It wasn’t all praise
Wednesday, Feb 20, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I’ve received several press releases supporting the governor’s proposed budget. Here are some in opposition. First up, Jessica Collingsworth, Lead Midwest Energy Policy Analyst, Union of Concerned Scientists…
In his State of the State address today, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker did not reiterate a campaign pledge that he will work to ensure all the state’s energy needs are met with solar, wind, and other carbon-free energy sources by 2050.
Below is a statement by Jessica Collingsworth, lead Midwest energy policy analyst at the Union of Concerned Scientists’ Midwest office.
“While Governor Pritzker neglected to lay out his plan to wean the state off fossil fuels by 2050, I’m hopeful he still plans to honor his campaign promises. He took a laudable first step in joining the U.S. Climate Alliance, becoming the 18th governor to uphold the environmental protections outlined in the Paris Climate Agreement. But he can do much more to make Illinois a climate leader.
“As the climate changes, so will the circumstances of many Illinoisans. We’ll likely experience more intense floods as well as droughts. More frequent and intense heat waves also will increase public health risks and energy demand.
“In addition, Illinois has several frontline communities battling pollution from the energy sector. The science is clear, we must invest in renewable energy and help communities, especially those hardest hit, withstand climate impacts. Illinois deserves a healthy economy and environment where everyone can thrive.”
* And…
The Smoke Free Alternatives Coalition of Illinois released the following statement in response to the governor’s budget proposal that includes a 36 percent wholesale tax on vapor products:
“The governor’s proposed tax would do nothing more than create another hurdle for adults who are trying to quit smoking. Studies have shown that vaping products are among the most useful tools to help adult smokers quit traditional cigarettes. In fact, they have even been shown to be twice as effective as other nicotine replacement products such as patches and gum. With vaping products proven to be 95% less harmful than traditional cigarettes, it seems unethical to tax a person for making better, healthier choices. The long term savings to our state is in improving the health of its citizens by moving them from deadly cigarettes to something that is far less harmful and we look forward to working with the Governor and the legislature to achieve this end,” said Victoria Vasconcellos, president of the Smoke Free Alternatives Coalition of Illinois.
“Skipping pension payments, borrowing new debt, raising taxes, increasing spending - it’s clear that J.B. Pritzker is the new Rod Blagojevich. Pritzker’s unbalanced budget proposal is more of the same, failed policies that got our state into the mess it’s currently in. Illinois taxpayers cannot afford to return to the budget deficits and failed policies of the Blagojevich era. Pritzker pledged to deliver a balanced budget, and he failed.” - Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider
Today, Governor J.B. Pritzker gave his first budget address where he outlined his first, and probably not last, unbalanced budget proposal. In his speech, Pritzker advocated for a return to the same, failed budgeting that got our state in the mess it’s in:
Skip pension payments, $800 million a year for the next seven years
Madigan and Blagojevich supported a plan to skip pension payments
Issue $2 billion in new pension obligation bonds to make up for skipping pension payments
Madigan and Blagojevich supported a plan to issue pension obligation bonds
Increase spending by hundreds of millions of dollars
Levy new taxes
Theoretical graduated income tax, could not be enacted unless voters approve referendum in fall 2020, and Pritzker still refuses to release rates or revenue projections, yet Pritzker promises it will pay for everything - from pensions, to property and income tax cuts
Enact statewide plastic bag tax
Legalize recreational marijuana use, tax sales
Legalize sports betting, tax winnings
Increase video gaming taxes
Phase out the bipartisan Invest In Kids tuition tax credit scholarship program for low-income schoolchildren
Shorting the pension system $800 million a year might be the most irresponsible proposal from Governor Pritzker’s FY2020 budget. Pritzker’s decision to skip pension payments will cost billions of dollars more down the road. This is the exact opposite of what Pritzker pledged he would do during his campaign for governor. Last year, Pritzker told the Crain’s Editorial Board that the state should increase, not decrease, yearly contributions to the state pension systems.
Furthermore, Governor Pritzker’s spending plan relies on tax revenue the state has not yet received. It will take years to enact a theoretical graduated income tax, yet Pritzker is already committing that revenue to new projects. Pritzker’s budgeting is reckless and fiscally irresponsible.
It’s clear - J.B. Pritzker is the new Rod Blagojevich. Illinois taxpayers cannot afford to return to the budget deficits and failed policies of the Blagojevich era. Pritzker pledged to deliver a balanced budget, and he failed.
* Senate GOP Leader Bill Brady…
The Governor’s proposed budget represents a starting point for further negotiations.
We heard a lot in his speech about more spending, more tax increases and concepts tried in the past. And while we as legislators now begin digging into the details, I have grave concerns about the pension plan and I remain opposed to a graduated income tax.
The people of Illinois are demanding their elected officials address the fiscal crisis facing our state. If we are going to put Illinois on a path forward; then we need to learn from history, not repeat it.
* Illinois Manufacturers’ Association…
“In order to grow and provide more middle-class jobs, Illinois manufacturers need financial stability from state government, including a budget that doesn’t spend more than taxpayers can afford or rely on gimmicks that will only cost more in the long run. While we applaud the focus on education and workforce development, this budget has a structural deficit of $3.2 billion and continues to kick the can down the road on pensions,” said IMA President and CEO Mark Denzler. “It’s past time for lawmakers and the administration to make some tough decisions in order for Illinois to become a more attractive place for businesses to locate and expand. We stand ready to work collaboratively toward that goal.”
…Adding… Kelly Welsh, President of the Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago…
Our plan called Restore Illinois is a comprehensive roadmap to put Illinois on the path to fiscal solvency. Unfortunately, the proposed budget does not go far enough to address Illinois’ fiscal problems. Delaying an aggressive approach will worsen our state’s financial outlook, and continue to slow our economic and jobs growth. We urge the General Assembly and the Governor to work together to develop a plan that changes the trajectory of Illinois’ finances now, before they get worse.
* House GOP Leader Jim Durkin…
The Governor’s budget today shows the true need for bipartisan solutions to fix Illinois’ many fiscal challenges. We cannot tax, borrow and spend our way out of this deficit as the governor has proposed. Illinois families deserve a focus on reform, including our out-of-control pension costs and sky high property taxes, and not a penny more in new taxes or fees. My caucus is prepared to work with the Governor on crafting a balanced budget that reflects our priorities and moves Illinois forward.
…Adding… Ideas Illinois Chairman Greg Baise…
“Today we got a Blagojevich style budget, spending we can’t afford and the biggest jobs tax in Illinois history. We think the state needs to get its own fiscal house in order before it punishes families with another round of massive tax increases.”
- City Zen - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 1:34 pm:
“it’s clear that J.B. Pritzker is the new Rod Blagojevich”
That’s quite a jump.
- Perrid - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 1:39 pm:
Skipping a payment and extending the payment time frame aren’t quite the same thing. Blago kept the deadline the same and just didn’t make the payment (unless I missed something? I believe 2045 was always the goal).
- Perrid - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 1:41 pm:
“and not a penny more in new taxes or fees”
Put your money where your mouth is. Come up with billions of dollars of cuts, so your caucus can be a super-super minority. I can’t wait.
A blend of the 2, cuts and new revenue, makes the most sense, everything else is just posturing.
- Fixer - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 1:42 pm:
Tim, I don’t seem to recall your complaints when Rauner planned to use savings from slashing state employee healthcare coverage even though it was on shakey footing at the time…
- Give Me A Break - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 1:43 pm:
Maybe I’m just too dumb, but to me, if I had my butt handed to me in a sling during the last election and are now super in a super minority, position, I might try think about working with the guy the people clearly preferred over “our guy” and see what it got me.
- Nonbeleiver - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 1:44 pm:
A lot of HOPE amid the campaign promises and almost promises. Now HE is the Governor. Decades of bad fiscal management and overspending have led to this
fiscal nightmare.
The IL GOP actually makes many good points. But they had their day in the GA and GOV office as well. And I don’t see any realistic answers from them either. If I am wrong someone can point that out to me with some i.
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 1:45 pm:
OK, he isn’t solving climate change. Got it. And the vaping industry isn’t happy about the new tax. Check. Republicans? In a surprise move, the ILGOPs, SGOPs, HGOPs and IMAGOPs don’t love the budget plan. And Kelly Welsh doesn’t think Pritzker goes far enough.
Given that, this sounds like a good speech to me.
- A guy - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 1:47 pm:
It might be best to wait a few days and read the reactions that were not already prepared and ready to release before the speech was even given…
That goes for both sides.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 1:48 pm:
The Trib ran an op ed by Katrina today rehashing the discredited argument that amending the Pension Clause would be a magic pill. She also strangely lauded the General Assembly for passing an unconstitutional law and urged it to do so again.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 1:51 pm:
He better hope that we do not have a recession during his term.
- Steve - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 1:54 pm:
More spending when the money just isn’t there until sometime in the future. Maybe 2022, 2023 or 2024. Kind of a poor man’s Bruce Rauner.
- Steve - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 1:56 pm:
- Anonymous -
It quite correct. Where’s the revenue going to come from if we get a national recession which could happen since we haven’t had one in a while. Excellent time to raise the minimum wage and introduce a progressive income tax.
- Annonin' - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 2:01 pm:
Looks like the CarWashKing and NoTaxBill on a different page…Guessing GovJunk better send him more allowance
- Critical Dune - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 2:11 pm:
Expect some concern from the developmental disability community. The budgeting won’t “be done by court order or consent decree” is notable with the state consistently judged as non-compliant with the 2011 Ligas consent decree.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 2:12 pm:
Pretty mild stuff from Durkin and Brady.
Having said that, does it occur to GOP types like them, Baise, Schneider, Welsh, et. al., that maybe they’ve got their representation of state demographics covered?
Is there not any one, any where, who is not an old white dude that they can put in front of the cameras, ever? Politics is a contest of addition, savvy? Simple stuff.
- Nonbeleiver - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 2:19 pm:
What we need is less politics and more competence regardless of who it is from.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 2:19 pm:
Agreed, Durkin and Brady went vanilla defense.
They both *want* relevancy…some wins… and something to run against, and not just be seen as a “regional party of no”, with monolithic-looking members and no opportunity to win in Cook and the Collars.
So… vanilla wins the day.
It’s actually a good sign to the governing.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 2:36 pm:
–What we need is less politics and more competence regardless of who it is from.–
Competence in presenting a response that will persuade members of the public to back you? Because that’s what I was talking about.
You think you can sell it by sending a CPA out there?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 2:42 pm:
after Blagovich comparison also looked at Comptroller audited financial statements on web site in FY03 deficit was 4.2B by end FY08 5 years later it was down to 3.9B - a “bottom line” profit of 300M. Better than before or after
RB may have done a lot of bad things but budget wasn’t one of them
- Nonbeleiver - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 2:55 pm:
Agreed, up to a point. But the ‘old white dude’ comment adds nothing to the conversation- indeed it subtracts.
- A Jack - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 3:03 pm:
ILGOP, didn’t Rauner use the sale of the JRTC in several budget addresses? If I paid my debts by selling my house several times, I would likely be in trouble.
- Jibba - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 3:16 pm:
Brady and Durkin were spot on with their opposition responses, indicating a willingness to debate, amend, and come to bipartisan agreement, as per the normal process. ILGOP was nut bar.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 3:19 pm:
–But the ‘old white dude’ comment adds nothing to the conversation- indeed it subtracts.–
As an old white dude, I have to say, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.
- A 400lb. Guy on a bed - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 3:30 pm:
We had an election, get over it.
- Duopoly - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 3:39 pm:
=Illinois has several frontline communities battling pollution from the energy sector.=
Wrongly characterized as global warming - there’s a more immediate threat from toxic chemical and soot pollution. Does a disservice to all by treating them as the same thing. Pelosi does this too.
- Nonbeleiver - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 4:46 pm:
“As an old white dude, I have to say, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.”
The best you could come up with?
- Political Animal - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 8:50 pm:
Surprised IPI didn’t have any reaction.