* Speaker Madigan…
After four years of unprecedented crisis, we are still uncovering the extent of the damage to our state’s budget. Bruce Rauner’s budget crisis has left us with billions of dollars in unpaid bills, frayed our social service infrastructure, and squandered $1 billion on late payment penalties instead of funding our schools, health care and critical human services. Without the efforts of House Democrats and some rank-and-file Republicans who worked together to make tough decisions and end Rauner’s crisis, the damage would have been even worse.
Amid the challenges we heard spelled out today, we also heard that we now have a governor who recognizes the magnitude of these challenges and will work with us to address them. House Democrats stand ready to work with Governor Pritzker and our Republican colleagues, bring all options to the table for honest negotiation, make the tough decisions, continue to stand strong and protect critical human services and quality schools, and move Illinois forward.
* House appropriation committee chairs Luis Arroyo, Kelly Cassidy, La Shawn K. Ford, Robyn Gabel, Rita Mayfield and Robert ‘Bob’ Rita…
“Governor Pritzker’s budget address was a sobering reflection of the real challenges facing our state after four years of Bruce Rauner’s neglect and mismanagement. The Rauner crisis has left us with a $3.2 billion structural deficit, and $14 billion in unpaid bills. Eight credit downgrades in just four years leave us on the verge of junk bond status. And the consequences are falling on those who can least afford it, from seniors, to children in need, to elderly veterans.
“House Democrats will continue to prioritize funding for essential services, and ensure that our most vulnerable residents receive the resources they need. This is the first of many steps as we work to restore Illinois’ fiscal house over several years, and with that will come many tough but necessary decisions. We will continue reaching across the aisle and working with our Republican colleagues to craft bipartisan budgets that set Illinois on a path to financial stability.
“Governor Pritzker’s straightforward assessment of the challenges Illinois faces is a welcome departure from Rauner’s years of neglect. While a lot of negotiation remains to be done, the governor’s proposal shares our commitment to funding our most critical services and lifting up our local communities by creating good-paying jobs and rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. This is a starting point in a discussion of how we invest in education, repair our human services network, and ultimately create a better Illinois.
“As we begin the process of making a new budget and addressing these challenges, we come to the table prepared to work with the governor and legislators on both sides of the aisle with the goal of passing a responsible, balanced budget on time.”
* Senate Appropriations I Committee Chair Heather Steans…
“Having the governor propose a balanced budget is a positive step toward restoring stability to our state and ensuring long-term functionality within our government. Illinois continues to face structural budget challenges and I am encouraged that Governor Pritzker is addressing them head on.
“I look forward to working with the administration and my colleagues in the Senate over the next few months to develop a budget that significantly moves Illinois toward a solution that achieves financial certainty and builds trust that Illinois is back on the right track.”
* IFT President Dan Montgomery…
“After four years of divisiveness and destruction under Bruce Rauner, it was inspiring today to hear Governor Pritzker call for unity and collaboration to help Illinois get back on track.
“The problems we’re facing have taken decades to develop, and Rauner made them exponentially worse during his manufactured budget crisis. As a result, the new administration has inherited a $3.2 billion budget deficit and nearly $15 billion in unpaid bills.
“Despite these fiscal challenges, we are excited to see that Governor Pritzker is keeping his promise to prioritize public education and plans to dramatically increase funding at every level. It’s clear that he understands the importance of great public schools and higher education and is committed to fulfilling the state’s responsibility to invest in them.
“We are also interested to learn more about the pension ideas proposed today and glad they did not include any unconstitutional cuts to workers’ hard-earned retirements. We welcome the opportunity to work together to address the debt, and that’s why I’ve been proud to serve on the transition committee and advise on pension issues, to help ensure this is done responsibly and fairly.
“In the end though, none of our state’s economic problems can be solved without more revenue. We agree with the Governor – and 72 percent of Illinoisans – that our state’s wealthiest citizens should pay their fair share, while lower and middle-class families get a break. We are fully committed to helping pass a fair tax.
“We are heartened to have a governor who respects the vital work of public servants and our unions and look forward to tackling the challenges ahead – together.”
* IEA President Kathi Griffin…
Today marks a new day and a new focus for education in Illinois. It’s refreshing to have a governor not only focused on what is best for students and Illinois’ future, but who is willing to work collaboratively to get the best results.
Gov. J.B. Pritzker has proposed an additional $25 million toward K-12 education in Illinois, above and beyond the $350 million new dollars added last year through the new evidence-based funding law. There is also an additional $21 million in funding set aside for special education grants, $5 million for much-needed career and technical education programs for high school students and $2 million to help low-income students pay for Advanced Placement testing.
Gov. Pritzker also is proposing an additional boost over last year’s funding for higher education. While this is an amount still below what higher ed needs, it is a step toward fuller funding for higher education and, importantly, a move away from the financial starvation strategy we saw in recent years. It includes a 5 percent increase for community colleges and public universities and $50 million for MAP grants.
And, in what is a huge leap forward toward education equity in Illinois, Gov. Pritzker has proposed a boost of more than $100 million in birth to age five education funding. We have seen study after study that shows early education helps level the playing field for students over their entire learning careers and sets students on a path toward successful lives.
We applaud Gov. Pritzker for looking at various funding sources because funding has to play a role in the future he’s building for Illinois. A starving state cannot grow.
And, we find the Governor’s pension proposal an interesting start to the conversation. We understand this is a huge issue for Illinois and we also understand that any solution should be fiscally responsible, fair and constitutionally sound. We look forward to getting all stakeholders in the room to discuss viable solutions to find a healthy pathway forward.
* Illinois AFL-CIO President Michael T. Carrigan…
“Gov. Pritzker has signaled that he is taking on the state’s financial challenges in an open, fair, and productive manner. By enacting a minimum wage increase yesterday and putting forth plans for a state infrastructure improvement program along with a Fair Tax proposal, Pritzker is following through on his promise of investing in the working people of Illinois as a path to solid financial footing and economic security for our state. We welcome the opportunity to work with the governor and General Assembly on solutions that create an economy that works for all.”
* Illinois Working Together Executive Director Jake Lewis…
“Gov. JB Pritzker’s address today makes clear the hard choices facing Illinois as it begins to heal after four devastating years under Bruce Rauner. It will not be easy, but we commend the governor for taking a bold stand in tackling the challenges facing the state. We especially applaud Gov. Pritzker for recognizing that key to our future prosperity are a Fair Tax that asks the wealthiest to pay their fair share and a Capital Bill that invests in high quality infrastructure to keep our citizens safe.
“We welcome Gov. Pritzker’s commitment to move Illinois forward with high-road solutions that promote economic justice for all.”
* Chicago Federation of Labor President Bob Reiter…
“After four years of destruction and turmoil at the hands of Bruce Rauner, it is time for all of us to have the open and honest conversations that will get Illinois back on track to prosperity for all. Without mincing words, Governor Pritzker laid out the issues plaguing the state and his ideas to solve them, including a fair income tax. We are encouraged by Governor Pritzker’s message to Illinoisans and his refocusing our priorities on education, health and human services, and public safety. He laid out a thoughtful budget aimed at growing the economy and expanding the middle class. We stand ready to work with Governor Pritzker and the Illinois Legislature to find solutions that promote upward economic mobility among all working families.”
* Comptroller Mendoza…
Today, Governor Pritzker took a welcome departure from the past. His budget address shows he grasps the problems Illinois faces and is embracing serious solutions to attack them. As he said, it has taken decades to get Illinois into this mess, and Governor Pritzker knows it will take years for us to dig ourselves out.
Governor Pritzker’s proposed support for early childhood, elementary and higher education; crime prevention; veterans; mental health, child care and aging programs is both welcome and necessary.
Today is just the first step in the budgeting process, but it appears to be a good step. Now it’s time for Governor Pritzker and the legislature to get to work. My office will continue to serve as a resource for up-to-date fiscal information and transparency for taxpayers.
…Adding… Senate President Cullerton…
I give the governor credit for offering specifics. His plan is filled with ideas — real, doable, constitutional ideas. Now, whether or not they happen remains to be seen. That’s what the legislative process is for. But I commend Governor Pritzker for stepping forward today and presenting specifics. It’s a heck of a lot better than an empty “$4.6 billion by working together” line we saw in past years.
This is a budget that’s about restoring stability and functionality to state government. That’s what we need to build for the future.
Does it solve all of our problems? No. But it’s a vital step in the right direction.
There’s increased school funding. That means more resources for local public schools everywhere in Illinois, and that means more opportunities for our children.
There’s additional support for working families. You see it with the increased funding for child care assistance. Under this plan, a family of four making $50,000 would qualify for help with child care costs.
There’s more financial aid for college students.
The Chicago Veterans Home – a modern care facility for our veterans – would finally open.
I give the governor credit for being creative, aggressive and specific in his budget, and I look forward to working with him to bring it to reality.
…Adding… Jennifer Walling, Executive Director of The Illinois Environmental Council…
Governor Pritzker’s budget prioritizes moving Illinois to 100% clean energy and environmental justice communities by fully funding the nation-leading Illinois Solar for All program, as well as a new program designed to bring the benefits of energy efficiency to environmental justice communities. The proposed budget would also increase headcounts at both IEPA and IDNR, which will lead to better enforcement of environmental laws, and reverses the trend of leaving money on the table by fully appropriating federal funds.
- City Zen - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 1:59 pm:
Remind me again what pension systems Dan Montgomery and Kathi Griffin participate in even though they are not government employees? Their responses were as flat and predictable as their union dues rates.
- Steve - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 1:59 pm:
Mike Madigan complaining about the incredible Jedi mind tricks power of Bruce Rauner. What a hoot.
- Not a Billionaire - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 2:01 pm:
Let me summarize. That means there is 60 and 30 for all of the agenda and probably the the supermajority for the amendment. This passes and the previous chorus will just hope for disaster. Considering they will be running with Trump next year or whatever debris he leaves its a lot of hope.
- Chris Widger - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 2:03 pm:
“Unity” is a code word for unaccountability. Always be afraid of calls for unity. We would have done a lot better in world history if some communities had been less unified.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 2:05 pm:
===Mike Madigan complaining about the incredible Jedi mind tricks power of Bruce Rauner.===
Just Dunkin, Franks, and Drury, and Rauner stopping 71 instead of getting 60… until the Brave 15 and Perfect 10
I know, you love a good driveby, and reading for comprehension can be a heavy lift, but your constant ignorance towards things you should know but choose to ignore to mouth-breathe about “Madigan”(exclamation mark) is tiring.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 2:06 pm:
Senator Cullerton wins the day;
===I give the governor credit for offering specifics. His plan is filled with ideas — real, doable, constitutional ideas.===
Do the doable.
That’s the ball game, that’s the way to move forward.
The rest is finding the doable.
- Louis G Atsaves - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 2:13 pm:
Did they all forget the return of pension holiday? $800 million times 7 means a record setting $5.6 billion in non-contributions by the state, and if you invest zero from that lack of contribution over 7 years? Mind boggling.
- Steve - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 2:18 pm:
- Oswego Willy -
If only Mike Madigan would have run successful candidates against Franks, Dunkin, and Drury that crafty Bruce Rauner wouldn’t have done so much damage.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 2:22 pm:
===…would have run successful candidates against Franks, Dunkin, and Drury that crafty Bruce Rauner wouldn’t have done so much damage.===
Stratton beat Dunkin…
Drury got marginalized and is now out of government.
Franks is now a county board chair.
All are gone, Madigan had 71 when Rauner took the oath with the wrong hand, Madigan now has 74… less Dunkin, Drury AND Franks.
Anything else?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 2:53 pm:
Madigan’s support is laughable; Cullerton well said
- Henry Francis - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 2:58 pm:
Cullerton hits Rauner the hardest. And never mentioned his name.
It’s a heck of a lot better than an empty “$4.6 billion by working together” line we saw in past years.
- Tomtom - Wednesday, Feb 20, 19 @ 8:24 pm:
- NorthsideNoMore - Thursday, Feb 21, 19 @ 9:32 am:
“As we begin the process of making a new budget and addressing these challenges, we come to the table prepared to work with the governor” (emphasis on We)
The Gov proposed his budget (which BR lacked the ability to do) Its not the GAs job to craft budget ? IMO it was more of a punt to the GA to add in all the niceties they want. The Gov missed a real opportunity to show total leadership from the 2nd floor and get granular in the numbers game.