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More tough times ahead for Illinois Republicans

Monday, Jan 28, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

We all know that former Gov. Bruce Rauner was outspent by our new Gov. J.B. Pritzker during the 2018 campaign. But the actual numbers are pretty darned eye-opening.

During the final three months of last year, Pritzker reported spending $37.2 million. Rauner, on the other hand, spent just $7.1 million — less than a fifth of his Democratic rival’s expenditures.

Overall, Pritzker’s campaign committee spent $173.1 million since its formation in March of 2017.

Of that, Pritzker’s committee contributed $28.1 million to other candidates and spent $145 million on Pritzker’s campaign. Pritzker reported spending a grand total of $90 million on media buys.

Starting in March of 2017, Rauner reported spending $78.6 million, about 45 percent of Pritzker’s amount.

Of that, Rauner’s campaign contributed $15.9 million to other campaigns and committees, a little over half of what Pritzker spent. Rauner spent $62.7 million on his own candidacy, 43 percent of what Pritzker spent. Rauner’s campaign reported spending a total of $41.1 million on media buys, which was less than half what Pritzker spent.

After last March’s primary (starting April 1), Pritzker’s campaign reported spending $104.7 million, including $27.1 million in transfers to other committees and $77.6 million on Pritzker’s own effort. $47.5 million of that was spent on media buys. He spent another $7.4 million on salaries and payroll costs, which gave him a veritable army.

During that same period since the primary, Rauner’s campaign spent $41.6 million (40 percent of Pritzker’s spending), including $8.4 million to other committees (31 percent of Pritzker’s spending) and $33.2 million on himself (43 percent of what Pritzker spent). Rauner’s campaign spent $20.8 million on media buys (44 percent of Pritzker’s spending) and $2.7 million on salaries and payroll costs (just 36 percent of Pritzker’s spending).

Rauner essentially got smothered in every possible way.

By the way, Rauner ended the year with $801K in the bank, far less than the rumors that were going around in November suggested.

Looking forward, one of the biggest questions facing Republican legislators is where will their campaign money come from. Not only did their primary contributor, Bruce Rauner, depart the scene, but after losing so many seats last year combined with the possibility that President Trump will be at the top of the ballot in 2020, who’s gonna give them any cash?

And it’s not like they have a comfy money cushion built up, either.

The House Republican Organization ended the fourth quarter with just a bit over $76,000 in the bank. The Republican State Senate Campaign Committee had a mere $29,000 at the end of the year. Yes, you read that right. $29K.

The true situation isn’t quite that dire, but it ain’t great. House Republican Leader Jim Durkin ended the year with $826,000 in his personal campaign account and Senate Republican Leader Bill Brady ended with $315,000. So, they have more than crumbs, but it’s still not a pleasant situation.

On the other hand, House Speaker Michael Madigan ended the year with almost $7.9 million in his personal campaign account and about $3.4 million in his Democratic Majority account. He had expected the Republicans to spend more than they did, so he piled up as much cash as possible. He now begins the next election cycle with a gigantic advantage.

Things are quite a bit tighter for Senate President John Cullerton, whose personal account had about $261,000 in it while the Senate Democratic Victory Fund had about $447,000. But he’s in the majority, so, unlike the Republicans, raising money should not be a problem.

The Democratic Party of Illinois ended the year with about $1.4 million in the bank. The Illinois Republican Party finished with $313,000. The IL GOP is going to have to be frugal for a while until they can raise some dough.

Rauner has been the state GOP’s most reliable donor. The former governor contributed $36.9 million to the state party since June 13th of 2014. The party raised another $20 million or so on top of that since that same date, but a large chunk of that money was pass-through cash from the two legislative caucuses for direct mail costs.

The unofficial leader of the Republican Party’s wealthy Chicago-area “donor class” was Ron Gidwitz. He helped raise a ton of money for his party over the years. But Gidwitz is now the US Ambassador to Belgium, so he can’t do them any good.

Bottom line: The Republican Party in this state is in very dire straits.



  1. - Arsenal - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:16 am:

    This points to ILGOP looking more and more like whatever Dick Uhlien and Ken Griffen want.

  2. - DuPage Moderate - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:24 am:

    It’s dead…and will be continue to be dead for as long as Ives and Proft are around. They have gutted the party and are totally on the wrong side of modern policy and the direction the party needs to take to win elections and survive.

    Their sabotage has set the party back at least a decade. It’s over.

  3. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:31 am:

    Why don’t you wait to see how big the backlash to Democrats is when working class people find out how much their progressive agenda is going to cost them and their employers in higher taxes before you pronounce the Republican Party dead in Illinois?

  4. - Soccermom - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:34 am:

    DuPage Moderate, you are absolutely wrong. The best thing the ILGOP could do would be to double down and massively increase the amount they give to Proft. With adequate funds, he could bring the ILGOP’s message to every voter in Illinois.

  5. - Practical Politics - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:38 am:

    The Republican Party has been in dire straits since Pate Philip retired (following a redistricting map). Many of the Democrats gains have occurred since that time. Losing in seats in DuPage, Lake and Kane counties would have been unthinkable eighteen years ago. I remember a Tribune feature that the Kane County Democrats were about ready to close up shop. The tables have turned.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:38 am:

    We let a stranger in our house. They (plural) ate our food, ruined our name, got us into losing battles, and when the only redeeming quality they had, money, dried up, they left us barren of leadership, money, ideas, and an image and stain of their names in and out of our house…

    “They were careless people, Bruce and Diana - they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”

    It’s important, really, to know, remember, never forget… and be the ones to never let it happen again.

    All that said, of course, the Raunerites, the phonies, the enablers, the ones who write letters to newspapers thinking they can lead us while being a Raunerite so openly… and others writing letters with unrealistic monetary agendas… they are not the ones who can be a foundation of a rebuild.

    Until the phonies who enables the RaunerS for an entire 99th General Assembly issue a mea culpa… they are still as complicit as the days they voted to hurt their district, the people and this state, and can in NO way be seen as this party’s future. Nope. Sorry. No way.

    Here are the steps;

    1) Admit Rauner was a terrible mistake.

    Rauner was so terribly under water in the end, why not throw him off the train? Bruce and Diana Rauner wanted no $&@%# problems, when in reality, when Rauner took over the party, Bruce and Diana were the biggest problems.

    “We owe the state better than what we’ve given as a party, as an alternative to the Democratic Party. Bruce Rauner let the state and the people down. We pledge to do better. We pledge to work for a better Illinois, in policy and agenda, and will never hold a state hostage again.”

    2) House cleaning.

    Schneider needs to go, the dual chairs need to go… Durkin and Brady need to look for leadership, backstopped by the GOP congresscritters.

    3) Recruitment.

    A new map is coming, so until then, recruit Reagan Rule types that fit districts, and no cookie cutter sameness where districts won’t consider a conservative… as well as a moderate. It works both ways. That’s the key. Beaubiens, Murphys, Petersens, Mulligans.

    4) Money

    We need to go back a bit to traditional Illinois GOP funding arms in some organizations, and if a large donor or three want to be active, ok… but surrendering a brand and apparatus to a checkbook… nope. The idea of voters and winning depends on a healthy party, not just a hefty checkbook. There *is* a difference to surrendering to cult of personality and wealth, and another to understand the Beaubiens, Murphys, Petersens and Mulligans are the majority party we’re chasing. Strings attached money won’t build a party, but will put new paint on a rusted chassis. Leaders need to be chosen that will stand up to those swayed too easily to money.

    5) Infastructure

    Where Rauner (actually Z, but i digress) got it right was infrastructure. Don’t build at the township, county level, build at the state house and regional structures, allowing borders of county and township to meld easier for a greater good of a state party, not fractioned, regional groups, dividing the state while really marginalizing the party within the whol state.

    Start there.

    The next wholly owned Raunerite who thinks they are the answer without addressing ALL these things… they will again be called out for their utter cowardice, and their role in the demise and where this party stands now.

  7. - Downstate - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:39 am:

    National media outlets were predicting the end of the Republican Party at 6pm CST on 11/8/16. Of course, that prognostication was dismissed just a few hours later.

    Last weeks poll showing the top issues in the Chicago Mayors race as being fiscal health and crime are the wake-up call to both Illinois Dems and Republicans. Voters will only tolerate so much before they decide to make a radical change. The issues need to be addressed. The party that fails to address those issues puts themselves at serious risk. The one that offers an alternative to the current horror of fiscal instability and rampant shootings will garner support.

    Republicans need to focus on those issues ad nauseam.

  8. - Bourbon Street - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:40 am:

    @Soccermom: in my humble opinion, Illinois voters have already heard the message of the ILGOP and they don’t like it. Lots of Republicans don’t like the Ives-Proft message as Ives could not beat one of the most disliked governors in Illinois history.

  9. - Truthseeker - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:41 am:

    “Soccermom” - You are hallucinating early on a Monday morning. If you don’t like 44 as a number for House Republicans, follow Proft/Ives, and try on 38 for comfort.

    The audience never goes above 25% for the extreme message, circa 1958. You are enrolling in Irrelevance 101 if you think this merry band takes you anywhere but to the Consolation Bracket.

  10. - Turner - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:41 am:

    ==double down and massively increase the amount they give to Proft==

    Thank you Soccermom! I haven’t laughed that hard since Jeanne she would be able to work with Mike Madigan if elected.

  11. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:42 am:

    Rauner was smart not to overinvest in a doomed campaign. The Republican Party could rebuild, refund and find new leadership. Or will that political brand continue to decline, like in California.

  12. - Hottot - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:44 am:

    In southern Illinois, the Republican party is alive and well. In Jefferson County, just having the word “Democrat” next to his name cost a Sheriff’s candidate the election. Both candidates were conservative, but the Republican won. Aside from Jerry Costello, there are no Democratic representatives in the General Assembly or Congress. The Democratic party in southern Illinois is all but extinct.

  13. - Gohawks123 - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:47 am:

    They dug their own grave….

  14. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:47 am:

    ===before you pronounce the Republican Party dead in Illinois===

    I didn’t. But thanks for your usual hyperventilating.

  15. - Nick Name - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:48 am:

    The more dire the better. They deserve no forgiveness for what they’ve done to our state, especially its most vulnerable.

  16. - City Zen - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:48 am:

    1. Keep Stava-Murray talking.
    2. Create a 10 mile fundraising radius around each of Ken Griffin’s 9-figure homes.

  17. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:49 am:

    Pritzker really helped the Democrats financially. It was perfect, the way it worked out. Absent of a Rauner and his millions, Democrats should be able to hold their own without a Pritzker, but with a Pritzker, that makes them much stronger.

    Who will now invest millions in a party that’s broken and out of touch (ILGOP)? I see the same, tired messaging from various Republicans on social media (screaming about taxes). They are not change people and want to keep the broken status quo of flat rate taxation. What’s the party message now, beside what clearly doesn’t work in Illinois?

  18. - Truthseeker - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:49 am:

    “Oswego Willy” - could not agree with you more. Remember also, Ives and crowd cheered Rauner on until he crossed them on abortion. They are as guilty in the ruination as he is . . . no free pass for pouring gasoline on the fire right up and until he lied to them. They were complicit and cheering him on.

    Ives/Proft et. al. should not be confused with the Perfect 10 in any way . . . .they are the antithesis in relation to those who did the right thing and governed.

  19. - wordslinger - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:51 am:

    Griff seems to be way more into real estate as a hobby these days.

    But I think the larger point is true, in that there remains a sharp divide in the Illinois GOP, and whatever funders are out there will be split between those two general factions.

    Much of that money likely will be spent in GOP primaries. Uiehlein, in particular, seems to be more interested in enforcing intra-party purity than winning general elections.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:51 am:

    ===In southern Illinois, the Republican party is alive and well. ===


    Land doesn’t vote, people vote.

    Where there are the most people, the Dems have taken the turf.

    If the ILGOP wants to be a regional party, the regions they occupy now are not highly populated and will continue to make this regional thinking minority governing.

    ===radical change===

    Yeah, good try. The radical candor the voters gave in November was “Raunerism and Republicans are not the the answer.”

    The ILGOP can’t be a regional thinking party in hopes of thinking suburban moms, minorities, labor, youth.., thinking all those voters we’re attracting.

    I’m also “guessing” the famous - Soccermom - is trolling y’all.

  21. - Anon - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:56 am:

    With the GOP over representing rural districts, it might behoove them to become major proponents of a progressive income tax rate. The Dem legislators already heavily favor it, so it’s not like they’d stop it from being enacted.

    But, in a lot of cases when they actually look at the demographics of their district they’re going to have relatively few folks that wind up in the higher brackets (whatever they are) so it would represent a tax cut for most of their constituents, and make it possible to either reduce property tax levies, or use those funds on improving local communities instead of providing inadequate support for schools — all of which is possible with the new funding model for K-12 education.

    They could then even boast that increased state revenues could be used to invest in public services and protect public assets, like our wonderful state parks, and we can ‘finally fix that terrible road.’

    That’d be a smart long term strategy where they could demonstrate that they’re responsible fiscal stewards of the communities they represent.

    The only catch, of course, is that they would have to stop pretending like their district is economically supporting Chicago and take a good, long, hard look at their district and recognize that they need more state investment to help their communities thrive.

    Don’t know if they can do that, and they might not be able to do that without being primaried by a lunatic.

    Thankfully, though, their districts will be well served by the Democratic legislators that were elected else where who want to do basic things like make sure that — all — of our schools are adequately funded.

    Even the ones in districts that vote for GOP reps that believe in magic.

  22. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:57 am:

    I love that Great Gatsby quote OW. Well played.

  23. - Not a Billionaire - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:58 am:

    OW beat me I was going to point out no electoral college here…..if land voted the GOP did well.I wrote RAnd D on a state house map since I couldn’t find one. Well it looks like US house map.

  24. - wordslinger - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:58 am:

    –The Democratic party in southern Illinois is all but extinct.–

    Yes. And the GOP is getting pounded by Dems in the suburbs and uni towns.

    Things change.

    But do the math.

  25. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:58 am:

    With total control of state government, Democrats will truly “own” it.

    Why will the Pritzker administration, which so far has made more progressive promises than Blagoevich or Quinn succeed?

    Illinois is currently ranked 46th in job creation before we implement a $15 dollar minimum wage and raise taxes on successful small businesses.

  26. - cover - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:59 am:

    = We pledge to work for a better Illinois, in policy and agenda, and will never hold a state hostage again. =

    OW, that’s going to be a tough sell when there is another GOP hostage taker in an even more prominent position.

  27. - illini - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 9:59 am:

    I do understand the problems that the ILGOP is experiencing at this time. And Willy has proposed a path forward to make the party relevant. But who is listening?

    Anecdotally, the Downstate electorate, especially in the more rural areas, are largely unconcerned about these kinds of evaluations and concentrate on the more local candidates. Anyone with an R behind their names will likely win the majority of the voters.

    And for this I fault the ILDEMS for letting their message get skewered and misrepresented by the GOP. And it converted many Independent voters to abandon the party they had previously followed. There used to be a long history of Democrat powers in Southern Illinois, but those rare people are long gone.

  28. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 10:03 am:

    Time will benefit the GOP. Just wait for the JB performance.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 10:05 am:

    ===Why will the Pritzker administration, which so far has made more progressive promises than Blagoevich or Quinn succeed?===

    Fourteen days in, and Trump still in the White House and a fractured Raunerite/GOP Party… they can own it all and still thump Raunerites… all day.

    ===Illinois is currently ranked 46th in job creation===

    “Thanks Bruce Rauner”

    Moving to 40th will be improving… see how that works? Governors own improvements too… if they occur. You are use to bashing… 24/7/365.

    - cover -

    Oh, it’s gonna be near impossible, but bipartisan Illinois governing with Dems and hold up a big tent of Reagan ideals… it’s a start, not a completed overhaul.

    Godspeed to those taking this on. They’ll need it.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 10:08 am:

    ===Time will benefit the GOP. Just wait for the JB performance.===

    “Time will benefit the IL Dems. Just wait for the Trump performance.”

    Lazy drive by sentences rarely lead to real building.

    The Dems beat Rauner by standing for things, people, this state. Rauner imploding was the secret sauce to unite the Democratic Party factions.

  31. - Chris P. Bacon - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 10:10 am:

    Money really isn’t main problem for IL GOP. No amount of money can save incompetent management.

  32. - Soccermom - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 10:11 am:

    Bourbon Street and Truthseeker —

    Umm. I may have ulterior motives in encouraging the GOP to pour money down the Proft hole…

  33. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 10:14 am:

    ===Remember also, Ives and crowd cheered Rauner on until he crossed them on abortion. They are as guilty in the ruination as he is . . . no free pass for pouring gasoline on the fire right up and until he lied to them. They were complicit and cheering him on.===


    The 99th GA Raunerites are wholly complicit…

    … except Mr. Breen who apologized for being complicit… then took it back.

    What ever happened to Mr. Breen?

    So, yes, agreed. They all were, the 99th GA Raunerites… now we begin again.

  34. - Soccermom - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 10:15 am:

    So we beat on, OW, boats against the current…

  35. - wordslinger - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 10:15 am:

    Lucky Pierre, keep up your good work. The robotic message you and the other Bots have been peddling the last few years has contributed greatly to the success… of some.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 10:17 am:

    - Soccermom -,

    Your trolling makes my beating of my head against the wall worth it.

    They won’t listen, but… it’s out there to be torn down.


  37. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 10:17 am:

    Wait until the $15 dollar minimum wage hits areas outside of Cook County where neighboring states are $9 before you predict an improvement in the job creation numbers.

  38. - Anyone Remember - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 10:17 am:

    Hottot -
    IL GOP becoming Southern / Central Illinoiscentric + Ives / Proft = Illinois GOP becoming as irrelevant as the California GOP. Then this becomes the Illinois GOP future

  39. - Arsenal - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 10:22 am:

    ==Illinois is currently ranked 46th in job creation before we implement a $15 dollar minimum wage and raise taxes on successful small businesses.==

    I love it when you introduce evidence against your own conclusions.

    We’re already ranked 46th, without a $15 minimum wage? Then the absence of a $15 minimum wage isn’t doing us very much good.

    We tried it your way. It got us ranked 46th. Time to try something else.

  40. - Rod - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 10:35 am:

    Good luck with rebuilding the LLGOP, you will need it along with a very poorly designed state income tax proposal by the democrats.

  41. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 10:45 am:

    And - Soccermom -… that was well played. Great seeing you around.

    The next step is the first step for this rebuild.

    Frankly, the message Schneider and the ILGOP Press Shop has been pushing since January 14th hasn’t helped much.

  42. - Chicagonk - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 10:46 am:

    Illinois GOP needs to clean out some of the toxic leadership (especially in Chicago). The reality is that there is no where to go but up when it comes to Chicago. Rauner won in 2014 because he did well in Chicago and that is the only viable path to victory at the statewide level for Republicans.

  43. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 10:47 am:

    Those who willfully refuse to see the damage Bruce Rauner deliberately caused do so at their own political peril. We are in the “status quo” now, which is basically Rauner’s term that just ended two weeks ago. Job growth was weaker than under Quinn, last I checked. People left the state much more under Rauner, and debt skyrocketed.

    As far as future party strength, I disagree that Pritzker’s successes will hurt him and Democrats. Those successes would be putting a fair tax on the ballot and agreeing to rates in which there would be tax cuts for the vast majority of Illinoisans, legalizing marijuana, raising the minimum wage, passing budgets, etc. Republicans can gain strength if Pritzker fails at his own terms. If a fair tax is actually enacted by voters with cuts for so many, that’s powerful, in a good way.

  44. - Soccermom - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 10:48 am:

    OW — about your question: “What ever happened to Mr. Breen?”

    I may be able to get you an answer. :)

  45. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 10:51 am:

    ===I may be able to get you an answer. :) ===

    Boy, that’d be great. I’m ‘fused to what happened.

    But, Mr. Breen does have his righteous indignation.

  46. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 10:51 am:

    When did Illinois try it the Republicans way?

    Before 2003 when Democrats took total control of state government

    Who wouldn’t trade those days for today?

  47. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 10:54 am:

    Performance trumps any secret sauce Oswego, does JB have what it takes? Maybe, but a very low probability it happens. This isn’t a game show where he can bark out, “You get a prize, and you get a prize…..”

  48. - Arsenal - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 11:03 am:

    ==When did Illinois try it the Republicans way?==

    We’re trying it right now. Minimum wage

  49. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 11:03 am:

    ===This isn’t a game show where he can bark out, “You get a prize, and you get a prize…..”===

    If they pass a capital bill then it most surely is.

  50. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 11:04 am:

    ===When did Illinois try it the Republicans way?===



    “When did Illinois try it the Rauner way?”

    Never got 60 or 30… 71 or 36.

    Being a Raunerite now… that’s not winning or owning any messaging… since Rauner’s rejection by the voters was the largest for an incumbent “Republican” in 100 years..

    ===Performance trumps any secret sauce Oswego, does JB have what it takes?===

    LOL… you think Trump’s numbers will improve in Illinois? You think those two new suburban Dem Congressional districts will be back in play… even after the new map… without changing who the ILGOP is?

    Pick a name.

  51. - Arsenal - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 11:04 am:

    Let’s try that again!

    ==When did Illinois try it the Republicans way?==

    We’re trying it right now. Minimum wage

  52. - Arsenal - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 11:06 am:

    Weird, something about the less than sign on the keyboard?

    We’re trying it the Republican way right now. Minimum wage is less than $15. No fair tax. No legal pot. This is the Republican preferred position on all of those issues. And it got us ranked 46th.

    That’s why they lost. And they did lose. So now we get to try something else.

  53. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 11:26 am:

    The ranking of 46th has a LOT more to do with factors other than those you list Arsenal

  54. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 11:29 am:

    The biggest problem ILGOP has, in my opinion, isno governing credibility. Voters have only seen Rauner in office and he was worse than either Ryan or Blagojevich. When voters think about ILGOP, they can’t have good memories.

    By 2014, ILGOP had nothing but a brand. It got bought by Rauner. Then Rauner flushed it. Want to vote for the GOP? Wanna buy a Nash Rambler? ILGOP’s got nothing.

    Blago was awful and beat ILGOP. Illinois has no budget future, but ILGOP still loses. The Lucky Pierre nightmare can happen, but I contend that ILGOP would still lose.

    The Democrats can beat any GOP statewide with Mrs. O’Leary’s cow still smoldering from the Fire.

    Why? Because ILGOP has zero credibility in governing. Voters would rather elect any Democrat over the best ILGOP has to offer.

  55. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 11:30 am:

    “When did Illinois try it the Republicans way?”

    That was the Raunerite way recently. Democrats should have never done it that way, to rip cuts out of public employees and strip the rights of all unions. Bruce Rauner has hundreds of millions of times more personal wealth than the people he wants to be cut and lose rights and power. Hundreds of millions of times. Thankfully Pritzker is willing to raise the state income tax on the wealthy. It’s the reform we, and he, for future Democratic party strength, need.

  56. - SSL - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 11:33 am:

    This is a good opportunity to see what dominant single party ruling can do for a state. The Dems earned it and now can fully enact their agenda. There are challenges to be sure, but if they execute effectively, they will cement their stranglehold on the state.

    An interesting experiment the rest of the country can observe and evaluate. Hope they get it right.

  57. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 11:42 am:

    Sorry my bad. I mean Rauner has many thousands of times the wealth of the people he wants cut. I was comparing the wealth of workers in union jobs to that of Rauner. Some don’t own anything, such as a house or car. Many who have big ticket items owe money on them. Many barely get by.

    We can see it’s a huge difference, and political parties’ success in Illinois will depend on who will be asked to make the sacrifices and how much. If Republicans continue down the Rauner path, say with an Uihlein or Ricketts, that does not bode well for the party.

  58. - steve - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 11:42 am:

    The Republicans comeback depends on what the Democrats do now that the Democrats have total control. If the Democrats enact their agenda of higher taxes and the Illinois voters like it, the Democrats will win. If enough voters don’t like it then the Republicans have another chance. But, not until then they don’t have much going for them.

  59. - Arsenal - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 11:43 am:

    ==The ranking of 46th has a LOT more to do with factors other than those you list Arsenal==

    I’m merely taking LP’s argument as I found it, Nameless One. As the man said:

    “Illinois is currently ranked 46th in job creation before we implement a $15 dollar minimum wage and raise taxes on successful small businesses.”

    So, our job creation sucks, and we don’t have those two policies. That indicates that the absence of those two policies doesn’t really help us very much. So let’s try implementing them.

    Are there other factors that contribute to job creation? Probably, and I’ll take your word for it. But that just further indicates that the absence of those two policies isn’t some panacea.

  60. - Arsenal - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 11:45 am:

    ==The biggest problem ILGOP has, in my opinion, isno governing credibility.==

    Yup. Being exposed as unable to do the job is an absolute killer.

    Their best chance in the medium-term is that Democrats expose that they can’t govern, either.

  61. - JS Mill - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 12:07 pm:

    =When did Illinois try it the Republicans way?=

    Well Kansas sure did. They bought in whole heartedly, full on low tax nirvana. They even brought in the Laffer team.

    Worked so well that Kansas almost disappeared as a functioning entity.

    So there is that. And of course they are trying to dig there way out with……a tax increase.

    LP, you keep shrieking but the overwhelming majority rejected you and Rauner. Even if they only dipped their toes into that policy pool.


  62. - 33rd Ward - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 12:09 pm:

    You want to help IL grow?

    1. Legal pot

    2. $15 min wage

    Economy takes off. Watch.

  63. - steve - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 12:10 pm:

    If Illinois goes to a progressive income tax, if people who make over 45K start paying more than 4.95% on average then the GOP might have enough ticked off voters to come to power. Especially, if the higher taxes begin during a national recession. Where are the Democrats going to get all the new money to fund their new and old programs? Can Illinois really afford all that it’s spending on right now?

  64. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 12:14 pm:

    The Democrats have failed repeatedly. Any normal state would have thrown them out a decade ago. Rauner was supposed to prove that ILGOP could govern. He did the opposite.

    So ILGOP is in far worse shape.

    ILGOP needs two things to happen - Pritzker to fail AND for voters to forget Bruce Rauner.

    That’s not going to happen.

  65. - Soccermom - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 12:17 pm:

    A serious note: Legalizing recreational marijuana will bring in some revenues, but it’s not going to be transformative. In 2017, Colorado’s marijuana taxes brought about a quarter of a billion into the State coffers — nice, but only about one percent of total budget.

    The legal weed industry will create hundreds of new jobs, but the economic impact will be diffuse, I think.

    So let’s not get carried away.

  66. - Arsenal - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 12:28 pm:

    ==That’s not going to happen.==

    It will eventually. Voters have short memories. The problem in the short term is that Trump is still out there.

  67. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 12:32 pm:

    ===It will eventually. Voters have short memories. The problem in the short term is that Trump is still out there.===

    … and the damage Rauner did, like to social services, is still fresh in the minds of voters too.

  68. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 12:33 pm:

    33rd, I’ll watch….and watch and watch. I believe Seattle small businesses found out pretty quickly what a $15 minimum wage would do for them.

  69. - steve - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 12:37 pm:

    The $15 minimum wage will be a disaster for those who don’t have work experience and a high school diploma.

  70. - frustrated GOP - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 12:38 pm:

    Along with the lack of funds, not fundraising at any level the last 4 years and Rauner removing a lot of the long time field guys, yeah they got some work to do. Problem for GOP, too many of the guys at the local level have issues with moderates and last checked, those are the people who win in Illinois. Going to be interesting, but its going to take 4-6 years of thankless work before they start to see any real results.

  71. - Nonbeleiver - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 12:44 pm:

    Let’s get real. The Illinois GOP is done for. It is history and a continued vital force at the state level. Can not predict a hundred years but this is true for many decades to come.

    And despite what anyone says it is largely due to the demographics of immigration both legal and illegal.

    This immigration and the exodus of Whites from the state in the last 30 years has turned Illinois from a Swing State to A Blue State.

    Anyone who denies this, well they are in denial.

  72. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 12:52 pm:

    ===Can not predict a hundred years but this is true for many decades to come.===


    You can’t predict centuries, but you’re “cool” with multiple decades?

    Yeah, ok, go with that.

  73. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 12:59 pm:

    ===And despite what anyone says it is largely due to the demographics of immigration both legal and illegal.===

    “Build a wall” (exclamation mark) lol

    ===This immigration and the exodus of Whites from the state in the last 30 years has turned Illinois from a Swing State to A Blue State.

    Anyone who denies this, well they are in denial.===

    White flight… because we have “no wall”… and we’re still the 6th largest state.

    I think your issue is racial, not economical?

  74. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 1:03 pm:

    “So let’s not get carried away.”

    It’s more than just revenue and jobs for legal marijuana. It’s time to get out from under the thumb of the backward-thinking, who want to keep a massively broken system in place: prohibition.

    One way to rebuild the ILGOP might be to change old and failed views on marijuana. I’m looking forward to see how many Republicans will support legalization and hoping some will.

  75. - Louis G. Atsaves - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 1:06 pm:

    @frustrated GOP, Bingo. You hit the nail solidly on its head. I however feel that it will take more than 4-6 years to rebuild. Too many individuals holding positions within the ILGOP, locally and statewide, aren’t quite willing to rebuild just yet. Strange, but true.

  76. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 1:15 pm:

    ===Too many individuals holding positions within the ILGOP, locally and statewide, aren’t quite willing to rebuild just yet. Strange, but true.===

    Raunerites like you, - Louis G Atsaves -… that’s who.

    Glad you called yourself out, while refusing to own the damage Rauner did.

    Time after time, you told me “get in line”… not build… you were not open… “no $&@-%# problems”… right - Louis G Atsaves.

    Raunerites like you destroyed the ILGOP, and it worked out quite well for you, it cost the party.

    You really have *no* leg to stand on - Louis G Atsaves -, you like Mr. Barickman are wholly responsible until you admit your transgressions.

  77. - Nonbeleiver - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 1:30 pm:

    @Oswego Willy

    “and we’re still the 6th largest state.”

    Are you bragging or complaining as we gown down to 7th?

    And going down to 7th, 8th?

  78. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 1:32 pm:

    ===Are you bragging or complaining as we gown down to 7th?

    And going down to 7th, 8th?===

    White flight and not building a wall is causing the outward migration?


    ===And despite what anyone says it is largely due to the demographics of immigration both legal and illegal.===

    Illinois isn’t white enough?

    That it?

  79. - anon2 - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 1:36 pm:

    === The Democratic party in southern Illinois is all but extinct.===

    Southern Illinois is bleeding population and economic vitality. There aren’t enough people there to outvote the increasingy blue Chicago area.

  80. - anon2 - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 1:43 pm:

    === With the GOP over representing rural districts, it might behoove them to become major proponents of a progressive income tax rate.
    With the GOP over representing rural districts, it might behoove them to become major proponents of a progressive income tax rate. ===

    Even if the graduated income tax raised the rate solely on millionaires, and lowered them for every one else, not a single GOP legislator would vote for it, even though it would help 99.9% of their residents. Which is instructive about who controls the GOP.

  81. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 1:50 pm:

    Hey LP - how much is that in Rubles?

  82. - anon2 - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 1:53 pm:

    === One way to rebuild the ILGOP might be to change old and failed views on marijuana. I’m looking forward to see how many Republicans will support legalization and hoping some will. ===

    There will be no more than a handful, just as with civil unions, medical marijuana, marriage equality, and abolishing capital punishment. The modern GOP is the reactionary party that only favors the reforms of the previous generation.

  83. - Rabid - Monday, Jan 28, 19 @ 2:15 pm:

    A natural advanage with”land of Lincoln” on the licence plates. Voteing the party of Lincoln has been a family tradition from the 1800’s

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