. - Roman - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 8:15 pm:

    == So, just how does a 19-year-old college freshman afford a federal lawsuit? ==

    Tony Peraica will always take publicity in lieu of cash.

  42. - wordslinger - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 11:04 pm:

    –Maybe the whole ward will flip red once the chains are broken. /ha–

    You ding-dongs hilariously fail to see the obvious that the likes of Madigan, Burke, Daley, Hynes,, et. al. were the original Reagan Democrats.

    That’s how he won Illinois. Twice.

    Did you miss that?

    Times change. But silly, ignorant whiners do not.

    What is the “red” agenda?

    Sell it.

    Or do you just want to yank your crank, among friends?

    No responsibility. No accountability.


  43. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 29, 19 @ 8:30 am:

    ==This action is the one of David Krupa, a very brave, serious young man who has dared to challenge the Chicago Machine to end the rapacious reign of a corrupt power, only to see just how shockingly corrupt that power can be in defending its ill-gotten power. –

    That’s from a lawsuit, or a Harlequin romance novel?

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