Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rauner on Madigan’s “Mafia empire”
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Rauner on Madigan’s “Mafia empire”

Thursday, Jan 31, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Sun-Times caught up with former Gov. Bruce Rauner about the revelation that House Speaker Michael Madigan was taped by the FBI in his law office soliciting property tax appeals business

“It certainly would have served Illinois if this had come out 20 years ago,” Rauner said of revelations contained in a federal affidavit. “This should have come out 20 or 30 years ago.” […]

“I was on the [Civic Committee] steering committee for years,” Rauner said. “This stuff is common knowledge in the business community. This has been and is like Mafia behavior. Victims don’t talk about it because you fear retribution.” […]

“I’ve been talking about it. Everybody knows. When a business owner comes in or there’s a new building in Cook County — I don’t know how they carve up the market between [Ald.] Ed [Burke] and Mike, but one of them calls, or one of their cronies call — depends on the day — and say, ‘We do property tax appeal work and we want to work for your building.’”

“The guys are totally freaked out. ‘Holy s—. Who are you again?’ And they’re scared. And then often times one of their [people] call and say, ‘You better use their firm,’” Rauner said. “This has been going on for decades. And some guys swallow hard and say, ‘Oh s—. I don’t want the retribution,’ and never answer the phone. They use somebody else or leave the city. A lot of people are not investing in Chicago because they don’t want to deal with these guys.” […]

“[Madigan has] been in control for 35 years. He’s totally integrated in a family empire. It’s like a Mafia empire. It’s his family business and it’s totally corrupt and rife with conflicts,” Rauner said.


  1. - Homer J. Quinn - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 8:57 am:

    arrivederci, already.

  2. - Tired - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:01 am:

    Bruce who

  3. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:02 am:

    He does own the Puzo Papers.

    Rauner is a pathetic little man, who was governor of the 5th largest state, saw it become the 6th largest state, and whined and cried about “not being in charge”… but now, with swear words and laughing, did nothing as he talks about “decades” of alleged things people did.

    He *was* the person who was charged with executing the laws.

    Now… he’s going to be that utter failure that thinks he will be vindicated in the end.

    Narrator: Rauner won’t be vindicated.

    Oh, next time Rauner tells the truth about anything, like as simple as going on a vacation, be it halfway around the world or a few states over, lemme know.

    Who lies about where they are going on vacation?

  4. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:03 am:

    Says the guy who clouted his child in a Chicago public school and made a $250,000 donation to the school, and the guy who gave $300,000 to a Pennsylvania Democrat and got public employee pension business.

    What’s worse than a crook is a hypocrite.

  5. - Rutro - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:03 am:

    I don’t believe Rauner’s examples.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:05 am:

    ===“I was on the [Civic Committee] steering committee for years,” Rauner said. “This stuff is common knowledge in the business community. This has been and is like Mafia behavior. Victims don’t talk about it because you fear retribution.”===

    To add…

    That right there is Rauner as a failure encapsulated.

    The man was governor.

    He couldn’t stop what he *thought* was illegal activities?

    How inept can you be when you say those words and forget you were the governor.

  7. - curtis - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:06 am:

    Bruce lost. It doesn’t matter what he thinks anymore.

    Let us move on…

  8. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:13 am:

    ===“This should have come out 20 or 30 years ago.”===

    Or 20-30 weeks ago.

  9. - Pundent - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:14 am:

    These words would mean a lot more if they were coming from someone who was in charge and could have made a difference.

  10. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:17 am:

    I’m sure Rauner hired Stu Levine based on merit alone.

  11. - Centennial - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:17 am:

    Bruce doesn’t like MJM. This is news? Moving on…

  12. - Inside Out - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:18 am:


    FWIW, I don’t think he ever confirmed the trip to New Zealand. The article says “reported trip” - call him out on things that matter, not vacations.

  13. - City Zen - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:21 am:

    Bruce, please don’t disparage the mafia.

  14. - don the legend - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:21 am:

    What a pitiful person Rauner is. How sad to be like this. Does he have one true friend other than his pets?

  15. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:24 am:

    ===I don’t think he ever confirmed the trip to New Zealand. The article says “reported trip” - call him out on things that matter, not vacations.===

    1) Who tells people one thing, then does another, like “vacations”. We have to confirm what Rauner says is true to take anything he tells someone? That’s Rauner in a nutshell, you never really know what truth he tells… anyone. You need to confirm it’s trutgfullness.

    2) When you can’t trust a word he says on anything, it’s a pattern of lies for 5+ years. It matters because, again, what can you trust from his mouth.

    3) Rauner is gone. He doesn’t matter. What is mattering is Rauner inserting himself by being asked to comment, and these are the comments he chose. If Rauner is gonna be asked, and he makes ridiculous comments even around the facts he still can’t tell simple truths…

  16. - The Dude Abides - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:25 am:

    Bruce Rauner is still around? The last I heard he was going to New Zealand for a while. Who really cares what he thinks any more, he was a colossal failure. This is the guy who bought the ILGOP and told them to stay in line or they would get Primaried. Now he talks about ethics.

  17. - Telling - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:25 am:

    Yet what he says is of course, completely true. And you all attack the messenger.

    Sure- Rauner is pathetic.

    But Madigan, on tape asking for $3,500 from a developer, is worse.

    Worse than both of them? Those of you afraid to criticize Madigan because he’s your meal ticket.

  18. - Northsider - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:26 am:

    To the Sun-Times: Nobody cares what ex-Gov. Rauner thinks.

    To ex-Gov. Rauner: How can we miss you if you won’t go away?

  19. - Anon - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:27 am:

    Maybe the media got fed a wrong report about NZ? How do we know it came from the Ex-gov?

  20. - DeseDemDose - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:28 am:

    Back Porch Rauner is mad that the Koch brothers don’t let him grovel at their Palm Springs meetings anymore.

  21. - zatoichi - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:29 am:

    Rauner: ‘When I first called Mike after my election, I told him this day will come cause everyone knows. He should have listened to me.’

    Madigan: ‘ ‘.

  22. - JS Mill - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:29 am:

    Bruce, tell me more about sterigenics and the actions that you directed against this company that you have a financial interest in?

    Tell me more about this mafia thing, I feel like you have some experience here.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:30 am:


    @billjcameron - “They said they are were going to take some time off and head for New Zealand for a while.” @ilgop Chairman Tim Schneider on what’s next for Bruce & Diana Rauner. @wlsam890“

    For the love of Pete…

  24. - Arsenal - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:32 am:

    Rauner inserting himself into this story helps Madigan.

  25. - Downstate - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:33 am:

    Yup. He’s exactly right.

    My Chicago friend wanted to open a new company headquarters on Chicago’s west side. They had a building under contract when their realtor informed them, “You can’t buy the building.”

    My friend responded, “No, we have the contract, no contingencies. We are are ready to go.”

    “Sorry.” the realtor responded. “The local alderman has a friend that wants it, so the sale can’t go through.”

    Shortly thereafter, my friend moved her family and her assets out of the state.

    That one action, by an alderman, drove more than $150 million from our state.

    But everyone just shrugs their shoulders and says “that’s the Chicago way.”

  26. - Steve - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:33 am:

    Mr. Rauner is a relic of the past in Illinois politics. His legacy was making Mike Madigan a household name to the voting public via campaign commercials. If Mike Madigan and Alderman Ed Burke do get indicted and convicted then it would be probably more appropriate to compare them to mafia bosses. What the Sun-Times reported so far on Mike Madigan doesn’t appear to enough for an indictment.

  27. - Pick a Name - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:33 am:

    Can spin things any way you want but…..

    Illinois is in horrible financial condition and one guy has been in charge for decades.

    Not hard to figure out—sigh.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:35 am:

    ===My Chicago friend wanted to open a new company headquarters on Chicago’s west side. They had a building under contract when their realtor informed them, “You can’t buy the building.”

    My friend responded, “No, we have the contract, no contingencies. We are are ready to go.”

    “Sorry.” the realtor responded. “The local alderman has a friend that wants it, so the sale can’t go through.”===

    And your “friend” walked away from a $150 million dollar deal… “because… a realtor”?

    Such a savvy business person.

  29. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:36 am:

    ===But Madigan, on tape asking for $3,500 from a developer, is worse. ===

    Developer was in his law office asking about legal representation. $3000-$3500 a year is the price. How is that illegal?

  30. - Pundent - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:37 am:

    The fact of the matter is that Rauner wanted to be Madigan right down to controlling the agenda and candidates of his party. He failed miserably at it.

  31. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:39 am:

    When Rauner is right, he is right.

  32. - Moe Berg - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:39 am:

    What’s interesting is the struggling Sun-Times, with its limited resources and so many stories to chase, this reporter, and her editor thought that this is what warranted attention.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:40 am:

    ===Illinois is in horrible financial condition and one guy has been in charge for decades.===

    The fine work products of Dave McKinney, Rich Miller and Daniel Vock seem to disagree with ya.

    The mere fact you think a Speaker is more powerful than a Governor is pathetic and sad to you thinking “you know”

    Not “one” person is responsible, you can make an argument on the percentages, but governors own their signatures, the senate did their share, the switches in both chambers had electeds hitting “Green”

    But… one person.

    It’s also called the Edgar Ramp… why not the Madigan Ramp?

  34. - Annonin' - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:43 am:

    Looks like someone let GovJunk get on the phone after a few pops ….no no….btw when says “out west” does he mean the his poison plant in Willowbrook or the Adams County Grand Jury? Sorta sad this magoo is gone. But it does serve as good evidence on the so-called state of the IL GOPies.

  35. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:43 am:

    Rauner has a civic obligation to share his self-professed decades-long knowledge of political corruption with the U.S. attorney.

    What does he have to fear? He’s been talking about it in the press for years. If he doesn’t, it’s just partisan innuendo and sour grapes from a loser.

  36. - Annonin' - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:47 am:

    forgot to remind everyone that when GovJunk is laughin’ we know he is lyin’ too

  37. - BCOSEC - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:50 am:

    Mike Madigan will be 77 in April. Ed Burke just turned 75.

    Time sure flies.

  38. - JS Mill - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:52 am:

    =“Sorry.” the realtor responded. “The local alderman has a friend that wants it, so the sale can’t go through.”=

    Is that story like the one Rauner tells about his immigrant grandparents or the little old lady that was always stopping him? It sure sounds like it.

  39. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:52 am:

    –Illinois is in horrible financial condition and one guy has been in charge for decades.–

    Yeah, it’s crazy that one guy controlled the House, Senate and the governor’s office all those years. Just had Pate, Jones, Thompson, Edgar, Ryan, Blago, Rauner, etc., wrapped around his finger.

    On the bright side, when you land on that simple-minded conclusion, you can give your big brain a well-deserved rest.

  40. - Anon - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:52 am:

    There are limits to the First Amendmenr’s slander protection, even when talking about unpopular public officials.

  41. - Blue Dog Dem - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:55 am:

    ..fear of retribution. Kinda like if you didnt vote in line with me.

  42. - don the legend - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 9:56 am:

    ===When Rauner is right, he is right. ===

    Except when he’s lying, which is all the time.

  43. - Steve - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 10:02 am:

    Many people are responsible for Illinois’ fiscal condition. No doubt. Mike Madigan, though , has a lot of responsibility for it. Madigan knows what’s in the budget each year and vote on. But, Republican governors of the past also deserve some blame.

  44. - Bobby T - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 10:11 am:

    Maybe it’s just me, but it’s incredibly refreshing to read this kind of stuff from Rauner and think: “He’s no longer the Governor.”

    Seriously, Bruce. It’s time to go dark for about six months. Take some time to reflect. Go away. You’re influence now — thankfully — is probably at the lowest point it will be for quite some time.

    Maybe when you come back you’ll qualify as ‘Elder Statesman’. But for now … please. Enough.

  45. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 10:32 am:

    Rauner and his cronies still may have to face the music for Quincy. He might want to watch the whole glass houses thing.

  46. - SSL - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 10:41 am:

    While Rauner the candidate and Governor was all over Madigan, it is different as a private citizen. Madigan despises Rauner, and it would be appropriate to take legal action for the slanderous attack. Unless of course Madigan wouldn’t want to have witnesses come forward to support Rauner’s statements.

    Madigan supporters turn a blind eye to all his questionable activities. His entire career has been a conflict of interest. But hey, maybe he and JB can save the state without loading up on the middle class. Let us all hope.

  47. - Jocko - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 10:42 am:

    ==This stuff is common knowledge in the business community.==

    And yet, during his four years as governor, Bruce never got around to bringing this to the AG’s attention. BTW - I feel bad for the little old ladies who will have no one to express their concerns for the welfare of the state.

  48. - Whatever - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 11:01 am:

    ==“It certainly would have served Illinois if this had come out 20 years ago,” Rauner said of revelations contained in a federal affidavit. “This should have come out 20 or 30 years ago.” ==

    Yep. 20 or 30 years of evidence of innocuous business solicitations like this would have shown Rauner’s claims about Madigan’s corruption are overblown, to say the least, and might have spared us all those silly “Because Madigan” ads.

  49. - allknowingmasterofraccoodom - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 11:03 am:

    Keep grinding on Rauner, but he is right on with his comments. I have experienced this personally with said alderman and others in my business. I no longer do business in the city because of it.

    It absolutely does matter. There are lots of places in the world to do business where you don’t have to deal with corrupt power at ever turn.

    The political system in Chicago is broken, and by infection, so is Springfield. Even if you replace the bad apples, other good ones will rot. Change the system, not just the jokers who play us.

  50. - Not a Billionaire - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 11:10 am:

    Koch brothers like Mercer pulling back on politics bet coffee but gets roasted too.

  51. - IllinoisBoi - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 11:10 am:

    Madigan has dealt many shady deals — but he wasn’t complicit in the deaths of 13 veterans.

  52. - low level - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 11:11 am:

    Bruce is mad again. He’ll never learn.

  53. - Altgelds Ghost - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 11:19 am:

    Just because Rauner was a bad Governor, doesn’t mean he’s wrong about Madigan. There is no causal relationship.

  54. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 11:26 am:

    ==just because Rauner … doesnt mean he’s wrong”

    Please tell me exactly what Madigan did wrong.

  55. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 11:28 am:

    From his time as a civic-minded businessman, perhaps Rauner could expound on the ethics of his long history of campaign contributions to office-holders of all stripes while he was pursuing public business.

    Maybe the Rendell contribution and landing Pennsylvania pension business would be a good place to start to explain the pay-to-play business model.

  56. - Ebenezer - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 11:41 am:

    @Rich===Developer was in his law office asking about legal representation. $3000-$3500 a year is the price. How is that illegal?===

    Why is it acceptable?

    Businesses believe that they need to pay entities controlled by high ranking politicians or face punitive regulatory action. How is this not corruption?

  57. - Perrid - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 11:43 am:

    @telling, geez, Madigan didn’t ask for $3,500 for any official action. He couldn’t have taken any official action in a city matter. He told them what the legal fee would be if they hired him. Sure you can make inferences and assume Solis would have killed the building if the developers had said no, but that is an assumption.

  58. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 11:46 am:

    ===Why is it acceptable? ===

    I never said it was. I asked how that was illegal. Try a reading comprehension course.

  59. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 11:47 am:

    ===Businesses believe that they need to pay entities controlled by high ranking politicians or face punitive regulatory action. How is this not corruption?===

    “…believe… or face punitive regulatory action.”

    It’s not what you believe, it’s what you can prove, Commander Galloway.

    You can make a case on ethics. Yep. You can. Then you need to have no state reps and aldermen have outside work because arbitrarily deciding what work where seems… arbitrary.

    It’s also why investigations happen. To prove “actual” not “believed”

  60. - vole - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 11:49 am:

    Rauner should go under cover to expose all the Wind that rakes him thin. He is well practiced at fakin’ being governor for four years.

  61. - Man With a Plan - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 11:51 am:

    Scrappy-Doo, your flight to Italy is boarding.

  62. - low level - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 12:00 pm:

    If we are to believe the nonsense uttered by the former Governor, and many apparent conservatives on this thread, one would think every successful development in the city of Chicago currently has some politically connected property tax appeal firm.

    That is most assuredly NOT the case.

  63. - ChicagoVinny - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 12:02 pm:

    New phone, who dis?

  64. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 12:03 pm:

    “The guys are totally freaked out. ‘Holy s—. Who are you again?’ And they’re scared. And then often times one of their [people] call and say, ‘You better use their firm,’” Rauner said.

    See Y. Wong was so scared, he didn’t use Madigan’s law firm.

  65. - Ebenezer - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 12:07 pm:

    ===Why is it acceptable? ===

    ===I never said it was. I asked how that was illegal. Try a reading comprehension course.==

    I read your question carefully, I just think that when the conversation shifts to “was it illegal?” it sets the bar too low.

    I read the core message of the Democratic party these days as “government needs to be more active in mitigating the flaws of unbridled capitalism.”

    If senior leaders use that power for personal gain, it undermines the argument.

    [Yes the GOP has ample corruption itself, unfortunately it doesn’t undermine their argument in the same way.]

  66. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 12:11 pm:

    ===I read your question carefully, I just think that when the conversation shifts to “was it illegal?” it sets the bar too low.===

    No. The bar for corruption, as a legal distinction is in the legality of the action. Was a law broken.

    ===If senior leaders use that power for personal gain, it undermines the argument.===

    That’s an ethical question to a political issue.

    Two different animals.

  67. - Old and In The Way - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 12:18 pm:

    ===My Chicago friend wanted to open a new company headquarters on Chicago’s west side. They had a building under contract when their realtor informed them, “You can’t buy the building.”

    My friend responded, “No, we have the contract, no contingencies. We are are ready to go.”

    “Sorry.” the realtor responded. “The local alderman has a friend that wants it, so the sale can’t go through.”===

    Another one of those friend of a friend stories that just doesn’t add up. If you had a binding contract how could they stop the sale? Lots of legal options if you indeed had a contract. My BS detector is going off on this one. That’s just not how big time real business is done on either side. Not saying that clout or influence doesn’t exist, it does, but it doesn’t work like this. it’s way more sophisticated.

  68. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 12:18 pm:

    ==My friend responded, “No, we have the contract, no contingencies. We are are ready to go.” “Sorry.” the realtor responded. “The local alderman has a friend that wants it, so the sale can’t go through.” Shortly thereafter, my friend moved her family and her assets out of the state.==

    A seller can break a real estate contract. It might be expensive but he can do it. That’s everywhere, not just Chicago.

    There was only one building in Chicago for sale?

  69. - Honeybadger - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 12:35 pm:

    Please Just Go Away ALREADY.

    News organizations, nobody cares what former Governor Rauner has to say EVER.

  70. - Goner - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 12:40 pm:

    Rauner sure knew how to make things colorful. Pritzker’s response was rather drab.

  71. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 12:43 pm:

    Nice red meat toss to your union dogs Rich.
    Blame the messenger while ignoring the message.
    King Mike shall be pleased with your efforts.

  72. - Annonin' - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 12:45 pm:

    Mr/Ms Ebenezer:
    Not sure what standard you are protecting? Self funders? Meeting occurred in private offices. No mention of a govt grant for hotel. Since the event occurred 5 years ago and the FBI affidavit is 3 years old it seems safe to think there is nothing here to prosecute. Lots of breathless reporting by those who were not able to get the affidavit.

  73. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 12:55 pm:

    ==But Madigan, on tape asking for $3,500 from a developer, is worse.==

    What is the customary market rate for legal representation for a 60 room hotel?

  74. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 12:58 pm:

    My good buddy sez to me, he sez, Hey my brudder in law’s tryin’ to open a business but they won’t allow him to put in a driveway, what can ya do for him. So I sez to to him, lemme run it up the chain, talk to my people. But it’s gonna cost. These tings don’t come for free. We all gotta eat, ya know?

  75. - Glengarry - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 12:59 pm:

    I really wish Rauner would go to Italy already. What a sad human being.

  76. - Downstate - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 1:04 pm:

    —Another one of those friend of a friend stories —

    Other than the business owner shared the story, as it was happening, and again when we visited at their home in Florida several years later.

    —-There was only one building in Chicago for sale?—–

    Of course not, but it set the tone that the rules in Chicago are different than anywhere else. But they quickly scaled back their operations and investment in the state of Illinois.

    Please tell me this isn’t your attempt to make excuses for corruption.

  77. - Stumpy's bunker - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 1:08 pm:

    Bruce, you can hate Mike Madigan all you want, but your mistake was to include Trumpesque bloviating and throwing people who work for a living and those legitimately needing social services into the villain stew for good measure.

  78. - Sunshyne40 - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 1:12 pm:

    Downstate@ 1:04pm…was this person a part of the Floridians caught up in the DCFS scandal with the contracts etc on the state level with superstars??

  79. - Stumpy's bunker - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 1:14 pm:

    Bruce, your Great White Whale eluded you, so why did you harpoon all those innocent creatures along the way?

  80. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 1:16 pm:

    ===Other than the business owner shared the story, as it was happening, and again when we visited at their home in Florida several years later.===

    Well, as long as you visited them in Florida, LOL

    Your friend isn’t that great of a business person if they give up a NINE figure business opportunity because of a realtor.

    The Mayor’s Office would bend over backwards to help with a NINE figure business opportunity, and before signing any transaction on property, what lawyer and realtor would let a NINE figure transaction fall because of the realtor?

    This is fairyland “let’s have a story” kinda thingy.

    $150 million business… a realtor, after signing papers, got your friend to walk away.

    Your friend sounds as credible as Bruce Rauner.

    Is your friend Bruce Rauner?

  81. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 1:23 pm:

    ==Please tell me this isn’t your attempt to make excuses for corruption.==

    Lol. Because anyone who is skeptical of your little tale is “pro-corruption”.

  82. - Downstate - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 1:38 pm:

    —Your friend isn’t that great of a business person if they give up a NINE figure business opportunity because of a realtor.—–

    Reading is fundamental. They didn’t walk away from the nine figure opportunity. The business was Illinois based and was looking to expand the company headquarters. The power play by the alderman (via the realtor) completely soured them on the state.

    They ultimately left the state and sold their business for $150 million. I’m absolutely happy to connect you up with them if you’d like assurance of their experience.

    Of course, it’s much easier to simply denigrate the messenger.

  83. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 1:45 pm:

    ===Reading is fundamental. They didn’t walk away from the nine figure opportunity. The business was Illinois based and was looking to expand the company headquarters. The power play by the alderman (via the realtor) completely soured them on the state.===

    Nah, i was mocking the whole thing.

    See, your friend “left” and “walked away” “because … a realtor”

    ===They ultimately left the state and sold their business for $150 million.===

    … because of a realtor? Seriously?

    I wrote what I wrote exactly as I wrote it because hearing more and more… how ridiculous this sounds.

    They had a signed contract, they were expanding. The business as a whole is worth $150 million, and no one thought about getting the Mayor’s Office involved? The realtor’s words triggered all this?

    “Welp, if the realtor says it… might as well sell our business for nine figures… and still complain about not following thru on that signed contract.”

    That is one powerful realtor. Powerful words they spoke.

  84. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 1:46 pm:

    ===it’s much easier to simply denigrate the messenger===

    I went after the words you wrote, their ridiculousness, and how could those words be possible to reality.

    I did t go after ya.

  85. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 1:52 pm:

    ===I’m absolutely happy to connect you up with them if you’d like assurance of their experience.===

    Why? This is confusing, as I don’t really care, but I find it amusing.

    Personally, I’d like to meet the all-powerful realtor.

    (I don’t)

  86. - Downstate - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 2:35 pm:

    -I went after the words you wrote, their ridiculousness, and how could those words be possible to reality”

    I’m offering to prove them to you, but you respond, “….I don’t really care, but I find it amusing.”

    So rather than finding out whether the shocking story is in fact true, you’d prefer to simply find it amusing?

    I’m glad these issues are amusing to you./s/
    We can’t build a better state if that becomes the prevailing attitude.

  87. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 2:43 pm:

    ===I’m offering to prove them to you, but you respond, “….I don’t really care, but I find it amusing.”

    So rather than finding out whether the shocking story is in fact true, you’d prefer to simply find it amusing?===

    It’s *your* story, lol.

    You stated…

    ===but it set the tone that the rules in Chicago are different than anywhere else. But they quickly scaled back their operations and investment in the state of Illinois.===

    Your interpreting a story, you now seem too fuzzy about you want *me* to verify your story?

    You’re doubling down on a story you are interpreting the outcome so if you want, have them tell the story how as a buyer with a signed contract, they got muscles out by the words of a realtor.

    ===I’m glad these issues are amusing to you./s/
    We can’t build a better state if that becomes the prevailing attitude.===

    The attitude is because they got scared by a realtor after they signed a contract and sell off their nine figure business because they’re attorney abd contract was trumped by a realtor?

    What business person walks away from a signed agreement for a building, with zoning and all issues addressed in the contract, because a realtor says the Alderman says…

  88. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 3:19 pm:

    –They had a signed contract,–

    Your “friend” go to court to enforce the signed contract?

  89. - Downstate - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 3:25 pm:

    —Your “friend” go to court to enforce the signed contract?—-

    The individual is savvy enough to build up a $150 million business. They were provided enough information to know that they could certainly buy the building, but the alderman would keep their renovations tied up until forever.

  90. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 3:34 pm:

    ===The individual is savvy enough to build up a $150 million business. They were provided enough information to know that they could certainly buy the building, but the alderman would keep their renovations tied up until forever.===

    … but not savvy enough to go to the Mayor’s Office for an assist, as a business worth $150 million looking to expand isn’t something that a Mayor’s Office would not want to help?

    Your story makes no sense.

    Also, the person is so savvy that a realtor gives them the “what for” and they fold?

  91. - Meet Edwards at the London House - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 3:37 pm:

    Did the Director of Banking and past #2 person work together to manipulate an industry? Why suddenly fire your #2? What has not yet been disclosed about this union by the FDIC? Was this something Rauner was a part of? Are those who brought this person into the Administration a part of this including the past Director of Banking? Are social friends a part of it and that is why they are so protective? Pretty much, are all associated business and social parties a part of what is soon to surely come out? It’s not mafia if it is an inside government job. So Rauner should be clear.

  92. - Downstate - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 4:05 pm:

    –Your story makes no sense.—–
    That’s why I’m offering to connect you directly with the business owner. They’ll be happy to explain their experience of the “Chicago way”.

    Being “amused” does nothing to turn the needle. But being informed helps start the journey to change.

  93. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 4:14 pm:

    ===That’s why I’m offering to connect you directly with the business owner.===

    Maybe you’re not understanding.

    Maybe the lesson is…

    … if you can’t tell an anecdotal story without having the person involved needing to clean up a mess, maybe you telling the story isn’t helpful…

    “Well, you need to talk to them directly”

    That’s not helping.

    Also, who signs a contract, savvy or not, that they walk away from, “because… realtor”, on an issue that if you’re spending all this money on real estate, you sign, and then there’s a problem?

    They would’ve know about a zoning issue when they signed, they’re savvy. They would’ve known about licensing (if there’s one) issues, parking issues, but if the crux is that the sale, abd the realtors involved, both the seller and buyer, or the one realtor got this under contract and because the one realtor spooks your friend, who has a signed contract, allegedly with everything figured like savvy people do…

    It makes no sense.

    If you’d like to call your friend, ask, and then tell your story again…

  94. - A Jack - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 4:27 pm:

    Yes, Downstate, please call your friend and ask for permission to give out details such as names, places, and dates. There shouldn’t be a privacy issue if the business is sold and they left the state.

  95. - Downstate - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 4:38 pm:

    –if you can’t tell an anecdotal story without having the person involved needing to clean up a mess, maybe you telling the story isn’t helpful…–

    I’m not trying to clean up a mess. You and others seem skeptical to out right disbelieving of the story. I’m simply wanting you to understand, first hand, how the “Chicago Way” is driving out businesses and their owners by hearing it directly from the business person.

    A. Jack,
    Not sure if you were trying to be helpful, or just snarky. But I was simply wanting to connect OW to the business person.

  96. - Smitty Irving - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 4:39 pm:

    Oswego Willy-
    Edgar Ramp, not Madigan. How about this - the last pre-ramp “full funding” of pensions (100% of payout) was the FY 1986 agency budgets passed by the GA (Phil Rock deserves more credit than Madigan). JRT reduction vetoed it to 60% of payout, Philip and Daniels upheld the vetoes.

  97. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 4:44 pm:

    ===I’m simply wanting you to understand, first hand===

    Do you know what first hand means?

    It means it happened… to you.

    You are telling it… second hand.

    Now you want…

    ===hearing it directly from the business person.===

    Again, the lesson here is… maybe not try to tell second hand stories as you might get questioned to the validity of easily asked questions.

    You can’t speak to the “Chicago way”, you don’t even know what you’re talking about in this story.

    Kass might be proud, sure, the “Chicago way” and all but you’re readily admitting … “you don’t know”

    See how things like stories and trying to think it’s an example isn’t helping with the images of Chicago?

    That’s my beef. We have enough problems with real things happening.

  98. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 4:46 pm:

    - Smitty Irving -

    Many have been too complicit.

  99. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 4:56 pm:

    - downstate -

    I appreciate you trying for clarity of issues that can make Chicago a tougher place to do business by some things that happen where ethics are thrown out the window.

    The reason I’m on this isn’t about you, it coulda been anyone trying to add a story to what is perceived as the ethical and sometimes legal lapses that go on. We all hope the legal lapses, the illegal, are caught. No one is rooting for illegality to happen. The ethical lapses are nauseatingly, and it reflects poorly on Chicago.

    What doesn’t help are half baked stories.

    Those stories and the truly caricature made up stories then allow others to say… “it’s an image thing, it’s not happening”, it cheapens the chance to go after real problems. That’s all. And, it’s tiring. Tiring trying to chase all the real, fake, and half baked.

    Thanks. Be well.


  100. - Anon1 - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 5:04 pm:

    The “Chicago Way” is not illegal many times, but it’s certainly unethical all of the time. Period.

  101. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 5:11 pm:

    If what he says is true, then why didn’t he do something during the four years he was governor and prevented this man from ruining his administration?

  102. - m4a - Thursday, Jan 31, 19 @ 8:06 pm:

    Sun Times, please stop covering Bogus Bruce…he’s totally irrelevant.

  103. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Friday, Feb 1, 19 @ 7:06 am:

    From the Chicago Tribune: Madigan said this under oath.
    “I had a meeting with Rauner. Rauner laid out his agenda, his turnaround agenda,”
    “I told him I wasn’t going to support it, so you know what he said to me? ‘Well, if you don’t support my agenda, I’m just going to come after you,’ and it was only a few weeks later that they spent $1 million on Downstate TV defaming me and now they’re like over $30 million defaming me. So if you’re concerned about nastiness in politics, why don’t you go over and talk to Bruce Rauner?” he continued.

    So Rauner says businesses fear retribution but it seems like retribution is his preferred weapon.

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