Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Let’s just squash this idea once and for all
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Let’s just squash this idea once and for all

Wednesday, Jan 30, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Charles Selle at the Lake County Sun

But suppose Gov. Sunbeam indeed turns Illinois around, as he has promised, in the next two years? Using new revenue enhancements, like the fees gun shop owners will pay for the new state gun licenses they will need if they want to stay in business in Illinois. Or more casinos and a marijuana tax. And, don’t forget taxing the rich and even cutting expenditures.

Dragging the Venezuela of the Midwest flush into the next decade could make Pritzker a possible presidential candidate, or at least fodder for those inside-the-beltway folks. Stranger things have happened in Illinois. Most of us know about the freshman Illinois senator by the name of Barack Obama who became presidential timber.

Already there are a half-dozen Democrats ready to take on President Trump next year. Filing for the state’s beauty contest and convention delegate candidates is set for December unless changed by the legislature. […]

By January 2020, Pritzker will have a year of governing under his belt. We’ll see if his outlook for Illinois remains bright and he becomes a turnaround specialist. If so, he could become the leader of the sizeable Democrat presidential pack.


I cannot figure out if he’s serious or if he’s setting the bar so high for Pritzker that it’ll be easier to knock the new governor down if it doesn’t happen. “Pritzker doesn’t live up to expectations - Illinois still Venezuela of the Midwest” or something.

Look, Barack Obama officially kicked off his presidential bid on February 10, 2007, more than two years after being sworn in to the US Senate. The comparable kickoff date for this presidential cycle would be 11 days from now, just 27 days after Pritzker was sworn in as governor.

Not gonna happen. Not even worth discussing. I should probably turn off comments.


  1. - lol - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 11:35 am:


  2. - Sue - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 11:36 am:

    Most of us also know another former Dem Governor with delusions about the WH- he is sitting in prison

  3. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 11:38 am:

    ==Dragging the Venezuela of the Midwest…==
    Where is that? Is it warm there?

  4. - Annonin' - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 11:39 am:

    As recall Dan Walker had a similar plan in the 70’s ….govern a little and run in ‘76 for president. Small problem. He lost his primary and and other Naval Academy grad, Jimmy Carter, got the nomination. Right now JB looks as good as the others

  5. - DeseDemDose - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 11:39 am:


  6. - DuPage Saint - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 11:40 am:

    Hey if he fixes all of the problems in Illinois he has my vote. Especially if he does it in the next eleven days

  7. - Jibba - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 11:42 am:

    Given the job that Jerry Brown did turning around California, he would be a contender if he were not so old. If JB does a similar job (after a term or tree), he would be rightly considered a contender at that time. Silly to say it now before he has actually done anything.

  8. - Not a Billionaire - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 11:43 am:

    Venezuala the new Greece….Why not Russia it’s an impoverished looted dump.
    Maybe comparing Illinois to any of these places should be an ignore.

  9. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 11:45 am:

    But could he be a running mate? That wouldn’t have to be decided til early summer 2020 - after two sessions.

  10. - Streamwood Retiree - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 11:48 am:

    I’m with DuPage Saint here. I’ve been kicked by the (D) Party so many times that I fully expect JB to ignore his campaign promises about significant property tax relief. But if he does a good job the next four years, I’m fully on board with him for VP, maybe President after eight years.
    No, he shouldn’t cut his only elected political position short to run for President. We can all see what happens when someone with zero political experience is elected President. Generals don’t count. Their job is inherently political. Ike was a master politician.

  11. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 11:50 am:

    Is Venezuela the new Greece/Detroit among the Usual Suspects. You ever notice that they’re always promoting policies straight out of Mississippi?

  12. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 11:50 am:

  13. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 11:53 am:

    My party’s (completely understandable and justifiable) populist streak will have to die down a bit before JB could ever think about being the nominee, regardless of how successful he is. It was one thing in IL, against Rauner, with frankly some second-tier options running in the primary. It’s another thing nationally.

  14. - Montrose - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 11:54 am:

    He better move quickly if he is going to announce before Stava-Murray throws her hat in the ring.

  15. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 11:55 am:

    Crazy. Pritzker is looking at 2024 or 2028.

  16. - Huh? - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 11:55 am:

    “Venezuela of the Midwest”

    So 1.4% is still in power.
    Pritzker is claiming to be interim governor.
    Trump is preparing to send troops to defend Pritzker.
    The National guard troops are siding with 1.4% and preparing to roll tanks into the streets.
    Starving citizens are fleeing.
    The State oil revenues are being frozen by the US.
    Bank of Britain has frozen our gold bullion reserves.

    Got it. Not completely sure any of the above statements are founded anywhere near the truth.

    Can we agree this is a little bit of hyperbole?

  17. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:01 pm:

    I hear susana Mendoza is recycling the soccer commercial for her run to be the president of Venezuela.

  18. - Huh? - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:05 pm:

    I forgot to add that Indiana and Wisconsin are closing their borders to Illinois citizens who are fleeing the political crisis and economic meltdown in Illinois.
    Bordering States are complaining about the huge influx of desperate refugees and demanding UN intervention.

  19. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:06 pm:

    The professional Illinois haters still live here. That says much more than their words.

  20. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:07 pm:

    Meh, if he has a string of successes in the Spring session, he could declare in June 2019 and probably get in all the debates. He’d have more than 6 months before the Iowa caucus.

    His election night speech at least to me sounded more like a speech for a national campaign than an Illinois-centric campaign. Maybe everyone just imitates national campaigns now though.

  21. - West Side the Best Side - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:08 pm:

    Charles Selle’s picture on Muck Rake makes him look like a card carrying member of the Very Silly Party.

  22. - TominChicago - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:10 pm:

    It’s like the author of the piece is putting together a writing sample for a job on the Trib’s op/ed page.

  23. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:11 pm:

    Stop. Stop. Stop. No gonna happen. Can’t he please be allowed to fix Illinois before people start this nonsense. So much work to be done here. Seriously, please stop.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:13 pm:

    “Donald Trump failed”

    I’m kidding… I’m *kidding*

    If there is a time, it won’t be now. Tough to see that.

  25. - NorthsideNoMore - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:14 pm:

    I seem to recall some banter about Rods being mentioned as a VP possible before he took office or right after ? …just sayin

  26. - dbk - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:15 pm:

    I wonder if anybody’s asked JB if he’s interested in running for President, not that it matters I guess.

    Isn’t being gov of one of the Big 10 states enough, and enough of a challenge? JB really seems - in contrast to this individual at the Lake County Sun - to love Illinois, and to want to serve his native state.

    It’s one thing to admit that IL has big-state problems and discuss them rationally, and another to go all “Venezuela of the Midwest” on innocent readers - I mean, really, what is that even (theoretically) supposed to mean?

  27. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:22 pm:

    Many commentators have described Mayor Emmanuel’s terms as resembling a Washington DC political organization more than a traditional Chicago political organization. It would not be surprising to me if Gov. Pritzker ends up being the same way.

  28. - PJ - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:24 pm:

    Every low-information hack with a column has been squeezing whatever juice they can out of Venezuela comparisons while it’s in the news. Watch the headlines out of the Middle East to see which failed state Illinois will be moronically compared to next.

  29. - Ginhouse Tommy - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:26 pm:

    Good lord. How much more cynical and bitter can you be that that. Talk about the grim reaper. Talk about bitter and negative. Sheesh.

  30. - Not a Billionaire - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:27 pm:

    In case anyone noticed the democrats party outside Illinois is in an anti billionaire uprising…..

  31. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:28 pm:

    ==and another to go all “Venezuela of the Midwest” on innocent readers - I mean, really, what is that even (theoretically) supposed to mean?==

    It means there is the world’s largest oil reserve under them soybeans fields. Come on let’s start pumpin’ some Illinoil.

  32. - JoeMaddon - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:28 pm:

    **But could he be a running mate? That wouldn’t have to be decided til early summer 2020 - after two sessions.**

    Yea, because a billionaire from a very blue state would be very helpful - huge value add, really excite voters - for whatever candidate wins the Primary.

  33. - OutOfState - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:32 pm:

    ==But could he be a running mate?==

    Sure, but why would a presidential nominee pick JB? The Dem primary will likely feature its fair share of billionaire bashing, which would make JB an unlikely choice for anyone besides Bloomberg and Schultz. Beside the fact that they are both long-shots, they would have to be insane to create a two-billionaire ticket.

    Ignoring personal wealth, JB would also suffer from being from a safe-blue state and having low name-recognition outside IL since he will be in his first term and not have run for office or served in a role outside IL.

    Sure, in a year and a half, he may be qualified(ish) to be VP, but the main funder of the IL Democratic Party isn’t likely to abandon his post midway through his first term to be VP. I agree with dbk - JB seems to want to serve IL, and any theories about whether he /could/ be involved in the presidential ticket ignores a lot of good reasons why he probably won’t be.

  34. - vole - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:33 pm:

    Thanks for reminding me. I almost forgot the rich ain’t taxed enough.

  35. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:46 pm:

    I will give him the benefit of the doubt and believe that his brain froze so he isn’t thinking due to the polar vortex

  36. - Amalia - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:51 pm:

    oh, how precious. they are calling him Gov. Sunbeam akin to Gov. Moonbeam, Jerry Brown (who turned out to be amazing). they are trying to slam Prtizker. remember, we can all use sun right now.

  37. - Mama - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:54 pm:

    Rich, I’m betting on this scenario, “…He is setting the bar so high for Pritzker that it’ll be easier to knock the new governor down if it doesn’t happen.”

  38. - pool boy - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:55 pm:

    Charles and I agree on one item, ” He also faces a slew of fiscal problems… “.

  39. - Huh? - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:59 pm:

    “world’s largest oil reserve under them soybeans fields.”

    No actually the oil reserve is in the fields, not underneath.

    In 2017, Illinois farmers produced 611.9 million bushels of soybeans. A bushel of beans can produce 1.5 gallons of biodiesel. So the nearly 612 million bushels of soybeans can be crushed into about 21.9 million barrels of biodiesel per year. And totally renewable. BTW, a barrel of crude oil is 42 gallons.

  40. - Blue Dog Dem - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 1:10 pm:

    Gov. Sunbeam? Venezuela of the Midwest. I don’t care which political party is your fantasy, but that’s good stuff.

  41. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 1:15 pm:

    Are we certain that the collapse of the newspaper industry is entirely bad?

  42. - Northsider - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 1:35 pm:

    Charles Selle (who?) outs himself as a fourth-rate Kass. There’s a few minutes I’ll not get back.

  43. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 1:44 pm:

    Pundits gotta pun their dits.

  44. - M - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 2:54 pm:

    - Huh? - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 12:59 pm:
    “world’s largest oil reserve under them soybeans fields.”
    “No actually the oil reserve is in the fields, not underneath.”
    “In 2017, Illinois farmers produced 611.9 million bushels of soybeans. A bushel of beans can produce 1.5 gallons of biodiesel. So the nearly 612 million bushels of soybeans can be crushed into about 21.9 million barrels of biodiesel per year. And totally renewable. BTW, a barrel of crude oil is 42 gallons.”

    Why is there a bunch of soy beans being stored in giant plastic bags across IL when it can be used for fuel? Is there a company in IL that can convert our soy beans into biodiesel?

  45. - Old Illini - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 3:34 pm:

    It is hilarious — must be cabin fever.

  46. - ike - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 4:12 pm:

    JB will run for president and Sam McCann will be his running mate /s

  47. - Lt Guv - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 4:21 pm:

    What a Jackwagon.

  48. - A guy - Wednesday, Jan 30, 19 @ 5:20 pm:

    ==Not gonna happen. Not even worth discussing. I should probably turn off comments.==

    Next time, go with that first instinct. lol

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